Newspaper Page Text
GEORGIA, Henry County. *
By virtue of the authority given us in the last will and testament of Win. N. Nelson, late of said county, deceased, we will
sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, or half cash, the balance Nov. 1, I9GB, cn the first Tuesday in Nov. 19 7, ; ; the
courthouse door in said state and county between the legal hours of sale the follow ing real estate, to-wit:
All that tract, lot or parcel ot land lying and being in the Seventh land District of Henry County, consisting of 142 1-2 acres, more or less
to be sold in the following parcels :
One parcel on east side of public road running south irom where Fletch Sowell lives containing 40 acres more or less. One parcel on
west side of above road containing 20 acres more or less,, ibis piece has a 5 room house on it .One parcel west ot said 20 acres and west of the place
Fletch Sowell lives on, containg 40 15-16 acres more or less. One parcel westot above mentioned land, containing 41 25-32 acres, more or less, the
1 *
Last two parcels next above crosses the road that leads from the Macon road at Robert Dukes to the Keys Ferry road at f. l\ Rodgers.
Also the residence of the late Wm. N. Nelson, consisting ot one 7 room house and out houses on a lot 139 it. front 300 ft. deco by
130 ft. wide at back. Also 3 other vacant lots with 112 ft. frontage by no ft. wide at back, and 283 It. deep. These lots are near depot, school
house and churches. T his Oct. 16, 1907.
Executors of Wm. N. NELSON, Deceased.
[Last week’s letter.]
Jack Frost made liis appearance
last week.
Misses Irene Stucky and Johnny
Strickland, of Blakely, are the
charming guests of Mrs. P. W •
Mrs. J. O. Norris, Miss Blanche,
and little Lnrie, went up Saturday
to Atlanta and took in the fair, it
being childrens day.
Miss May Woodward, of Griffin,
is visiting her sister, Miss Estelle
for several days.
Mrs. C. W. Fields and little
daughter., Grace went to Atlanta
Miss Grace Haynes visited her
parents in Atlanta last Saturday
and Sunday.
Miss Tommie Adamson visited
her brother at Jonesboro last Sun
Mr. W. M. Harris and children
were passengers on the early train
Saturday morning for Atlanta to
take in children’s day at the fair.
Mrs. Roy Harris spent Saturday
in Hapeville with her sister, Mrs.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes is visit
ing her grandaughter, Mrs Han
son, at East Point.
Mrs. Murphy, of East Point, vis
ited her sister, Mrs. Shellnut, last
Mrs. Charley Babb, of Macon,
is spending a few days with her
sister, Miss Gertie Murphy.
Mrs. Chun and little son have
gone on an extended visit to her
parent at Greenville.
Elder A. C. Elliott, of White
preached a very able sermon at the
Primitive Baptist church the Ist
Rev. Mashburn preached a very
instructive sermon at the M. E.
church last Sunday.
/ J South
> \ i 275 ft.
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<>< v 5
>5 ) . 3» © W
\wS x W
f ( '{• 1 *-<
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S ) | 300 ft.
| | North.
FOR SALE—A good, high grade
second hand surrey. For further
information call on
J. V. Upchurch.
For Sale.
The J. T. Oglesby residence. 8
rooms, one acre land, fronting pub
lic square. Close in, large water
Oaks. A bargain if sold within the
next few days. Oct. 16, 1907.
2t W. D. Nelson.
Farm For Rent.
Three horse farm, five ro o m
dwelling, out-buildings, tenant
houses, good water, convenient to
school, four and half miles from
McDonough, near Turner church.
For particulars apply to
Mrs. Anna Weaver,
t,f McDonough, Ga.
Women as Well as Men Are Made
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
discourages and lessens ambition; beauty,
S vigor and cheerful
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of order or dis-
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinates toooften, iftlie urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet
ting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, -and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs, fms unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty- II
I cent and one-dollar
j size bottles. You may
I have a sample bottle '~*‘ >4i, ==s=3S=--- ::
I by mail free, also a Home of Swamp-Root,
j pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
! including many of the thousands of testi
! monial letters received from sufferers
I cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
I Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don t make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad-
I dress, Binghamton, N. on every
Machinery is digging the Panama Canal
j a thousand times uicker than the shove
, dug the Erie.
Machinery produces L. <fc M. Paint at
50 times less cost for labor, than if made
| by hand.
The L. & M. gives the liest job in the
1 world, because L. and M. Zinc hardens L.
& M. White Lead and makes L. M
Paint wear like iron for 10 or 15 years.
It only requites 4 gallons of this celebra
ted paint and .'S gallons of Linseed Oil at
60cts. per gallon, to paint a moderate size
If any defect exists in L. & M. Paint,
will repaint house for nothing.
Sold by H. J. Copeland Mercantile Co.,
Hampton Buggy Co., Hampton.
WORD that word Is
T , , s s
it refers to Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills and
Are you constipated?
Troubled with indigestion?
Sick headache?
ANY of these symptoms and many others
indicate inaction of the LIVER
Yovi INTO c cl
Take No Substitute.
FOR SALE—A good possum and
coon dog. J. H. Varner.
Diarrhoea Remedy
Is a reliable, pleasant and safe
remedy for bowel complaints
both in children and adults. Buy
it now: it may save life.
T. J. Brown’s Land
u v
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« O U
£<l < | ~
N VO I ———————— s
1 j 1
i-O 1
C/2 c/j
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For Leave to hell.
Georgia, Henry County
To whom it may concern: J. C. Jinks
administrator upon the estate of J. C.
.links, late of said county, deceased, has
in due form applied to the undersigned.
Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell
one hundred and thirty acres of land,
more or less, belonging to the estate of J.
C. Jinks, late of said county, for the pur
pose of distribution.
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first Monday
in November 1907. Oct. 7, 1!M)7.
G. G. W EEMS Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary for said county will be sold at
public outcry on first Tuesday in Novem
ber 1907, as the court house in said county
between the usual hours of sale the fol
lowing real estate situated in Henry and
Rockdale counties, to-wit:
125 acres of land more or less, lots 194 and
195, 11th Dist. Henry county, Ga.; also 100
acres of land more or less, south half of
lot No. 163, 11th Dist. Henry county Ga.;
also 100 acres of land more or less, east
half of lot No. 192, 12th Dist Henry county
Ga.; also 100 acres of land more or less of
land of originally Henry Co. now Rock
dale No. ltis. east half of said lot; also 100
acres of land more or less west half of lot
No. 169, Rockdale Co. Ga.; also 100 acres
of land more or less, being east half of lot
No. 169, originally Henry now Rockdale
eounty, Ga.
Sold as the property of J. W. Cowan,
late of said eounty, deceased, for distribu
tion. Terms cash. Oct. 7,1907.
E. Cowan, Admnr.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
Emma G. Herndon, administratrix of
of the estate of 'J'. M. Herndon, late of
said county, deceased, has in due form ap
i plied to the undesigned. Ordinary of said.
| county for leave to st il the following real
estate of said deceased, consisting of all
lands belonging to the estate < f said T. M.
| Herndon, for the payment of debts and
Said application wil be heard at the reg
ular term of the court of Oreinary for
-aid county to be held on the first Monday
in November 1907. Oct. 7. 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
Executor's Sale.
GEORGIA. Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county will be sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in No
vember 1907, at the courthouse in said
comity, between the legal hours of sale
the following property, situated in the
town of McDonough, Ga,, to-wit: One
house and lot in the western part of said
town of McDonough, on Jonesboro St.
known as the Calloway lot; bounded on
north 1 y Jom sboro St., west by lands of
Mrs. A. F. Varner, south by lands of W.
1). Nelson and east by lands of 11. B. Car
michael, containing one acre, more or
less, a good six room dwelling house, one
servants house. Sold as the property of
Mrs. Martha Varner, late of said county,
deceased, f<-r distribution among the
heiis. Terms cash. Oct. 7. 1907.
J. C. Daniel, Executor.
Petition lor < Barter.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
I To the Honorable S jperior < ’ourt of said
Co., t lie pet it ion of Dr. B. E. Horton and
A. G. Harris, both o f said state and coun
ty. n spectfully shows to the Court,
j Ist. 1 hat, they desire for themselves,
| their successors and assigns, to become in
j corporated under the name and style of
“IK HITON Ditto ( <),”
l for the purpose of conducting.a inercar tile
business, particularly Drugs, Medicines,
Fancy and Toilet Articles, and such other
articles of merchandise as may convenient
ly be handled in eonneeftioh with said
drug business; also mixing and selling
non alclmlic drinks, and to act as general
or special agents for ot her per so hi , or com
panies in selling or handling any article
or class of articles appropriate to such
mercantile and drug business. Petition
ers further pray the right to manufacture
any and all articles and tilings necessary
to carry on said business.
2nd, The object of the proposed cor
poration is pecuniary profit and gain for
its stock holders.
3rd. The term for which petitioners
ask to be incorporated is twenty years
with the privilege of renewal at the end
of that time.
4th. Ihe capital stock of the corpora
tion is to lie* Fifteen hundred (1600 00)
dollars. Petitioners, however, ask the
privilege of increasing said capital stock
at such time as shall lie found desirable to
do so to the sum of four thousand(4o 0.00
6th. The principal office and place of
business of the proposed corporation will
be at McDonough in said state and county.
6th. Eighty-seven per cent of said cap
ital stock has already actually lx en paul
Wherefore petitioners pray to be made
a body corporate under the name and
style aforesaid, e ltitled to the t ights,
privileges and immunities, and subject to
the liabilities fixed by law.
This October 9th, 19t>7.
B. E. Horton, / .. ...
A. G. Harris, s Petitioners.
Filed in office this Oct. 9. 1967,
J. A. louche, Clerk.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
i. J. A. Fondle, Ch-rk or Superior court
of said county, do certify that the forego
ing is a true copy of a petition for charter
for “Horton Drug Co." as is of file in this
Given under my hand and stal of s: id
court. This Oct. 9, 14)07
J. A. Louche, Clerk.
1 or Probate of Will.
GEORGIA—IIemy < only.
John Simpson a d lad- Miller having
applied, as executors, for prol;.t* in sol
emn form, of the last will and testament
of William G. Miller, of said county.
You. Nannie rumim n-, William Ill
ward Hay.- Magnolia Wood, Ashherry
Hays, ami Lenuni • Ilays. as heirs at law
of said William G. Miller. me hereby re
quired to appear at the c< urt of Ordinary
for .-aid county on ti c f;: Mmo.y in
Ni.veml er next whi n said application
for probate will 1 e head Oct. 7,1907.
G G. Wet ms. Ordinary.