Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up t o date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night,.
Phone 30.
McDonough, ga.
J)r. 72. j 3. Thompson,
McDonough, Georgia.
OFFICE HOI I'S: 7. HO a. in. to 5 p. m.,
Every Day Except Mondays.
Office over Star Store.
Small deposits appreciated at
the First National Bunk. 2t
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Nolan went
up to At!nntti on Monday.
5% interest paid on time depos
its at the First National Bunk. 2t
Mrs. J. B. Dickson spent several
days in Atlanta the latter pars of
last week.
.Inst received a big shipment of
Mitchell wagons. Best wagon made.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Mrs. L. D. Moore, of Greenwood,
is spending the week with Mrs. B.
F. Moon. —Jackson Argns.
Pee me for lumber and shingles.
R. C. Brown,
Locust Grove, Ga.
“The Mitchell” means merit in
first class wagon building. We
sell them.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Mrs. Dr. Combs and Mrs. Eugene
Combs, of Locust Grove, were vis
itors to the city early in the week.
—Jackson Argns.
Mrs. H. S. Williams and little
daughter, Isabel, of McDonough,
aro visiting at the homo of Mr. J.
M. Crawford.—Jackson Argns.
Deposit your money with us
this fall and next spring when
yonr money gives out you can bor
row from us.
First National Bank. 2t
Mr. O. B. Atkinson, one of the
popular traveling representatives
of the Atlanta Constitution, was
the guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mfs. J. L. Atkinson Sunday.
Dress Goods, Ribbons,
Trimmings, and Outings.
Copeland Mercantile Co.
Mr. J. A. Rape, one of the
staunch and substantial farmers
of the Locust Grove section of the
county, was in the city last Satur
day and while here gave the Week
ly a pleasant call.
Stylish fall hats and caps
for men and boys.
Copeland Mercantile Co.
Mr. W. N. Owen, who is one of
the leading and staunch citizens
residing on R. F. D. No, 7, was a
pleasant caller at the Weekly of
fice Saturday afternoon.
Overalls the “Headlight”
sell right at
Copeland Mercantile Co.
Mr. A. D Jones and Miss Nettie
Bess Fouche attended the presen
tation of “Parsifal” in Atlanta at
the Grand on last Thursday.
Clothes for Men, Youths
and Boys.
Copeland Mercantile Co.
On Wednesday night about 9
o’clock the barn of Mr. Harold
Nutt was burned at liis home near
Luella. The loss was abont $750.
The origin of the fire is unknown.
Mr. E. Oglesby will preach at
Pleasant Hill school house next
Snndav afternoon. Everybody is
cordially invited to attend these
Mr. W. M. Berry and his sister,
Miss Ella Berry, of the Sixth dis
trict. were guests of friends in
McDonough on Monday.
WANTED—To buy 5000 bundles
of fodder. J. V. Upchurch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pendley have
been entertaining a bright young
man at their home for the past sev
eral days.
FOR SALE—A good, high grade
second hand surrey. For further
information call on
J. V. Upchurch.
Mrs. L. A. Turner and Mrs. E.
M. Smith spent last Thursday in
Get advantage of the
low prices at
Copeland Mercantile Co.
Miss Dora Brigg spent the
week end with her mother in At
For Sale—good two-story resi
dence, well situated close in for
business. D. D. Elliott at once.
Mr. Aldine Combs, of Locust
Grove, was the guest of friends in
McDonough last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Nolan, of At
lanta, were tbe guests of their
niece, Alias Willie Preston, on lust
The best istlie cheapest. Get a
Mitchell wagon and you’ll get your
money’s worth,
McDonough Buggy Co.
Mrs. O. E. Ham, of Locust Grove
was the guest of friends and rela
tives in McDonough last Saturday.
New Fall Goods Arriv
ing Daily.
Copeland Mercantile Co.
It runs the lightest and the long
est—The Mitchell Wagon. See us
if yon need a wagon.
McDonough Buggy Co.
“Victor” is the best—the best is
the “Victor.” Get one now. Cash
or easy payment.
John R. Smith,
2t> McDonough, Ga.
Air. A. M. Stewart, who is now
taking a course in law at Mercer
University spent Monday with
McDonough friends.
If you want the best bargain that
was ever offered yon in a nice six
room house that is new and on a
large lot and is now paying ten per
cent on the money in one of Geor
gia’s best towns. Write to or call on
Locust Grove, Ga.
I will be away from my office
every Friday from Oct. 15th to
April Ist to assist in the teaching
of the Southern Dental College.
T. A. Lifsey.
I can save you money by coming
in and looking at my goods. The
great sale of Shoes goes on—school
boys’ Shoes, Clothing, etc. still
Hats, Clothing, Ladies’ Skirts,
Cloaks, Jackets, and a great line
of underwear, overalls, etc.
C. Engber.
Air. J. S. Rodgers, who for a
long time has been located in the
building next to T. J. Patterson’s
grocery store, has moved his bug
gv repository to the rear of the
First National Bank building where
he will be glad to see his many
You can buy the cele
brated “Flat Iron” Trous
ers at
Copeland Mercantile Co.
The announcement in the Jour
nal on last Sunday of the approach
ing marriage of Aliss Bertha Dick
son and Air. Jamie Hooten, two of
McDonough's popular and promi
nent young people, will be a social
event of much interest to the peo
ple of this county. The wedding
will occur on Nov. 14tli at the
Baptist church.
We want your trade.
We have the goods to
please. Prices low down.
Copeland Mercantile Co.
A number of tbe local firms have
j added additional help to their
\ force of salespeople. Below are
the names of the recent additions :
Aliss Willie Preston, with T. A.
Sloan & Co; Aliss Aland Wood
ward.witli W. B. Ingram Co; Air.
Ed Reagan, with the AloDonongh
j Drug Co ; Mrs. J. W. Rape, and
| Mr. Fred AValker, with the H. J.
Copeland Co. *
“Victor” talking machines, cash
or credit—as you like—let your
family have one NOW, yon will
enjoy it. All prices, $lO. to SIOO.
The best talking machine in the
world. For sale by Jno. R. Smith,
AlcDonough, Ga. 2t
A large attendance was present
upon the regular monthly meeting
of the Henry County Farmers’
Union at the court house Wednes
day, and it was one of the best and
most encouraging yet held.
Flattering reports of constantly
increasing membership, etc., were
made from the various local un
ions, while some good talks were
made by different delegates, and a
number of important matters look
ing to the benefit of the order dis
cussed and passed upon.
An interesting report of tbe pro
ceedings is promised The Weekly
for next issue.
Mrs. Henderson Mason
Passes Away.
Airs. Henderson Alason, a most
excellent and highly esteemed la
dy of near Sardis chuich, died at
her home on last Saturday morn
ing at 2 o'clock after an illness of
two months.
She was a member of the Baptist
church and for a number of years
had her membership at feardis.
She is survived by her husband
eight sons and two daughters.
She was about 51 years old.
The funeral and interment was
held at Sardis church on Sunday
morning at 11 o’clock, Rev. Air.
Alartin, her pastor, officiating in a
beautiful and impressive manner.
Air. Thos. Elliott*, of near Jones
boro, was a,'visitor in AlcDonough,
on Monday, where ho was cordial
ly greeted by bis hosts of old
The annual S. S. rally will be
held at the Presbyterian church
the 3rd Sunday evening, begin
ning with song at 7 o’clock p. m.
Sept. 20. Remember the time.
Everybody invited to attend. The
committee has a fine, interesting
For Heave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County
To whom it may concern; ,T. C. Jinks
administrator upon the estate of J. C.
Jinks, late of said county, deceased, has
in due form applied to the undersigned,
Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell
one hundred and thirty acres of land,
more or less, belonging to the estate of J.
C. Jinks, late of said county, for the pur
pose of distribution.
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first Monday
in November 1907. Oct. 7,1907. ,
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary for said county will be sold at
public outcry on first Tuesday in Novem
ber 1907, as the court house in said county
between the usual hours of sale the fol
lowing real estate situated in Henry and
Rockdale counties, to-wit:
125 acres of land more or less, lots 194 and
195, 11th Dist. Henry county, Ga.; also 100
acres of land more or less, south half of
lot No. 163, 11th Dist. Henry county Ga.;
also 100 acres of land more or less, east
half of lot No. 192, 12th Dist Henry county
Ga.; also 100 acres of land more or less of
land of originally Henry Co. now Rock
dale No. 168. east half of said lot; also 100
acres of land more or less west half of lot
No. 169, Rockdale Co. Ga.; also 100 acres
of land more or less, being east half of lot
No. 169, originally Henry now Rockdale
county, Ga.
Sold as the property of J. W. Cowan,
late of said county, deceased, for distribu
tion. Terms cash. Oct. 7,1907.
E. Cowan, Admnr.
For Probate of Will.
GEORGIA —Henry Couty.
John Simpson and Lois Miller having
applied, as executors, for probate in sol
emn form, of the last will and testament
of William G. Miller, of said county.
You, Nannie Simmons, William Ed
ward Hays. Magnolia Wood, Ashberry
Hays, and Lemmie Hays, as heirs at law
of said William G. Miller, are hereby re
quired to appear at the court of Ordinary
for said county on the first Monday in
November next when said application
for probate will be heard Oct. 7, 1907.
G G. Weems. Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
Emma G. Herndon, administratrix of
of the estate of T. M. Herndon, late of
said county, deceased, has in due form ap
plied to the undrsigned, Ordinary of said,
county for leave to sell the following real
estate"of said deceased, consisting of all
lands belonging to the estate cf said T. M.
Herndon, for the payment of debts and
Said application wil be heard at the reg
ular term of the court of Oreinarv for
said county to he heldon the first Monday
in November 1907. Oct. 7. 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
Executor’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county will be sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in No
vember 1907, at the courthouse m said
county, between the legal hours of wile
the following property, situated in the
town of McDonough. Ga,. to-wit: One
house and lot in the western part of said
town of McDonough, on Jonesboro St.
known as the Calloway lot; bounded on
north by Jonesboro St., west by lands of
Mrs. A. F. Varner, south by lands of W.
1). Nelson and east by lands of H. B. Car
michael. containing one acre, more or
less, a good six room dwelling house, one
servants house. Sold as the property of
Mrs. Martha Varner, late of said county,
deceased, f. r distribution among the
heirs. Terms cash. Oct. 7. 1907.
J. C. Daniel, Executor.
“In nature there no false valua
Pay yon interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fnnd of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
L. G. FOKTSON, Cashier.
Executors Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
By virtue of the authority given me in
the last will and testament of W. M
Combs, late of said State and County
deceased, which will is on record in the
court of Ordinary of Henry county, Geor
gia, I will sell at public outcry, to the
highest bidder for cash, on the first Tues
day in November, 1907, at the courthouse
in said county and state, between the us
ual legal hours of sale, the following real
estate situated in llenry county, Georgia,
Ail that tract, lot or parcel of land ly
ing and being in the Second District of
Henry county, the same Deing all of lot
No. (119) one hundred and nineteen, e:t
cept eight acres on the south-west corner.
Also the south half of lot No. (138) one
hundred and thirty-eight, beth lots con
taining two hundred and ninety-seven
acres more or less; except fifty acres, more
or less, heretofore sold by said W. M.
Combs to Lot Combs by deed dated No
vember 20, 1902, and recorded in Henry
county Deed Book 6, page 162, said fifty
acres jjeing in the southeast corner of lot
one hundred and thirty-eight (138).
One parcel of land being near the town
of Locust Grove, in Henry county, Geor
gia, said to contain four acres, more or
less, bounded on the east by lands of W.
F. Castellaw, north by G. L. Williams,
south-west by the Southern Railway
Company, and south-east by W. F. Cas
tellaw. Said lot contains one dwelling
house, one tenant house, barns and out
Also a tract of land in the town of Lo
cust Grove and a part of land lot No, 186
of the 2nd district of Henry county, Geor
gia, and known as lots N umbers one (1)
and two (2) in Block C. of the subdivis
ion of the Win. D. Grant property as per
plat on file in the office of G. W. Adair,
Atlanta, Ga; commencing at the corner
of Ridge and South streets, and running
north along the west side of Ridge street
one hundred and five (105) feet; thence
west (200) two hundred feet to the land
line; thence south (92) ninety-two feet to
South street ; thence east along the north
side of South street (202 1 2) two hundred
and two and one-half feet to the begin
ning corner. Said lot contains a dwel
ling house and
Also that tract of land in Locust Grove
situated in land lot No. (186) one hundred
and eighty-six, county of Henry, second
district, known as lots Numbers 3 and 4,
Block C., as per plat of the town of Lo
cust Grove on file at the office of G. W.
Adair. Commencing at a point on the
west side of Ridge street one hundred and
five (lUS) feet north of South street and
running north along the west side of
Ridge street one hundred (100) feet to lot
number five (5); thence west along line
of lot No. five (5) two hundred (200) feet;
thence south one hundred (100) feet;
thence east along the line of lot Number
two (2) two hundred (200] feet to the be
ginning point. This lot contains a six
room dwelling house and a barn.
Also that tract of land in Locust Grove,
situated in land lot No. one hundred and
eighty-six [ISG], of the second district of
Henry county, Georgia, being part of lot
No. four [4] and all of lot No. three [3] of
the subdivision of the W. D. Grant prop
ertp as per plat on file in the office of G.
W. Adair, Atlanta, Georgia : commencing
at a point on the east side of Ridge street
one hundred and seyen and one-half [lO7-
1-2] feet, more or less, north of South
street, thence running north along the
east side of Ridge street eighty (80) feet,
more or less, thence in an easterly direc
tion two hundred [2oo] feet, more or less,
to Upchurch’s lot, thence south ninety
three [93] feet, more or less, to a point
seventy-seven [77] feet, more or less,
north of South street, thence along Boat
ner’s northern boundary line two hun
dred [2oo] feet, more or less, to the begin
ning point.
Also that tract of land in Locust Grove,
situated in land lot No. one hpndred and
eighty-six [lß6], of the second district of
Henry county, Georgia, being part of lot
Number four [4], all of lot Nunber flve[6]
and part of lot Number Six (6) in the sub
division of the W. D. Grant property as
per plat on file in the office of G. W.
Adair, Atlanta, Georgia: commencing at
a point on the east side of Bidge street
one hundred und eighty seven and one
half [lB7 1-2] feet, more or less, north of
South street, and running thence north
along the east side of said Ridge street
ninety-five (95) feet, more or less, thence
in an easterly direction two hundred (200)
feet, more or less, to what is known as
the Stable Lot, thence south seventy-eight
(78) feet, more or less, to a point one
hundred and seventy (170) feet, more or
less, north of South street, thence in a
westerly direction two hundred (200) feet
more or less, to the beginning point. This
lot contains one three room dwelling
Also the tract of land in Locust Grove,
situated in the one hundred and eighty
sixth (186th) land lot of the second dis
trict of Henry county, Georgia, being the
south half of what Is known as the Liv
ery Stable lot, containing seven thousand
four hundred and thirty-six (7,436) square
feet, more or less, bounded as follows:
east by fifteen foot alley, south by T. J.
Upchurch or Hotel lot. \f-est by W. M.
Combs, north by W. I. Parr, beginning at
east corner, running west one hundred
and twenty-five and one-half (125 l-2)feet,
more or less, thence north seventy-one
(71) feet, thence east one hundred and
five and three-fourths (105 3-4) feet, more
or less, thence south sixty (60) feet, more
or less. This lot contains one small barn.
This sale will continue from day to day,
between the same hours, until all of said
property is sold. To be sold for distribu
tion and payment of debts of the estate.
This, the 26th, day of September. 1907.
Executor of W. M. Combs, deceased.
See the new dress goods
just opened up.
Copeland Mercantile Co.
Executors Sale.
GEORGIA Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of Or
dinary of said county, will be sold at pub
lic outcry on first Tuesday in November
1907. at the courthouse door in said county
between the usual hours of sale the fol
lowing real estate in Henry county to-wit;
ninety acres of land more or less situated
lying and being in 3rd Dist. of said coun
ty, number not known. Bounded
as follows: on north by lands of Claude
Gray and high school lot, south by lands
of W. J. Smith, east by corporate limits
at present of the town of Locust Grove,
and west by lands of R. F. Smith. Said
land sold as the property of W. H. Smith
deceased, late of said county, for distri
bution. Terms cash. Oct. 7, 1907.
W. J. Smith,
W. A. Smith.
. Executors.
For Adm inf stration.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it may concern: A. M.
Stewart having made application to me
in due form to be appointed permanent
administrator upon the estate of S. C.
Stewart, late of said county. Notice is
hereby given that said application will lie
heard at the regular term of the court of
Ordinary for said county to be held on
first Monday in Nov., 1907. Witness my
hand and official signature, Oct. 7, 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Guardianship.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
A!. A. Bailey, a resident of said state
having duly applied to lie appointed
guardian of the persons and property of
James B. Bailey, John R. Bailey, Ada
Mae Bailey, Lula. Bailey, Walter Bailey,
Levina Bailey, J. C. Bailey, & VirginiaL
Bailey, minors, under the age of fourteen
years, resident in said county. Notice is
hereby given that said application will lie
passed on at the next court of Ordinary
for said county to be held on first Monday
in November, 1907. Witness my hand and
seal. Oct. 7, 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
, Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:—
By virtue of an order of the court of Or
dinary for said county granted at the Oc
tober term of said court 1907. the under
signed as administrators with the will
annexed, upon the estate of John Varner,
late of said county, deceased, will sell at
the court house in Henry county Ga., be
tween the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in November, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following real estate, to
wit: Lot of land number 132. Containg
two hundred, two and one-half acres.
Eight acres of land off of lot number 124.
Also eighteen acres of land off of lot num
ber 181; all lying and being 7th district
said state and county, containing in The
aggregate, two hundred and twenty-six
acres. This land lies within one mile of
the town of McDonough Ga., and will be
sold in small lots from twenty-five to
fifty acres or less. Sold as the property
of John Varner, late of said county, de
ceased, for distribution. Oct. 7, 1907.
J. H. Varner,
J. C. Daniel,
Administrators with the will annexed.
GEORGIA, Henry County:—
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county will lie sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in No
vember 1907, at the court house in said
county, between the usual hours of sale,
the following real estate situate in Hen
ry county, to-wit: —
Forty-five (45) acres more or less, lying
and being in tae seventh land Dist., of
Henry County, Georgia, commencing at
coiner ct New otherwise known as Col
lege street in the town of McDonough in
front of J. W. Rape’s residence and run
ning south to a rock corner in pasture
thence west to a rock corner between J. H.
Copeland, A. W. Turner and said place,
thence in southernly direction to rock cor
ner on line between W. W. Amis, W. D.
Knight and said place, thence east until it
strikes fish pond branch, thence down said
branch to Bridge, thence north along road
back to New street, thence west along
New street to commencing corner and
bounded as follows: west, by lands of A.
W. Turner, H. J. & J. H. Copeland, J. F.
M. Fields and W. W. Amis; south by W.
D. Knight; east by W. D. Knight, H. J.
Copeland, C. J. Turner and Mark Knott,
and on north by New street. Also one
hundred acres more or less in 11th Dist. of
Henry county and bounded as follows:
east by Atlanta road, north by lands of
Mrs. Glance Farrar and Ed Jackson, west
by George Crumblev and center of Cotton
Indian river and scuth by lands of Joe J.
Smith. Terms cash. Sold as the proper
ty of A. C. Gunter, late of said county,
Mrs. T. F. Gunter, Adinni of
A. C. Gunter.
Executors' Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
By virtue of an order from the court of
Ordinary of said county will be sold at
public outcry on first Tuesday in Novem
ber next, 1907, at the courthouse door in
said county between the usual hours of
sale, the following real estate, situated,
lying and being in said county, to-wit:
One hundred and twenty five (125) acres
of land in a body in said state and county.
Said land is situated one and one-fourth
miles north from the town of Locust
Grove in said county, King part of lot
number two hundred an sixteen (216),
on the north side of said lot. This prop
erty will be sold as a whole, or sixty-two
and one-half (62%) acres to the lot, it hav
ing been subdivided into two lots. Said
property is well improved, it has three (3)
room tenant houses on it, and about
eighty (80) acres of land in cultivation
and the remainder in woodland. Sold as
the property of Mrs. M. M. Davis, late of
said county, deceased, for distribution lie
tween heirs of said deceased. Terms cash.
Oct., 7, 1907.
L. J. Davis, Executor.