Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
vol. xxxm
Little Estelle Cleaveland
The little two year old daughter
of Mr. aiul Mrs. W H Cleveland
died at Bowden, at Mr. Walter
Stewart's, of pneumonia, while on
a visit there with her mother.
The remains were brought here
on Monday and on Tuesday the
funeral and interment was held at
Bethany church.
The fond parents are deeply
grieved over the sad death of their
little one, but ’tis only to such as
she that Christ said : “Suffer little
children to come unto me, and for
/hid them not for of such is the
kingdom of heaven.”
Mrs. Swann Dies at Ham
Mrs. Will Swann died at her
home at Hampton on last Friday
after a lingering illness from ty
phoid fever.
Mrs. Swann was 46 years old and
was a m o s t excellent woman,
whom to know was to love her.
She is survived by her husband
and two daughters, Misses Pauline
and Serena Swann.
The funeral and interment was
held at Cedar Grove churcn near
Ellenwood on Saturday.
The Weekly extends condolence
to the bereaved ones.
WANTED —Local representative
for McDonough Ga. and vicinity
to look after renewals and increase
subscription list of a prominent
monthly magazine, on salary and
com’n basis. Experience desirable,
but not necessary. Good oppor
tunity for right person. Address
Publisher, Box 59, Station O, New
1908. 1908.
A New Year GreetinG!
For 25 years our Business has in=
creased both in volume and profits,
for which we want to thank each
and every customer, hoping to care
for your wants even better irf the
future. And from this day, we are
going sell all
at Cost, plus 10% for handling and
from $3.00 to $6.00 per trip for team
and driver, owing to distance,
Embalming done when wanted, without any
charge whatever, by the very best method,
with 10 years actual experience.
We pledge ourselves not to have any pretended
nurses, or agents to look after the sick bed for the
sake of a funeral, nor expect any friend to come to
us except it be the wish of a family. Every bill in
this line is open to the purchaser for prices.
All calls promptly answered day or night, re=
gardless.of distance or weather.
Thanking you for past favors, and a continuance
of same, we are, Yours truly,
B B Carmichael & Sons
McDonough, Georgia, Friday January 24, igos.
Agricultural Dept.,
Elects J. B. Brown
Mr. J. B. Brown, one of Henry’s
most prominent citizens and pro
gressive farmers, has been ap
pointed by the United States agri
cultural department to take charge
of the Farmers’ Co-operative
Demonstration work in Henry end
Newton counties this . year. The
object of this work is to have far
mers in every part of the county
plant a few acres with select seed
and then they are to cultivate it
under the direction of these gov
ernment agents
In future issues of The Weekly
we will more fully explain the
workings of this new system.
Fargason Local Elected Of
ficers Sat. Jan. 18 for ’OB.
J. W. Patterson, presidet; S. C.
Sherwood, vice-president; A. W.
Sherwood, sec-treas. ; J. B. Mayo,
organizer and lecturer, and also
chaplain ; H. B. Dnffev, door-keep
er ; C. D. DuffeV, conductor; Will
Moss, H. B. Dnffev, H. S. McGarri
tv appointed on executive commit
tee by the president; S. C. Sher
wood, businesfc agent.
A motion was made and passed
for the sec’y-treasnrer to accept
dues only at the place of meeting
or on regular meetings of Fargason
local. A. W. Sherwood, sec-tres.
Two Old Citizens
at Death’s Door.
As The Weekly goes to press it
is reported that two of McDon
ongh’s oldest and most prominent
citizens, Dr. G. P. Campbell and
Mr. W, W. Amis, are not expected
to live, and their conditions grow
more critical each hour. Their
hosts of friends are filled with
deepest grief to know that the Re
sistless Reaper is waiting to carry
them over to the other side.
We sell the best fence made. All
kinds and shapes, the fence that holds.
Get our prices and buy our fence.
Very truly,
H. J. Copeland mercantile Co.,
Photic 25. flcDonough, Ga.
A. P. S.
We had weather that God made
Sunday and Monday, hut the Hicks
variety returned Tuesday.
Poeksville is looking up some at
last. Dr. Jarrell has recovered
some of his tenant houses this win
ter, and so has W. Hf Maddox, and
Tom Shaw has built a new dwelling
on his father’s farm, and if there
is a vacant dwelling in the neigh
borhood I don’t know of it.
The cattle don’t all run at large,
all the time now, and Alf Wynn,
who moved to Alabama last winter
and moved back this winter notes
the improvement and says its a
good thing I moved here.
Will Mason and family, of Worth
ville, visited on the day light side
of the world Sunday.
Mre* Robert Cawthorn had pity
on the poor and gave Mrs. A. P. S. (
some nice collards last week.
Mr. Ralph Lee has moved to Will
liam Maddox’s Ghu LeGuinn place
at the little Tussahaw bridge and
thus becomes our nearest neighbor
on that side, hut we have nothing
to fear from him, for I think he
keeps up his stock, and if he does
there may he something more than
hypocritical form in his going to
meeting occasionally.
Citizens of the little cutoff
south of Sardis church, in Henry
county, are inconveniently situat
ed to schools-since the consolida
tion of the Mt. Betr.e.l and Sardis
schools. These people have inter
ceeded with the School Commis
sioner and the Board, Ilsarn, and
have been granted a four month's
school near Sardis, where they say
they desire a permanently estab
lished school witn all the rights
and privileges of public schools of
the county generally. t
While I am not personally inter
ested in school matters, T am satis
fied from my acquaintance with
the location of the newly located
schools, thereMs some merit in the
Stands Like a Stone Walt
Turns Cattle, Horses, Hogs—ls Practically Indostructiblo
-j i' ~i~ r " T ~7~7nr
- fitxJz __—_ L..|. .1. " h _ ,.u_j z
rt " •[• I ■ rzz —~il/ ”
Buy your new fence for years to come. Get the big, heavy wires, the
hinge joint, the good galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality of steel
that is not too hard nor too soft.
We can show vou this fence in our stock and explain its merits and
superiority, not only in the roll but in the field. Come and see us and get
our prices.
plea of those people over there,
and am satisfied they cap get what
ever consideration from our able
Commissioner, and Board they can
lawfully give them.
There was a good sized crowd
out to hear Elder Dan Henderson
preach at Ozias, Sunday.
Mr. Frank Gleaton and Miss Vir
lie Elliott wers united in the holy
bonds of matrimony at 10 o’clock,
Elder A C Elliott performing the
ceremony at his residence. They
left on the 10.30 train Monday
morning for a bridal tour of sev
eral days after which they will he
at home to their friends on Gleaton
street. They have our best wish
Mrs. Thomas Gleaton is reported
Our co-laborer, Mr. Will Chafin,
visited McDono Friday.
Mr. Isom Gunter of Bethany,
was visiting in our midst Satur
Mr. William Gleaton’s new res
idence is nearing completion. .
Mr. Peter Love and family visit
ed in Rockdale Monday and Tues
day. ,
Mr, Florence Elliott accompanied
his Aunt Mollie Gibson over to
Dr. Gibson’s Sunday.
Mr. Jim Brannan and wife of
Flippon visited our ville recently.
Mr. Jim Moseley of Brn s h
Knob was an interested visitor at
Ozias Sunday.
Prof. C. P. Aiken haS a tele
phone in his residence, Mr. Bridg
es installing it Monday.
I am now agent for the
Piedmont Steam Laundry
Mrs. Cora Fields of Flippen
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. J.
F. Johnson and family.
Messrs, Henry and Garie Strick
land spent Sunday in Dutchtown.
the guests of C. E. Clayton.
J. 11. Stephenson and wife visit
ed Mr. Jeff Hand and wife Sun
Mr. Jord Joliuson Jr. syent Sun
day with Leroy and Robert Strick
Mr. Emmett Touchstone is all
smiles*—its a boy.
J T Strickland visited W N
Strickland Sunday.
Progress had her conrse in meas
les three or four years ago, so
measles is- scarce right through
here—hut we are having trouble
with pnemnouia.
Mrs. Maggie Riley of Flippon
spent a few days with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Conkle, who
is still quite sick.
We are glad to note that Mrs. J.
W. Foster is some better at this
J T Stephenson and litile daugh
ter, Omar, spent Saturday with
his son, J II Stephenson.
,G M» Adamson and wife spent
Snm'a r in Dutchtown.
We are ex«y< dingly glad to hear
from High hill again, but I won
der what lie has done with his
Mrs. Geore Pritchett spent Sun
day with her sister Mrs. J W Fos
ter who is quite sick with pneu
Mrs. W E Johnson is expected to
arrive today(Monday,) to spend a
few days with her mother-in-law,
Mrs. M E Johrst n.
Mr. Tom Moseley, the popular
barber at McDonough, is laid up
with a severe jutack cf measles.