The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 27, 1907, Image 8
HOWARD CARMICHAEL Leading Undertaker. Complete line of Caskets all styles and prices. Careful and polite attention given all funerals entrusted to me. Embalming done according to latest and most improved methods. Newest and most up to date equipment. Call answered promptly day and night. Phone 30. mcdonough, ga. 72- 2* dentist' McDonough, gkokgia. OFFICE HOCKS: 7.30 a. m. to 5 p. m., Every Day Except Mondays and Saturdays locals. Small deposits appreciated at the First National Bank. 2t The first crisp days of fall are hero. H% interest paid on time depos its at the First National Bank. Ift Miss Blake Bunn and Miss E/.zell Shields are visiting Mrs. J. C. Massey, in Atlanta, this week. Just received a big shipment of Mitchell wagons. Best wagon made. McDonough Buggy Co. Prof. Otis Tolleson, of Locust Grove Institute, spent several days first of the week with homefolks. See me for lumber and shingles. R. C. Brown, Locust Grove, Ga. Mrs. S. S. Spier and children have gone for an extended visit to her grandmother at Grantville. The best is the cheapest. Get a Mitchell wagon and you’ll get your money’s worth, McDonough Buggy Co. Miss Elon Tolleson, who is at tending Locust Grove Institute, spent one day first of the week with homefolks. It runs the lightest and the long est.—The Mitchell Wagon. See us if you need a wagon. McDonough Buggy Co. Mr. Dave Wall, one of the ener getic and popular boys of the town is now the cash boy for the H, J. Copeland Mercantile Co. “The Mitchell” means merit in first class wagon building. We sell them. McDonough Buggy Co. Beginning August Ist, I will re turn back to old office hours, 7 :30 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. in. T. A. Lifsey. Go for great bargains to C. Engber’s. N. D. Welch Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Ladies’ Skirts, Cloaks, Jackets, and a great line of underwear, overalls, etc. Col. J. W. Wise, of Fayetteville, was a welcome visitor in the city on Wednesday where he was cor dially greeted by his hosts of old Henry county friends. • Deposit your money with us this fall and next spring when your money gives out you can bor row from us. First National Bank. 2t Mr. Ed Reagan, who has been playing some very fine ball in the Gulf States’ League the season just closed, has returned home to the delight of his many friends. We call special attention to the large and attractive advertise ment. of T. A. Sloan & Co., in this issue of the Weekly. This enter prising firm has a very large and attractive stock of goods and their prices are very reasonable. FOR SALE —5 miles west of Mc- Donough, one farm of 95 acres. Close to Oakland school house. For further information call on or write to R. A. Payne, Rt. 3, McDonough, Ga. 2t. Messrs. Paul England and La mar Tigner spent Sunday with friends and relatives at Jonesboro. Miss Mary Cook, of College Park t w t hs the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. E. Horton, first of the week. Miss Corrie Bridges is the guest of Mrs. L. C. Tucker, of Griffin, this week. Miss Dollie McKibben, one of Jackson’s brightest and loveliest young ladies, returned home on Monday after a ten days’ visit to Miss Lillian Daniel. LOST—One wine-colored coat, lined with white satin, between McDonough and Luella on the pub lic road, Wednesday afternoon Finder return to M. E. Laney, R. F. D. No. 5, and receive reward. It Mr. Julian T. Weems, who has been spending several weeks at Greensboro, returned to McDon ough on .Monday, Mrs. Weems will join him here first of next week. Air. Eugene Morris, of Raleigh, Ga., is now chief operator at Mc- Donough, taking the day work that Mr. Baker has had charge of for several months, he having been transferred to Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. E. Y. Crookshanks and Miss Lila Copeland, of McDon ough, were in the city yesterday on the Midway to attend the Flint River Baptist association.—Grif fin News. The little lfi-months old child of Air. and Airs. Jack Price died at their home near Bethany early Wednesday morning after a short illness. The funeral and inter ment occurred at Bethany. Judge E. J. Reagan is holding Hancock county superior court at Sparta this week, presiding for Judge Holden, who was recently appointed to the vacancy to be made by the resignation of Justice Cobb, of the supreme court of Georgia. If yon want the best bargain that was ever offered you in a nice six room house that is new and on a large lot and is now paying ten per cent on the money in one of Geor gia’s best towns. Write to or call on JOHN S. BROWN, Locust Grove, Ga. Throughout Georgia Saturday, September 28 will be work day for the orphans, and it is expected that generous contributions will be forthcoming for the little nn fortunates. An earnest appeal is made for everybody to contribute something for this noble cause, thus securing in the aggregate of small amounts a large sum for the orphans of this State. Mrs. B. E. Horton, who has been critically ill for several weeks, is now much improved, and on Thursday she was taken to Atlan ta to a private sanatarinm where it is thought she will regain her former good health more rapidly then at her home here. Her hosts of friends hope that she may soon be restored to health and that in a short time she will be able to re turn home. Air. J. L. Atkinson and his son, Air. Will Atkinson, have opened up a grocery store in the store for merly occupied by Mr. T. M. Bright. They will carry a full line of staple and fancy groceries, and already they are receiving a liberal patronage from the people here. Both are experienced men in the meicantile business and they will doubtless make a splen did success in the new field. Miss Alice G. Smith, of Locust Grove, who lias been spending sev eral days with her aunt, Airs. J. S. Wells, went over to McDonough yesterday on a visit to other rela tives before returning home.— Griffin News. T. J. Preston, judge, and O. M. Duke, solicitor, of the new city court of Flo villa, created by act of the recent legislature, have been sworn in by Governor Smith and their commissions issued to them. House and lot for sale. Apply at once. N. W. Woodward. Air. Tom Woods visited home folks Sunday. Airs. J. S. Rodgers and family visited her parents Sunday. Aliss Rowena Smith was the guest of her uncle, Mr. Joe Smith, last week. Little Miss Cora Bryans was the guest of Aliss Nell Norman several days last week. Misses Larue Lurnmus and Eva Alae Woods who are attending school here spent several days with the home folks. Air. A. G. Harris, as agent for the J. B. Holts Company, of Co lumbus, has entered the market as a cotton buyer. Air. Harris is a capital judge of cotton and a hus tler besides.—Fayetteville News. Airs. AI. A. Johnson and daugh ters, Alisses 'Janie and Ritchie, at tended by their cousin, Mr. Mar vin Smith, spent several in Cov ington last week,* the guests of Air. R. M. Everitt. If you want to borrow money on Hen ry County real estate, I can loan you some for a term of years at <i </, and give you the privilege of paying up and stopping interest at any time. Write, ’phone or see W. ERNEST WATKINS, JACKSON, GA. For Leave to Sell. Georgia, Henry County To whom it may concern: L. Davis, executor of the estate of Mrs. M. M. Da vis, late of said county, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigrteo, Or dinary of said county for leave to sell the following real estate to-wit: One hun dred and twenty-five acres of land in a body in said state and county. Said ap plication will be heard an first Monday in October next, 1907, at regular term of Henry county court of Ordinary. Sept. 2 1907. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary. For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County:— To whom it may concern: J. H. Var ner and J. C. Daniel, administrators with will annexed of J. F. Varner, late of said county, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned Ordinary of said coun ty for leave to sell the following parcels of land to-wit: 202JX acres of land lot No. 132; also eight acres of land off of lot No. 124; also eighteen acres off of lot No. 131, all lying and being in 7th Dist. said coun ty. Sold as the property of J. F. Varner, late of said county, and for distribution among the heirs of said deceased. Said application will be heard on first Monday in October next 1907 at the regular term of said court of Ordinary of said county. Sept. 2,1907. G. G. AVeems, Ordinary. For Probate of Will. GEORGIA—Henry Couty. Mrs. Cora C. B’ear6, as nominated exec utrix, having made application for pro bate in solemn form of the last will and testament of N.C,Fears, late of said coun ty deceased, You as heirs at law of said N. C. Fears, to-wit: Cora C. Fears, Thomas F. Fears, Delia Mosely, Sallie Fears, Gra dy Fears, Whitsell Fears, Mary Fears, Alice Fears, Laura Fears, Hellen Fears, Nathan C. Fears, resident heirs at law of said N. C. Fears; and Walter A. Fears, a non-resident heir at law, and a resident of the State of Louisiana, are hereby requir ed to be and appear at the Court of Ordi nary for said county on the first Monday in October next, 1907, when said applica tion for Probate will be heard. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. Executors Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County: By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry on first Tuesday in October, next, (1907) at the court house door in said county between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate, situated, lying and being in Henry county, to-wit: 110 acres of land, except one acre heretofore deeded for school building in north cor ner of said parcel, in lot No. 241 first land Dist. said county in north side of said lot. Also 76 acres of land being parts of lots Nos. 241 and 242. Also 125 acres of land being parts of lots 241 and 242 in lot not known. Also 120 acres of land lying in lots not known. Also 76 acres of land ex cept 1-2 acre for Burial ground about the center of lot No. 242, known as home place, and mill site and mill stone and fixtures of mill. Sold as the property of Dr. J. A. C. Wynn, late of said county, for distribu tion between heirs of said deceased. Terms one tenth cash and balance pay able December Ist, 1907. Parties desiring to Inspect property call on J. O. Wynn, W. B. J. Ingram and G. G. Leguinn. Sept. 2, 1907. W. B. .1. Ingram ) J. O. Wynn ,> Executors G. G. Lgeuinn ) Chamberlain’s COLIC, CHOLERA AND Diarrhoea Remedy 1* a reliable, pleasant and safe remedy for bowel complaints both in children and adults. Buy it now: it may save life. BANK OF STOCKBRIDGE STOOKBRIDGE, GA. WILL Pay you interest on time deposits Prompt and appreciative, with all “DEPOSITS INSURED” . In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00. “The safest is best.” Why? L. G. FOKTSON, Cashier. For I .cave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County. To whom it may concern: J. C. Daniel, executors of the will of Airs Martha A. Varner, late of said county, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned, Ordinary o said county, for leave to sell : the following real estate, to-wit: One | house and lot in the city of McDonough, | said county situated lying and being on ! the western part of said city and Jones boro street and known as the Callaway place, and bounded on North by Jones boro street, West by lands of Air's. A. F. Yarner, south by lands of W. D. Neison, and on east by lands of H. B. Carmichael, containing about one acre, more or less. Said application will be heard on the first Monday in October next at regular term Henry court of Ordinary for said county 1907.' | Sept. 2. 1907. G G. Weems. Ordinary. For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County. To whom it may concern: E. Cowan, administrator of estate of J. W. Cowan, late of said county, dec e a sed, has in due form applied to the under signed, Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the following real estate, to-wit: 125 acres of land more or less, lots 194 and 195, 11th Dist. Henry county, Ga.; also 100 acres of land more or less, south half of lot No. 163, 11th Dist. Henry county Ga.; also 100 acres of land more or less, east half of lot No. 192, 12th Dist Henry county Ga.; also 100 acres of land more or less of land of originally Henry Co. now Rock dale No. 168, east half of said lot; also 100 acres of land more or less west half of lot No. 169, Rockdale Co. Ga.; also 100 acres of land more or less, being east half of lot No. 169, originally Henry now Rockdale Co. Said application will be heard on first Monday in October, next, 1907, at the reg ular term of said court of Ordinary of said county. Said land sold for distribution among the heirs of said deceased, J. W. Cowan. Sept. 2, 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. For Administration. GEORGIA, Henry County. To whom it may concern: Emma G. Herndon having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent administratrix upon the estate of T. AI. Herndon, late of said county. Notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on first Monday in October 1907. Witness my hand and official signature, Sept. 2, 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. For Administration. GEORGIA, Henry County. To Whom it may concern: J. C. Jinks having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent adminis trator upon the estate of J. C. Jinks, late of said county, deceased. Notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordi nary for said county to be held on first Monday in October 1907. Witness my hand and official signature. Sept 2, 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. • For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County:— To whom it may concern: W. A. Smith and W. J. Smith, executors of the estate of W. H. Smith, late of said county, de ceased, have in due form applied to the undersigned Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the following land to-wit: ninety acres of land more or less situated lying and being in 3rd Dist. of said coun ty, number not known. Bounded as follows: on north by lands of Claude Gray and high school lot, south by lands of \V\ J. Smith, east by corporate limits at present of the town of Locust Grove, and west by lands of R. F. Smith. Said application will be heard on first Monday in October next. 1907, at the regular Term of said Court of Ordinary for said county. Sept. 2, 1907 G. G. WEEMS, Ord’y. Executors' Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County: Agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Henry county, Ga. will be sold at auction at the court-house door of said county on the first Tuesday in Octo ber 1907, within the legal hours of sale, the following land, to-wit: Ail of lots of land Nos. forty-six and eighteen, and east half of lot of land number nineteen, and north half of lot of land number forty seven. All in the sixth district of Henry county. Sold as the property of J. B. Price," late of said county, deceased. Terms of sale, cash. Sept. 2nd 1907. S. I.' Price! j Executors. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County. By virtue of an order granted by court of Ordinary for said county, will be sold before the court house door in the town of McDonough, Ga., on the Ist Tuesday in October 1907, lietween the legal hours of sale, the following real estate, to wit: One hundred sixty-one and one-fourth acres of land lot No. 203 in Bth land dis trict of Henry county Ga., being all the west half of said lot, and 60 acres in the north-east corner of same. Sold as the property of Mrs. Lureney Welch, dec’d, to pay debts and for distribution among the legatees under her will. Terms cash. This Sept. 4th 1907. B. H. Welch, Executor Estate Mrs. Lureney Welch. For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County. To vhom it may concern: Airs. T. F. Gurtqp, administratrix of the estate of A. C. C-anter, late of said county, deceased, ha? in due form applied to the undersign ed Ordinary of said county for leave to sell th« following real estate of deceased, con sisting of one hundred and forty-live (145) acres of land more or less forty five (45) acres lying and being in tae seventh land Dist., commencing at comer cr New otherwise known as Col lege street in the town of McDonough in front of J. W. Rape’s residence and run ning south to a rock corner in pasture thence west to a rock corner between J. H. Copeland, A. W. Turner and .said place, thence in southernly direction to rock cor ner on line between W. AV. Amis, W. 1). Knight and said place, thence east until it strikes fish pond branch, thence down said branch to Bridge, thence north along road back to New street, thence west along New street to commencing corner and bounded as follows: west, by lands of A. W. Turner, H. J. & J. H. Copeland, J. F. M. Fields and W. W. Amis; south by W. I). Knight; east by W. D. Knight, H. J. Copeland, C. J. Turner and Mark Knott, and on north by New street. Also one hundred acres more or less in 11th Dist. of Herry county and bounded as follows: east by Atlanta road, north by lands of Airs. Glance Farrar and Ed Jackson, west by George Crttmbley and center of Cotton Indian river and scuth by lands of Joe J. Smith. And that for the purpose of dis tribution it is necessary to sell said land, said application will be heard on first Alon day in October 1907 at the regular term of Court of Ordinary of sabl county. Sept. 2, 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County:— By virtue of an order of the court of Or dinary of said county will be sold fit pub lic outcry on the first Tuesday in October 1907 at the courthouse in said county be tween the usual hours of sale the follow ing real estate situated in Henry county, Ga., to-wit: Fifty (50) acres of land in north east corner of lot No. 164; also 5 ac res in south east corner of lot No. 189; also fifty (60) acres of land south east corner of lot 164; also fifty (50) acres of land in south west corner of lot No. 164; also fifty (50) acres in north east corner of lot No. 157; also fifty (50) acres in the north west cor ner of lot No. 157; also 20 acres off of south west corner of the north half of lot No. 163, all situated lying and being in 12th land Dist. said county. Sold as the pro perty of Newton AI. South, late of said Co. dec’d and for distribution among heirs of said deceased. Terms cash. Sept. 2, 1907. J. W. South, Adin’r. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County:— By virtue of an order of the court of Or dinary of said county will be sold at pub lic outcry on first Tuesday in October 1907 at the courthouse in said county between the usual hours of sale the following real estate situated lying and being in Henry county, Ga., to-wit: One hundred and thirty-seven and one half acres of land more or less situated lying and being on the east side of lot of land No. 168 in 11th land District of said county. Sold as the property of Airs. Nancy Bailey, late of said county, deceased, for purposes of dis tribution. Terms Cash. Sept. 2, 1907. AI. A. Bailey, Adm’r. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA, Henry County. All persons having claims against the estate of J. B. Price, Sr., late of Henry county, Georgia, deceased, are hereby no tified to present them as prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said de ceased are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Aug. 6, 1907. J. B. and S. S. Price, Executors. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA, Henry County, All creditors of the estate Newton M. South, late of Henry, coupty, Ga., de ceased; are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make imme diate payment. This Aug. 6, 1907. J. W. and J. B. South, 6t Administrators. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County:— By virtue of an order of the court of Or dinary for said county granted at the Sep tember term of .said court 1907, the under signed as administrator with the will an nexed upon the estate of J. W. Fields, late of Henry county, deceased, will sell at the courthouse in Henry county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, to-wit: 266 acres of laDd lots Nos. 170 and 151, 202**£ lot No. 170 and 55 acres south side of west half of lot No. 151, mak ing 266 acres, more or less; also 45 acres of land north side of west half of lot No. 151 and 26 acres of land in south east corner of lot No. 138, making 70acres of land more or less; also 26 acres of land in N.E. corner of lot No. 184; also 101 % acres of land more or less on south side of lot No. 169 Also 101(4 acres of land more or less on north side of lot of land Number 169, 6th land Dist. So das the property of J. W. Fields, late of said county, deceased. Terms Cash. Sept. 3d, 1907. H. G. Fields, Adm’r with the will annexed