The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 08, 1907, Image 7

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Leading Uudertaker.
Jk A .A, A A
A rfe-v
/a - r
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
, Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night
Phone 30.
McDonough, ga.
Z) r * 72- 'B- ompson,
McDonough, Georgia.
OFFICE HOURS: 7.30 a. m. to 5 p. m.,
Every Day Except Mondays.
Office over Star Store.
G. E. Weems,
Physician and Surgeon,
McDonough, oa.
Office in the Thrasher Building.
Delightful weather.
Big crowd here Tuesday.
Mr. C. D. Beerland, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. T.
A. Lifsey on last Sunday.
It runs the lightest and the long
est—The Mitchell Wagon. See us
if you need a wagon.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Mr. Butler Hanson, of Atlanta,
will spend the week end with his
cousin, Miss Willie Pre^on.
The best line Boys’ Clothing in
town—Suits from $2.50 to SO.OO.
Edd Goodwin,
See me for lumber and shingles.
R. C. Brown,
Locust Grove, Ga.
Miss Willie Preston - is going to
Griffin the latter part of the week
where she \yili be the guest of
friends a few days.
For Sale—good two-story resi
dence, well situated close in for
business. D. D. Elliott at once.
Mr. James T. Bankston has re
turned from an extended trip
through South Georgia where he
visited a number of points.
“The Mitchell” means merit in
first class wagon building. We
sell them.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Rev. J. A. Simpson left Tuesday
for Macon, where he goes to at
tend the meeting of the Georgia
Synod. He will return home to
“Victor” talking machines, cash
or easypayments,as yon like-let the
family have one NOW, you will
enjoy it. All prices, $lO. to SIOO.
The best talking machine in the
world. For sale by Jno. R. Smith,
McDonough, Ga. 2t
Miss Jessie Hardeman, the pop
ular milliner of the T. A. Sloan
Co., spent Sunday with her parents
at Decatur.
WANTED—To buy a good milch
cow. J. C. Harris.
It McDonough, Ga.
Prof. Otis Tolleson and Miss
Elon Tolleson, came np from Locust
Grove and spent Sunday and
Monday with homefolks. »
The best every-day Shoe made —
“Stronger-tlian-the-Law” s3.o0 —
Guaranteed to wear 12 months.
Edd Goodwin.
Mrs. G. C. Stallings, the popular
teacher of the department or ora-*
tory and expression, and her
bright little daughter, Susie, spent
from Friday until Monday at their
home at Americas.
WANTED MEN—Who can give
good referepoes, to travel for the
Luther Publishing Co. ,Commis
sion will pay from $75.00 to $1.25
per month and expenses. W rite
B. D. Kelley, Cfo. Luther Pub. Co.
12 Trinity Ave. Atlanta, Ga.
Good mules for sale. B.
C. Ward, Stockridge, Ga.
Air. P. M. Carmichael and his
bride, of Monticello, Fla., will ar
rive Saturday to be the guests of
his home people for a day or two
as they are en route to Washing-,
ton and other northern points on a
bridal tour. They were married
on Wednesday at the bride’s home
near Monticello. Mr. Carmichael
is an old McDonough boy who has
been in the Land of Flowers for
several years, where he has been
very successful. Thfe Weekly ex
tends heartiest congratulations.
The best istlie cheapest. Get a
Mitchell wagon and you’ll get your
money's worth,
McDonough Buggy Co.
If you want the best bargain that
was ever offered you in a nice six
room house that is new and on a
large lot and is now paying ten per
cent on the money in one of Geor
gia's best towns. Write to or call on
Locust Grove, Ga.
Of Mrs. Mary Ann Ranis, who
left this world of sorro w and
trouble for her home on high. She
was one among the best women I
ever knew, so gentle, kind and
loving. Her life was an open book
known and read of all who knew
her. I have known her all my life,
as my Grandma. Her consecra
tion was so sweet and pure, noble
and grand as it fell from her lips,
I loved her next to my mother.
Oh, what a pleasure it was to visit
her home and look into her pleas
ant face and hear her sweet voice.
It would lift me higher toward
that better land. She always had
a smile for everybody. She was
loved by all who met her and her
children rise up and call her
blessed. She was a Christian of
the highest type, humble, consist
ent. The light of her influence
shone with steady blaze all along
the pathway of her busy life.
Down to old age she prized and
kept the precious pearl of great
price and when the call, “come np
higher,” come she wasyready, and
silently and sweetly as a babe fal
ling asleep she passed to her re
The bereaved ones know where
to find her again. Her work in the
flesh is done, well done. Should
her life he written the record
would be a stirring Chronicle.
Her example lives to teach and
inspire others to acts of self denial
and heroic effort for the world’s
betterment. Her memory is wor
thy of a monument more durable
than brass.
Jessie Rauls.
The representative of the Atlan
ta Journal subscription depart
ment was in the city Monday.
This is a great paper and all its
traveling representatives report a
steady increase every time they
go to a place. “The Journal cov
ers Georgia like the dew.” It's a
great and growing paper.
I will he away from my office
every Friday from Oct. 15th to
April Ist to assist in the teaching
of the Southern Dental College.
T. A. Lifsey.
I can save you money by coming
in and looking at my goods. The
great sale of Shoes goes on —school
boys' Shoes, Overcoats, etc. still
contin nes.
Hats, Clothing, Ladies’ Skirts,
Cloaks, Jackets, and a great line !
of underwear, overalls, etc.
C. Engber. |
Good mules for sale. B.
lIC. Ward, Stockridge, Ga.
Election Notice.
An election for one Trustee for
each school district in Henry coun
ty is hereby called on Nov. 19th
1907. Patrons will take clue no
tice and hold said election on the
(lav named. Election returns to
be forwarded to County School
By order County Board.
#* •
Lawrence Duffey, T. J. Brown,
C. S. Com. Chairman.
2t Nov. 2-07
We will glad
ly accept At
lanta Clearing
House Certi
ficates in pay -
ment of all ob
ligations due
us by note or
account and
chases made
at our place of
Canned Corn,
Hominy, Toma=
toes, Salmon,
Pickles, Pepper
Sauce, Salad
Dressing, Extra
Doubled Refin=
ed Cotton Seed
Oil, Best Fresh
Square and snow
Flake Crackers.
Boston Beans,
Irish and Sweet
Onions and
Fresh Cheese.
Pure Leaf Lard, Also Flake
White and Plantene.
Watch out for our new
Syrup soon to arrive.
Expect select Fresh
Oysters Saturday
See us, Cali us, Talk to us,
Let your Order Come to us
Quick service,
H.l. Copeland
Mercantile Co.
# #
’Phone 25-
Pay yon interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fnnd of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
It. G. FOKTSON, Cashier.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. T. F. Gunter, administratrix upon
the estate of A. C. Gunter, late of said
county, deceased, has in dne form applied
to the undersigned, Ordinary of said coun
ty, for leave to sell:
Ten shares of Benk stock in the Bank of
Henry County, and twenty shares of Cor
poration stock in D. J. Green Co., belong
ing to the estate of A- C. Gunter, late of
said county for distribution. Said applica
tion will lie heard at the regular term of
the court of Ordinary for said county to
be held on the first Monday in December
1907. This November 4th 11507.
G. G. WEEMS Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
A. C. Blalock having in proper form
applied to me for permanent letters of ad
ministration on estate of Mrs, Sallie S.
Braunan, late of said county, this is to
cite all and singular the creditors a”d
next of kin of Sallie S. Branan to lie and
appear at my office within the time al
lowed by law and show cause, if any they
can, why permanent administration
should not be granted to A. C. Blalock on
estate of“ Sallie S. Brannan. Witness my
hand and official signature. This 4th day
of November 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Twelve Months Support
GEORGIA, Henry County:
Mrs. Myrtie Mitchell having made ap
plication for twelve months’ support out
of the estate of A. P. Mitchell and ap
praisers duly appointed to set apart the
same having tiled their return, all per
sons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the court of Ordinary
of said county on the first Monday in De
cember 1907, why said application should
not he granted. This Nov. 4th, 1907.
G G. Wet ms. Ordinary.
Adnifnist rator’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County:— <
By virtue of an order of the court of Or
dinary of said county, will be sold at pub
lic outcry on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber 1907, at the court house in said county
between the legal hours of sale, the fol
lowing real estate situated in Henry coun
ty. Ga. to wit: Fifty acres of land, more
or less, in the 7th land district of Henry
county, Ga. number not known, hounded
on the north by lands of J, B. Lowe, on
the west by lands of A. N. Brown, on the
south by lands now owned or formerly
owned by J. T. Copeland, and on the east
by the public road leading from McDon
ough to Locust Grove Ga. Also at the
same time and place will be sold by virtue
of the same authority, Two acres of lanj
more or less, in said 7th land district,
bounded on the east by Robert Sowell,
and on the north, south, and west by
lands of Oliver, Celia and Susan Tomlin
son. Terms cash. This Nov. 6th, 1907.
Emma G. Herndon, Admnx
of Thomas M. Herndon-
Per J. F. Wall.
Arthur Duke spent Saturday in
M. A. Norman has recently had
his residence painted.
“Pum” Shaw is a regular visitor
to Bethany. Particulars later.
Union Graded School opened
with a good attendance.
Clarence Craig, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday with homefolks.
J. M. Hays has invested in a
new rubber tire bugg3 r .
W. H. Stewart and lady, of Mc-
Donough, visited relatives near
Bethany Sunday.
” Mr. Lewis Spinks will move his
family to South Georgia this week
where he will reside next year.
Mrs A. V. Rosser and son, Bert,
spent Sunday with relatives near
Jack~Price has rented a farm up
near Whitehonse where he will re
side next year.
Thanksgiving services at Betha
ny on the 28th is being mentioned,
an announcement will be made
later in regard to it.
Rev. E. S. Atkinson has declined
the call of Bethany church as pas
tor for the ensuing year. He has
served as pastor for the past two
years, and it is with sadness and
regret that the church gives him
up, but the churches at McDon
ough and Hampton having extend
ed him urgent calls to the pastor
ate. he was forced to decline the
call at Bethany.
Sheriff Sales.
Will he sold before the court house door
in theipwn of McDonough, Henry coun
ty, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in December, 1907, the
following described property to wit: one
(t) acre of land situated in the town of
Flippen, said county, part of lot No. 60,
and in possession of li. W. Exum, being
levied upon as the property of the South
ern Railway company, to satisfy a fi fa. in
favor of Exum & Alexande/ against the
said Southern Railway Co. Levy made
by 11. a. Rowan, L. C., and turned over
to me, this Nov. 4th, 1907.
A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.
Will he sold before the court house door
in the town of McDonough, Henry coun
ty, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on
tlie first Tuesday in December, 1907, the
following described property to wit: one
(l)acre of land situated in the town of
Flippen, said county, part of lot No. 66,
and in possession of R. W. Exum, being
levied upon as the property of the South
ern Railway company, to satisfy a 11 fa. in
favor of .1. M. Foster, against the said
Southern Railway Co. Levy made by 11.
A. Rowan, L. C., and turned over tome,
this Nov. 4th, 1907.
A, C. Sowell, Sheriff.
Also will he sold before the courthouse
door in the town of McDonough, Henry
county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale
on the first Tuesday in December, 1907,
the following property to wit:
One-fourth interest in one acre of land,
being part of lot No. 146 in the 7th district
of said county, the same that was convey*
ed by W. E. Crowel! to W. C. Welch, W.
P. Norman, et al. trustees of Pine Grove
Academy, by deed of Dec. 14, 1876, and re
corded in Book 2of Deeds, page 623, and
described as commencing at a gulley on
line road between said W. E. Crowell and
W. P., and running along said
road due north to the line between W. E.
Crowell and W. G. Miller, thence due
west along said line until it ruds a dis
tance sufficient to make one acre, thence
south to said gulley, thence east to begin
ning corner, said property being in pos
session of A. C. Norman, and being levied
on as the property of T. J. Crowell, de
fendant in fi fa, in favor of J. R. Carmi
chael vs. said Crowell. Property pointed
out by plaintiff in ii fa, or his attorney.
Written notice given as required by law.
This Nov. 6, 1907.
u A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary granted on the 4th day of No
vember 1907, of said county, will he sold
at public outcry on the first Tuesday in
December, 1907, at the court house in said
county, between the usual hours of sale,
the following real estate situated in Hen
ry county, to wit: One hundred and thir
ty acres of land more or less, divided as
follows: Eighty acres, more or less, being
part of land lot No. 190. 2nd district, said
county; and 60 acres, more or less, being
the remaining part of said one hundred
and thirty acres described above, the
whole bounded as follows: on ( north by
lands of Dora Bostwick, south by lands
of WalterCleaveland, east by lands of H.
E. Glass, and west by lands of A. I). Tin
gle. Hold as the land of J. C. Jinks, late
of said county, deceased, for distribution.
Terms cash. Nov. 4th 1907.
J. C. Jinks, Administrator.
Public Hoad Notice.
Ordinary’s Office, Henry County, Ga.,
Nov. 4, 1907.
Sealed bids will be received at the Or
dinary’s office of said county up to Dec. 2,
1907, —12 o’clock, noon, for the operating
of two public road machines in Henry
county for the year 1908.(Six horse capac
ity.) County to furnish machines, keep
up ail repairs, greases, etc. Contractor
to furnish all the stock. Each mule not
to weigh less than 1200 pounds. Contrac
tor to furnish not less than two able bod
ied and experienced men to operate ma
chines and sufficient number of hands of
physical strength to do all other work re
qum d in clearing the road of rocks, grubs
and leveling down the roads where
tbyown up in piles.
Bids will be received so much per day
at 10 hours each. Work will commence
as early in March 1908 as the weather will
admit. Work will lie done under the di
rection of the Ordinary or any assistant
he may appoint. Monthly payments will
be made to contractor. Right reserved
to reject any and all bids. Bond and se
curity will be required in sum of Two
Thousand Dollars for the faithful per
formance of duty.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
jJdtf“For Job work come to us.