The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 22, 1907, Image 5

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Leading Uudertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 30.
jR* 13 • Thompson,
MelM >\OlG H, G EOKGI A.
OFFICE HOURS: 7.30a.m. to 5 p. m.,
Every Day Except Mondays.
Office over Star Store.
G. E. Weems,
Physician and Surgeon,
McDonough, ga.
Office in the Thrasher Building.
Thanksgiving next Thursday!
Prof. Chas. Lane will lecture at
school building Wednesday night.
Just received 5,000 Souvenir
Post cards, at Horton Drug Co. 2t
Miss Mary Barker, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Miss Elizabeth
Nolan, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. W. G. Copeland, the popular
manager of the McDonough Bug
gy Co., has been traveling in South
Georgia this week in the interest
of his company.
It run? the lightest and the long
est—The Mitchell Wagon. See us
if you need a wagon.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Mr. Bledsoe, of Broxton, came
up Wednesday for a few days’ vis
it to his old friends in Henry coun
Just received a big of
Mitchell wagons. Best wagon made.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Messrs. Paul Turner and Marvin
Turner went np to Atlanta on
Wednesday evening where they
were carried across the hot sands
of the desert at Yaarab Temple of
the Mystic Shriners.
The best line Boys’ Clothing in
town —Suits from $2.50 to s(>.oo.
Edd Goodwin,
Miss Mayme Neese spent Satur
day and Sunday with home peo
ple at Fairborn.
12% acres land within one mile
of court hous, for sale or rent.
It T. A. Lifsey.
Miss Mary Gillard and Mr. Char
lie Gillard, of Griffin, were the
guests of Miss Luella McKibben
Saturday and Sunday.
The best isthe cheapest. Get a
Mitchell wagon and you'll get your
money’s worth, *
McDonough Buggy Co,
Mr. Henry Bankston, of McDon
ough will make Asliburn his home
until Christmas. While here he
will assist Mr. B. H. Barkston in
his store.—Asliburn Farmer.
LOST —Open face Silver watch
stem wind and set, chain of wire
link with blue and black heads, on
Sunday night Nov. 17, between de
pot in McDonough and home, 4
miles north of town. Reward to
finder, J. T. Hendon, Flippen,
Ga., Rt. 1. 4t.
The little three year-old child of
Mr. and "Mrs. Pete Alls died at
their home near Liberty Hill last
Thursday after a short illness.
The funeral and interment was at
Liberty Hill on Friday.
Christmas and New Year cards,
just received at Horton Drug Co.2t
See me for lumber and shingles.
R. C. Brown,
Locust Grove, Ga.
Hon. J. W. Wise and Miss Cliff
ord Burks returned last Monday
evening from Jamestown exposi
tion. They were accompanied on
the trip by Miss Minnie Wise and
Cliff Wise, of Henry county. They
report a pleasant trip.—Fayette
ville News.
Good mules for sale. B.
C. Ward, Stockridge, Ga.
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan and Mr. Q.
R. Nolan spent Sunday with her
sister, Mrs. I. D. Crawford, of near
The best every-day Shoe made—
“Stronger-than-the-Law” s3.o0 —
Guaranteed to wear 12 months.
Edd Goodwin.
I am selling bridles, wagon
breeching, and harness awful close
—see me when you want to buy.
J. S. Rogers.
Mr. N. H. Ford, a prosperous
young farmer of near Whitehouse,
was in town yesterday and while
here paid The Weekly a visit.
Mrs. J. P. Nichols went over to
McDonough yesterday, where she
will spend a few days visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Daniel.
—Griffin News.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hooten re
turned to McDonough on Monday
from a very pleasant trip to Chat
tanooga and other points in North
Georgia and Tennessee.
Messrs. W. C. Woods and Oliver
Jones, two prominent Union men
of the county, attended the fertili
zer and phosphate convention in
Atlanta this week.
On next Wednesday, Nov. 27th,
the Hampton Public Schools will
have a Thanksgiving]entertainment
at the school auditorium. In an
other column will be fonnd the pro
gram in full of the night’s enter
men t.
It was the source of much genu
ine regret to the people of Henry
county on Monday to learn of the
sudden death of Mr. Joe Wright,
of Jackson. Mr. Ed L. Wright, of
McDonough is a brother of this
prominent Jacksonian.
Miss Annie Nolan, of McDon
ough. is the guest of Mrs. Benning
at Edgewood. Miss Nolan sang by
request some Dixie medlies for the
Sarah Mclntosh chapter Daugh
ters American Revolution, which
met Friday afternoon with the re
gent, Mrs. John Perdue at her
home in Inman park.—Sunday’s
I can save you money by coming
in and looking at my goods. The
great sale of Shoes goes on—school
I boys’ Shoes, Overcoats, etc. still
Hats, Clothing, Ladies’ Skirts,
Cloaks, Jackets, and a great line
of underwear, overalls, etc.
C. Engber.
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, who
left the middle of Sept, to spend
a year at Philadelphia, returned
here Sunday. This early return
home was caused by the sickness
of Mrs. Scott. Their many friends
hope that she will soon be entirely
well again. Dr. Scott will finish
his post graduate course later. He
is much elated over his two months
work in the city of Brotherly
“The Mitchell” means merit in
first class wagon building. We
sell them.
McDonough Buggy Co.
Tutt’s Pi!
This popular remedy never fails tc
effectually cure
dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
And ALL DISEASES arising from c
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result is good appetiti
and solid flesh. Dose small; elegant
ly sugar coated and easy to swallow.
lake No Substitute.
Cuts, sores. Burns
& Rheumatism
Eporatable and stationary
Saw Lath and Shingle Mills. Injectors,
Pumps and Fittings, Wood Saws, Splitters,
Shafts. Pulleys, Belting, Gasoline Engines.
fayndi/, Madini and Bailer Works end Supply Store,
Winter Time-
Wet weather
mm ® 19
W . Yu 11
Men Earn —Women
Jt’s true economy to
buy Red Seal Shoes.
They are made in correct
styles, will hold their
shape and give lots of
comfortable service.
We have styles that
will please you. Come in
and let us fit you up.
Look for the Red Seal
on the box.
Full Stock in all
sizes and shapes.
The leading Shoes
and Rubber goods
for everyone.
tgllji ; ' P
■■ ■" ~ * ™
One pair of Red
Seal Tuf- Hi d e
shoes makes a
crop. They have
a wearing record
not approached by
any other brand.
Built for service
and they wear.
For the whole
fa mily.
Look for the
Seal in Red on the
It stands for
H.J, Copeland
Mercantile Co,
’Phone 25.
Pay you interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
li. G. FORTSON, Cashier.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. T. F. Gunter, administratrix upon
the estate of A. 0. Gunter, late of said
county, deceased, has in due form applied
to the undersigned, Ordinary of said coun
ty, for leave to sell:
Ten shares of Benk stock in the Bank of
Henry County, and twenty shares of Cor
poration stock in D. J. Green Co., belong
ing to the estate of A. C. Gunter, late of
said county for distribution. Said applica
tion will be heard at the regular term of
the court of Ordinary for said county to
be held on the first Monday in December
1007. This November 4th 1907.
G. G. WEEMS Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
A. C. Blalock having in proper form
applied to me for permanent letters of ad
ministration on estate of Mrs, Sadie S.
Brannan, late of said county, this is to
cite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of Sallie S. Branan to bo and
appear at. my office within the time al
lowed by law and show cause, if any they
can, wh y permanent administration
should not Is- granted to A. C. Blalock on
estate of Sallie S. Brannan. Witness my
hand and official signature. This 4th day
of November 1907.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Twelve Months Support
GEORGIA, Henry County:
Mrs. Myrtle Mitchell having made ap
plication for twelve months’ support out
of the estate of A. P. Mitchell and- ap
praisers duly appointed to set apart the
same having filed their return, all per
sons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the court of Ordinary
of said county on the first Monday in De
cember 1907, why said application should
not be granted. This Nov. 4th, 1907.
G G. Wet ins. Ordinary.
Lee Goodman has moved his
family over near Hampton.
Uncle Bill Bryan spent Sunday
with his son, Bob.
Madam Rumor says that wed
ding hells are going to ring soon.
Edd Hooten and lady spent Snn
day with the latter’s parents.
Oliver Thompson attended serv
ices at Phillippi Sunday.
Union Graded School has 90 pu
pils enrolled to date.
J. F. Bowden, will move to Mc-
Donough, to reside nxet year.
Ye local took a stroll down to
Ola Sunday and apparently every
thing seems to be in a prosperous
condition in that vicinity. The
Norman-Turner Co., is carrying a
full line of groceries and general
merchandise and is doing a fine
business at that place. In connec
tion with his large ginnery and
saw mill, Mr. S. P. Crowell has
started out his traveling saw mill
this week, and he is also doing a
big business in connection with his
extensive farming operations. Ola
is a prosperous little place and
with Squire Norman in the execu
tive chair to issue out legal justice
safely insures the fact that that
section is moving along, calm and
The patrons and friends of Un
ion Graded school are erecting a
residence on the school grounds
to he occupied by Prof. Johnson
and family, and the building is fast
nearing completion. Their well
known school is holding its rep
utation as being one of the fore
most in the county, and with this
valuable addition, carries with it
the assurance that it will continue
to be posperous. Prof. Johnson is
having good success with the
school, and a good deal of interest
is being manifested.
For choice CUT FLOWERS of
all kinds for Receptions, Weddings
Funerals, etc., telephone, tele
graph, or write,
Idle-Hour Nurseries,
Macon, Ga.
Good time to get job printing.
Sheriff' Sales.
Will Ik* sold before tin* court house door
in the town of McDonough, Henry coun
ty, Git., within tne login nours ot sale on
me Ursi Tuosuay in December, 1907, tile
tolluwiug described property to mu: one
(1) acre ol laiul situaleu m the town of
r iippeu, said county, part of lot Ao. 60,
uuu m possession of iv. iv. Lxum, being
levied upon as me property ot the Houth
ern Railway company, to satisfy a It fa. in
favor oi Exum &: Alexander against the
said Southern Railway fu. Levy made
by li. a. Rowan, L. 0., and turned over
to me, Gas Nov. -Rh, 1907.
a. U. Sowell, Sheriff.
Will lie sold before the court house door
in the town oi McDonough, iieiiry coun
ty, Ga., wii Inn the legal nours oi sale on
tne lust Tuesday in December, 1907, the
following described property to wit: one
(1) acre of land situated in the town of
happen, sail! county, part ol lot No. 00,
and in possession oi iv. \\ . Exum, being
levied upon as tiie property of the South
ern Railway company, to satisfy a ff fa. in
favor of J. M. Foster, against the said
Southern Railway Co. Levy made by if.
A. Rowan, i<. C., and turned over to me,
tins Nov. 4th, 1907.
A, O. Sowell, Sheriff.
Also will lie sold before the courthouse
door In the town of McDonough, lleury
county, Ga., within the legal hours of .-.ale
on the llrst 1 uesday ill December, 1907,
the following property to wit:
One-fourth interest in one acre of land,
being part of lot No. 146 m the 7th district
of saui county, the same that was eonvey
eu by W. E. Crowell to W. 0. Welch, W.
P. Norman, et al. trustees of Pine Grove
Academy, by deed of Dec. 14, Is7ts, and re
corded in Book 2of Deeds, page 623, and
described as commencing at a gulley on
line road between said \\ . K. Crowell and
W. P. Norman, and running along said
road due north to the line bet ween YV. E.
Crowell and W. G. Miller, thence due
west along said line until it rods a dis
tance sufficient to make one acre, thence
south to said gulley, thence east to begin
ning corner, said property being in pos
session of A. C. Norman, and being levied
on as the property of T. J. Crowell, de
fendant in fi fa, in favor of li. Carmi
chael vs. said Crowell. Property pointed
out by plaintiff in li fa, or his attorney..
Written notice given as required by law.
This Nov. 0, 1907.
A. C. Sowell, Sheriff.
Administrator’s Salt?.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary granted outlie 4th day of No
vember 1907, of said county, will be sold
at public outcry on the lirst Tuesday in
December, 1907, at the court house in said
county, between the usual hours oi sale,
the following real estate situated in Hen
ry county, to wit: One hundred and thir
ty acres of land more or less, divided as
follows: Eighty acres, more or less, being
part of land lot No. 190. 2nd district, said
county; and 60 acres, more or less, being
the remaining part of said one hundred
and thirty acres described above, the
whole bounded as follows: on north by,
lands of Dora Bostwick, south by lands
of WalterCleaveland, east by lands of S.
E. Glass, and west by lands of A. D. Tin
gle. Sold as the land of .1. C. Jinks, late
of said county, deceased, for distribution.
Terms cash. Nov. 4th 1907.
J. C. Jinks, Administrator.
Public Road Notice.
Ordinary’s Office, Henry County, Ga.,
Nov. 4, 1907.
Sealed bids will lx* received at the Or
dinary’s office of said county up to Dec. 2.
1907, —12 o’clock, noon, for the operating
of two public road machines in Henry
county for the year 1908 (Six horse capac
ity.) County to furnish machines, keep
up all repairs, greases, etc. Contractor
to furnish all the slock. Each mule not
to weigh less than 1200 pounds. Contrac
tor to furnish not less than two able bod
ied and experienced men to operate ma
chines and sufficient numlierof hands of
physical strength to do all other work re
quired in clearing the road of rocks, grubs
and leveling down the roads where
thrown up in piles
Bids will lie receive 1 so much per day
at 10 hours each. Work will coniinem
as early in March 1908 as the weather will
admit. Work will be done under the di
rection of the Ordinary or any assistant
he may appoint. Monthly payments will
be made to contractor. Right reserved
to reject any and all bids. Bond and se
curity will be required in sum of Two
r l housand Dollars for the faithful per
formance of duty.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
Administrator's Safe.
GEORGIA, Henry County:—
By virtue of an orderof the court of Or
dinary of said county, will !.e sold at pub
lic outcry on the lirst Tuesday in Decem
lier 1907, at the court house in said county
between'the legal hours of saie, the fol
lowing real estate situated in Henry coun
ty. Ga. to wit: Fifty ;w*res of land, more
or less, in the 7th land district of Henry
county, Ga. number not known, bounded
on the north lands of .I. B. Lowe, on
the west by lands of A. X. Brown, on the
south by lands now owned or formerly
owned by J. T. Copeland, and on the east
by the public road leading from McDon
ough to Locus Grove Ga. Also at the
same time and place will lie sold by virtue
of the same authority. Two acres of land
more or less, in said 7lh land district,
bounded on the east by Robert Howell,
and on the north, south, and west by
lands of Oliver, Celia and Susan 'Tomlin
son. Terms cash. This Nov. 6th, 1997.
Emma G. Herndon, Adiunx.
of Thomas M. Herndon
Per J. F. Wall.
2dif~For Job work come to us.