Newspaper Page Text
Tiie Henry County Weekly
A social event of much brilliance
this week was the wedding of Miss
Bertha Lily Dieksoi\ to Mr. James
E. Hooten, which took place Thurs
day evening at the Baptist church.
The church with its effective • dec
orations of green garlands and
pink chrysanthemums, its assemb
lage or stylishly gowned women
and well groomed men, was a
scene of rare beauty.
The bridal couple stood beneath
an umbrella of pink chrvsanthe
mums and wedding bells which,
by their soft, delicate colorings
and soft peals, seemed to forecast
the roseate future of the happy
Miss Annie Nolan presided at the
organ and rendered several selec
tions before the arrival of the brid
al party.
Promptly at 8 : 30 the strains of
Mendelsohn’s wedding marc h
sounded and the ushers, Messrs.
Ralph Turner, Claude Boles ol
Jackson, Marvin Turner and Roy
Turner entered.
They were followed by little
Misses Nena Turner. Allie B. Car
michael, and Hattie Sue Low,
dressed in fluffy pink frocks, bear
ing green garlands with wedding
The two little flower girls, Misses
Ruth Dickson, and Annie O'a
Sloan, in lace-trimmed dresses of
white silk, preceded the bride,
who entered on the arm of her
She was especially pretty in a
traveling gown of brown cloth,
The stylish coat having a vest of
green. With this was worn an
exquisite hat of brown, trimmed
with green wings, and she carried
tin armful of pink chrysanthe
The groom entered from the
right aisle, with his brother, Mr.
Milner Hooten of Newnan, who
acted as best man, and joined the
bridal party at the chancel.
During the ceremony, which
was impressively performed by
. Rev. E. S. Atkinson, the minor
strains of music, the n seate glow
from the pink shaded lights, made
the scene one of fairy land.
To the joyous strains of Lohen
grin the bridal party left the
Immediately after the ceremony
Mr. and -Mrs. Hooten left for a
short trip north. On their return
they will he at home to tlicit
friends at the residence of Me,
and Mrs. Errott Adams.
Both of these young people are
favorites among their hosts of
Mrs. Hooten, as Miss Bertha
Dickson, was a social favorite m f
only in McDonough but through
out this seel ion. The bride is
possessed of great personal beauty
and rich mental culture and lias
that rare, sweet charm of manner
that graces the most, admirable
type of lovely young womanhood
' * Mr. Hooten, who has resided
In re for several years, is a worthy
scon of an excellent lineage whose
st rling character and attractive,
at able personality has won the
confidence and esteem of all nvho
know him. •
Among the out-o -town guests
were: Miss AnnL B'ndivan, of
Concord ; Misses Lillian and Theo
Tutwiler, Miss Myrtice Foster,
Miss Sarah Hooten, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Hooten, an l Mr. Lee Dick
son, of Atlanta ; Mrs. F. L. Sulli
van, of Locust Prove ; Mr. and
Mrs. Milner Hooten, of Newnan,
and Miss Mamie Mitchell, of
Barm sville.
Mr. Pariiitm, use poj ular trim
mer at the McDonough Buf gy Co.,
spei t Sunday and Monday at his
old home at Bairn sville.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday November i 5, i Q o 7 .
Young Lady Falls from
Window, Sustaining
Painful Injuries.
MissElon Coan, one of the bright
and popular young ladies of the
town, happened to a very painful
and rather peculiar accident on
Wednesday shortly after the noon
hour, at the-home of her uncle, Mr
A N. Brown.
Miss Coan was in the kitchen ar
ranging and cleaning up things af
ter dinner was over, and went to a
window to throw a pan of water
out, and as she bent forward in the
open window her fe’et slipped on
the floor and she was thrown eight
feet to the ground, falling on her
face, badly cutting the right side
of her face and the scalp, making
an ugly and painful wound.
Immediately Drs. Smith and
Weems were called m and dressed
the wounds and while they are very
painful there is nothing necessarily
seiious about the injuries Miss Co
an sustained in this-accidental fall.
U. D, C,
Charles T. Z&chry chapter Unit
ed Daughters of the Confederacy
will meet in regular session, at the
residence of Mrs. Julius Weems,
the president, on Thursday after
noon, the 21st at 2 o'clock.'
It is the earnest desire of the
president that all the members be
present, also those who have ex
pressed a desire of uniting with
the chapter.
Comfortable prices, not too too high for the average man nor the average pocket book,
high enough to get as fine garments as many men want.
Fecheimer-Fishe! Company.
! V SVSen’s Suits $3.00 to $25.09
Seinsheimer & Company. / t - T
1, \ Youth’s Suits 6.09 to 18.00
Dutchess Trousers. [j! l l
I i Boys'Suits 1.50 to 8.00
Gorilla Rents. . |py| : ' ‘
it" Hip •
g| || k
if y §
vDSI" " ■ W FORM on: V - ,/ ff
M The rZCDD_....LA GBHZLCO. V V-l i ;y
5 i- - v ••» i
m . ; avm csrjn j~v vs.% • \ #4l
i:3. > ■’ T I". ‘A i Cl \~3 ij 1 - f .'x/ '
i 1 ; * I r - ,r - •" f '*\ ' f#;
8 - ■- / T*, • • ~. . \ a i w.
|f|H Their service equals their
/ \ i w stylish c that’s why |j, j
FORM TWENTY-TWO | a-: guaranteed like this: T*,# | FORM ITy . NIN _
thehmK&’Shelco. IMM 10c. 1 button; $1 a rip. N&jkl tv oxiulP:
I '*s!sss You have r.~ risk in buying Dutchess Trousers. j; H6* ? fOSf.' , - 'vo
ii‘ , "' , L:aij r> | s H We take all the risk under the famous warranty, j| •■o-' v;•? 7 '"%>
Call and see our line before you buy and be satisfied for yourself, [and remember we
are leaders in the following lines :
McDonough Public
School Auditorium
Nov. 27, 7.30 P. M.
At the School Auditorium Wed
nesday evening Nov. 27, beginning
promptly at 7:30 o'clock a short
recital will be given by the depart
ments of Music and Expression •
after which will be given a humor
( ous lecture by Professor Charles
The teachers, the pupils, and
, Professor Lane expect to make
| this otic of flic most delightfully
j entertaining events that the Mc-
Donough people have had an
opportunity of enjoying in a long
i while.
Sam Jmis says of Mr. Lane,
“Fie is undoubtedly the finest
humorist ip the South.”
Gen. .lolin B. Gordon says, “Pro
fessor Clias. Lane is one of the
most entertaining lecturers on the
American platform. His lectures
abound, in the finest thought,
sharpest, wit, convulsing humor
and touching pathos.”
Very respectfully,
W. D. Greene, Superintendent.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Carmichael
decided not to continue their brid
al trip on to Washington and the
East, hut staved over here until
Wednesday. The former returned
to his home at Montie.ello, Fla., on
Friday. Mr s. Cm michaal will
remain over for a week longer.
Merchants to All Close
On Thanksgiving Day.
Me, the undersign merchants, hereby
agree to close our stores on Thursday,
Thanksgiving, November2B, 1907.
•T. L. Atkinson & Son.
T. A. Sloan & Co.
Horton Drug Co,
Wu-lker Turner Co.
'1 he McDonough Drug Co.
J. D. J effaces.
1). P. Cook «fc Co.
O, Kngbor.
D ; B. Carmichael & Sons.
Welch-Dunt Supply Co.
W. B. .1. Ingram Co.
H. L. Carmichael Furniture Co.
T. .1. Patterson.
First National Bank.
F.<l Goodwin.
Sowell Ktissell Co.
'Hie Bank of Henry County.
D. J. Copeland Mercantile Co.
J. D. Varner.
Farm For Sale.
I will si'll at auction to the high
est bidder for cash at the court
house in McDonough, on the first
Tuesday in December 11)07, my
liome place, if not sold privately
before. Contains 60 acres; about
32 in cultivation; 6 in original
woods; 5 in pine; remainder in
pasture ; 4-room dwelling and plen
ty of outbuildings Situated font
miles east of McDonough, joining
Union Graded School, with one of
the host schools in Henry county.
Object of soiling, going into other
D. T. Mayo.
Tothj Methodist
of McDonough.
The last service at the Methodist
clinroh for this conference year,
will he held next Sunday evening
at 7 o'clock. After preaching a
conference will he held in which
the stewards will make their final
report for the year.
The pastoiy will also give account
of tiie work committed to him. I
will be glad to have a full attend*
anee of our members and all oth
ers that may desire to worship
with us.
J. E. England, Pastor.
Westerners Pleased
With Visit to Georgia.
Former State Senator Kemmel,
of Findlay, 0., capitalist and an
thor of t lie first, medical bill in
, Ohio, surgeon of the Big Four rail
road, Director I. S. Townsend, of
Detroit, Mich., capitalist and for
mer lecturer in the medical college
of Cincinnatti, Ohio, have been
spending a few days in Atlanta
mul McDonough, with H. C. Bridg
es, and speak in the highest praise
of the country and the people
Atlanta Constitution.
Good mules for sale. B.
G. Ward, Stockridge, Ga.