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The Henry County Weekly
Established 1896. • Going on 12 years old.
Capital and Surplus - $70,000.00.
Individual Liabilities = $50,000.00. •
Total = = $120,000.00.
The increased resources of this Bank.
The increase of its volume of business.
Its increase in the good will of the people is the natural result
of sound, conservative methods, fairness and satisfactory dealings
with its many customers.
Cash and Exchange $38,310.97
Loans on Cotton 50,867.32
Other Loans - 74,060.57
Real Estate, Furniture & Fixt’s 6,207.27
Total = = $169,446.13
Mrs. W. H. Bryans Dead.
Mrs. W. H. Bryans died at her
home in McDonough on Monday
afternoon at 1 :30 o’clock after a
lingering illness of several months.
While her health had not been
good for some time, yet her death
came as a sad shock to her many
friends, as she had been seemingly
no worse for some time.
She was 01 years old, and from
early life had been a consistent
and devoted member of Timber
ridge Presbyterian church.
She is survived by her husband,
two sons, Messrs. H. M. Bryans
and R. J. Bryans, of this place,
and two daughters, Mrs. Minnie
Davis, of Locust Grove, and Mrs.
Lillah Bryans, of Dudley.
The funeral was held from the
Presbyterian church on Wednes
dav afternoon at 2 o'clock Revs.
E. S. Atkinson and J. E. England
officiating in the absence of her
pastor, Rev. J. A Simpson. The
interment was in the citizens’ cem
etery at this place
A large concourse of sorrowing
friends paid their last sad respects
Condensed statement at the close of business December 31, 1907.
F. S. ETHERIDGE, President.
w. yv. Amis,
E. MNCopeland,
D. J. Green,
McDonough, Georgia, Friday January 3, 1908.
many of them coming from a dis
tance, thus testifying the love and
high esteem in which she was held
by those who knew her.
John A. Bowen Dead.
Mr. John A, Bowen was found
dead in bed Sunday night at lift
home near Whitehouse. his death
being caused by heart failure.
He was a most excellent man
and his suden death is greatly de
plored by all. He was 51 years
old, and is survived by his wife
and two sons, George and Harris
The funeral and interment was
at the Moseley cemetery on Tues
day, Rey. Gus Elliott officiating.
He was a loyal Mason and the fu
neral rites of this fraternity were
conducted by his local lodge.
Mr. aMd Mrs. Asa Oglesby, of
McDonough, were in the city yes
terday on their way to Barnesville
where they will spend a
with relatives.—Griffin News.
H. J. COPELAND, Vice-President.
P. W. Pullen,
A. N. Brown,
H. J. Copeland,
Little Child Dies.
The little two year old son, Rob
ert, of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barrett,
died at their home here Wednes
day at noon after a few days ill
ness from pneumonia.
The funeral and interment was
held at 10 o’clock on Thursday
The fond parents have the deep
sympathy of the entire town in
their sad k>ss. and they have this
blessed assurance, “Suffer little
children to come nnto me and for
bid them not, for of such is
kingdoip of heaven.”
The city council for 1908 has had
its first meeting and elected the
following officers: J. M Carmi
chael, mayor pro tern., H. J. Tur
ner. clerk and treasurer, Bailor
Smith, re-elected police chief, ard
J. M. Patterson, assistant to suc
ceed A. Borders. In next week's
paper the council committees will
be published.
Capital Stock $ 50,000.00
Surplus, less Expenses 171893.03
Deposits 101,125.38
Cashier’s Checks 427.72
Total = = $169,446.13
Notice to Teachers.
A special Examination > will he
held on Saturday, January 11th
1908, at office <j>f (lounw School
Commissioner alt M cDonjoijgh, for
ail tlq/e teachers ind Assistants
whole license hjftvej eXpfred, and
those who have inevpr obtained li
cense. I J j
Let all interested in Above take
notice and be lin hand promptly,
9 o’clock a. m., Jan. 11th 1908.
Lawrence Dnffey,
C. S. Cpm.
Russ Warner, colored, was cap
tured Thursday afternoon at New
nan with a mule and hnggy which
answers to the description of the
one stolen from Mr. Jake Fannin
in McDonough last Thursdav.
The officers have gbne to Newnan
for the negro and will bring him
back sometime Friday.
J. B. DICKSON, Cashier.
Thos. D. Stewart,
J. B. Dickson,
F. S. Etheridge.
Christmas in McDonough.
The Christmas season in Mc-
Donough just passed has been ore
of the most pleasant and delight
ful for a long time.
The true spirit of the season
w r as observed by all and universal
quiet reigned throughout the town
and community.
There have been many dinings
and social affairs throughout the
entire holiday season and it would
be almost impossible to give a dis
tinct and separate article about
each one.
The masque party at the court,
house on Thursday evening was
the most brilliant social affair of
the entire holiday season. There
were nearly 300 guests present,
among them being many visitors
from the surrounding country.
Everyone present enjoyed the oc
casion to the fullest.
All McDonough has well and
truly observed the Christmas sea
son and felt the true spirit of the
time commemorating the blessed
Saviour’s birth.