The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 10, 1908, Image 1

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    The Henry County Weekly
T. A. SLOAN, President. L. O. BENTON, Vice-President. A. M. STEWART, Cashier.
H. J. TURNER, Assistant Cashier. 7969 HENRY WOODWARD, Book Keeper.
At the Close of Business January Bth, 1908.
Loans and Discounts $59,594.52
U. S. Bonds and Premiums 31,004.68
Redemption • 500.00
Banking House, Furnit’e & F’x’s 6,758.90
Cash and Exchange 35,968.89
Total - - $133,826.99
This Bank is only two years old and invites comparison.
5% Interest paid on Time Deposits.
Interesting case before Su
preme court—Ex-Gov.
Terrell Appears as
From Atlanta Journal Monday.
The question as to whether or
not a member of the Georgia legis
lature may hold a place on a coun
ty school board was argued before
the state supreme court Monday
morning in the case of McWilliams
against Neal et al., defendants in
Not only because of its legal im
portance but also from the fact, as
is alleged, that it has grown out of
a political dispute, the case is one
of the most generally interesting
that has recently been before the
supreme court. Shortly after S. C.
McWilliams, who is a member of
the present house of representa
tives from Henry county was elect
ed, three citizens of the county
challenged his right to retain mem
bership on the county board of ed
ucation, which he had been serv
ing for several years. Mr. McWil
liams made his race for the legisla
ture on the reform platform and it
is from those he defeated that the
opposition to his membership on
the board is said to have arisen.
The superior court of Henry
county held that under a constitu
tional provision, a legislator could
not held any other state office. He
was represented Monday by J. B.
Ridley and Arnold Arnold, while
for the opposition appeared ex-Gov.
J. M. Terrell. This is the first time
that ex-Governor Terrell has plead
ed in the supreme court since his
B. B. Carmichael,
J. T. Sowell,
L. O. Benton,
term as governor expired.
There are said to be 33 members
of the present legislature who hold
places on county boards of educa
tion. Every member of the educa
tional committee of the house is
said to hold such a place. The su
preme court’s decision therefore
will be awaited w T ith widespread
Baptist S. S. Elects New
Officers and Teachers.
The following officers and teach
ers were elected Sunday:
J B Dickson, Supt.
A N Brown, Assistant Supt.
E D Tollegon, Sec’ty.
J B Brown, Assistant Sec’ty.
W E Parr, 2nd Ass’t. Sfec’ty.
H J Copeland, Treas.
Lum Ingram, Chorister.
Miss Corrie Bridges, Organist.
Misses Cora Betts and Lila Cope
land, Assistant Organists.
Miss Lillian Daniel, Mrs. E.
Crookshanks, Mr. H. J. Copeland,
Mrs. Mary Alexander, Mrs. H. C.
Bridges, Mrs. H. J. Turner, Mrs.
A. G. Copeland and Miss Lila Cope
An Auspicious
Opening of the
Public School,
The opening of the McDonough
Puclic Schools on Monday was a
most auspicious one, and the com
ing term promises to be the best in
the school's history.
There were about 230 pupils pre
sent Monday and others have since
Good time to get job printing
McDonough, Georgia, Friday January io, 1908.
J. C. Daniel,
Joe J. Smith,
A. M. Stewart,
Barnesville will complete
her bid for the Agricul
tural School.
The board of trustees of the 6th
District Agricultural School met at
Macon yesterday at noon atthe ho
tel Lanier.
Those present w T ere : Messrs. J.
T. Williams, of Jones; Lawrence
Duffey, of Henry ; Emmett Owens,
of Pike ; T. R. Talmadge, of Mon
roe ; Thos. B. West, of Bibb, and
O. M. Duke, of Butts.
Mr. C. S. Barrett, chairman of
the board of trustees, having mov
ed from the district, Hon. John T.
Williams, of Jones, was elected
chairman in his stead. Mr. O. M.
Duke was elected secretary.
Mr. Lawrence Dulfey was elected
charman of the executive commit
It was the intention of the board
to open the school on Jan. 8, 1908,
but on account of the failure of
Barnesville to comply with the
terms of their bid, the opening will
not take place until Sept. next.
The balance of $16,000 Barnes
ville will raise by September 1.
Prof. Scott, the principal, having
resigned, the remainder of the fa
culty was provided for by the board.
—Macon Telegraph.
Miss Ava Daniel, of Atlanta, was
the guest of Misses Bunn last
Miss Jettie Bunn has returned to
Locust Grove.
Miss Bertha Bunn has returned
to Rockmart.
,Capital Stock $30,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits,
less Expenses and Taxes Paid 8,192.97
Circulation 30,000.00
Deposits 65,634.02
Bills Payable None
Total - - $133,826.99
Bank Stock
Brings Hand
some Preminm
Tuesday at public sale 10 shares
of the capital stock of the Bank
of Henry Coanty belonging to the
estate of the late A. C. Gunter was
sold at a handsome preminm.
Mr. P. W. Pullen bought five
shares at 191% per share, and Mr.
R. W. Dickerson five shares at 195%
per share.
Masons to Install
Officers Tonight
Tonight (Friday) at 7 o’clock will
occur the installation of the new
officers of Fraternal Lodge F. & A.
M., at the lodge room.
It is earnestly requested that all
brothers who can come and bring
a lady member of the family to
this public installation, service.
Child Dies Near Philiippi.
On last Friday night the 28-
months old son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hunt died at their home
near Philiippi church, after a three
week’s illness from spinal trouble.
The funeral and interment was
at Mt. Bethel church Sunday at
11 o’clock, Rev. Mr. Ward offici
The many friends of Dr. C. D.
McDonald are pained to learn that
he is very sich from rheumatism.
Mrs. M. A. Tye’s many friends
are glad to know she is recovering
from a severe attack of grip.
G. L. Thrasher,
T. A. Sloan,
H. J. Turner.
First National
Re-elects All
the Ola Officers
At the annual meeting of the
stockholders of the First National
Bank Thursday all old officers of
the bank were re-elected.
The Bank is just a little over two
years old and the showing made is
a marvelous growth for such a
short time.
This shows the popularity and
unbounded confidence the people
have of the bank.
See their advertisment in this is
sue of the Weekly—it speaks for
itself as to what the bank is doing.
The U, D. C’s.
The U. D. C’s will meet Thurs
day 16, at the home of Mrs. E. ,J.
Reagan, and would be glad if all
the members would b» present and
begin the new year with a full at
tendance and earnest endeavors.
The Veterans who would like to
have a Cross of Honor, will please
register at the office of Judge
Weems, so that we may be able t-o
have the Crosses to present to
them on Memorial Day.
Preaching Day Changed
at Berea Church.
Thtjre will be preaching at Berea
church near Hampton next Sunday
The regular preaching day has been
changed from the fourth to the se
cond Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Mize, of Griffin, has
been chosen as the preacher for
this year.