Newspaper Page Text
Leading Uudertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 30. -
G. E. Weems,
Physician and Surgeon,
McDonough, ua.
Office in the Thrasher Building.
Cotton Thursday It 1-4.
Mrs. Aldine Combs, of Locust
Grove, is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Copeland.
I keep on hand all the time hors
es and mules. A. B. Mitcham,
Hampton, Ga. tf.
Misses Annie Nolan and Blanche
Wentzell are guests of Airs. I. D.
Crawford at Lovejoy.
Mr. G. C. Wise, of Mt. Carmel,
was a pleasant caller on The Week
ly yesterday.
Shoe Repairing—Half soles 20,
25, 30 and 40 cents per pair.
Walter Thompson.
Mr. T. H. Haralson, of Sheffield,
was the guest of Miss Ethel John
son recently.
Mrs. Zou Ward, of Stoekbridge,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. A
Turner, this week.
Air. John Curry, of near Conyers
was the guest of friends and rela
tives during Xmas.
Miss Ethel Johnson is spending
the week with Aliss Nell Brown in
Mrs. Chas. F. Petty and two sons
after spending several weeks with
her mother, Airs. AI. A. Johnson
has returned to her home in Toccoa
Mr. Jacob Guyton, of Flippen,
was mingling with his many Alc-
Donougli friends during the holi
Miss Alice Johnson has returned
to Atlanta after spending several
days with her mother, Mrs. Al. A.
Miss Marv Burkor has returned
to her homo in Atlanta after an
extended visit to Miss Liizzie No
Miss Lollie V. Martin, of Ath
ens, was the guest of Miss Lizzi*
Nolan recently.
WANTED—To buy a good com -
bination saddle and buggy horse.
Apply to
Dr. A. R. Scott,
McDonough, Ga.
Miss Vesta Ellis, after a visit of
sometime to B. B. Brown and fam
ily in the city, returned to her
home at Locust Grove yesterday.
—Griflin News.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Ellis,* of
Knoxville, Tenn., and Miss Vesta
Ellis, of Locust Grove, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adams,
Miss Nell Brown, an attractive
and lovely young lady, has return
ed to her home rn Atlanta after
spending several days here the
guest of Misses Janie and Richie
Miss Nettie B. Fonclie, of McDon
ongh, was in the city yesterday on
the way to Dawson, where she will
spend sometime with her grand
mother, Mrs. B. H. Brown.—Grif
fin News.
Mr. Bert Patterson, who the past
year was associated with his broth
er, Mr. T. J. Patterson, in the gro
cery business, has gone back to his
country home to farm this year.
He was here Wednesday and was
given a cordial welcome by his ma
ny friends.
I will exchange mules. A. B.
Mitcham, Hampton, Ga. tf
Aliss Clara Nolan has returned
to Jackson after a visit to Miss
Jettie Bunn.
See me for lumber and shingles.
R. C. Brown,
Locust Grove, Ga
Miss Maude Townsend has re
turned to Greensboro after an ex
tended visit to her sister, Mrs. J.
T. Weems.
Before buying or exchanging
your mule or horse see A. B.
Mitcham, Hampton. tf.
For choice CUT FLOWERS of
all kinds for Receptions, Weddings
Funerals, etc., telephone, tele
graph, or write,
Idle-Hour Nurseries,
Macon, Ga
Air. J. Chaffin, one of the
staunch farmers of the eastern
part of the county, was a visitor
in McDonough yesterday for the
first time in seven weeks, he hav
ing been laid up for that time from
a severe cut in his left foot. His
many friends are glad to see him
able to be out again.
With the the New Year come
new resolutions, renewed energy
and high aspirations for the future.
The holidays passed off quietly
and everyone commented on the
unusually dull Christmas.
The most enjoyable occasion for
the children was the Christmas
tree given by the Sabbath School
the afternoon of Cliistmas day.
The young people enjoyed a
masquerade party given in honor
of Aliss Caldwell, of South Caroli
na, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. R. Caldwell last Tuesday even
Aliss Blanche Bowers has return
ed from Moreland, where she went
to spend the holidays with home
Air. Tom McDonald has accepted
a position in Covington. We re
gret to give up so many of our
home hoys.
Air. and Mrs. Howard Hooten
will reside in MeDonongh. Air.
Hooten has taken stock in The
Carmichael Planing Mill and Lum
ber Co.
Little Willie Alay Presson, who
was accidentally shot by her fa
ther the last of Christmas, is im
proving, and it is hoped will soon
he well again. Much anxiety for
her recovery has been felt by her
family and friends.
We have a flourishing school
now at Rock Spring under the ef
ficient management of Aliss Lucy
McDonald and Aliss Blanche Bow
ers. They have enrolled 76 pu
Sometime in the near future an
entertainment will be given by the
music class and other pupils of the
school. It is needless to say that
all will look forward to this with
much pleasure since these teach
ers have proven in the past their
talent for training the young.
beautifully illustrated, pood stories ©_ __
and articles about California and 3
all the Fax West. • **"
devoted each month to the ar
tistic reproduction of the best 531,00
work of amateur and professional a y tal
a book of 75 pages, coptaining
120 colored photographs of $0.75
picturesque spots in California
and Oregon.
Total ... 83.25
All for . . . . $1.50
Address all orders to
Flood Building San Francisco
For Job work come to us.
Fourth Scholastic Mouth.
(Neither Absent Nor Tardy.)
First Grade. Ralph Bowden,
Harvey Brown, Louise Brown, H.
J. Copeland, Sadie Duffey, Henry
Engber, Carrie DuPree, Clarence
Elliott, Chalmas Night, Geo. Kim
bell, Alittie AI. AlcGarrity, Fannie
Morrow, Alary Lou Morrow, Paul
McGarrity, Ethel Phillips, Horace
Phillips, Edwin Rape, Frank Rodg
ers, Annie Pearl Smith, Hilda
Woodward, Marie Welch, A. J.
Welch, Oren Barrett, Addie Kate
2nd. Myrtis Hunt.
3d. Ruth Dickson, Nelle New
man, Beatrice Pattterson.
4tb. Henry McGarrity, Harold
Sowell, Roy Mays, Hope Nail,
Charles Nail.
sth. Eldora Grant, Bessie Sow
ell, Mary Russell.
6th. Boce Elliott, Annie Bell
Ingram, McClellan Shields, Millie
Kate Stansell.
7tli. Russ Elliott, Dozier Fields,
Ruby Langston, Ida Lou Tarpley.
Bth. Eva Cathy, Frank Cope
land, La Rue Lummus, Mary Alayo
Berta Wallace, Eva May Woods,
Tom Woods, Alamie Woodward,
Tallie Alay Woodward.
9th. Lillie Coan, Leone Tarpley.
10th. Clara Bright, Alex Brown,
Raymond Cathy, Willie Lee Hill,
Ruth Rape, Dozier Russell, Ruth
(Gen. Av. 95%. Not less than
90% in any subject.)
Ist Grade. Harvey Brown, H.
J. Copeland, Henry Engber, Alittie
M. AlcGarrity, Alary Lou Morrow,
Ethel Phillips, Horace Phillips,
Frank Rodgers, Edwin Rape, An
nie Pearl Smith, Marie Welch.
4th. Susie Stallings.
6th. Lindsey Coan, Orlena
Welch, Alma Wright, Millie Kate
7th. Ida Lou Tarpley, Leona
Welch, Lucile Tolleson.
Bth. Eva Cathy, Frank Cope
land, Grady Ingram, Laßne Lum
mus, Eva Alay Woods, ToinWoods t
Alamie Woodward, Tallie Mag
Hon. H. H. Greer has been real
sick with lagrippe but is some bet
ter at this writing.
Mr. John Dupree while return
ing home from Lnella last Wednes
day night, got his buggy torn up
as the mule became frightened and
run against a telephone pole, for
tunately no one was hurt.
Miss Ethel DuPree, of Griffin, is
spending this week with her cons
in Bell DuPree of Rocky Creek.
Rev. Camp, of Jonesboro, filled
his regular appointment at Rocky
Creek Sunday.
Mr. Harper Moore and sister,
Miss Lucy, attended services at
Rocky Creek Sunday.
Mr. T. F. Hale is the boss wood
cutter of this section. He says he
cut 18 cords every six days. When
I see him cut it I will know he can
—as wood is hard to cut.
Mrs. Tom Greer is very sick with
grip but is some better now.
Mr. Jesse Greer spent Saturday
night with his brother, Lem, at
Mr. Lewis DuPree is having a
nice new house erected.
Johnnie DuPree says the roads
never get too bad for him to turn
west at Luella.
Black smith and wood shop, with
large paint room and dwelling if
12-203 t Ola, Ga.
Mr. R. J. Mayo, of Fineherville,
was a visitor in the city on Thurs
day. He is one of that section'*
highly esteemed and prominent
Tell your friends of The Weekly.
Pay you interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
L. G. FOUTSON, Cashier.
Will store your Cotton FREE for 30 Days.
Insurance Rates : 10c. per month.
Storage after 30 Days 25c. per month for four
months; Balance of the Year
rr eei
ihe . M/ms Coum
ENDORSED by the Great New York Firm,
ANDREW J. GRAHAM Co., Pub. Text Books of
«5 BERNARD C. ANS E ED, PtCS. Faculty 5 Expert Teachers
For reave to Sell.
GEORGIA, Henry County:—
To whom it. may concern: J. A. Fou
che, administrator, upon the estate of
Mrs. Sallie S. Branan, late of said county
deceased, has in due form applied to the
undersigned, Ordinary of said county, for
leave to sell Two hundred and fifteen
acres of land belonging to the estate of
said Sallie S, Branan, said land lying in
Henry and Clayton counties. Said ap
plication will be heard at the regular
term of the court of Ordinary for said
county to be held on the first Monday in
February 1908. This Jan, 6th 1908.
G G. Weems, Ordinary.
Petition to Amend Charter.
GEORGIA, Henry County:—
To the Superior court of said county:—
The petition of “The Carmichael Plan
ing Mill and Lumber Company” respect
fully shows the following facts:
I.—Petitioner is a corporation hereto
fore created by the Superior court of Hen
ry county by proper order dated March 18
1906. in which the powers were granted
as prayed for, and the duties and liabili
ties fixed.
3. —The petitioner wishes its charter to
be amended, by changing its corporate
name from “The Carmichael Planing
Mill and Lumber Company ’ to read as
follows, to-wit:
“Carmicliael-Stephens Lumber Com
3. —Petitioner further wishes its char,
ter amended by enlarging its powers. Pe
titioner prays, in addition to the powers
conferred by its charter, to be authorized
and empowered to contract and do all
kinds of building, electrical and plumb
ing work, and all things necessary to the
complete and successful operation of a
general contractor’s business.
Wherefore, petitioner prays an order of
court granting the amendments to its
charter as herein set forth.
E. A. Stephens. Petitioner’s Attorney.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
I, J. A. Foucne, Clerk of the Superior
court of above county, certify officially
that tiie above and foregoing is a true
and correct copy of a petition this day
filed in my office.
J. A, Fouche, Clerk.
Diarrhoea Remedy
Is a reliable, pleasant and safe
remedy for bowel complaints
both in children and adults. Buy
it now: it may save life.
Cuts, sores. Burns
& Rheumatism Zst
To Perfect. Titles.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
In the Court of Ordinary for said eoun-
To J. H. Price Jr., S. S. Price, Mrs. J.
H. Varner, Mrs. O. P, Huling, Alihs. ,T, I).
DuPree, Mrs. Ed Me Lucas, Airs. T. P.
Horton, Aliss Minnie Price, Aliss Lena
Price anti Aliss Ida Williams, heirs at law
of J. B. Price. Sr., and J. B. Price Jr. as
guardian of Aiis> Ida AY liliams, and J. B.
Price, Jr. and S. S. Price, executors of
the last will and testament of J. B, Price
Sr.: —
W. H. Cleveland having made application
to require titles to lie made to him to cer
tain lands described in a build for titles*
copy of which is hereto annexed, pur
porting to be signed l,y J. B. Price Sr.,
late of said county, deceased, said applica
tion urging that all the conditions there
in contained had been fully complied,
dll parties concerned are hereby notified
that said application will be heard before
the court of Ordinary for said county at
the February 1908 term of same. Order
ed that this notice be published as re
quired Hy law. This January 6th 1008.
G. G. Waams, Ordinary.
For Twelve Alonth’s Support.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
Airs. Cora G. Berry having made appli
cation for twelve month’s support out' of
the estate of J. R. Berry and appraisers
duly appointed to set apart the same, all
persons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the court of Ordinary
of said county on first Alonday in Febru»
ary 1908 why said application should not
be granted, January 6, 1908.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
fhousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
Prevalency of Kidney Disease.
Most people do not realize the alarm
ing increase and remarkable prevalency
of kidney disease.
orders are the
most common
j/f [ \ V diseases that pre
vail, they are
'fj fu almost the last
tzLJpL recognized by
patient and phy
sicians, who eon
tent themselves
with doctoring the effects, while the orig~
inal- disease undermines the system.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
| and every part of the urinary passage,
jlt corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample bottle and a
book that tells all ‘
about it, both sent free
bv mail. Address Dr. ggfeijdlWfjlg SSSff&gß
Kilmer &: Co., Bing
hamton, N. Y. When Home of Swamp-Root,
writing mention this paper and don’t
make any mistake, but remember the
name. Dr. Kilmer’s 3\vamp-Root, and
the address, Binghamton, N. Y.