The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 10, 1908, Image 5

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Our aim is to please you in good goods and
* A Square Deal. *
” IN
Lumber, :Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Valley Tin, Ridge Roll,
Volutes, Crestings, Mouldings, Windows, Boors, Blinds, Lathes,
Coal, Guano, Acid, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
We are always in the Cotton Seed Market with a good price.
Prgmpt_ Service and €£aod Attention,
We have just opened our office in front part of the Warehouse building, all business
will be transacted there hereafter.
Good place to hitch, feed and water your horse.
When you have anything to do in this line visit us.
Wishing you a prosperous New Year, we are very truly,
v Phone No. 76. McDonongh, Georgia."
In Loving Memory of
Leon Lane.
The sad death of Leon occurred
at the home of his parents, Mr and
Mrs. D. G. Lane, near McDonough,
on the 25tli of December 1907.
While sitting in his mother's lap
partly undressed, when Miss Min
nie McGarrity came in with Mr.
Jack Turner’s overcoat on, out ser
enading, pulling the pistol from the
pocket, shooting him from his
motln r's lap—his little suffering
was short, only lived from 6 until
1 o’clock. He was 9 years and 3
months old.
Oh ! how sad we are to give Leon
up ; he was of such a sweet and
loving disposition that he was lov
ed by all who knew him.
Oh! how our hearts go out in
sympathy to the bereaved family.
But, alas, Leon is gone ; his sweet
face and cheerful voice will be seen
and heard no more "on earth, but
bye and bye, when the toils of life
are over, Leon will be waiting on
that other shore to greet us, will
be there to clasp hands with his
darling sisters, Trellis and Lillian,
who have been left without a dear
little brother. We would say to
father and mother weep not; the
L rd has done more lor your dar
ling than you could do. He has
taken him to a home where he w ill
e :er be cared for by the good Shep
herd. Safe in the arms of Jesus,
and when our life is ended he will
be among the throng to welcome
ns home. We cannot understand
the sad dispensation of our father,
why he took the flower so early,
but we know the good Lord is too
wise to err and too good to do
The fnneral services were con
ducted hv Rev J. A. .lackson and
his remains were laid to rest at
Bothanv cemetery to await the re
surrection morn.
■'JL’liou art g<>n*\ our precious darling, nev
er no more can see liis face,
Thou shall sleep a peaceful slumber, till
the resurrection day.
Dear Leon, we are lonely, oh, so lonely
since you’ve gone
To see our Savior in his home of heavenly
Just a few short months ago, when we
saw the e strong and well.
Little did we think our loved one would
so soon bid us farewell.
But we see a ray of sun light coming to
us through the gloom,
And we hear our Savior say where Leon
is, there’s room. ,
Room father, mother and sisters, in that
heavenly home above,
Where no pain nor death nor Sorrow ever
come —but all is love,
O, let not thy heart be troubled, says a
sweet loving voice.
Come to me, I'll bear your burdens ard
make, thy weary hearts rejoice.
A precious one from us has gone, A voice
we loved is still,
A place is vacant in our home which nev
er can be filled.
His Aunt Lillar.
How are yon since the snow has
fallen and ’most melted?
School opened Monday with fifty
Misses Rosa Sandifer and Della
McKibben were seen out riding in
the country Monday morning.
Messrs. Lyndon and Jimmie
Jinks, accompanied by their sister,
Roxie, visited tlmir uncle, Mr. Jeff
McKibben near Vaughan last week.
Miss Bessie Ingram spent Sun
da y with Miss Lucy McKibben.
Mrs Collins has returned after a
very pleasant visit to her mother
at Eatonton.
Mr S B Kimble’s house Is near
ing completion.
Mr. Prentice Jinks and Miss
Mamie McKibben were out riding
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Minnie McKibben visited
Mrs. J. J. Crumbley at Locust
Grove Monday.
I hope for us people in old Hen
ry county one of tli e happiest
years that we have ever lmd, for
it is a new year.
We are having a great deal of
moving about in this part of the
Mr. and Mrs Dalton McOn 1 -
lougli visited at the home of Mr.
T J. Hand—in bis new’ home Sun
day afternoon
Mr. Ed Conkle and sisters Misses
Maggie and Grace attended preach
ing at Mt. Carmel Sunday.
Mr. Armstrong Exam was the
guest of bis mother, Mrs. Ka tie
Exnm Sunday.
We are sorry to note that Mr. J.
H. Hand has three cases of the
measles at bis home and lias four
more to rake them, and we hope
they will get through nicely.
Miss Cora Hand was the guest
of Miss Katie Babb Sunday.
Miss Bird Nash is off for a while
visiting relatives and friends in
Mrs. Henry Conkle, of Lovejoy,
has been very sick for some time
but is better now.
Mr. J. H. Hand made a business
trip to McDonough last Tuesday.
Best wishes for the Weekly and
its many readers. Blue-eyed'.
for d
A torpid liver deranges the whole
system, and produces
Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu
matism, Sallow Skin and Piles.
There is no better remedy for these
common diseases than DR. TUTT’S
LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove.
Take No Substitute,
# *
Get the Weekly started again.
Sunday School still booming—
quite a largo number of visitors
j resent Sunday.
School opened at this place last
Monday morning and with the
large new school building and in -
der its exeellmt teacher, Prof.
Stewart, of Doraville, a flourish
ing term is expected.
The little infant babe of Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Mitchell died at their
home here Frida v. The fond par
ents have the deep sympathy of
the.entire community in the loss
of their 1 abe.
But remember, Jesus said. “Suf
fer little children to come nr to me
and forbid them not for of such is
the kingdom of heaven.”
Mr. and Mrs. Crane of n e r
J; ncsboro visited their daughter
Mrs. Grover Campbell last week.
Miss Mamie Stanfield is visiting
her brother, Mr. Flem Stanfield, of
Forsyth, this week.
Mi-s H. T. Avery and daughter,
Miss Lula Darsey visited Mrs. Liz
zie Abercrombie Monday last.
Mrs. Hattie Barnett entertained
a number of her friends at a six
o’clock dinner Sunday.
The singing given by Mr. and
Mrs. Lon Barnett Sunday evening
last was enjoyed by all present.
They were: Mr and Mrs. B. C.
Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bar
nett. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnett,
Mr. and Mrs. Hubby Moore, M’.
and Mrs. W. 11. Barnett.
Mrs. Nettie Berry, Misses Ber
tha Glowers, Nettie Maxey, Be
atrice Andrews, Jewell Campbell,
Nevie Calloway, Susie Stanfield,
Ethel Anderson, Flossie Pendlev,
Messrs. Dixon Andrews, Prof.
Stewart, Earney Campbell, Jesse
Stanfield, Homer Patterson, Ox
ford Barnctr, Walter Conkle, Cen
ter Glowers, Wade Anderson, Har
vey Barnett, Arthur Banks, Claude
C’aloway, Henry Andrews, Fred
Barnett, Delos Barnett.
Can you write it 1908, yet?
Measles have put in their ap
p otranco.
J F. Bowden has moved bis
family to McDonough to reside.
Grady Maddox and lady spent
Sunday with the latter’s parents,
Oliver Thompson visited rela
tives in Atlanta during the holi
The residence of Prof. Johnson
is nearing completion.
1 be wedding bell- will not ring
here until we’ll hush.
< am ( ruig lias moved into Ms
handsome new residence near Ola.
Mrs. Rossie Rape spent last
week with relatives in Atlanta.
W. M. George has moved to his
place he he purchased just belOw
D T. Mayo has moved his fam
ily to Walton county where he
will reside.
.John Blissit and family, of At
lanta, spent the holidays with rel
atives her«.
J. Bion Mayo is attending the
cotton grading school at Athens.
The friends of Mr. G. M. Ha\ s
will regret to learn of his contin
ued feeble health.
Prof. Bail Elliott is teaching a
goxl, flourishing school in the up
per portion of the bounty.
Mr. Billie Jackson has moved
Ins family to Alabama where lie
will reside in future.
J. C. Craig is receiving the con
gratulations of liis friends on ac
count of a new arrival at liis home.
The many Henry county friends
of Rev. E. M. Hooten were sad to
learn of his death last week.
It is getting dangerous to throw
rocks in Tussahew district for yon
are liaolo to hit a candidate for of