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The Henry County Weekly
T. A. SLOAN, President. L. O. BENTON, Vice-President. A. M. STEWART, Cashier
H. J. TURNER, Assistant Cashier. 7969 HENRY WOODWARD, Book Keeper.
At the Close of Business January Bth, 1908.
Loans and Discounts $59,594.52
U. S. Bonds and Premiums 31,004.68
Redemption ' 500.00
Banking House, Furnit’e & F’x’s 6,758.90
Cash and Exchange 35,968.89
Total - - $133,826.99
This Bank is only two years old and invites comparison.
5% Interest paid on Time Deposits.
1908. 1908.
A New Year GreetinG!
For 25 years our Business has in=
creased both in volume and profits,
for which we want to thank each
and every customer, hoping to care
for your wants even better in the
future. And from this day, we are
going sell all
at Cost, plus 10% for handling and
from $3.00 to $6.00 per trip for team
and driver, owing to distance,
Embalming done when wanted, without any
charge whatever, by the very best method,
with 10 years actual experience.
We pledge ourselves not to have any pretended
nurses, or agents to look after the sick bed for the
sake of a funeral, nor expect any friend to come to
us except it be the wish of a family. Every bill in
this line is open to the purchaser for prices.
All calls promptly answered day or night, re=
gardless of distance or weather.
Thanking you for past favors, and a continuance
of same, we are, Yours truly,
B B Carmichael & Sons
B. B. Carmichael,
J. T. Sowell,
L. O. Benton,
J. C. Daniel,
Joe J. Smith,
A. M. Stewart,
Rail Road Com.
Cuts Out Franks
Of All-Kinds.
-g— 1
The state railroad commission
has issued an order extending the
anti -pass law so that it applies, as
regards free service, to telephone
and telegraph companies, electric
light, gas or power companies,
baggage and cab companies, termi
nal companies, cotton compress
companies, and all other public
service utilities that come within
the jurisdiction of the commission.
The order is merely the formal
expression of what has been known
for a month or more to be the will
of the commission.
The order in full follows :
“Whereas, It appears to this
commission that general order No
3, forbidding free passes and free
service as therein expressed, has
been from its date, October 29, ’O7,
generally' constructed and accepted
as including telegraph and tele
phone companies, but doubts hav
ing been expressed touch the same :
“Whereas, All such don b t s
should he removed and the policy
and operation of said order ex
tended : therefore it is now
“Ordered and declared, That
said general order No. 3 was in
tended to include, and the same 1s
now expressly so amended as to
include and apply to telegraph and
telephone companies, and further
that no electric light or gas com
pany or power company ; no termi
nal company, baggage or cab com
pany ; no cotton compress compa
ny, or other public service corpora
tion, company or person subject to
the jurisdiction of this commis
sion shall he allowed to furnish
Capital Stock $30,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits,
less Expenses and Taxes Paid 8,192.97
Circulation 30,000.00
Deposits 65,634.02
Bills Payable None
Total. - - $133,826.99
their respective services or service '
free in this state.
“Provided, That the commis
sion will, upon application and
proper showing made, authorize
free or reduced service for chari
table purposes, according to the
facts and lawfulness of the same
in each particular instance.
“By order of the board :
“S. G. McLendon, Chairman.
“George F. Montgomery, Sec.
Splendid Showing for
Bank of Henry County.
The regular annual meeting of
the stockholders of The Bank of
Henry County was held at the of
fice of the Bank on Monday last.
The earnings of the bank was
highly satisfactory to tlie stock
holders and, the nsual 10 %
dividend was declared and the
splendid balance above this was
placed to undivided profit account.
The directors for the ensuing
year are D. J. Green, T. D. Stew
art, H. J. Copeland, P. W. Pullin,
W. W. Amis, A. N. Brown, E. M.
Copehod, J. B. Dickson, T. F.
Immediately after the stockold
rrs meeting the directors met and
F. S. Etheridge, President
H J. Copeland, V-President.
J. B. Dickson, Cashier
R. L. Turner, Ast't Cashier.
E. M. Mc.Michael, Bookkeeper.
This Bank holds the confidence
of the people to an unusual extent
and is known as the “Old Relia
“Paw, what is a guillotine?”
“It’s an instrument hearing some
resemblance to a shirt collar that
has been three or four times to
the laundry, Tommie, but it is
much quicker and more merciful
in its operation.”
G. L. Thrasher,
T. A. Sloan,
H. J. Turner.
Council Committees and
Officers for 1908.
W, D. Tarpley, Mayor.
.1. M. Carmichael, Mayor pro tern
H. J. Turner, Clerk and Treas.
Bailor Smith, Chief Marshal.
J. M. Patterson, Ass’t Chief.
Committee on Finance.
J. T. Sowell, Chairman ; E. Good
win and J. S. Rodgers.
Committee on Streets.
E. Goodwin. Chairman; J. D.
Dupree and H. J. Turner.
Committee on Sanitation.
J. D. Dupree, Chairman; J. T.
Sowell and .1. S. Rodgers.
Committee on Cemetary.
•T-M. Carmichael, Chairman; .1.
T. Sowell and .1. D. Dupree.
A happy New Year, to one thou
sand Members in good standing in
the Bntts Connty Division of the
Mutual Life and Industrsal Associa
tion of Georgia, Ideal Insurance to
you at low cost.
Pay your 19th and 11th assess
ment 1907, on or before Monday,
the 20tli. Do not. forget your in
stance and thereby rob the widow
or an orphan child of a deceased
member, of ONE Dollar.
Jas. F. Carmichael, Q ec’y & Treas.
lirst National Bank Building,
Jackson, G.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to extend our heart
felt thanks to each and every one
for their kindness to ns during the
illness and death of onr precious
little one. and it is onr prayer to
God, that he will repay von with
many, many blessings, ffifcd pre
pare us to meet onr darling in
heaven. Respectfully,
Mr. and Mrs Jim Barrett.