The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 11, 1907, Image 5
The Henry County Weekly VOL. XXXII QUESTION Why is your money Three Times safer when deposited in THE BANK OF HENRY COUNTY than in any other Bank of Henry County ? ANSWER BECUSE THE BANK OF HENRY COUNTY '• IjF is three times stronger, Combined Resources over $300,000.00. IT DA VO T° Deposit with II irt T U The Bank of Henry County DTP A HOr Regular Depositors Need and Want to receive ULuAUOL First Consideration. THE CHEWING OF THE BAG IS THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING. IN OUR NEW QUARTERS Ready and anxious to wait on our many customers with a varied and clean line of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc. The best and most complete line of Stationery, Blank Books, Writing Fluids Ever brought to McDonough. We are catering to all classes of trade and we try to please every customer that come to ns. A FULL LINE OF PATENT MEDICINES INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. Splendid line of Cigars and Tobaccoes. COLD DRINKS IN SEASON AND WE SERVE THEM RIGHT HORTON DRUG CO. Phone Mo. 49. McDonough, Sa. |0 McDonough, Georgia, Friday October 1907. TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. I will be at the different precincts on the days mentioned for the purpose of collecting the State and County Taxes for the year 1907. OCT. NOV. DEC. Hampton 2 4 and 22 13 Sixth 3 6 “ 25 Flippen 4 7 “ 26 Stockbridge 7 8 “ 27 16 Shake Rag 8 11 “ 28 Brushy Knob 9 12 “ 29 Loves 10 13 2 Me Mullins 10 14.. 4 Beersheeba 14 15 5 Sandy Ridge 15 18 9 Tussahaw 16 19 j 0 Locust Grove 17 20 11 and 17 Lowes 18 21 12 Snapping Shoals 10 o’clock A. M 6 Island Shoals I o’clock P. M 6 VVoodstow.i 2 “ P. M 6 FOURTH ROUND. Hampton Friday December 13 Stockbridge Monday ‘ ‘ 16 Locust Grove Tuesday “ 17 McDonough, Court Week, First Tuesdays and Satur day until books are closed, Dec. 20th. SEAB HARKNESS, T. C. Henry Co., Ga. PAGES $1 A YEAR