Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Methodist Ministers
Assigned for 1908 Work.
Monday afternoon the appoint
ments of the Methodist preachers
were read at Cartersville at the
last session of the North Georgia
Conference this year. Many
changes were made in the pastors
for another year.
Rev. ,T. E England, the beloved
pastor of the McDonough circuit
was returned for another year, as
was Rev. F. J. Mashbtirn to Hamp
ton, but Rev. C. Y. Weathers, who
had been at Locust Grove for two
years, was assigned to Asbury
church, Atlanta, and Rev. J. M.
Sewell, who was on the Stock
bridge circuit the past year, was
sent to Shady Dale.
A change was made in the pre
siding elder of the Griffin district.
Dr. J. T. Daves being placed in
charge of the Atlanta district and
Rev. J. H. Eakes succeeds Dr.
Daves in the Griffin district.
Below we give the assignments
for the
J. H. Eakes, presiding elder;
'Gridin, First church, J. S. Jenkins ;
Griffin, Hanleiter. C. C. Cary;
Griffin, Third church and Kincaid.
H. D. Pace; Griffin circuit, E. A.
Ware; Barnesville, J. O. Grogan ;
Barnesville circuit, P. A. Kellett ;
Gulloden and Yatesville, J. B. Al
len ; Fayetteville, I. W. Keithly ;
Flovilla, M. L. Harris; Forsyth, J
A. Timmerman; Forsyth circuit.
J. M. Hawkins; Hampton, F. J.
Mashburn ; Inman, J. W. Bailey,
Jackson, S. P. Wiirerins; Jenkins,
hunr, to he supplied ; Jonesboro-
J. C. Atkinson ; Locust Grove. A-
F. Ward ; McDonough. J. E. Eng.
land ; Milner, t S. Edwards: So
noia, E. W. Jones; Stockbridge;
M, B. Sams; The Rock, G. W.
Yarbrough; Thomaston, H. F.
Branham : Thomaston mission, to
be supplied ; Zebulon, W. H.
Speer ; conference missionary sec
retary ; J, O. Grogan ; conference
missionary evangelist, Nath
Thompson; conference secretary
•of education, J. S. Jenkins.
The end of the year 1907 is rapid
ly approaching, and we want to
remind many of our subscribers
who are in arrears that we would
appreciate it very much if they
would Come forward and settle up
their subscription accounts as ear
ly as possible.
Between now and Christmas we
will send out statements to all who
haven’tpaid up, but we trust*that
many now in arrears will come
forward and save us sending out
these statements to them.
Its only a small amount each
one owes, but with the greater
part of 1,100 people owing us these
small sums the aggregate means
much to us.
Wednesday evening at the home
of the bride’s parents, Mr. and
Mis. J. K. Kitnbell, on Lyons St,.,
Miss Ida Kimbell and Mr. Asa
Bailey were happily married by
Rev. Mr. Bradley. It was a quiet
home wedding, only the immedi
ate family and a few immediate
friends being present, The bride
wore a stylish dress of blue popi
nette, with hat and gloves to
match. Immediately after the
ceremony the bridal party left for
Mac >n, their future home. There
were quite a number of presents,
handsome pieces of cut glass, sil
ver- and hand painted china.
Among the out of town guests
were Mrs Powell and Mr. Bailey,
of Macon, sister and brother of the
groom —Jackson Argus.
Cinning Notice.
After this week we will go to srin
da vs.
Tuesdays and Fridays until fur
ther notice.
Very Respofh
H. J. Copeland Mer. Co.
By M. A. Norman, Mgr. Gin Dept
Said she: “I shall marry a hero.
Xo other need ever apply.
He must not flinch, whatever the danger,
Be ready to dare and to die.”
Now, she was not young, phe was ugly,
Cross looking—so everyone know s
She’li marry the first one who asks her—
For a hero he'd be to propo. e.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday November 29, k>o 7 .
Third Scholastic Month.
Honor ltoll.
First Grade, Harvey Brown, Louise
Brown. H. J. Copeland. Sadie- Duffey,
Henry Engber, Annie Pearl Smith. Ear
nest Thompson, Marie Welch, Oren Bar
rett. Addie Kate Patterson, Mary Lou
Second. Myrtle Hunt, William Kim
bell, Nina Belle Morrow, Mary Lou Tur
Third, Janies Alexander, Ealon Elliott,
Mae W ill Knight, Marion Ma x we 1 1.
N.ilie Newman, Beatrice Patterson!
Flossie Welch, Nellie Hand, Hale Hand
Fourth, Henry McGaritv, Lorine Hill
ing, Hope Nail, Charles Nail.
Fifth, Eva Barrett, Annie Lou Bow
den, Sara Engber, Eldora Grant, Mary
Russell, Bessie Sowell, Lila Hand.
Sixth, Boce Elliott, Hugh Kelley, Cloina
suns, Orlena Welch, Harvey Woodward.
Mattie Lou Hand.
Seventh Russ Elliott, Dozier Fields,
Lucile Tolleson, Leona \Velch.
Eighth, Gus Born, Eva Cathy, Frank
Copeland. Laßue hummus, Benton Neal
Berta Wallace, Eva May Woods, Tom
Woods, Mamie Woodward.
Ninth, Helen Dunn.
Tenth, Clara Bright, Raymond Cathy,
Willie Lee Hill, Walter Ingram, Dozier
Russel], Ruth Turner.
List of Distinguished Students,
I irst Grade, Harvey Brown, Louise
Brown, H. J. Copeland, Sadie DulTev
Henry Engber, Annie Pearl Smith, Ear
nest lhompson, Marie Welch, Oren Bar
rett, Addie Kate Patterson, Mary Lou
Fourth. Susie Stallings.
Fifth, Mary Russell.
Sixth. Orlena Weleh, Alma Wright
Seventh Ida Lou Tarpley, Leona Welch
Eighth, loin v\ oods, Frank Copeland.
I w ill he away from my office
every Friday from Oct. isth to
Apt il Ist to assist in the teaching
of the Southern Dental College.
, T. A. Lifsey.
Comfortable prices, not too too high for the average man nor the average pocket hook,
high enough to get as fine garments as many men want.
! MiL
i Fecheimer-Fishe! Company.
I) Men’s Suits SB.OO to $25.00
$ Seinsheimer & Company. /ir,
l .« jm ' r :yp mi Youth’s Suits 6.00 to 18.00
» Dutchess Trousers. - §f| f
' felj. miM Boys’Suits 1.50 to 8.00
jj Gorilla Pants. BjjM;-: \
l fyftiii **ff s s*^»B*^ , g“** 1M ■' : m
jl fl I
I |f»T Their service equals their j .
l J | stylish appearance-that’s why | |
| form I jiijiljl a-": guaranteed like this: iNhb I • form^rt^nin::
THEFECHHEIMERFBHELCX). jg] \Hr • <tl a rin u./
» a igfjjPpK You have r.~ risk in buying Dutchess Trousers. v~*fT. '"IarFSK ~9*
. y ‘ We take all the risk under the famous warranty. J| •*»
Call and see our line before you buy and be satisfied for yourself, and remember we
i are leaders in the following lines :
ih JaL , _
The local chapter of the Daugh
ters of the Confederacy will give
an oyster srtpper in the basement
of the court house, tonight(Friday)
Nov. 29th, beginning at 5 p. m.
and will remain until 9 o’clock.
Everybody is cordially invited
to go out to the benefit supper.
After a week's absence I will again
send in the news from this place.
Mr. Tip Mosely and family visited Mr.
| Charlie Brannan, of near Flippen, Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Elliott visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Collins,
Sunday afteornoon.
Miss Clyde Mosely spent part of last
week with Misses Vivian Burch and Lil
lie Mae Rachardson.
Miss Nannie B. Collins has returned
home after a week's stay in McDonough,
with her cousin, Mrs. Dr. Smith.
Several young people enjoyed pulling
candy Saturday night with Misses Clyde
and Bessie Mosely.
Messrs. Joe Smith and Hiram Cook, of
McDonough, passed through here Sunday.
Mr. John Moseley has about completed
his tie ,v residence which adds very much
to the looks of Whitehouse.
With much success to the Weekly and
many readers, I will say goodbye.—Pansy
Dr. Clias. Lane lectured to a
large crowd at the school ‘audito
rium Wednesday evening.
Mrs. J. A. Fonclie and Master
Alf Fouche are visiting her par
ents at Dawson.
Miss Maggie Manley attended
the marriage of her sister, Miss
Annie Manley, to Mr. Frank Out
house, at Jackson on last Thurs
day evening, the marriage occur
ring at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Kinsman.
Mr. I. P. Rosser, one of the live
and progressive ‘hog and hominy”
farmers of Bethany community,
was in town Monday afternoon,
and while in conversation with
The Weekly man said he wanted
about #2.50 worth of real good
cold Weather to save two line
porkers lie had killed that morn
ing, tin* two netting about 8001 bs
Brother Rosser, wtj told von the
weather would come o. k for you.
So here's good luck to you and all
who wanted good “hog killing
weather.” It’s here!
Farm For Sale.
I will sell at auction to the high
est bidder for cash at the court
house in McDonough, on the first
Tuesday in December 1907, my
home place, if not sold privately
before. Contains 50 acres ; about
32 in cultivation; t> in original
woods; 5 in pine; remainder in
pasture ; 4-room dwelling and plen
ty of outbuildings. Situated four
miles east of McDonough, joining
Union Graded School, with one of
the best schools in Henry county.
Object of selling, going into other
D. T. Mayo.
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles were to be
P traced to the kidneys,
but now • modern
science proves that
nearly all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys filter
and purify the blood—
that is their work.
Therefore, when your kidneysare weak
or out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body is affected and
how every organ seems to fail to do its
If you are sick or “ feel badly,” begin
taking the great kidney remedy, I)r.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, because as soon
as your kidneys are well they will help
all the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone."
If you are sick you can make no mis
take’ by first doctoring your kidneys.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great
kidnev remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, and is sold
on its merits by all f
druggists in fifty cent
and one-dollar size
bottles. You may "
have a sample bottle noma of Sw&nip-Root.
by mail free, also a pamphlet telling jyou
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hamton, N Y. Don’t make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.