The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 15, 1907, Image 4
32% Increase in'sales last month Over the same month last year is the stamp of approval set upon our business methods as well as the the high Quality of our mer chandise and the low price. It has always been our ambition to give Our Customers better goods for the same money than anyother firm and our steady growth shows that we have succeeded. Our sales last month were the largest we have ever had but don’t imagine that our stock is run down, for every day adds something new to it. 69% Gain In Millinery Over the same season last year tells the tale in this department. This shows Very Conclusively that the buying public appreciate the Style, Quality and price of our headgear. We guarantee the price of every article we sell. If anyone will sell you the same thing cheaper, all we ask, is return it and get your money. T. A. SLOAN <S6 CO., M’DONOUGH, GA. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. j. A. FOUCHK, Publisher. 11. li. JOHNSON I'll it or. Entered at the postofflc* at McDoa •u(h, aa second-class mall inattar. Advertising Ratea: fI.OO per l*ch p*r month. Reduction on standing (MBtracta by special agreement. —ea 1.. 1 ' - McDonough, Ga , Nov. 15, 190<. The board of connty commis sioners of Pike were served with an injunction Tuesday morning re straining them from appropriating $5,000 to the Sixth district agricul tural school located at Barnesville. The injunction was sued out by S. S Barrett et al. A ilnal hearing is set to he had in McDonough be fore Judge Reagan on Monday, Nov. 18th, at which time it will he determined whether tin* order against the payment shall be per manent or not".—Gritlin News. OUR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. We have the most complete stock of Fall and Winter Goods to be found in this market This stock consists of Drv Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing, Shirts and Ties. Also a complete line of Groceries Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Stoves and Lamps. DRESS GOODS. Broadcloths sl-00 yard Brilliantine 50c yard Percales 12%c yard Standard Prints ' 7c yard Ginghams 12%c yard When you are in need of any thing in our line call and see us and we will make you prices that will interest you. 20 pieces Of outing at He. Single Barrel Shot t.nns $4.00. International Stock Foot! 25c,80c. $1 On next Wednesday, Nov. 19tli, there will occur in the thirty school districts, of Henry county, an election for one trustee for each one of the school districts, where either a new trustee will ho elect ed or the present man will he re elected. There is much interest manifested now in everything per taining to educational work in this county and it is expected that there will bo a good vote polled in all the district to fill the vacancies now soon to occur by reason of the expiration of the commissions of one trustee in each district. In another column will he found the official call for this election by the county school commissioner. I Do Draying. I can do your draying—call on me when you need any done. Phone 173. T. A. WOODRUFF. McDonough, Ga. 2t CLOTHING. Men’s Suits $5.00 to $15.00 Boys’ Suits $2.00 to SB.OO Men’s Pants SI.OO to $5.00 Boys’ Pants 50c. to $2.00 £ L BOX PARTY AND V.USICALE. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bridges, of McDonough, entertained at a box party Friday evening in honor of their daughter, Miss Corrie Loret ta Bridges, and her guests, Miss Erwena Wellhouse, Dr. I. S. Towensend, of Detroit, and Dr. J. A. Kimmel, of Findley, Ohio. Dr. Townsend is a well-known writer and composer and, as the other guests were also musicians, quite an enjoyable evening was passed after the play in in the par lors of the Piedmont. —Atlanta Georgia. l-’or Twelve Months Support GEORGIA, Henry County: Mrs. Myrtie Mitchell having made ap plication for twelve months’ support out of the estate of A. P. Mitchell and ap praisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all per sons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in De cember 19U7, why said application should not be granted. This Nov. 4th, 1907. G G. Weems. Ordinary. MOTIONS. Shirts 50c to SI.OO Ties 25c to 50c Half Hose 10c to 50c Suspenders 15c to 75c Gloves 25c to 75c W HELDM AN MA KEL ''is* The Wear ■ jCWiTH A PILE OF STYLE Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County:— By virtue of an order of the court of Or dinary of said county, will be sold at pub lic outcry on the first Tuesday in Decem ber 1907, at the court house in said county between the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing real estate situated in Henry coun ty. Ga. to wit: Fifty acres of land, more or less, in the 7th land district of Henry county, Ga. number not known, bounded on the north by lands of J. B. Lowe, on the west by lands of A. N. Brown, on the south by lands now owned or formerly owned by J. T. Copeland, and on the east by the public road leading from McDon ough to Locust Grove Ga. Also at the same time and place will be sold by virtue of the same authority, Two acres of land more or less, in said 7th land district, bounded on the east by Robert Sowell, and on the north, south, and west by lands of Oliver, Celia and Susan Tomlin son. Terms cash. This Nov. 6th, 1907. Emma G. Herndon, Admnx of Thomas M. Herndon Per J. F. Wall. Good time to get job printing. GROCERIES. Cook Stoves sr.oo to $15.00 Clocks SI.OO to $2.50 Lamps 25c to $1. 1 5 Dove Brand Hams, Spices and Teas, Coffee and Sugar, Rice and Grits. SIXTH DISTRICT SCHOOL OF AG RICULTURE AND DOMESTIC ECONEMY Barnesville, Ca. Will open its doors to stulents on Jan Bth, 1908. Parents who wish to give their hoys and girls a j practical as well as a literary edu cation will do well to investigate the merits of thisschogl. Our first aim is to make strong, manly, suc cessful men and women—physical ly, mentally, morally. For cata logues and other information apply to Tlios. G. Scott, Barnesville, Ga- For choice CUT FLOWERS of all kinds for Receptions, Weddings Funerals, etc., telephone, tele graph, or write, Idle-Hour Nurseries, Macon, Ga SHOES. Men's Shoes $1.50 to $5 00 Ladies’ Shoes $1.25 to $3.50 Boys’ Shoes $1.25 to $2.50 Children’s Shoes soc. up Yours for Business, W. B. J. INGRAM COMPANY.