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THEY’RE Tt*E isfi
, Close Heavy Bargains are claiming the way at this house; speak to your
neighbor. Come yourself, bring the family, there is something in store for all.
yT j Our Clothing stock issjuperb for Boys, Youths and Men. Some of the richest F?
J most up-to-date Suits, Odd Trousers and Overcoats are going out from this stock. ?
Your size is here; a pleasure to show and fit you up. If we should not be able to
accommodate you from stock we can fit you right away on short notice from our f
mV' •\lnl Tailoring Department. We Guarantee perfect satisfaction. | A
° Ur Hats are the s^a P es you want.
|r p SH C bi . 'll
Lot of odd numbers to go at an unusual reduc
Every dollar goes where you put it here.
Get your wedding outfit from us.
1 /
< Your friend,
■ BiS Lj' QVw B E 0 Wk Li & i E. |fl
Phone No. 25. McDonough, Georgia.
On tho Oth of Soptomnor Mrs. R. i
R. McCullough luul tho pleasure!
of a, family reunion at the home of
her danght 'r, Mrs. John Tyler. |
It was a pleasure to see the child-;
ren and grandchildren meet, the!
mother at this annual reunion.
A portion of the time was spent
in devotional exercises. There,
were some expressions made by j
the mother to her children, and by
the children to their mother that
will he cherished, by thorn while'
they live.
After the service the table was
spread in tho beautiful grove and
it is useless to try to ti l! the varie
ty of g-totl things that were pre
pared and joyfully partaken of by
all present. Then after an hour's
rest the parting song was sung,
led by \V. L. McCullough, son of
the aged mother.
At last all left for their homes
hoping to have a reunion in the
great beyond, where there will he
no more separation,
On Sept. 22, the birthday of Sis
ter J.M. Patterson, the same be
ing too birthday of Bro. P. W. Al
len, and as their custom had been
for several years to meet at one or
the other of their homes and eat a
birth da v- dinner together, this be
ing the time to meet at the home
of Bro. Patterson, quite a number
of their friends and relatives were
We were providentially hindered
Yrom being with them, but learn
that they had a most enlovable oc
casion. A portion of the time was
spent in offering thanks to the Giv
er of all good for His providential
care through another year.
Sept. 23 a large crowd of friends
and relatives, reaching near the
hundred murk, gutheiod at the
home of Bro. A. S. McGurrity, in
their family reunion, and to eat a
birthday dinner with his compan
They live at the old homestead
and it was a pleasure to see these
children meet with their children
and friends and enjoy the greet
ings of each other.
Around this home was a part of
our tramping grounds when V hoy.
Everything for this occasion had
been put in fine shape. A table
sixty feet long was built under rhe
beautiful shade trees, and at the
proper time the good sisters of t Ik*
home and the many friends h gun
to spread on the tablp the well
prepared variety of good things to
eat for this birthday dinner. Af
ter dinner we repaired to the
house and listened to some good
songs led hv I. P. Rosser, T. J.
Upchurch and brothers.
Then began the offering of
thanks for past blessings and ask
ing that they be extended.
One of the oldest relatives of
this family was present, Uncle Al
len Stuart. He made a very im
pressive talk to these relatives,
especially to the young people.
There was great joy in many of
the hearts of the kindred and
friends. Then the snaking of
hands and the good-byes came
with the hope that this family
i might have another reunion some
lime where mav it be.
J '
Get. Mrs. Jackson and myself
j received a message inviting us to a
1 family reunion and birthday din
| ner with Bro. Willie Tingle at his
! home near Philippi church.
We were there on time. The
j children were all present except
Mrs. Lilia Tingle, who was sick
and could not come. It was a
pleasure to these parents to have
the children come to the old home
arid bring the grand children, who
numbered twenty-six, and they
had a jolly time.
Before we could begin to be im
patient about eating another birth
day dinner, we saw the lengthy
table filled, and there not being
room, had to add to its length to
hold what had been prepared for
this occasion.
It goes without saying there was j
plenty and to spare. In the after
noon wo had some good songs led
by Bro. H. W. Crnmbley. Then
there was pleasure in offering of |
thanks to the Lord for His bless-1
ing upon this family. May tfiev ■.
ha ve a reunion one day where
they shall never be separated from
each other.
The time had come for ns to
leave for our.homo when to add to
our pleasure, the father and moth
er and all the children contributed
of t heir means to us a sufficiency
to buy one hundred pounds of
flour $3 ; sugar $2 ; coftVu $2 ; i)|ce
$1 ; three gallons syrup §1.50; live
pounds cheese $1; and then §1.25
left that I may help others.
A man would be in a had fix to
get all that he can of this world's
goods and keep all that he gets.
Quite a number of my friends
around Sharon church, and especi
ally Mr. Hump Stroud, will under
stand me when I say the old gray
is doing well.
Wlnle we have so munx pleas
ures, let ns do the best we can in
doing the most good we can.
Mr. W T . T, Stanfield, a prominent
citizen of Hampton, paid the
Weekly a pleasant call while in
the ci y Wednesday.
Mr. A. D. Jones left Wednesday
for his home at Woodbury after a
month's stav at the Brown House.
Mr. J. M. Carmichael, one of
the county’s old and highly re
spected citizens, of near Mt. Car
mel, paid t lie Weekly a pleas-i t
call while In the city on one of his
rare visits to the city.
Mrs. Alexander and Miss Cora
Betts, of McDonough, were in the
city yesterday on the way to
Waynesboro to attend the W« -
man's Christian Temperance meet
ing.—Griffin News.
Onr school has opened with 90
pupils in this first month.
Work is well organized, with
Miss Custellow as first assistant,
and a very interesting and profit
able year’s work iff forecasted. We
urge all the patrons to help us
with their full support and patron
age soon as possible.
It is certainly a great drawback
to children to lose the first three
All who have entered school
should be as punctual as possible.
All children who are absent one
day lose two days. They lose the
day after absence by gathering up
their books, finding their lessons,
and regaining attention.
Next Friday week is visitors’
day and we earnestly invite al 1
patrons to be present and bring
dinners and stay all day witn us.
The building committee com
posed of Messrs. Rogers, Hopkins,
Raul, CrJiig and Culpepper, have
put the material on the grounds
for the residence on the school
grounds. They will put up a neat
four room cottage of modern pat
We do not believe that any citi
zen in this community will shirk
his duty and allow our zealous
building committee to suffer any
financial losses from their responsi
ble position.
It is our duty as soliciting com
mittee to stand by them till every
dollar of the obligation is denied
O. W. Johnson.
Advice to*he Aged a
Age brings such as slug
gish boweis, wtik kidneys and blaif
have a specific effect on these organs,
stimulating the bowels, causing them
to perform their natural functions as
in youth and
to the kidnevs, bladder and LIVER.
They are adapted to old c-nd young.
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To the Honorable ri iperior Court of raid.
Co., the petition of Ur. B. E. Horton and
A. G. Harris, both of raid state and coun
ty. n speclfully shows to the Court.
Ist. That they desire for themselves,
their successors and assigns, to become in
corporated under the name and style of
for the purpose of conducting a mercantile
business, particularly Drugs, Medicines,
Fancy and Toilet Articles, and such other
merchandise as may convenient
ly be handled in connection with said
drug business; also mixing and selling
non alcholic drinks, and to act as general
or special agents for other persoxi, or com
panies in selling or handling any article
or class of articles appropriate to such
mercantile and drug business. Petition
ers further pray the right to manufacture
any anil all articles and things necessary
to carry on said business.
2nd, The object Of the proposed cor
poration is pecuniary profit and gain for
its stock holders.
ISrd. the i< nn for which petitioners
asa to lie incorporated is twenty years
with the privilege of renewal at the end
of that time.
4th. the capital stock of the corpora
tion is to be Fifteen hundrul (i&OObO)
dollars. Petitioners, however, ask ihe
privilege of increasing said capital stock
at such time as shall be found desirable to
do so to the sum of four thousandGOCO.OO
sth. The principal office and place of
bus,in< ss of the j imposed corporation will
beat McDonough in said state and county.
(iih. Eighty-seven per cent of said cap
ital slock nan already actually bien paid
Wherefore petitioners pray to be made
a body corporate under the name and
style aforesaid, entithd lo the lights,
pi ivileges and immunities, and subjictto
ihe liabilities fixed by law.
This Ociober ilth, 1907.
B. E. Horton, / ~ ....
A. G. Harris, s Petitioner*.
Filed in office this Oct. ‘I, 1907,
J. A. Fouche, Clerk.
GEORGIA, Henry Couniy.
1, J. A. Fouche, Clerk of Superior court
of said county, d<> certify that the forego
ing is a true copy of a petition for charter
lor “Horton Drug Co.” as is of file in this
Given under my hand and seal of raid
court. This Oct. 9, 1907.
J. A. Fouche, Clerk.
Saw. L.itti and shintre Mills injeelors.
Pumps and Kittlmrs. Wood Saw-. Soli"'** -s.
Sliaits, Pulleys, Betting, Gasoline E. glues.
foiindij, Machins and Boil* Works and Supply Start,