Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
The Day one of the most Memor
able in the History of the town.
Singing to be made Annual
The all-day singing at the court
house in McDonough on Sunday
was a grand and glorious success
in every way. From an early
hour in the morning until four
o’clock in the afternoon there was
.a song praise sent up to God that
thrilled and filled to overflowing
every heart of the immense audi
ence from the youngest* to the old
est person present.
The people began congregating
■at the court-house from the arriv
al of the early morning trains and
continued to come until after the
noon hour, and never a more or
derly or attentive audience ever
gathered for any occasion in the
All the morning hours were giv
en over to singing from the old
“Sacred Harp,” and the universal
verdict of everyone present was
that they never heard such melo
dy and beauty in music as that of
the people engaged in this singing.
While the singing was oonfined
largely to the older people, yet a
goodly number of the younger
people joined in with them and
helped to make this grand and
glorious music.
The afternoon singing was more
diversified, quite a number of les
sons being led from the more re
cent song books. Two periods im
mediately after the noon recess
and the closing period, however,
were from the old song book. It
was all good, better and best, and
mostly “best.”
The basket dinner was spread in
the new Farmers’ Union Ware
house, and doubtless on one of the
most expensive tables ever used in
the state—the table was made of
hales of cotton laid down flat on
the floor which represented a
money value of fully $2,000. The
crowd was very large, but the din
ner was still larger—there was
enough for all and much more be
It was unanimously voted to
make this an annual affair and a
committee was appointed to select
the time for holding the next sing
ing and make all arrangements tor
same. The time of the singing is
to be announced at least three
months prior to the time of hold
ing it.
All who were instrumental in
planning this singing are highly
elated over the success of it and
they promise even more and bet
ter plans for the next year.
The day was one long to be re
membered by all prerent, many of
the younger people hearing for
the first time the songs that had
cheered and made glad the hearts
of their fathers and mothers in
the days of the past, and all hail
with delight the plans for a per
petuation of this all-day singing of
the old Sacred Harp songs.
Among the visitors from other
counties were : J. T. White, Mrs.
Churchill, Messrs. Daniel Prickett
Brown, Wood, Atlanta; W. H.
Medlock, Lithonia ; John M. Swin
nev, Forest Park ; T. B. Newton,
McDonough, Georgia, fridav October 4 , 1907.
Alpharetta : Mr. Preston, Flovilla ;
Dr. S. W. Everett, and Mr. Mc-
Cullough, Aliuand; Mr. Mark
Turner, of Griffin; Mr. Hendun,
of College Park, and a number of
Owing to the continued illness
of Mrs. Horton, and the fact that I
have to stay most of the time with
her in Atlanta, away from my bus
iness, I have placed all my ac
counts in the hands of Mr. A. F
Bunn, to colleot. I don’t mean to
press anyone but simply send him
to you as a matter of convenience.
Mr. A. G. Harris will have the
books at the Drug Store, where he
will gladly receive any money of
fered in payment there and will
also credit accounts and give re
I will stand ready to correct any
errors and explain all misunder
Dr. B. E. Horton.
On next Friday, Oct., 11th at 10
o’clock, there will be speaking at
the court-house in McDonough to
the members of the Farmers’ Un
ion and all who will attend.
J. W. Boyett, of Louisiana, one
of the strongest Union men in the
United States and one of the best
orators of the country, will be
among the speakers. Everybody
And remember the speaking will
occur rain or shine.
Each member of the Woman’s
Foreign Missionary Soeiety is ear
nestlv requested to meet with
that society at the Methodist
church, .Monday afternoon at 3
o’clock, Oct. 7. This is to be an
important meeting and the presi
dent desires a full attendance.
It is a request of the president
of the Juvenile society that all its
members meet with the society at
the Methodist church promptly at
three o’clock Sunday afternoon,
Oct. 6th.
Messrs. Reuben Berry. Tom Tol
leson, of Atlanta, and Fred Kelley
of East Point, spent Sunday with
home folks here.
By agreement of the heii-s, will
be sold before the court
house door in McDonough, between
the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in November, to the
highest bidder for cash, the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
Fifty acres of land, known as
the old Henry Norman place, at
Philadelphia church, Tussahaw
district, Henry county.
M. A. NORMAN, Agt.
The snccess of the all-day sing
ing at the courthouse on Sunday
has aroused the people of McDon
ough to the fact that a large Tab
ernacle-Auditorium is needed at
this place, and a movement lias
been set on foot tp build one before
next summer dimes, at the Big
The county owns quite a little
tract of ground at dthe Big Spring
in the northern part of the town,
An unexcelled display New York
Models as well as our own clever designs
you will find no such a variety elsewherfe
nor will You be able to obtain better
|S| American Beauty Corsets
Our Corset department is conducted
/ fi] onsam e high plane that has made
b: I V\t hi s house famous for all garments of
wear. Endorsed by all dress
makers for women of fashion.
> W V PRICES SI.OO TO $2.00.
| 1 SHO ES M.
V, v gg r Are you satisfied with your shoes? tAI
Try a pair QUEEN QUALITY this
\ time-hundreds of women are walking
Btwn«fck«M Jdvtrtismen,s for < - )ueen Quality Shoes. 1/ <'T fj
Kalamazoo Corset Co., Makers >A : -|Kj.Ktq
t Correct clothes for Men and Boys we .fjr 3
know that Fecheimer-Fishel Co., are the lead- L Ju P 7 M
ing clothing people in New York. IW j
We know that this label is the surest T ; ; 1
guarantee of Style and Quality and the price is | _ i»~T
always reasonable we know that we are only I wjff '
people selling them between Atlanta and Ma- 11
con. Remember this is the home of Duchess u>4 • \
trousers, also Gorilla pants. , V’ « \ ’A
Men’s Suits SB.OO to $25.00. \ A
Boys’ Suits 1.50 to 10.00.
Dutchess Trousers $2. to $5.
Gorilla Pants $..75. “ffMFT*
Mrs. E. E. Tamplin Miss Blanche Wentzell Miss Anna Johnson
H. S. Elliott J. T. Pendley W. W. Turner C. V/. Walker
and Judge Weems, the popular and
efficient Ordinary of Henry county
has tendered the nse of a sufficient
part of this land to place this au
ditorium on,
The courthouse afforded splond
id room for this large gathering,
but the long stairways are hard
for the older people to climb and
especially the older ladies.
Several times a year there is
need for a larger a nditorium than
there is at present in the town and
this movement to erect an andi
torium at the Big Spring sufficient
to hold the largest crowd on any
occasion will be heartily seconded
by every citizen of old Henry.
Let all join in with the promot
ers of the auditorium movement
and at once begin to perfect plans
for same so as to have ample ac
comodations for the largest gath
ering ever held here.
All parties indebted to me on
Notes or Accounts are requested to
settle same by Oct. 16th. so as to
enable me in meeting mv obligations
2t W. D. NELSON.