The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 11, 1907, Image 4
The approaching cold weather should remind you of the necessity of preparing for the winter. We have anticipated your wants and have brought to this market the greatest assemblage of Dress Goods ever displayed in the County. We have every thing from the cheap Cotton Plaids to the highest class fabrics. newdrSsmaterTals Broadcloths are still holding first place for suits. We have them in the choicest weaves, the newest, most distinctive colors, in vast assortments. A gathering such as no former season has known, either in beauty or variety. We are show ing them in Brown, Tan, Navy, Red, Hunter Green, Resida, Alice Blue, Wine Black. 50 in. wide Chiffon finish at per yd SI.OO We also'have a full assortment of the lighter weight materials such as Cashmeres, Henriettas, Chiffon Panamas, Serges, Taffetas, San Toys, Prunellas, Sicilians, Brilliantines, all Colors and Black, up to $1.35 yard. FACINATING TRIMMINGS Trimmings suitable to grace the most elaborate costusnes as well as those of more simple construction. Just scores of exquisite novelty trimmings conveniently displayed in a good light where their natural beauty can be observed and com pared right along with the new dress goods. From beautiful Persian bands, Pull Braids, Filet bands, fledaiions, down to the smallest Soutache braids. None missing. LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S JACKETS. We are displaying the largest as well as the greatest assortment of ladies 50 inch long loose coats ever seen here. Ladies’ 50 in. loose coats in black at $2 98. Ladies 50 in. coats in good quality Melton, Colors, Tan, Caster and Black at $4.98 to $7.98. Ladies’ 50 in. long Gibson coat of fine Broadcloth in Tan, Caster and Black at $9.98, sl2 48, $13.50 and $15.00 Children’s wraps in Corduroy, Plush, White and Red Bear, and White Curley Bear, at $1.25 to $5.00. BOYS’ CLOTHING We make a specialty of this line and can show you suits at prices that will surprise you. We can fit any boy from 3 years to 16 years of age at any price from $1.25 to $5.00 suit. SMART MILLINERY Millinery is our long suit. We don’t care to throw bouquets at ourselves but v/e make the assertion without fear of contradiction that we turn out more Millinery than any firm in the state doing business in towns no larger than McDonough. Every hat we turn out is an advertisment for this department. Our hats on display have met with the highest com mendation. Our stock is being repier.dished with all the new styles as fast as they come out. Come in and let us show vou the swellest line of headgear ever shown in a small town. We started the one price to all, and your money’s worqi or your money back system 17 years ago, and our phenominal increase in sales show what the public think of the only fair way of dealing. Remember our prices are guaranteed. If any firm will sell you goods cheaper than We, quality considered. All we ask is return our goods and get your money. T” A CY i HAM r M’DONOUGH, GA. BENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. —I ■ i ■ ■ - ■' - I tm m » —'■ ■ - ■■— ,i. JP •. i-j, it. li. .JOHNSON i.slitor. Entered at tlie postoffic# at McDon *ujh. a& second-class mail m attar. Advertising Rata*: 11.00 per l»ch par month. Reduction on Ktß.adia , g •ORtracu by special agreement. ißßL'gf.-gsrr I .' 1 i ■ ' '- iL McDonough, Ga , Oct. 11, 1007. Work i u tli.' sixth district agri cultural Ci ile :v; a Bartlesville is now abo'i' completed anti the buildings wi 1 1 e turnetl over to UlO t!’USte-'S TUN: \V l‘d'ilC v '(l:i Y 1)V the Gresham Manufacturing Co., of this city, which is the contract ing fi to. The h"Hidings have been splendid 1 v •- opted and make a fine shoving. : • en!ieire will open on January sih. and Lhoi'essor cliilds siavs fixe iv .--poets are go d for startlin' off th n tine attendance. —Saturday's Griffin News. OUR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. We have the most complete stock of Fall and Winter Goods to be found in this market This stock consists of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing’, Shirts and Ties. Also a complete line of Groceries Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Stoves and Lamps. j u.OOD» Broadcloths *I.OO yard Brilliantir.e Percales 12 >* c T ard Standard Drints 7c yard Ginghams I'.’V yard When you are in need of any t ing in our line caii and see us and we will make you prices that will interest ton, Clean Clothes Shop. I am now located at Stockbridge, where I will be glad to ha ve all my friends call on me when in need of first class work in cleaning, press ing a nd repairing clothing. John Powell, Stockbridge, Ga. • roa rl-ht. Or.e live-room House in the town of McDonough. Call on Frank Crumbley or E. Oglesby. -it. LAND FOR S&LZI. By agreement oi the heirs, will !b e sol d bef or e th e eonrt 1 house door in McDonough, bet ween the legal hours of sale, on the fn>r j Tuesday in November, to the highest bidder tor cash, the fol lowing property, tu-wii : Fifty acres of land, known as the old Henry Norman place, at Philadelphia church, Tussahaw district, Henry county. I M, A. NORMAN, Agt. . CLOTtii^u* Men's Suits $5.00 to $15.00 Boys’ Suits $2 00 to SB.OO Men's Pants SI.OO to $5.00 Boys’ Pants ' 50c. to $2.00 NOTiO(^. Shirts 50c to $1 00 Ties §r> to N c Half Hose 10c to 50c Sns]lenders I*jc to 7ao Gloves 25c to 75c P HELDMAN MAK EL ffT © lIIv V !Mtl }u3 1 MM, *5, "CAVITH A Pl L E Gr I STY L £ ;?r Farm Fur Sale. Thirty acres of good farming or fruit land—will make from one half hale to one thousand pounds of lint cotton per acre—located in fine, healthy section of country with good water. Just outside in corporate limits of Locust Grove, one of the best school centers in Georgia. Thirty miles south of Atlanta. Located here is branch of Mercer University, also fine public see >ol, together wit lubest church advantages. Southern R. R. forms eastern boundary of land and adds to a very ’oeautiful build ing site on this side of farm—im provements one tenant house. For further information, call on or ad dress. G. L. Williams, 910 Candler Building. Atlanta, Ga. Full line clothing ready for inspection. Copeland Mercantile Co. Mt. CARMEL, Rev. S. H. Mashbnrn tilled his regular appointment tit this place Sunday. Mr. Mark Turner, from Griffin, spent the past week with his sick brother, Mr. Tom Turner. Misses Minnie and Sallie Wise went to McDonough shopping one day last week. Mr.'and Mrs. Will Kennedy vis. ited ilie latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hand, Sunday. Mrs. ,T. P. Martin and Mrs. M E. Mitchell visited “Uncle Tom” Turner Wednesday afterm on. Miss Ella Mitchell and Miss Nel lie Wise visited Miss Bird Mitchell Saturday night. Air. and Mrs. Chat Dorsey visit ed their brother, Mr. Tom Dorsey Sunday. Mr. A. Z. Mitchell and Mr. P. M. Martin were riding with friends Sunday. ’ * Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wise visited Mr. and Mrs. Green Mitchell Sun day. GROCERIES. Cook Stoves $7.00 to $15.00 Clucks SIOO to $2.50 Lamp's 25c to $ 1.75 Dove Brand Hams, Spaces and Teas, Coffee and Sngar.Ttice and Grits. i 00G0BUM—08LESBY. On Monday evening at 8 o’clock occurred the marriage of Miss Mayday Goodrum to Mr. Asa Oglesby, at the home of the bride’s aunt, Miss Mamie Johnston. The marriage was a very quiet affair, only a few close friends of the contracting parties being pres ent. The bride is a most excellent and lovely lady. The groom is one of McDonough’s prominent and pop nlar business men who is well and favorably known throughout the county. T3u; Weekly joins their many friends in best wishes for a long and prosperous life. For Sale. 38 acres of land near corporate limits of McDonough, on Key's Ferry roi:d. Said land lias one dwelling house and dairy barn. For terms call on. G. W. Cathy. SHOES. Men's Shoes $1.50 to ss. Oi Ladies’ Shoes $1.25 to $3.;1 Boys’ Shoes $1.25 to s2.# Children's Shoes soc. ip Yours for Business. uU&rAfli. I