The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 08, 1907, Image 6
Km&Hs? Quality SHOES FOR MEN I Are just as carefully and thoroughly well made on the inside as they JtM are on the outside. They are made to wear and be comfortable, // □ not merely for show, although they are conceded to be the best look- U B ing shoes worn by well-dressed men. It’s a ...r —t paying shoe investment for any man who [: J is particular about his shoes. | L A shoe that’s built on honor for honest mett \ m ARNOLD SHOE CO. f M North Abington, Mass. j Iju Kin£ Quality Shoes <][\Vhat kind of a rr,an do you suppose wears the shoes pictured above? Can’t you instantly form a pretty correct esti mate of his appearance ? You see at once that he is well and stylishly dressed because his feet are correctly shod. €JThis simply shows the importance of perfect-fitting, well-made, stylish shoes. Well-dressed men realize this fact when they buy King Quality Shoes. T hey know they are getting exactly that extra touch of style and distinction which perfect taste in wearing apparei demands. ARNOLQ SHOE CO., North Abington, Mass. Imam 'mnvsrn -uxraMft.' ?JCT*ri.«k: .-Toaasut ITT—gimnn—T« Sardis Local Adopts Timely Resolution. The Henry County Farmers' Un ion at its October monthly nmet ing adopted a resolution presented "by the Sardis Local Union, viz: Wo resolve that we will not. have our cotton grinned before the Ist day of October in each year to allow it to more fully ripen and improve tho staple and increase the value of the same. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Woods,* (’. C. < ilea ton, J. B. Brown, <'ora. from Co. Union. Ordered published in The Henry •County Weekly, Union Nows, At lanta Constitution. 11. A. Crumbley, Pres. ,T. H. Rape, See. fit TO PA I | AMMO! INfPMPMT \s *0 MX •* A *—* I— o x~k 1 nUvJ IN \*S I—*i i 11—’/1 \j I 3 W-e have the most complete stock of Fali and Winter Goods to be found in this market This stock consists of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing, Shirts and Ties. Also a complete line of Groceries Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Stoves and Lamps. • Dr? CSS GOODS. Broadcloths SI.OO yard Brilliantino 50c* yard Percales 12%c yard Standard Prints 7c yard Ginghams 12/i° yard When you are in need of any thing in our line call and see us and we will make vou prices that will Interest you, so pieces of outing at He. Single Ita rre I Shot Onn* $4.00. International Stock Food V!sc, oOc. $1 SIXTH DISTRICT SCHOOL OF AG RI3ULTURE AND DOMESTIC ECONEMY Barnesvslle, Ga. Will open its doors to students on .bin Bth, 1008. Parents who wish to give their boys and girls a practical as well as a literary edu cation will do well to investigate the merits of this school. Our first, aim is to make strong, manly, suc cessful men and women—physical ly. mentally, morally. For cata logues and other information apply to Thos. G. Scott, Barnesville, Ga. For choice CUT FLOWERS of all Kinds for Receptions, Weddings Funerals, etc., telephone, tele graph, or write, Idle-Hour Nurseries, Macon, Ga CLOTHING. Men's Suits $5.00 t 0515.00 Roys’ Suits $2 00 to $S On Men s Pants $ 1.00 to $5.00 Boys' Pants 5Cc. to $2.00 k, Mg lK®Sr HtLDMAN MAK E. Vi'lji ifvlbljj ?Tpi ’lff ° W* P'-W'jty u:4 i* >•••’ V>? V? v a a: i WVa 1% 11, T l, ft,— 5 tvfl .“■*l lit . tVi 0 ÜbKwiV ■ j I'*- ,s*t n V«’ywmi kk \A/* ’■•** ‘—a a D 1 1 K*" rr ATT'"** * r™ *' ' : ; if,. -14 vVI IH A . .j— t— O • * * T, L,i s*«•#* ?T-'iK ;i say, These are the shoes that have made the SHOE DEPT. of T.A.Sioan&Co. NO BETTER SHOES For the price. ' s T. A. Sloan CROSS ROADS* Mrs. W. T. Greer spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Willie Carr. Mrs. .T. H. Carr and daughter, Miss Myrtice, visited relatives in Atlanta a few days last week. Mrs. ,T. E. Sprayberry went to I Griffin shopping Monday. Jesse Greer visited Walker Chap poll Sunday evening. Messrs. George Moore and Lem. Greer went to Atlanta Friday night. Miss Jettie Leo Greer spent Sun. day evening with Miss Myrtice Carr. Mr. Fleni Dupree went to Grif fin Saturday. Miss Lucy Moore visited home folks Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Helen Carr is expecting to go to Atlanta soon. NOTIONS. Shirts 50c to $1 00 Ties 25c to 50c Half Hose 10c to 50c Suspenders 15c to 75c Gloves 25c to 75c ! Quality SHOES FOR. MEN I B°*e^j B °* e^ j r * ,^ t ‘ nal^ *• ARNOLD SHOE COMPANY, North Abington, Mass. IKI n<4 Oii * 1 I ®HOSS PCML MTEiM I HlfU From Every Point ef View 1 Mm, 4JOUSO a m Favorite I f..l j , -,» Examine as critically as you will the iMWiWmll SING QUALITY SHOE 9 ' ’* (J for Men. Look at it from all sites and you v:ll decide that it is unequalled as an ail ’round, well made, stylish, per- It fits from the first time it is put on; it wears better Sj D^ tau?e better ar.d l ecauie it fl ~™ E " h t " r SHOES " I Messrs. J. H. Carr, W. T. Greer and J. E. Sprayberry were out rid ing Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Chasteen vis ited the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs M. Harrison, Saturday night 1 and Sunday. . —Lizzard* & LA ND FOR SALE. By agreement ol the heirs, will be said be f ore th e court house door in McDonough, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing property, to-wit: Fiftv acres of land, known as . the old Henry Norman place, at Philadelphia church, Tussahaw district, Henry conn tv. M. a! NORMAN, Agt. “Victor” is the host—the best is the “Victor.” Get one now. Cash or easy pavment. John R. Smith, 2t. McDonough, Ga. GROCERIES. Cook Stoves $7.00 to sls 00 Clocks SI.OO to $2.50 Lamps 25c to $1.75 Dove Brand Hams, Spices and Teas, Coffee and Sugar, Rice and Grits. Farm rcr Oa-ie. Thirty acres of good farming or fruit land—will make from one half bale to one thousand pounds of lint cotton per acre—located in fine, healthy section of country with good water. Just outside in corporate limits of Locust Grove, one of the best school centers in Georgia. Thirty miles south of Atlanta. Located here is branch of Mercer University, also fine public school, together with best church advantages. Southern R. R. forms eastern boundary of land and add to a very beautiful build ing site on this side of farm—im provements one tenant house. For further information, call on or ad dress. G. L. Williams, t) 10 Candler Building, Atlanta, Ga. Just received a big shipment of j Mitchell wagons. Best wagon made. McDonough Buggy Co. SHOES. Men’s Shoes $1.50 to $5.00 Ladies’ Shoes $1.25 to $3.50 Boys’ Shoes $1.25 to $2.50 Children’s Shoes soc. up Yours for Business, WO i ipipnapj art i Yor-oWflicl COMPANY.