The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 11, 1907, Image 6
NOTICE! We are now showing the largest and most up-to- date line of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gent’s Furnishings that we have ever offered. We have our goods this season direct from tho Eastern Markets, however, we are offering the very latest styles at exceedingly low prices. Call to see us and let us show you that we can save you money on our line of Serges, Mohairs, Panamas, Henriettas, Brilliantine, Chiffon, Veiling and Taffeta Silks in all the popular colors. We have the latest patterns in Plaid Silks for Waists. Do not leave without examining our line of Ladies’ tong Kid and Jer= sey Gloves, Neckwear, Purses, Eacinators, Embroidery Silks, and Etc. WE HAVE AN UNLIMITED QUANITY OF Calico At 6c. per yard. Sheeting at 6 to Bc. per yard. Sea Island Bc. per yard, Riverside Checks 7 l-2c. per yard. Cotton Flannel 8 to 15c per yard- aJm&SSm* Smart Clothes are the young men’s Clothes triumphs of the Season. Top notch tailoring, high est quality and lowest price; a trinity of S. M. & S. features not to be overlooked. Don’t miss the showing of swagger S. M. & S. clothes styles now going on at our store. Hany style treats await you and the low prices you’ll con sider truly wonderful for the l high quality given. We are also prepared to furnish You first class GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS- Kindly call to see ns and we will prove to you that we HAVE the GOODS and will stand behind them. f ' / Yours for honest Values and a square deal, SOWELL-RUSSELL COMPANY, McDonough, - Ga. Be sure to see our line of Ladies’ and Children’s Song Cloaks. We offer vou bargains in these * * at from $2.00 1 6 $9.00 each. WE WILL SHOW YOU [ft 9 a great variety of the J&J JIL j\ latest and most origi nal styles in “MRS. JANE HOPKINS’ Hif BOY-PROOF CLOTHES” ftffiWll a charming assortment of pret- weir ty patterns and every suit a MnCJaneMopkin/' model of tailoring perfection. BQX*PrOOI Clothe/* 5 I Prices are not too high—just a wee bit / \ lower than similar jCfIAjT qualities can be had elsewhere. __ Jfj We have this m, Clothing from $2.00 to $6.00.