The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 27, 1907, Image 5

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To have the right goods at the right prices is not a coincidence, but a matter of
business knowledge, backed by long experience.
Our knowledge showed us the demands for fall would be unusually large, and our
experience told us how, where and what to buy.
Not only have we the merchandise that is most wanted, but we have it at prices
which cannot be duplicated, and few can equal. These great advantages we offer to
the trade.
5000 yards best Calico made, per yard 6c.
3000 yards good sea Island sheeting, per yard 6c.
3000 yards Extra Heavy sheeting, per yard 7J^c.
2000 yards best 25 inch Checks, per yard 6c.
2000 “ “ 27 “ “ “ “ 7 C .
Our Stock of dress goods is the largest, most complete and best selected of any we have ever shown. We are showing
a complete range of colors and black in Broad Cloths, Mohairs, Henriettas, Panamas, Fancy Suitings, Serges, Batiste, Taffe
tas, San Toy, Prunellas. All kinds of fancy Plaids in wool and silk, ranging in price from 25c to $1.35 per yard.
We are showing an array of Trimmings that would do credit to a city. Our line consists of Soutache Braids, Pull
Braids, Persian bands, Siik Embroidered bands, Frogs, Pendants, iTedalions, &c.
If only you could see them. Description is impossible, flight as well in wordsa description of a bank of roses. We have the
exclusive sale of “Moneybak” silks, and the name means your money back if not satisfactory. 35 in. Moneybak silks in
brown, green, red, navy and black per yard $1.50. But remember the finer silks are not all of the show by any means.
We have 27 in. silk at 39c. yard; wide silk at 50c. to SI.OO per yard. Silks in plaids, checks and stripes up to $1.25 per yd
We are showing the most magnificent collection of Boys’ Clothing ever seen outside of the large cities. We have them
in a!i the mixtures, plaids, checks and solids in any size from 3 to 16 years of age, and ranging in price from $1.25 to $5.00 suit
Is the kind you get when you buy from us. Not only good quality at moderate prices, but styles that are becoming
and make you look attractive. It is conceded by everyone that our patterns are the most beautiful we have ever shown
Our highest ambition is to please. Hiss Jessie Hardeman, of Atlanta, is with us this season as trimmer. To say that she
knows the business doesn’t half express it. She is simply an artist. Don’t take my word for it but come and see her work
Rugs in Jute, Smyrna and Aixminster at 50c to $3.50. Art squares ft. $3.50. Art squares 9x12 ft. at s 4 . s oand $4.98
We are prepared to furnish shoes to every body from the smallest babe to the oldest person in the state. We have a
complete line of Irving Doew Shoes for ladies in all the fashionable leathers from $2.00 to $3.50 pair. We have the agency
of the “King Quality” shoes for men, the best shoe made for the money. Everv pair guaranteed.
T. A. Sloan, R. A. Sloan, G. M. Turner, Mrs. Carrie Mayo, Mrs. R. A. Sloan,
Mrs. Julia McDonald, Mrs. T. A. Sloan, Miss Jessie Hardeman, Miss Eddie Claude McDonald.
This is our 17th successful business year. Every year adds volumes to our business
and this bids fair to be the most successful of all. We are doing 3 times the amount
of business we did 5 years ago. This shows what the public think of our way of doing
business. Remember our prices are guaranteed. If any one will sell you cheaper than
we, quality considered, all we ask is return our goods and get your money.
T. A. SLOAN eSc, C 0.,.