The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 08, 1907, Image 5
GEORGIA, Henry County. By virtue of the authority given us in the last wil. and testament of Wm. N. Nelson, late of said county, deceased, we 'will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, or half cash, the balance Nov. 1, 1908, on the first Tuesday in Nov. 1907, at the courthouse door in said state and county between the legal hours of sale the following real estate, to-wit: All that tract, lot or parcel ot land lying and being in the Seventh land District of Henry County, consisting of 142 1-2 acres, more or less to be sold in the ioilowing parcels: One parcel on east side of public road running south Irom where Fletch Sowell lives containing 40 acres more or less. One parcel on west side of above road containing 20 acres more or less, this piece has a 5 room house on it .One parcel west ol said 20 acres and west of the place Fletch Sowell lives on, containg 40 15-16 acres more or less. One parcel west ot above mentioned land, containing 41 25-32 acres, more or less, the I Last two parcels next above crosses the road that leads from the Macon road at Robert Dukes to the Keys Ferry road at J. P. Rodgers. Also the residence ot the late Wm. N. Nelson, consisting ot one 7 room house and out houses on a lot 139 tt. front 300 ft. deep by 130 tt. wide at back. Also 3 other vacant lots with 112 tt. frontage by no ft. wide at back, and 283 tt. deep. These lots are near depot, school house and churches. This Oct. 16, 1907. W. A. D. NELSON, J. F. M- FIELDS, Executors of Wm. N. NELSON, Deceased. IN LOVING MEMORY. Of Mrs. Martha Stilwell, who left this world of sorrow and trouble for her home on nigh. She was one among the best women I ever knew, so gentle, kind and loving. Her life was an open book known and read of all who knew her. I have known her ever since I was a girl. Her consecra tion was so sweet and pure, noble, and grand as it fell from her lips. I loved her next to my mother. Oh, what a pleasure it was to visit her and look into her pleasant face and hear her sweet voice. It would lift me higher toward that better land. She always had a smile for everybody. She was loved by all who met her and her children rise up and call her blessed. She was a Christian of the highest type, humble, consist ent. The light of her influence shone with steady blaze all along the pathway of her busy life. Down to old age she prized and kept, the precious pearl of great price, and when the call, “Come up higher,” came she was ready, and silently and sweetly as a babe falling asleep she passed to her re ward. The bereaved ones know where to find her again. Her work in the flesh is done, well done. Should her life be written the record would be a stir ring chronicle. Her example lives to teach and inspire others to acts of self denial and heroic effort for the world’s betterment, Her memory is worthy of a monument more durable than brass. Mrs. Mary E. Culpepper. Farm For Rent. Three-horse farm, five ro o m dwelling, out-buildings, tenant houses, good water, convenient to school,. four and half miles from McDonough, near Turner church. For particulars apply to Mrs. Anna Weaver, tf McDonough, Ga. Cotton below 10c this week. EXECUTOR’S SALE. 275 ft. s* c r- 1 t— -2 c i 2 2 ' S’" - £ § S 300 ft. MACON ST. South North. PANAMA CANAL--ERIE CANAL. Machinery is digging the Panama Canal a thousand times uicker than the shove dug the Erie. Machinery produces L. & M. Paint at 50 times less cost for labor, than if made by hand. The L. &M. gives the best job in the world, because L. and M. Zinc hardens L. &M. White Lead and makes L. & M Paint wear like iron for 10 or 15 years. It only requites 4 gallons of this celebra ted paint and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil at 00cts. per gallon, to paint a moderate size house. If any defect exists in L. & M. Paint, will repaint house for nothing. Sold by H. J. Copeland Mercantile Co., McDonough. Hampton Buggy Co., Hampton. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths, There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep ■ tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poison ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost alwhys result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake b_ taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp=Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name,Swamp- Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on even bottle. Ea st Dr. Langston of Luella Moves to McDonough. Dr. N. J. Langston, who for a number of years has been located at Luella, has moved to McDon ough, and will, reside in the new house recently erected by Mr. E. C. Adams on Brown avenue. McDonough welcomes this most estimable family. Dr. Langston is a physician of many years experience and liis coming to McDonough will lend strength and dignity to the already strong and able corps of physici ans and surgeons of the town. Tutt’s Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT’S LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove Take No Substitute, PORATABCC AND STATIONARY and boilers Saw. Lath and Bhine'e Mills. Injectors, Pumps and Fittings. Wood Saws, Splitter*, Shafts, Pulleys. Belting, Gasoline Engine*. LARG \f T ° CK LOMBARD, Foundjy, Machine and Boiler Wotks and Supply State, AUGUSTA, GA. ftesij | Cuts, Sores, Burns & Rheumatism Zs> t I T. J. Brown’s Land M C/D <D <u o I o ro | *-< 1 1 1 lo co N H , . C/D C/3 o y tJ- >-• V. o 0 < < O O N , -t- West. For Leave to Sell. Georgia, Henry County To whom it may concern: ,T. C. Jinks administrator upon the estate of J. C. Jinks, late of said county, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned, Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell one hundred and thirty acres of land, more or less, belonging to the estate of J. C. Jinks, late of said county, for the pur pose of distribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in November 1907. Oct. 7, 1907. G. G. WEEMS Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County. By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary for said county will be sold at public outcry on first Tuesday in Novem ber 1907, as the court house in said county between the usual hours of sale the fol lowing real estate situated in Henry and Rockdale counties, to-wit: 125 acres of land more or less, lots 194 and 195, 11th Dist. Henry county, Ga.; also KM) acres of land more or less, south half of lot No. 103, 11th Dist. Henry county Ga.; also 100 acres of land more or less, east half of lot No. 192, 12th Dist Henry county Ga.; also 1(H) acres of land more or less of land of originally Henry Co. now Rock dale No. 103. east half of said lot; also 100 acres of land more or less west half of lot No. 109, Rockdale Co. Ga.; also 100 acres of land more or less, being east half of lot No. 109, originally Henry now Rockdale county, Ga. Sold as the property of J. W. Cowan, late of said county, deceased, for distribu tion. Terms cash. Oct. 7,1907. E. Cowan, Admnr. For Ileave to Sell. GEORGIA, Henry County:— Emma G. Herndon, administratrix of of the estate of T. M. Herndon, late of stud county, deceased, has in due form ap plied to the undrsigned, Ordinary of said, county for leave to sell the following real estate of said deceased, consisting of a.l 1 lands belonging to the estate <:f said T. M. Herndon, for the payment of debts and distribution. Said application wil lie heard at the reg ular term of the court of Oroinary for said county to lit* held on the first Monday in November 1907. Oct. 7. 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. Kxecutor's Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County. By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of said county will l>e sold at; public outcry on the first Tuesday in No vember 1907, at the courthouse in said county, between the legal hours of sale the following property, situated in the towji of McDonough, Ga,, to-wit. One house and lot in the western part of said town of McDonough, oir Jonesboro St. known as the Calloway lot; lx>utided on north by Jonesboro St., west by lands of Mrs. A. F. Varner, south by lands of W. 1). Nelson and east by lands of H. R. Car michael, containing ons acre, more or less, a good six room dwelling house, one iservants house. Sold as the property of wlrs. Martha Varner, late of said county,, •eceased, for distribution among thw Heirs. Terms cash. Oct. 7, 1907. \ J. C. Daniel, Executor. / South. North. East. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA, Henry County. To the Honorable S iperior Court of said Co., the petition of Dr. B. E. Horton and A. G. Harris, both o f said state and coun ty. n spectfully shows to the Court. | Ist. That they desire for themselves, their successors and assigns, to become in corporated under the name and style of ••HORTON OKI G CO,” for the purpose of conducting a mercartile business, particularly Drugs, Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, and such other articles of merchandise as may convenient ly tie handled in connection with said drug business; also mixing and selling non alcholic drinks, and to act as general or special agents for other person!, or com panies in selling or handling any article |or class of articles appropriate to such mercantile ancl drug business. Petition ers further pray the right to manufacture any and all articles and tilings necessary to carry on said business. 2nd. The object of the proposed cor poration is pecuniary profit ami gain for its stock holders. 3rd. The term for which petitioners ask to he incorporated is twenty years with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 4th. The capital stock of the corpora tion is to he Fifteen hundred (1500 00) dollars. Petitioners, however, ask the privilege of increasing said capital stock at such time as shall be found desirable to do so to the sum of four thousand(4ooo.oo dollars. 6th. The principal office and place of business of the proposed corporation will be at McDonough in said state and county. oth. Eighty-seven per cent of said cap ital stock has already actually been paid in. Wherefore petitioners pray to lie made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges find immunities, and subject to j the liabilities fixed by law. This October 9th, 1907. !'•’ V.' ,rfon ’ ! Petitioners. A. U. Harris, ) Filed in office this Oct. 9, 1907, J. A. Fouche, Clerk. GEORGIA, Henry County. i. J. A. Fouche, Clerk of Superior court of wiid county, do certify that: the forego ing is a true copy of a petition for charter for “Horton Drug Co.“ as is of tile in this office. Given under my hand and seal of said court. This Oct. 9, 1007. J. A. Fouche, Clerk. For I’rolmte of Will. GEORGIA—Henry Couty. John Simpson and Lois Miller having applied, as executors, for probate in soi < inn form, of the last will and testament ( f William G. Miller, of said county. You, Nannie Simmons, William Ed ward Hays, Magnolia Wood, Ash berry lays, and Leinmie Hays, as heirs at law bf said William G. Miller, are hereby re quired to appear at the court of Ordinary lor said county on the first Monday in November next when said application for proljate will be heard. Oct. 7, 1907. G G. Weems. Ordinary.