Newspaper Page Text
Si Y C I A,
Isydiu, bettor known as “Cross
Ruuas,’ is one oi Uie must pro
gressive little burg ns m Htmiw
county, and ihe ciuienry is made
tip oi ill st ciuss uni tonal. Tiie\
ciecieu u now sciioui umilling m
iiouus iiiul is a credit to an *
comm unity, and vui compare ta-
Voraoiy tuu tne uest in tne Coun
ty. Tile iirst school that has been
taught in tne no a OuiitUng \\ u a
taugnt uy iVnss hthei rim, ui r i r .
in ton, uiitior the most ta Volatile
lucre are other improvements
in and around rsyuia. rur. w u.
Carmichael has. within the lust
year, added some improvements to
his residence, and it now presents
a handsome appearance, jntso Air.
Leoun Carmicnael now has a new
residence in course ot construction
in the “surbarbs ’ oi iNyuia, and
when completed will be one of me
handsomest residences this side el
idr. V* . ii. Rowan has added
some improvenmms to his earn re
cently, and has aise added some
improvements to the residence
now occupied by Air. ooe ilaoo.
Air. Will ha bn, bus purchased a
new gasoline engine and pea bnlior
recently, and is now prepared to
thresh your peas on sliurt notice.
It is generuly conceded that the
cotton crop will be short, but my
prediction is that the Wall street
gamblers will get the bulk ot this
crop at eleven cents per pound, or
perhaps less, but I uelieve those
who hold oil to their cotton tor
live or six months will get lifteen
cents, strictly. “!3o mote it be.”
Last Wednesday afternoon, as
the evening shades were approach
ing and the shadows lengthening
and old Sol was wedding his way
through space toward the western
horizon, ye pencil pusher was
moving out west, and at a more
rapid rate than was pleasant or
conducive to health or happiness.
It was tins way : i had unleaded a
bale of cotton at the Union ware
house and had left my team on the
square/in front of Mr. Ingram's
store. I had dropped the inside
trace of each mule and locked tile
wagon. I left them for a few mo
ments, then returned, hitched the
traces, unlocked the wagon and
started homeward. All went-well
as a marriage bell until we crossed
the square and started down grade.
Then it was I discovered that the
ring on the breast tree was off the
wagon tongue. Weil, when the
wagon ran on the mules, they pro
ceeded to leave for parts unknown
and from all appearances they were
leading a life of recklessness, go
ing the downward road io destruc
tion as fast as the wheels of time
and wagon could roll, but to make
the matter worse, they seemed de
termined to carry me with them.
They ran far as they pleased and
then bumped the wagon against a,
cedar tree and that unsettled me.
Kind hands tenderly rescued the
fallen and set him on his way—
more slowly, please !
Farm For Oer-t.
Three-horse farm, five roo in
dwelling, out-buildings, tenant
houses, good water, convenient to
school, four and half miles from
McDonough, near Turner church.
For particulars apply to
Airs. Anna Weaver,
tf McDonough, Ga.
fe The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Bier-Work.
Unhealthy Sidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles were to be
Therefore, when yourkitlneysare weak
or out of order, you can understand now
quickly your entire body is affected and
bow every organ seems to fail to do its
If you are sick or “ feel badly,” begin
taking the great kidney reined}, Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, because as soon
as vour kidneys are well they will help
all'the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
1 f vou are sick you can make no mis
take' by first doctoring vour kidneys.
The mild and the extraordinary efiect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidnev remedy, is soon realizec.
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, amms sola
on its merits by all
druggists ill fifty-cent i|s|
and one-dollar size
bottles. You may
have a sample bottle Home of Swarop-Root.
by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing*
b amt on, N Y. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
traced to the kidneys,
but now modern
science proves tliat
nearly all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys filter
and purify the blood —
that is their work.
For Henry Superior Court
October Term, 1907.
grand jury.
• 1 H. M. Tolleson
2 ft. \v . Dickerson
•1 N. A. Glass
4 W. A. Amnions
5 O. J. Bowen
(5 Tad Goodman
7 J. G. Harris
8 A. H. Swann
« W. G. Bra nan
10 C. W. South
11 G. W. Morris
13 E. R. Moore
10 C. E. Smith
14 J. P. Glass
15 W, H. Bailey
16 W. I* Parr
17 S. P. Crowell
18 H. A. Turner
Jy G. B. Childs
30 C. T. Elliott
31 W. E. Owen
33 W. B. Harvey
23 B. J. Branan
34 T. A. Sloan
35 Rhae Brown
20 I. 11. Everitt
27 J. H. Patterson
28 J. 11. Stroud
20 W. R. Whitaker
30 • Vv . L. Glass
31 ,T. H. Elliott
1 Reuben Edalgo
3 3 S Elkins
3 P W Pull in
4 W L Lewis
5 W T Spinks
6 J T Scarbrough
7 W J Pendley
8 E M Scarbrough
9 J B South
10 W P Wail
11 John McDonal
13 John -Moseley
13 Lon Patterson
14 W F Hand
15 Jack Turner
ltl J F Dupree
17 A R Laney
18 EC Peek
19 Coe Bond
30 B B Carmichael
21 .1 T Sowell
22 3 G Spravberry
23 .T B Dickson
24 SC Harper
35 E L Wright
20 H H Greer
27 J M Rivers
28 J F M Fields
29 L L Phillips
30 W D Tarpley
31 W W Gibson
22 G W Riley
33 A B Dailey
34 L R Ricks
35 U R Hinton
38 S G Bry ans
Petit jury—second week.
1 F D Patterson
2 H G Fields
3 .1 M Ingram
4 J W Branan
5 H T Hunt
6 R H Fisher
7 N H Foster
8 W G Copeland
9 A N Brown
10 W M Patterson
11 PC Shaw
12 J O Kimbe.ll
33 ,T W Bailey
14 J C Howell
15 G G LeGuinn
18 W T Greer
17 II J Copeland
18 A H Price
3 9 M H Turnipseed
20 S B -Moss
21 H B Carmichael
22 R R Askew
23 N B Cowan
2 3 J S Duke
25 J B Grant
28 J E English
27 L H Daniel
28 F M Davis
29 J M Carmichael Jr
30 S T Rape
31 J A Brown
32 W S Crumbley
33 J D Davis
34 J W Morgan
35 J T Weems
38 B N Willingham
Owing to the continued illness
of Mrs. Horton, and the fact that I
have to stay most of the time with
her in Atlanta, away from my bus
iness, I have placed all my ac
counts in the hands of Air. A. F
Bunn, to collect. I don’t mean to
press anyone but simply send him
to you as a matter of convenience.
Mr. A. G. Harris will have the
books at the Drug Store, where he
will gladly receive any money of
fered in payment there and will
also credit accounts and give re
I will stand ready to correct any
errors and explain all misunder
Dr. B. E. Horton.
HH IS 1 I syi !2 a O V
IW 1 1 issa I Lhsa it H
An unexcelled display New York
Models as well as our own clever designs
you will find no such a variety elsewhere
nor will You be able to obtain better
/ -LU. AM
/vp . iWy L/.b \m u\
H \ i ? jlli
M kill 1
\,A f < V
V \ tYY
\ v-\ /'.) k' \
\ \
A«ERIO*J! 32-UTV Stylo CP3
liakni,;iO'j Cnwii Co.. Waker#
list of sales people.
Mrs. E. E. Tampiin Miss Blanche Wentzcll Miss Anna johrson
H. S. Elliott J. T. Pendley W. W. Turner C. W. W alker
uijjjj |r| TpliSipi
WluiLir § Liaiiiisil liliisiij aa $ §
Machinery is digging the Panama Canal
a thousand times nicker than the shove
dug the Erie.
Machinery produces D. Sr M. Paint at
50 times less cost for labor, than if made
by hand.
The Jj. Sr M. gives the best, job in the
world, because L. and M. Zinc hardens L.
&M. White Lead and makes L. & M
Paint wear like iron for 10 or 15 years.
It only requites 4 gallons of this celebra
ted paint and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil at
60cts. per trillion, to paint a moderate size
If any defect exists in L. Sc M. Paint,
will repaint house for nothing.
Sold by H. J. Copeland Mercantile Co.,
Hampton Buggy Co., Hampton.
The Lyceum Comedy Co.
In their Big Water Prof!
canvess Theater. One solid i
week starting Mouday N ight
Oct. 14th..
Opening play the Great 4
act Comedy Drama
Prices : 15, 25, 35 cents.
American Beauty Corsets
Our Corset department is conducted
on the same high plane that has made
this house famous for ali garments of
women’s wear. Endorsed by all dress
makers for women of fashion.
Are you satisfied with your shoes?
Try a pair QUEEN QUALITY this
time-hundreds of women are walking
advertisments for Queen Quality Shoes.
Correct clothes for Men and Poys we
know that Fecheimer-Fishel Co., are the lead
ing clothing people in New York.
We know that this label is the surest
guarantee of Style and Quality and the price is
always reasonable we know that we are only
people selling them between Atlanta and Ma
con. Remember this is the home of Duchess
trousers, also Gorilla pants.
Men’s Suits sß.oo to $25.00.
Boys’ Suits 1.50 to 10.00.
Dutchess T rousers $2. to $5.
Gorilla Pants $3.75.
Union Graded School
Opens October 14.
It is of supreme importance that
all enter at the beginning if possi
ble. No teacher can do a year’s
work for you in a half year’s time.
My dear people, competition is
keen enough for you wish your
limited educational advantages,
bnt stop, think for a moment, —
what will be the chance for yonr
Children in the near future if yon
fail to give them the advan
tage of every opportunity?
No energy is going to be spared
to give you faithful service. Do
your part and the other is guaran
Every man must hitch up his
buggy and take his good wife be
side him and come to school next
Monday morning. The first half
day is yours. We want to have a
fireside talk about the most impor
tant affairs that exist between
teacher, parent and child.
We will be disappointed if every
child’s parents do not come Mon
day morning.
If you want to Borrow money on Hen
ry County real estate, I can loan you
some for a term of years at 6% anti
give you the privilege of paying up
anti stopping interest at any time.
Write, ’phone or see
''' iwm -**'
hfc<v YORK
Everyone around lu re is picking
Mr. Phin Woodward has moved
his hitching post—
We are ghal to know that Bro.
Estes is improving rapidly and
was able to be out with us last
Sunday and gave ns a very inter
costing talk. Wo are always glad
to see him and welcome him into
our homes. Hope he will soon bo
well again.
We till attended the singing la-ff-
Sunrfay at McDonough, enjoyed
the singing very much bnt the
dinner still more.
Mr. Carl Bearden, who lias been
qnite sick lot the past month, is
con tinnally improving.
Mr. O. S. Weld camo t! rough
here Mondav night ar.d gave us a
grand exhibition and plenty of
music on the graphopbone. There
was fun for everyone.
Remember we have prayermeet
ing at this ) 1 1 c < every bat unlay
night. Conte out and b - with us.
fsmrv&vsiißsxnvzn .vbwt 35 mmij
I Curs, Sores,Burks
& RKgUMATISrt Zs<t-