Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
4 A, _
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly dav and night.
Phone SO.
McnoXOKiH, GA.
J)r- 72* B«
OFFICE HOU RS: 7.80 u. m. to 5 p. m.,
Every Day Except, Mondays.
Office over Star Store!
G. E. Weems,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in the Thu a seek Building.
Court week.
Possum and ’tater time !
Cotton below 11c tins week.
Go to t-lie McDonough. Drug Co.
to get bargains. It,
Mrs. E. M. Smith spent last Fri
day in Atlanta.
1000 cakes of fine toilet .SOAP to
be sold at 5c cake.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Misses Nina Wall, Blake Bunn,
and Annie G. Thompson spent last
Friday and Saturday in Atlanta.
10Q pairs gold Cuff Buttons going
at COST, must make room for hol
iday goods.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Mrs. C. W. Roberts, of Milner,
spent Saturday with friends at the
Dunn House.
Fine toilet soap, 10 cent value, to
make room for Christmas line,
will go at 5c per cake.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Miss Corrie Bridges spent the
week-end with Miss Eion Tolleson
at Locust Grove.
A lot of jewelry, such as brooch
es, hat pins, stick pins, and chains
on the bargain counter, below cost.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Mrs. John Brown, of Locust
Grove, was the guest of friends in
McDonough on Monday.
Just received a big shipment of
Mitchell wagons. Best wagon made.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Shellnut, of Hamp
ton, were visitors in McDonough
on Monday.
See me for lumber and shingles.
R. C. Brown,
Locust Grove, Ga.
Mr. Harry Dunn, who is now
clerk at the Piedmont hotel in At
lanta, spent Saturday and Sunday
with his parents in McDonough.
“The Mitchell” means merit in
first class wagon building. We
sell them.
Buggy Co.
Mr. B. D. Kelley, who has been
at Forsyth for several months, is
here in the interest of the D. E.
Luther Pub. Co.
blooded Pointer and Se tter pups
for sale. Call on
AY. A. Harper.
MeDonou h, Ga.
Mrs. D. A. Mayo and little
daughter' Pearl, of Riverdale,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. J. V. Unchurch.
Mrs. J. Q. Nolan left on Monday
for Eaton ton, where she goes for a
two week's visit to her parents at
that place.
“Victor” talking machines, cash
or vonliki let the
family have one N-)\\ % you will
enjoy it. All prices, to SHM.
The best talking machine in the
world. For sale by Jno. I* Smith,
McDonough, Ga.
STOVE WOOD—Wanted, at the 1
Mr. Press Morris, of Tunis, was
a pleasant visitor at the Weekly
office on Wednesday morning.
WANTED—To buy 5000 bundles
of fodder. J. V. Upchurch.
Mrs. H. L. Carmichael and little j
son spent several days the past
week in the Gate City.
Miss Eva Harris, who has been
on an extended visit to friends in
Atlanta, will return home today.
The best every-day Shoe made—
“Stronger-tlmn-the-Law” 53.00
Guaranteed to wear 12 months.
Edd Goodwin.
Mr. Ed Stephens, of Barnesville, 1
was the guest of Mr. B. B. Carmi
chael and family Tuesday and.
For Sale—good two-story resi
dence, well situated close in for
business. D. D. Elliott at once.
Mr. J. M. Rivers, one of east
Henry’s staunch and substantial
citizens was a pleasant caller on the
Weekly, Wednesday.
The best isthe cheapest. Get a
Mitchell wagon and you’ll get your
money’s worth.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Miss Erwin McDonald, who is
attending the Locust Grove Gram
mar School, spent Saturday and
Sunday with her mother, Airs.
Julia McDonald.
It runs the lightest and the long
est—The Mitchell Wagon. See us
if yon need a wagon.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Sheriff A. C. Sowell, of Henry Co.
came over Sunday and that night
carried hack Ben Fambro, a negro
of this place who is charged with
shooting another negro near Mc-
Donouph one day last week.—Grif
fin News.
If yon want the best bargain that
was ever offered you in a nice six
room house that is new and on a
large lot and is now paying ten per
cent on the money in one of Geor
gia’s best towns. Write to or call on
Locust Grove, Ga.
Henry superior court convened
in McDonough yesterday. Among
the members of the Griffin bar who
went over the first day were *Cols.
L. Cleveland, E. W. Hammond, R.
T. Daniel, T. E. Patterson and J. M.
Strickland. —Griffin News.
I have moved my Buggy and
Harness 1 usiness in the rear of the
Ist National Bank building. My
friends and customers are cordial
ly invited to call around and see
me. J. S. Rodgers,
I will he away from my office
every Friday from Oct. 15th to
April Ist to assist in the teaching
of the Southern Dental College.
T. A. Lifsey.
The best line Boys’ Clothing in
town —Suits from $2.50 to $6.00.
Edd Goodwin,
Mr. Ray Brown, one of the pop
ular clerks of the Copeland Co.,
| has been laid up for a week with
Messrs. R. L. Johnson, Marvin
Turner, and J. C. Harris went to
the Knight Templar meeting at
Jackson on last Friday night.
“Victor” is the best—the best is
the “Victor.” Get one now. Cash
or easy payment.
John R. Smith,
2t McDonough, Ga.
Miss Parker Butts has returned
to her home at Barnesville after a
fortnight’s stay with Miss Mamie
I can save you money by coming
in and looking at my goods. The
great sale of Shoos goes on —school
boys' Shoes, Overcoats, etc. still
con tin nos.
Huts, Clothing, Ladies’ Skirts,
Cloaks, Jackets, and a great line
of underwear, overalls, etc. *
C. Engber.
.— |
If you want to borrow money on Hen
ry • mini;, real estate, I can loan you
some for a term of years at U'c anil
r|\e you the privilege of paying up
unit stopping interest at any time.
\\ rite, ’phone or sec
Mr. J. T. Bankston left on last
Saturday for an extended visit to
friends at Culloden, Roberta und a
number of other South Georgia
Mrs. A. S. Bbike and children
went over to McDonough yester
day, where they will spend sever
al days visiting relatives.—Griffin
IF TAKEN within the next ten
days, will sell or lease my entire
livery, barn, and dwelling, or will
sell livery and lease barn and
J. V. Upchurch.
Col. E. A. Stephens, of the
Barnesville bar, Was in the city
yesterday on the way to McDon
ough to attend Henry superior
court.—Griffin News.
County Commissioner N. G.
Barfield is attending Henry supe
rior court at McDonough this week.
—Griffin News.
Air. Doss Brown has resumed 3iis
studies at the Dental college in At
lanta, this year entering the jun
ior class.
Dr. T. A. Lifsey goes to Atlanta
every Friday now, where lie gives
lectures at the Southern Dental
college. This position only keeps
him away on ■ day in the week
from his practice in McDonough.
Air. J. G. Sprayberry, of near
Ellenwood, was a visitor in Aic-
Donough on Alonday and while
here called on the Weekly. He is
one of north Henry’s thrifty farm
ers and substantial citizens. He
was accompanied by Air. Kelley,
another staunch citizen of that
part of the county.
Mrs. White Dies
in Atlanta.
Mrs. Arthur White, of Atlanta,
grandaughter of Mr. W. J. Knight
of Fiippen, died in Atlanta on
Tuesday the 15th inst., after a
short illness.
She was a most estimable young
woman. She was about 17 years
old. She is survived by her hus
band and a littie infant three
weeks old.
The funeral and interment was
at the Knight burying ground on
Wednesday afternoon, Rev. E. S.
Atkinson officiating.
Fiippen Has New Depot
The Southern railway force of
carpenters are fast bringing to
completion the new depot at Flip
pen, and when completed will he a
much better station than ever be
fore at that place.
Air. A. G. Harris has completed
his new store room that was de
stroped by fire at the same time
the old depot was burned. Mr.
Pair has again opened up a store
in Air. Harris’ building.
Two Farmers Lose
Their Homes by Fire.
(•)n Monday afternoon Air. J. AV.
Foster's home, about 3 miles west
of Fiippen, was burned.
The fire was discovered about 3
o’clock, all the family being in the
field picking cotton. The fire is
supposed to have started from the
stove flue. Everything in the
house was destroyed. There was
no insurance and the loss covered
his entire personal effects.
Early Tuesday"morning the home
of Air. John Brown was destroyed
by fire. He resided about 2 miles
southeast of Stockbridgc. The
origin of the fire is unknown.
The family barely escaped from
the burning house* He carried no
The people of the county have
liberally come to the assistance of
both these men and have material
ly helped them.
Pay you interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
li. (i. FORTSON, Cashier.
K.vecutors Sjile.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
By virtue of the authority given mein
the last will and testament of \Y. M
Combs, late of said State and County
deceased, wliieh will is on iveord in the
court of Ordinary of Henry county, Geor
gia, I will sell at public outcry, to the
highest bidder for cash, on the first Tues
day in November, 1007, at the courthouse
in said county and state, between rite us
ual legal hours of sale, the following real
estate situated in llenry county, Georgia,
Ail that tract, lot or parcel of land iy
ing and being in the Second District of
llenry county, the same neing all of lot
No. (119) one hundred and nineteen, ex
cept eight acres on rite south-west corner.
Also the south half of lot No. (138) one
hundred and thirty-eight, both lot s con
taining two hundred and ninety-seven
acres more or less; except fifty acres, more
or less, hereto;oro sold bj said V . Ai.
Combs to Lot Combs by deed dated No
vember 20, 1902, and recorded in Henry
county Deed Book 6, page 162, said fifty
acres being in the southeast corner of lot
one hundred and thirty eight (ITS).
One parcel of land being near the town
of Locust Grove, in lienrj county, Geor
gia, said to contain four acres, more or
less, bounded on the east by lands of \V.
F. CasteUaw, north byU. L. Williams,
south-west by the Southern Railway
Company, ami south-east by \V. r. Cas
te,law. Said lot contains one dwelling
house, one tenant house, burns and out
Also a tract of land in the town of Lo
cust Grove and a part of laud lot No. lsti
of the 2nd district of Henry county, Geor
gia, and known as lots Numbers one (1)
and two (2) in Block C. of the subdivis
ion of the Wm. D. (J rant property as per
plat on file in the office of G. \Y. Adair,
Atlanta, Ga: commencing at the corner
of Ridge and South streets, and running
north afcmg the west side of Ridge street
one hundred and live (105) feet; thence
west (2U4) two hundred feet to the land
lire ; thence south (92) ninety--two feet to
South street; thence east along the north
side of South street (2d2 1 2) two hundred
and two and one half feet to the begin
ning corner. Said lot contains a dwel
ling house anil barn.
Also that, tract of land In Locust Grove
situated in land lot No. (186) one hundred
and eighty-six, county- of Henry, second
I district, known as lots Numbers 3 and 4,
Block C., as per plat of the town of Lo
cust Grove on file at the oilice of G. W.
Adair. Commencing at a point on the
west side of Ridge street one hundred and
five (106) ft et north of South street and
running north along the west side of
Ridge street one hundred (100) feet to lot
number five (5); thence west, along line
of lot No. five (5) two hundred (200) feet;
thence south one hundred (100) feet;
thence east along the line of lot Number
two (2) tv. > hundred (200] feet to the be
ginning point. This lot contains a six
room dwelling house and a barn.
Also that tract of land in Locust Grove,
situated in land lot No. one hundred anil
eighty-six [lß(s], of the second district of
Henry county, Georgia, being part of lot
No. four [4] and all of lot. No. three [B] of
the subdivision of the W. D. Grant prop
erty as per plat on file in the oilice of G.
W. Adair, Atlanta, Georgia: commencing
at a point on the east side of Ridge street
one hundred and seyen and one-half [lO7-
1-2] feet, more or less, north of South
street, thence running north along the
east side of Ridge street eighty (80) feet,
more or less, thence in an easterly direc
tion two hundred [2oo] feet, more or less,
to Upchurch's lot, thence south ninety
three [9{ij feet, more or less, to a point
seventy-seven [77] feet, more or less,
north of South street, thence along Boat
ner’s northern boundary line two hun
dred [2oo] feet, more or less, to the begin
ning point.
Also that tract of land in Locust Grove,
situated in land lot No. one hundred and
eighty-six [lß6], of the second district of
Henry county, Georgia, being part of lot
Number four >4], all of lot Nunber flve[6]
and part of lot Number Six (6) in the, sub
division of the W. D. Grant property as
per plat on file in the oilice of G. W.
Adairt, Atlanta, Georgia: commencing at
a point on the east side of Ridge street
one hundred and eighty-seven and one
half [lB7 1-2] feet, more or less, north of
South street, and running thence north
along the east side of said Ridge street
ninety-five (95) feet, more or less, thence
in an easterly direction two hundred (200)
feet, more or less, to what is known as
the Stable Lot, thence south seventy-eight
(78) feet, more, or less, to a point one
hundred and seventy (170) feet, more or
less, north of South street, thence ina
westerly direction two hundred {200) feet
more or less, to the beginning point. This
lot contains one three room dwelling
Also the tract of land in Locust Grove,
situated in the one hundred anil eighty
sixth (lsOth) land lot of the second dis
trict of Henry county, Georgia, being the
south half of what is known as the Liv
ery Stable lot, containing seven thousand
four hundred and thirty-six (7,43(5) square
feet, more or less, bounded as follows:
east by fifteen foot alley, south by T. J.
Upchurch or Hotel lot. west, by W. M.
Combs, north by AY. I. Parr, beginning at j
east corner, running west one hundred I
and twenty-five and one-half (125 l-2)feet.
more or I<* s, thence north seventy-one
(71) feet, thence east one hundred and
live and three-fourths (105 34) feet, more
or less, thence south sixty (60) feet, more
or less. This lot contains one small barn.
This sale will continue from day to day.
lie tween the same hours, until all of said
proMTty is sold. To be sold for distribu
te m. • '• • v)• Mt i ■> <>! t!i" i ■ ate.
This, the &sth, day of September, l'. 07.
Executor of AY. 11. Combs, d; rased.
Nerv» end Tore Oil Cures
fiiicuma.isui, Cuts, bores, burns
and Bruises Large bottle 25 cents.
Executors Sale.
GEORGIA. Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of Or
dinary of said county, vil! lie sold at pub
lic outcry on first Tuesday in November
1907. tit the courthouse door in said county
between the usual hours of- sale the fol
lowing rt al estate in Henry county to-wir ;
ninety acres of hind more or less situated
lying und being in 3rd Hist, of said coun
ty, nttm be r no r kuo wn. Bounded
ns follows: on north by binds of Claude
G ray anil high school h . south by lands
1 of AY. ,1. Smith, east by corporate limits
at present of the town of Locust Grove.
I and west by lands of K. K. Smith. Said
] land sold ns the property of AA'. 11. Smith
deceased, late of said county, for distri
bution. Terms cash. O f. 7,1907.
W. .1. Sue ■a,
AY. A. Smith.
. For Administration.
1 GEORGIA, Henry County.
] To whom it may concern: A. M.
: Stewart having made application to me
in due form to be appointed permanent
administrator upon the estate of S. 0.
i Stewart, late of said county. Notice is
t hereby given that said applieufion will be
heard at 1 lie regular term of the court of
Ordinary for said county to be held on
'I: - V u.laj iu ' \ , e;. Vi'ii lies my
hand andoliicial signature, Oct. 7, 1907.
G. G. AA u nis. Ordinary.
For Guardianship
GEORGIA. Henry County.
Al. A. Bailey, 11 resits it of said state
| having duly applied to be appointed
j guardian of the persons and property of
I .lames B. Bailey, John R. Bailey, Ada
Mae Bailey. Lula Bailey, AA'altcr Bailey,
1 Levina Unify, ,J. C. Bailey, <fc VirginiaL
i Bailey, minors, under the age of fourteen
! years, resident in said county. Notice is
I hereby given that said application will be
passed on at the next court of Ordinary
for raid county be held on first Monday
in November. 1907. VVitne-s my hand and
seal. Oct. 7, ltio7.
/ G. G. AA'oenis. Ordinary.
Administrate! ’s Salt*.
! GEORGIA, Henry County:
By virtue of an order of the court of Or-
I dinary for said county granted at the t )e
--| tober term of said court 1907. the under
signed as administrators with the will
! annexed, upon the estate of John Vaunt r,
: lute of said county, deceased, will sell an
; the court house in Henry county Ga., be
j tween the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in November, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following real estate, to
wit: Lot of land number 132. Containg
two hundred, two and one-half acres.
Eight acres of land off of lot number 124.
Also eighteen acres of land off of lot num
ber 131; all lying and being in 7tli district
said state and county, containing in the
aggregate, two hundred and twentv-six
acres. This land lies within one mile of
the town of McDonough Ga., and will be
sold in small lots from twenty-five to
fifty acres or less. Sold as the property
lof John Varner, late of said county, de
ceased, for distribution. Oct. 7, 1907.
. J. 11. Varner,
J. C. Daniel,
Administrators with the will annexed.
GEORGIA, llenry County:
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county will lie sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in No
vember 1907, at the court house in said
county, between the usual hours of sale,
the following real, estate situate in Hen
ry county, to-wit: —
Forty-five (45) acres more < r less, lying
and living in tne seventh land Disc, of
Henry County. Georgia, commencing at
coiner ct New otherwise known as Col
lege street in the town of McDonough in
front of J. AV. Rape’s residence and run
ning south to a rock corner in pasture
thence west ton rock corner between J. 11.
Copeland, A. VV. Turner and said place,
thence in southernly direction to rock cor
ner on line between AV. AY. Amis, AY. D.
Knight and said place, thence east until it
strikes fish pond branch, thence down said
branch to Bridge, thence north along road
back to New street, thence west along
New street to coir mencing corner ami
bounded as follows: west, by lands of A.
AA'. Turner, H. J. & J. 11. Copeland, J. F.
M. Fields and VV. AV’. Amis; south by AV'.
D. Knight; east by AV. D. Knight, 11. J.
Copeland, C. J. Turner and Mark Knott,
and on north by New street. Also one
hundred acres more or less in 11th Dist. of
Henry county and bounded as follows:
east hv Atlanta road, north by lands of
Mrs. Glance Farm rand Ed Jackson, wi -,t
by George Crumble,v and center of Cotton
Indian river and south by lands of Joe J.
Kmith. Terms cash. Sold as the proper
ty of A. C. Gunter, late of said county,
Mrs. T. F. Gunter. Adranx of
A. C. Gunter.
Executors* Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
By virtue of an order from ’ho court of
Ordinary of said county will tie sold at
public outcry on first Tm iy in Novem
ber next. 1907, at. the courthouse door in
said county between the u ual hours of
stile, the following r ,j nl estate, situated,
lying and being in sn 1 county, to-wit:
One hundred and twenty fi* '* (123) acres
of land in a hotly in said state and county.
Said land is situated one and one-fourth
miles north from the town of Locust
Grove in said county. I.- her,part, of lot
number two hundred turn: :•■■■ 1 (216',
on the north side of said iot. i his prop
erly will be sold as a whole, » six tv-two
and one-half (62Y) ami's to H - Lit, it hav
ing been subdivided into two lots. Faid
property is well imuroved, it h is three (8)
room tenant houses on It. and al*>ut
: eighty (SO) acres of land iu cultivation
| and the remainder in woodland. Sold as
l the property of Airs. M. AT. I Avis, kite of
I said county, deceased, for distribution be
! tween heirs of said deceased. Terms cash.
[Oct., 7, 1907.
L. J. Davis, Executor.