The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 15, 1907, Image 5
HOWARD CARMICHAEL Leading Undertaker. • i„ v - **S'. tfe Complete liue of Caskets all styles and prices. Careful and polite attention given all funerals entrusted to me. Embalming done according to latest and most improved methods. * Newest and most up to date equipment. Call answered promptly day and night. Phone 30. McDonough, ga. jO r * 13- tfiho mpson, DENTIST McDonough, ghokgia. OFFICE HOURS: 7.30 a. m. to 5 p. m., Ewtv Day Except Mondays. Office over Slay Store. G. E. Weems, Physician and Surgeon, McDONOUUII, UA. Office ix the Thrasher Buildixg. locals. Just received 5,000 Souvenir Post cards, at Horton Drug Co. 2t Miss Eva Harris spent the week end in Griffin. Christmas and New Year cards, just received at Horton Drug Co.2t Mr. George Branan, of Flippen, was in the city last week. Col. Frank Reagan mingled with his many friends in Locust Grove last week. Just received a big shipment of Mitchell wagons. Best wagon made. McDonough Buggy Co. Dr. R. L. Tye, of New York, has been the guest of his mother, Mrs. M. A. Tye, the past week. Miss Minnie Lou Upchurch, of Locust Grove, spent last Saturday here with her sister, Mrs. Carrie Mayo. It runs the lightest and the long est—The Mitchell Wagon. See us if you need a wagon. McDonough Buggy Co. Messrs. R. L. Johnson and L. S. Tigner spent Sunday with home folks at Jonesboro. Tho host line Boys’ Clothing in town—Suits from $2.50 to $6.00. Edd Goodwin, |§Mr. Robt. Hood and Miss Erme na Wellhouse, of Atlanta came down to the concert given by Prof. Mayer on last Thursday evening. See me for lumber and shingles. R. C. Brown, Locust Grove, Ga. If you want to see something pretty just look at the show win dows of The McDonough Drug Co. They are the svvellest ever, It Miss Lucy Reagan, who is a student at Agnes Scott at Decatur, spent the week-end with home folks here. - “The Mitchell” means merit in first class wagon building. We sell them. McDonough Buggy Co. Get your Christmas presents now and avoid the rush. You get the choice articles by baying early. The McDonoogli Drug Co., has an unexcelled line. Miss Willie Preston returned to her home at McDonough Sunday night after a pleasant visit to Miss Lucile Drewry in this city.—Grif fin News. Miss Well house, a very beautiful and attractive young woman of Atlanta, has been the much admired guest of Miss Corrie Bridges the past week. FOUND —Pair of glasses on the streets of McDonough on Tuesday afternoon. Owner can get same by calling at this office and pay ing for this advertisement. Mr. Robt. Tomlinson, of Macon, was the guest of friend and rela tives in McDonough first of week. He was in an nnusnal bright frame of mind and soon The learned the reason—a bouncing boy ut his home. Good mules for sale. B. C. Ward, Stockridge, Ga. Col. and Mrs. E. M. Smith and beautiful little daughter spent Fri day in Jackson. / The best every-day Shoe made— “Stronger-than-the-Law” s3.o0 — Guaranteed to wear 12 months. Edd Goodwin. Miss Emmie Clements, who is teaching Delta Grove school in Butts county spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. If yon want the best bargain that was ever offered yon in a nice six room house that is new and on a large lot and is now paying ten per cent on the money in one of Geor gia’s best towns. Write to or call on JOHN S. BROWN, Locust Grove, Ga. Dr. I. S. Townsend, of Detroit, Mich , and Dr. J. A. Kemmel, of Findlay, Ohio, were the guests of Air. H C. Bridges and family from Saturday until Monday. They are most interesting men and made many friends in McDonough dur ing their short stay. WANTED MEN—Who can give good references, to travel for the Luther Publishing Co. Commis sion will pay from $75.00 to $1.25 per month and expenses. Write B. D. Kelley, Cfo. Luther Pul). Co. 12 Trinity Ave. Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Mary Alexander and Miss Cora Betts returned Friday from the Woman’s Christian Temper meeting at Waynesboro. I will he away from my office every Friday from Oct. 15th to April Ist to assist in the teaching of the Southern Dental College. Respectfully, T. A. Lifsey. Rev. C. V. Weathers, of Locust Grove, was in the city Wednesday for a few hours as he was en route to Griffin to visit his sons. I can save you money by coming in and looking at my goods. The great sale of Shoes goes on—school boys’ Sfioes, Overcoats, etc. still continues. Hats, Clothing, Ladies’ Skirts, Cloaks, Jackets, and a great line of underwear, overalls, etc. C. Engber. Mr. J. H. Jeffares has put in a gasoline epgine ro run tho meat chopper and sausage mill of his beef markot. He is an enterpris ing and up-to-date grocer and gives only the best of everything in his line. Election Notice. An election for one Trustee for each school district in Henry coun ty is hereby called on Nov. 19th 1907. Patrons will take flue no tice and hold said election on the day named. Election returns to be forwarded to County School Commissioner. By order County Board. Lawrence Duffey, T. J. Brown, C. S. Com. Chairman. 2t Nov. 2-07 TUSSAHAW. S. B. Kimball will have bis hand some seven-room residence finished soon. Miss Ethel Coan was the guest of relatives at Locust Grove Sun day. Miss Mabel McKibben and friend Miss Glowers, of Atlanta, visited the former’s parents, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Eva Ray, of near Jenkins burg, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Aldine Kimball. Phin Woodward left home [Mon day for Chattanooga, where he is thinking of securing a position. We wish him success for the fu ture. Mr and Mrs. Brown, of Sunny side, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duffey. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers, of McDonough, visited the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Sunday afternoon. Rev. C. Y. Weathers occupied the the pulpit at Philadelphia, Sat urday and Sunday for the last time. He has Served the church faithful ly for two years. He is expecting to be moved to the South Georgia Conference, and we extend onr best wishes as he departs from our midst . Rev. Will Hill, of Inman, will begin a protracted meeting at Philadelphia the second Sunday in December. • And Acme Patent Received. CLOSE PRICES For the SPOT CASH. Best Goods On the Quick service, H.J. Copeland Mercantile Co. ’Phone 25. McDono, Ga. BANK OF STOCKBRIDGE STOCKBRIDGE, GA. WILL Pay yon interest on time deposits Prompt and appreciative, with all “DEPOSITS INSURED” In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00. “The safest is best.” Why? L. (5. FOUTSON, Cashier. I’m* I-eave to Sell. Georgia, Henry County To whom it may concern: Mrs. T. F. Gunter, administratrix upon the estate of A. C. Gunter, late of said county, deceased, has in dne form applied to the undersigned, Ordinary of said coun ty, for leave to sell: Ten shares of Benk stookin the Bank of Henry County, and twenty shares of Cor poration stock in 1). J. Green Co., belong ing to the estate of A. C. Gunter, late of i said county for distribution. Said applica-1 tion will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in December 1907. This November 4th 1907. G. G. WEEMS Ordinary. For Administration. GEORGIA, Henry County. To whom it may concern: A. C. Blalock having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on estate of Mrs, Sallie S. Brannan, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Sallie S. JJranan to be and appear at my office within the time al lowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not he granted to A. C. Blalock on estate of Sallie S. Brannan. Witness my hand and official signature. ’This 4th day of November 1907. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. A DOUBLE MARRIAGE. “The best laid plans of mice and men aft gang agleo.” In this particular case, however, it is meir and women, who had planned to surprise parents and friends on Xmas day, but—some how, some way, a little suspicion was aroused, (whether from a guil ty conscience we cannot say.) Any how, the pesky little telephone told the tale. Sunday afternoon two couples engaged a livery turn-out ostensi bly to drive about town, and while the evening away pleasantly, but instead they made a bee line for tho Ordinary’s office at Douglas where they procured marriage li cense. From there they started, in search of the next requisite, a minister, to weld the link, and finding Rev. Kendrick mnstered him into service. In his u anal graceful manner he performed the ceremony that united them for life. The parties to this little romance are: Miss Bessie Newbern, Brox ton, and Mr. H. F. Parks, Douglas ; Miss Claudie Beard, Broxton, and Mr. Will' Shettleworth, McDon ongh, Ga. All parties, except the latter, are well known and highly esteemed by everybody in this sec tion, and the Journal, together with their numerous friends, join in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous journey o’er life’s rugged road.—Broxton Journal. THe above notice in the Broxton paper comes as a pleasant surprise to the many friends of Miss Beard and Mr. .Shettlesworth. Both are splendid young people of old Henry. The bride has been in Broxton for some time. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. D. Beard, who reside two miles north of McDonough, and the groom resides three miles west of McDonough. The Weekly joins their many friends in best wishes for a long and prosperous life. Cheaper Than A Mail Order House. A well-to-do man in this vicinity went into the drug store and in quired the price of snlplinr. “Ten cents a pound,” said the owner of the store. “Isn’t that steep?” asked the customer. “Why, I can get it from a mail order house for seven cents.” “Yon can ge‘i it in hell for nothing,” said Doc, “and won't have to pay any freight on it, either.” Sheriff Sales. Will Ih> sold before the court house door in the town of McDonough, Henry coun ty, Ga., within tin* legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December, 1907, the following described property to wit: one (1) acre of land situated in the town of Flippen, said county, part of lot No. 66, and in possession of It. W. Exuni, being levied upon as the property of the South ern Railway company, to satisfy a 11 fa. in favor of Ex inn & Alexander against the said Southern Railway Co. Levy made by 11. A. Rowan, L. C., and turned over to me, this Nov. 4th, 1907. A. C. Sowell, Sheriff. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of McDonough, Henry coun ty, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December, 1907, the following described property to wit: one (l)aere of land situated In the town of Flippen, said county, part of lot No. 66, 1 and in possession of It. W. Extun, being I levied upon as the property of the South ■ ern Railway company, to satisfy a 11 fa. In favor of J. M. Foster, against the said I Southern Railway Co. Levy made by 11. I A. Rowan, L. C„ and turned over to me, ' this Nov. 4th, 1907. A, C. Sowell, Sheriff. Also will tie sold before the courthouse door in the town of McDonough, Henry county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale' on the first Tuesday in December, 1907, the following property to wit: One-fourth interest in one acre of land, being part of lot No. 146 in the 7th district of said county, the same that was convey ed iiy W. E. Crowell to W. C. Welch, W P. Norman, et al. trustees of Pine Grove Academy, by deed of Dec. 14, 1676, and re corded in Book 3of Deeds, page 533, and described as commencing at a gulley on line road between said W. E. Crowell and W. P. Norman, and running along said road due north to the line between W. E. Crowell and W. G. Miller, thence due west along said line until it ruds a dis tance sufficient to make one acre, thence south to said gulley, thence east to begin ning corner, said property being in pos session of A. C. Norman, and being levied on as the property of T. J. Crowell, de fendant in 11 fa, in favor of J. R. Carmi chael vs. said Crowell. Property pointed out by plaintiff in ii fa, or his attorney. Written notice given us required by law. This Nov. 6, 1907. A. C. Sowell, Sheriff. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA, Henry County. By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary granted on the 4th day of No vember 1907, of said county, will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in December, 1907, at the court house in said county, between the usual hours oT sale, the following real estate situated in Hen ry county, to wit: One hundred and thir ty acres of land more or less, divided as follows: Eighty acres, more or less, being part of Hind lot No. 190. 2nd district, said county; and 50 acres, more or less, being the remaining part of said one hundred and thirty acres described above, the whole bounded as follows: on nerth by lands of Dora Bust wick, south by lands of WalterCleavelaml, east by lands of S. E. Glass, and west by lands of A. D. Tin gle. Sold as the land of J. C. Jinks, late of said county, deceased, for distribution. Terms cash. Nov. 4th 1907. J. C. Jinks, Administrator. Public Koaii Notice. Ordinary's Office, Henry County, Ga., Nov. 4, 1907. Sealed bids will lx* received at the Or dinary’s office of said county up to Dec. 2, 1907, —12 o'clock, noon, for the operating of two public road machines in Henry county for the year 1906.(5ix horse capacj ity.) County to furnish machines, keep up ail repairs, greases, etc. Contractor to furnish all the stock. Each mule not to weigh less than 1200 pounds. Contrac tor to furnish rot less than two able bod ied and experienced m»*n to operate ma chines and sufficient number of hands of physical strength to do all other work re quired in clearing the road of rocks, grubs and leveling down the roads where thy own up in-piles. Bids will !>e received so much per day at 10 hours each. Work will commence as early in March 1908 as the weather will admit. Work will be done under the di rection of the Ordinary or any assistant he may appoint. Monthly payments will lie made to contractor. Right reserved to reject any ai d all bids. Bond and se curity* will be required in sum of Two Thousand Dollars for thy faithful per formance of duty. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. £if"For Job work come to us.