The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 15, 1907, Image 8

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    Close Heavy Bargains are claiming the way at this house; speak to your
spr* neighbor. Come yourself, bring the family, there is something in store for all.
' Our Clothing stock is superb for Boys, Youths and Men. Some of the richest $C
j. r;Jj most up-to-date Suits, Odd Trousers and Overcoats are going out from this stock. **
Your .size is here; a pleasure to show and fit you up. If we should not be able to
'fffv accommodate you from stock we can fit you right away on short notice from our f
| \ 111 Taiiorin S Department. We Guarantee perfect satisfaction. , j
LI / * |i new - style: hats. wzlglF’
Mp 4 Our Hats are the shapes you want.
f SHO ES .
Lot of odd numbers to go at an unusual reduction 1
Every dollar goes where you put it here.
Get your wedding outfit from us.
Your friend,
Phone No. 25. McDonongh, Georgia.
Mrs. Walter Hightower ami
Mrs. Walter Grant entertained the
Daughters of the Confederacy and
a lew friends In a delightful way
on last Wednesday afternoon from
three t six o’clock.
The guests were met in the re
ception hall by Mrs. Parks Lee and
Miss M ay Hightower, and served
puneh by Misses Estelle and Beu
lah Hightower. From there they
were ushered into the parlor where
they were received by Mrs. High
tower and Mi s Grant.
The usual business was carried
out. The chapter voted five dol
lars to th • Confederate monument
at Marietta Mrs M K. Lyon
was present to thank the chapter
in behalf of Kennesaw chapter.
Music was furnished by Mrs.
William Ward and Miss Estelle
Hightower, and gusts were sur
prised by a buries u- on the pre
vious program bv the program
commit tee : Miss Ella Berry, Miss
Mary Hightower, and Mrs Augus
tus Swann. After which u deli
cious salad c.mrse, chocolate and
cakes were served.
Tiie h rr. -o w as artistically decor
ated, ihe halt and living room in
palms eoid ferns and the pa;lor in
saline a-»d red and white roses.
The next meeting will be with
Misses Ella Berry and Allie Berry
oh Dec. 4, at the homo of the for
M'. and Mrs. Augustus Swann
have moved into ilieir new home, l
“Oakhavrr,” on Jones'), r<> road.
Mrs. M R. Lyon, of Marietta, re-1
turn'd h~rv' 1 <-f F-idav after a;
few days' visit to Mrs. Hawkins :
and Mrs. Swann.
Mr. anc*. M’S Arthur Mays mov
ed into their new home on Jones
boro road last week.
Mr. and Mrs. IT S Elliott, have
moved hack to Stockbridge muchj
to th*' delight of their friends
Farm FVr Rent.
T 1 ,ree horse farm, iive-r oo m :
dwelling, out-buildings, tenant j
houses, good water, c mvenient to j
school, four ami half miles troiy
McDorbe gh, lirnr Turner church.
For pur lie id-"s npydv to
Mrs Anna Weaver.
ff McDonough. Gr.
Cotton 10 3-8 Thursday.
An Extreme Case.
Several weeks ago Mr. Brannan,
of Stockbridge, had hi* little linger
mashed in a railroad accident. He
went to Atlanta and consulted Dr.
J. Richmond Duvall, a well-known
specialist, who informed him that
blood poison had already set in
and that it would bo necessary to
amputate the finger. This was
done and Mr. Brannan returned
home, remaining four days, during
which time he suffered the most
intense pain, his fever running
high. The germs had already
passed into the h a n d and a r m
when the amputating knife was
used. Mr. Brannan called on Dr.
Duvall again at this time and was
told that he would have to take
him to a sanitarium to give him
the proper treatment.
This was doge and the knife was
again used. The balance of the
balance of the little linger which
had become gangrenous was re
moved, and.two long cuts in the
hand and between the bones of lit
tle and third linger and one be
tween the thumb and forefinger
also three cuts between the hand
hthl elbow. All of these incisions
were deep and exposed a small
amount of ihe most virulent pus
extending the entire distance Le
tweeu the, bones.
The friends of Mr. Brannan will
l>e glad to learn that after under
going painful operations and being
delirious fur a week from the
blood poison, that he is fast re
covering and will have a useful
arm and hand with the exception
ot the little linger.
While dressing ths wounds Dr.
Duvall sustained blood pol s on
through a ‘hang nail” and was
apprised of the fact by having a
chill followed by fever and a “ker
nel” under the arm. But through
cautei i/atiou of the part at once,
and blood medicine internally,
soon counteracted the poison so
Dr. Duvall could again care for
Mr. Brannan. Mr. Brannan and
Jt e people of this town are very
; grateful for bis remarkable recov
Modern surgery in the hands of
a skillful physician is one of the
marvels of this age. , v
M. L. DUKE. •
M. L. Duke, local agent of the
Singer Sew ing Machine Co., died
at his residence on South Green
ville street last Sunday, after be
ing sick several weeks with ty
phoid fever. He is survived by
; his wife and five children. He
was a native of Butts county -and
the remains were removed to his
former home for interment.
Mr. Duke came to Newman about
two years ago to take charge of
the Singer cilice. He was success
ful in business and, being a man
of genial nature, made manv
| friends in this section of the State.
!He was prominent in fraternal
j circles, being Sachem of -Mohican
| Tribe, No. 71, Imp (). R. M., at
Welcome, a member of Newman
| Council, No 22, Jr. O. U. A. M.,
of Newman, and a member of Uni
form Council, No, 23. Knights of
Pythias, of Atlanta.
The Juniors and Red Men of
the eilv turned out in numbers to
accompany the remains of their
deceased I,rot her to the A. & W.
i*. depot. The pall bearers were
! James Hughes and E F. Floss, of
| the Red Men, and A. R Bnrdett, F.
M, and A. J. Bryant and W. 11.
j flayme, ,»t the Juniors. John
j Kersey, Cliff Dickson and James
Webb, repiescnting the Juniors,
accompanied the remains to Jack
son —Newman News.
The above article will occasion
much sorrow in this and Butts
county, lie being a native of the
latter and well known in Henry
County. He has a number of rel-
I a fives in both counties, among
' them the following brothers and
sisters: W. F Duke, J. H. Duke,
' Jr.. O. S. Dnke, SE. G. Duke, of
Butts county : J. S. Duke. R. L.
| Dnke, Mrs E A. MeGarrity, and
Mrs. T. J Upchurch, of Henry
I county, and E. A. Duke, of Atlan
' ta.
From Birmingham, Chattanooga. 1.50
and Atlanta a. m.
Jacksonville,, Brunswick 4.41
and Macon a. m.
Washington and Atlanta 6 30 A. M.
Washington and Atlanta 7.10 a. m.
Columbus, Ft. Valley, Griffin 10.00 A. M.
Hawkinsville, Cochran, Macon 10.10 a. m.
Brunswick, Hawkinsville Macon 2.40 p.m.
Birmingham, Chattanooga, 2.40
and Atlanta p. m.
Washington and Atlanta 5.50 p. m.
Washington and Atlanta 7.38 P. M.
Macon and intermediate 9.25
Stations p. m.
Columbus and Griffin 9.85 p.m.
Above schedule published only as information and is not guaranteed.
Effective July 29, 1907.
G. R. PET i IT, Traveling Passenger Agt. flacon, Ga.
A fine rain fell here Saturday
night and Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T Treadwell, of
Atlanta, are staying some time
with their niece, Mrs D. O. Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Miller visited
the latter's parents Sunday p. m.
Messrs. Hiram Cook and Ameri
cas Elliot t. of A c Jonorgh, were in
midst Sunday alteruoon.
Mrs. Ben Mosely and sister. Miss
Stella Weatherford, visited at the
home of Mrs. D G. Collins one af
ternoon last week.
Misses Nannie B. Collins and
Clyde Mosely visited Mrs. Tip
Mosely last Friday.
Mr. Raleigh Ford has purchased
a new* nuggy—look out girls.
Mr. Tip Mostly has bought a
tine mule.
Mr. and Mrs Frank Mosely vis
ifced the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Elliott. S tndav.
Dr. and Mrs. Hisrhtower visited
at the homo of Mr. Jim Bowen
Preaching at Ozbis next S ttnr
dav »nd Surd i.v. L*t all that can
Several couples of Flat Rock 1
young pennle nassed through here
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Visco Gunter, of Bethany,
Jacksonville, Brunswick 1.50
anil Macon a m.
Birmingham, Chattanooga, 4.41
and Atlanta a. m.
Griffin and Columbus (i 30 A. m.
Brunswick, Hawkinsville Macon 7.10 a.m.
Washington and Atlanta 10.30 A. M.
Washington and Atlanta 10.40 A. M.
Birmingham, Chattanooga 2.40
and Atlanta p. m.
Hawkinsville, Cochran, Macon 2.10 p. m.
Columbus Ft. Valley, Griffin 5.50 p. M.
Macon and intermediate stations 7.88 P. M.
Washington, Birmingham, 9.25
and Atlanta p. m.
Washington, Birmingham, 9.35
and Atlanta p. m.
whs riding with one of our fair
belles {Sunday.
Mr Henry Elliott will move liis
family to Stockbridge this week—
his old home place.
The best isthe cheapest. Get a
Mitchell wagon and you'll get your
money’s worth,
McDonough Buggy Co.
What is known as the “Blues’
•s selinni occasioned by actual exist~
ing external conditions, but in the
great majority of cases by a disorder
which may be demonstra
ted by trying a course of
They control and regulate the LIVER*
•They bring hope and bouyancy to the
mind. They bring health and elastic
ity to the body.