Newspaper Page Text
32% Increase in sales last month
Over the same month last year is the stamp of approval set upon
our business methods as well as the the high Quality of our mer
chandise and the low price.
It has always been our ambition to give Our Customers better
goods for the same money than anyother firm and our steady
growth shows that we have succeeded. Our sales last month were
the largest we have ever had but don’t imagine that our stock is
run down, for every day adds something new to it.
69% Gain In Millinery
Over the same season last year tells the tale in this department.
This shows VerylConclusively that the buying public appreciate
the Style, Quality and price of our headgear.
We guarantee the price of every article we sell. If anyone will sell you the same
thing cheaper, all we ask, is return it and get your money.
T. A. SLOAN <Sc CO.,
J. A. KOI (HE, I'ubllslier.
K. li. JOHNSON Editor.
■ntered at the postofflc* at MeDon
•ugh, aa second-class mall matter. t
▲dYcrtlsing Rates: SI.OO per t»ch
par month. Reduction on etending
••■tracts by special agreement.
McDonough, Ga , Nov. 22, 100,.
The school population of Geor
gia is 720,000, yet the average at
tendance is only 280,000. Of the
720,000 about 600,000 live in the
rnral districts, and about 120,000
in cities or towns with local school
systems. The pro rata of the State
school fund available this year for
the rural districts was $2.40 per
capita on the enrollment; average
length of term, 108 days. In the
city and local systems the funds
available were $12.72 per capita on
We have the most complete stock of Fall and Winter Goods to be found in this market
This stock consists of Dry Goods, Notions, hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing, Shirts and Ties.
Also a complete line of Groceries Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Stoves and Lamps.
Broadcloths $1 00 yard
Brilliantine 50c yard
Bercales 12%c yard
Standard Prints 7c ya rd
Ginghams 12%c yard
When you are in need
of any thing in our line
call and see us and we will
make you prices that will
interest you.
20 pieces of (rating at Bc.
Single Barrel Shot Guns $4.00.
International Stock Food 25c, 5Qc. $1
the enrollment, and the average
school term 170 days. The aver
age salary paid teachers in the
State system is less than SSO per
month. There are in Georgia near
ly half a million children over 10
years of age who cannot read or
write. More than 100,000 of these
children are white.
Sister Linnik Mason —On Oct. 5,
1907, the Death Angel came in our
midst, and claimed as his victim
our beloved sister.
She was born in 1855. Sister
Mason died at their home Oct. 5,
and was laid to rest at Sardis cem
etery on Oct. the 6. Her funeral
service was conducted by Rev.
Martin. Scripture commented on,
the 14 chapter of St. John.
She leaves a husband and nine
children, seven sons and two
Men’s Suits $5.00 to $ 15.00
Boys’ Suits $2.00 to SYOO
Men's Pants SI.OO to $5.00
Boys’ Pants 50c. to $2.00
?R fpesp HELDMAN MAKE. 1
It The Wear is There.*
daughters to mourn her death, and
leaving a large circle of relatives
and friends to lament their loss.
That in the death of our dear sis
ter the church and community has
lost a good and faithful member ;
the family a true and devoted wife
and mother ; that we bow in hum
ble submission to Him who doeth
all things well.
In that we emulate her example
of faith, hope, charity and all the
virtues which go tomakenpa no
ble Christian character.
Sister Mason was ever faithful
member who loved her church and
was willing to administer to its
needs. She was a faithful help
meet to her husband and a kind
and loving mother, and in her
death the family has lost a strong
pillar and a loving mother. When
the death angel came she had bade
a loving good-bye to kindred and
Shirts 50c to SI.OO
Ties 25c to 50c
Half Hose 10c to 50c
Suspenders 15c to 75c
Gloves 25c to < 5c
That a copy be sent to the Union
News, and the Henry County
Weekly for publication and also a
copy be sent to the bereaved hus
Read and adopted Nov. 2, 1907.
Sardis Local Union No. 152.
M. A. Wilson, Chairman.
B. W. Lee, W. H. Maddox.
Sundayschool still booming.
Mr. and Mrs. Boz Wallace visited
relatives here Saturday and Sun
day last.
Messrs. J. S. Barnett and J. T.
Fields attended the old soldiers’
reunion at Augusta this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Rowan, of
Stockbridge, visited their uncle
and aunt. JSIr. and Mrs. D. L. Mc-
Lendon, Thursday night last.
Mrs. Mittie Derrick and Miss
Tommie Adamson, of Hampton,
visited friends here Saturday last.
Cook Stoves $7.00 to $15.00
Clocks SI.OO to $2.50
Lamps 25c to $1.75
Dove Brand Hams, Spices and Teas,
Coffee and Sugar, Rice and Grits.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barnett w T ere
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lon
Barnett last Saturday night.
Mr, Henry Andrews made a bus
iness trip to Atlanta Tuesday.
Mrs. George Anderson, of Love
joy, is the guest of relatives here
this week.
Mrs. K. Abercrombie visited her
brother, Mr. Jim Avery last week.
Mr. Doyal McLendon made a,
business trip to Atlanta last Tues
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Campbell vis
ited the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Crane, near Jonesboro Satur
day and Sunday last.
Mr. M. Y. Barnett made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Wednesday.
If you want the best bargain that
was ever offered you in a nice six
room house that is new and on a
large lot and is now paying ten per
cent on the money in one of Geor
gia’s best towns. Write to or call on
Locust Grove, Ga.
Men's Shoes $1.50 to $5.00
Ladies’ Shoes $1.25 to $3.50
Boys’ Shoes $1.25 to $2.50
Children’s Shoes soc. up
Yours for Business,