Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest ana most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone Jib.
McDonough, ga.
G. E. Weems,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in thk Thbashkk Building.
J.* ? * v
Good time to get job printing
I keep oh hand all the time hors
es and mules. A. B. Mitcham,
Hampton, Ga. tf.
Mrs. Bertha Hooten and little
Qora AdaaiSv- with
friends in Atlanta.
Before buying or exchanging
your mule or horse see A. B.
Mitcham, Hampton. tf.
Dr. Frank Nolan, of The Rock,
was the guest of friends and rel
atives here Saturday and Sunday.
See me for lumber and shingles.
R. C. Brown,
Locust Grove. Ga
Wine of Cardni at 75c. Other
medicines at same rates at Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith, of
Flovilla, wore the guests of their
daughter, Mrs. T. J. Brown, Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mr. A. L. Nash, who resides on
route 3. was a caller at the Weekly
office Tuesday—he, too, joined the
happy hand of Weekly readers.
i will he away from my office
every Friday from Oct. isth to
April Ist to assist in the teaching
of the Southern Dental College.
T. A. Lifsey.
Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Lifsey have a
bouncing young man at their home
who arrived last Saturday as a
regular guest with them.
Mr. J. C. Dingier, of near Green
wood, was in the city on Tuesday,
and while here had the Weekly
entered for a year’s visit to his
Mr I. P. Rosser, of Bethany
was in to see the Weekly Tuesday!
He reports a lot of measles in his
community, which has great!v
crippled.the Union Graded school.
first class mule. Also want to buy
some good corn and fodder.
Dr. D W. Scott,
McDonough, Ga.
Mr. F C. Sims, one of Brushy-
Knob’s leading citizens and promi
nent farmers, was a visitor in the
city Tuesday, ami while here jaid
the Weekly a welcomeoall.
For choioe CUT FLOWERS of
all kinds for Receptions. Weddings
Funerals, etc , telephone, tele
graph, or write,
Idle-Hour Nurseries.
Macon, Ga
Mr. J. B. Cathey, formerly of
this connty T< bnt now one of Jen
kinsburg's prominent young citi
zens, was a visitor in the city
Tuesday and while here gave the
Weekly force a pleasant call.
Mrs. W. t Turner and daughter
Miss Elizabeth, of Eatonton, were
The guests of the former's daugh
ter, Mss. J, Q. Nolan, returning
home on Saturday.
Mrs. J. G. Craft, who had been
the guest of her mother, Mrs. L
A. Turner, for a month, returned
to her home at Hartwell on Tues
Now is the time to make up your,
early Spring dresses, we are ready
to supply you with the prettiest
line of new spring percales and
ginghams in the market.
T. A. Sloan & Co.
I will exchange mules. A. B.
Mitcham, Hampton, Ga. tf
Mr. Marvin Turner spent Sunday
and Monday with his brothers at
Many and varied have been the
pranks of the weather this week,
Miss Ella Berry, one of the
bright and charming young ladies
of the Sixth district, is the lovely
guest of Mrs. H. L. Carmichael
this week.
FOR SALE—One good pair of
mules and wagon ; also two good
milch cows for sale—For further
information call on
J. W. Weems,
Rt. 2, McDonough, Ga.
Mrs. J. P. Nichols went over to
McDonongh yesterday, where she
spend a few days visiting her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Daniel.—
Griffin New’s.
When you want Guano,
Meal and Hulls, or Coal,
call on
for we handle nothing
but the best.
Mr J. W. Blodsoe, of the extreme
eastern part of the county was in
town yesterday and while here
paid the Weekly a pleasant call.
Ho reported that one of his New
ton county neighbors, Mr. Sidney
Piper committed suicide on Wed
nesday by shooting himself in the
head with a shot gun. No cause is
known for the act.
I am now agent for the
Piedmont Steam Laundry
Will be sold before the courthouse door
on the first Tuesday in February 1908, one
Gin out fit consisting of one to saw and
one 60 saw gin, one 16 horse boiler engine,
one saw mill and one good grist mill, and
one acre of land known as the D. T. Stone
gin place. Terms made known at sale.
A. P. S,
Prof. Hicks sent us weather iu
car lots Sunday night
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wynn are both
on the sick list with grippe.
L W Turner and family of Beer
sheba passed through here Sunday
on a visit to Dicken Edalgo’s fami
ly at Jonkinsburg, who are all
wrestling with the measles.
MeaslA have also invaded the
Sardis school.
They say Rev. Ward preached a
good sermon at New Hope Sunday
1 did not go because it rained.
Mr. “Tump” of Butts,
visited relatives and probably oth
ers here Saturday and Sunday.
Capt. John Mason sowed his
wheat last week. We will watch
that for an experiment farm.
Mr. Billie Wi.kerson occupies
the old John Wilkins place in this
district this year.
Mr Ghu'LoGuinn, crowned hiß
dwelling last week with a now
roof. He told me if I would go to
the covering 1 might work but lit
tle till eating time, and then make
a full hand. With these induce
ments I was going, but it looked
too much like rain.
Pleasei tell Uncle Sam Daily to
get his Uncle Sam to employ a big
muil carrier with a high number
from Atlanta to McDonough, so
our No. 4 Crnmbley can get our
papers for us down this way.
Give the liberal, fair rates and
require efficient service of them.
Give a nigger that makes a good,
intelligent, moral citizen and tax
paver his suffrage, and keep the
criminals at work for the public.
Give a good fellow that’s got sense
good at moderate prices
when lie needs it, and keep the
old soaks and Imms at public work
and away from liquor.
Do a wav with all the Tommy-
Hokev regime altogether and put.
sensible men in responsible places.
Let all the big preachers t h a t
don’t know the difference between
liquor agitation, prohibition legis
lation, and grace and salvation,
snort ami tramp on. hut |iav them
no attention—nor m one v—and
thov will soon quit of their own
Now if this is not sonnd states
manship, let some big Ike txot ont
something better.
H. H. Greer Writes
from Savannah.
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 26, 1908.
Mr. Editor:
As The Weekly is expecting to
hear from me I will just drop a
few lines as I go along.
I had a nice journey from Hamp
ton via the Central of Ga. Ry., and
arrived here safe and on time.
Passed through some fine sections
of country and some that look al
most worthless. Almost every
farm house had a little syrup mill
in the lot, but I could not see
where they grew the cane. I be
lieve a Henry county farmer would
starve in some of these sections.
It was a rare thing to see a hog
running at large that would weigh
over fifty pounds, and cattle were
in proportion. But, they tell me
that the people are living and pros
pering all through these sections—
I tell yoti, it made me feel good
when I could see a cotton field.
After reaching the city and par
taking of some refreshments, I pro
ceeded to see the town. At first it
was hard to believe that it was
Sunday, though part of the stores
were closed. I saw several parties
going out on the cars into the
country to hunt with guns and
Savannah is a fine city in looks,
nice broad, white streets, plenty of
romp—dQn’t look like it was bun
dled up ;> to move. Everybody
takes his time; nobody seems to
he in a Hurry like we are up home.
Great changes have taken place
since I was here. The city has
grown wonderfully. It is also un
der very different circumstances.
Then it was in a turmoil of excite
ment. It was expected every
hour for a hot battle to be fought
between the Federal and Confed
erate armies. The battleship was
expected momentarily with the
rising of the tide, but it did not
take place there.
I next took a car and went to
Thunderbolt, where I spent an
hour watching the oyster fishers
catch oysters. Thunderbolt is a
nice place to while away a few
weary moments. The next suburb
is the Isle of Hope, which is also a
beautiful ]daee where it is almost
impossible for one to have the
bines. Now I think I have seen
almost all of the city of Savannah,
and the more I see of it the more T
like it. But I will now leave and
"o on further down till I strike
the Everglades
Perhaps I will let von hear from
mo a Grain, thoiigh I will promise
not. to say much about ca,tchinsr
flsh. I lea ve for Jacksonville and
Tampa.—H. H. Greer.
Mrs. Eli/.a Crookslianks return
ed liyme from an extended visit, to
friends and relatives at Gnffin on
last Saturday. •
Mr. Lon Ellis, who for some
time has resided in the Sixth dis
trict, but now resides three miles
west of town, was a welcome call
er at The Weekly office on Monday.
Mr. W. T. Allen, one of the sub
stantia] farmers residing on route
4, was a pleasant caller on the
Weekly Thursday.
Just received extensive line of
white goods, madras and embreid
T. A. Sloan &Co.
The many friends of Mr. E. M.
Copeland are glad to see him back
at his plaoe of business after an
absence of several days from a
slight indisposition.
Mr. J. M. Foster, one of the prom
inent merchants and leading cit
izens of Hampton was in the city
Messrs. W. J. Harris and Roy
Harris, of Hampton were here
Mr. R. A Sloan, the popular
junior member of the Racket store
has been slightly indisposed this
week wifh the Grippe.
Mr. Sam Hinton, of near Flat
Rock, one of that part of the conn
tv's substantial citizens, was in
town Monday and while here paid
The Weekly a'call.
In another Column w.ll be found
the formal announcement of Col.
J. M. Strickland for solicitor gen
eral of the Flint Circuit. Mr.
Strickland isoneof Griffin’s leading
attorneys and one of the City’s
prominent citizens and the an
nouncement of his candidacy will
be the source of much pleasure to
his many fiiends iu the Circuit.
Pay you interest on time deposits
Prompt and appreciative, with all
In a Reserve Furtd of $200,000.00.
“The safest is best.” Why?
L. G. FORTSON, Cashier.
Will store your Cotton FRE£ lor 30 Days.
Insurance Rates : 10c. per month.
Storage after 30 Days 25c. per month for four
months; Balance of the Year
On Monday evening at 8 o’clock
Miss Nolie Alexander and Mr. Drew
C. Carmichael were married at the
home gf the bride’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Alexander, three miles
west of McDonough, Rev. Dan Hen
derson officiating.
The wedding was a very quiet one
on account of the serious illness of
the bride’s father.
The bride is one Henry County’s
lovely and much loved young ladies
and she has hosts of friende wher
ever known that she has won by
her many rare traits of character.
The groom is one of the County’s
sterling and energetic young far
mers and a most excellent young
Mrs. J. H. Merritt, of Atlanta, is visit
ing here this week.
Mrs. W. F. Grant and Miss Allie Berry
spent Monday In Atlanta.
Misses Ida Owen, Birdie Glass and Leila
•Johnson, of Flippen, spent Saturday and
Sunday here with friends.
Mrs. Bob Lee Estes, of Atlanta, is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. Rosa Lawrence.
Mr. S. R. Austin, of Rex, spent a few
hours here Saturday.
Miss Margaret Ward, of Atlanta, spent
Saturday and Sunday here, the guest of
Mrs. A. H. Swann.
Miss F.zzell Shields, of McDonough, is
the charming guest of Miss Jennie Bran
nan this week.
Mr. Clarence Clark came down from
Atlanta and spent Sunday with homefolks
Miss Lorah Bell Allen is spending the
week in Atlanta with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gossett, of Atlanta,
are visiting relatives here.
Mr. Jonce Turner, of near Ellenwood,
died Saturday niirht and was buried Sun
day morning at Bethel church. He was
about 87 years old and was for a long time
a citizen of Henry county.
Miss Dora Mae Milam, of Locust Grove,
spent the week-end at home here.
Misses Lois and Carrie Gossett enter
tained the young people Saturday evening
at a Leap year party which was an occa
sion of much pleasure for all present.
Well, we are glad to say we have
had a few days of pretty wtather.
W. T. Bernnard, of Hapeville,
nas been spending a few days
with J. H. Carr.
J. E. Sprayberry spent Saturday
night with J. H. Carr and family.
Mr. Hu e Chappell lias about re
covered fi-om a severe case of the
J. H. Carr spent Sunday with P.
R. Martin.
Mrs. J. H. Carr visited Mrs.
Phelix Morris Tuesday.
Miss Annie Mae McVicker visited
homefolks at Locust Grove Satur
day and Sunday.
L. L. Greer visited T. J. Stand
ard and wife last week.
Mr. Geo Moore passed thru this
section Sunday.
C. W. Dupree has been very sick
bnt is some better at this writing.
Mrs. W. L. Nutt has been very
sick for some time. We are glad
to say that she is some better.
Miss Helen Carr was right sick
last week.
Would be_ glad to hear fro m
Hickory Bill real often, as he has
been absent so long.
Fork-road savs he would be glad
to hear from Tar-bnck_t oftener.
Bur he is such a hustler he hasn’t
time to write every week.
—Ta r-bncke.t.
(Retail Value. 50 cents )
Assorted and highly illustrated, with our
Ideal Magazine for three months upon
receipt of seven tvro-cent. stamps. Ideal
Magazine Co., Cln, U, O.
To Perfect Titles.
GEORGIA’ Henry County:
In the j6<Mrt of Ordinary for said coun-
To J. B. Prloe Jr., S. S. Price, Mrs. J.
H. Varner, Mrs. C. P, Huling, Mrs. J, D.
DuPree, Mrs. Ed McLucas, Mrs. T. P.
Horton, Miss Minnie Price, Miss Lena
Price and Miss Ida Williams, heirs at law
of J. B. Price, Sr., and J. B. Price Jr. as
guardian of Miss Ida Williams, and J. B.
Price, Jr. and S. S. Price, executors of
the last will and testament of J. B, Price
Sr.: —
W. H. Cleveland having made application
to require titles to be made to him to cer
tain lands described in a bond for titles,
copy of which is hereto annexed, pur
porting to be signed by J. B. Price Sr.,
late of said county, deceased, said applica
tion urging that all the conditions there
in contained had been fully complied,
all parties concerned are hereby notified
that said application will be heard before
the court of Ordinary for said county at
the February 1908 term of same. Order
ed that this notice be published as re
quired by law. This January 6th 1908.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Twelve Month's Support.
GEORGIA, Henry County:
Mrs. Cora G. Berry having made appli
cation for twelve month’s support out of
the estate of J. R. Berry and appraisers
duly appointed to set apart the saute, all
persons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the court of Ordinary
of said county on first Monday in Febru
ary 1908 why said application should not
be granted, January 6,1908.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Reave to Sell.
GEORGIA, Henry County:—
To whom it may concern: J. A. Fou
che, administrator, upon the estate of
Mrs. Sallie S. Branan, late of said county
deceased, has in due form applied to the
undersigned, Ordinary of said county, for
leave to sell Two hundred and fifteen
acres of land belonging to the estate of
said Sallie S. Branan, said land lying in
Henry and Clayton counties. Said-'ap
plication will be heard at the regular
term of the court of Ordinary for said
county to be held on the first Monday in
February 1908. This Jan. oth 1908.
G G. Weems. Ordinary.
Petition to Amend Charter.
GEORGIA, Henry County:—
To the Superior court of said county
The petition of “Ifhe Carmichael Plan
ing Mill and Lumber Company” refpßef
fully »hows the following facts:
1. —Petitioner is a corporation hereto
fore created by the {superior court of Hqp
ry county by proper order dated March 18
1906. in which the powers were granted
as prayed foiyand the duties and liabili
ties fixed.
2. —The petitioner wishes its charter to
1*“ amended 5 by changing its corporate
name from “The Carmichael Planing
Mill and Lumber Company ’ to read ns
follows, to-wit:
“Carmichael-Stephens Lumber Com
pany.” , . :
3. Petitioner further wishes its char
ter amended by enlarging its powers. Pe
titioner prays, in addition to the powers
conferred by its charter, »o be authorized
and empowered to contract and do all
kinds of building, electrical and plumb
ing work, arid all things necessary to the
complete and successful oj>eration of-a
’.general contractor's business. s'"
When fore, petitioner prays an Alrdep ot
court gi an ting the amendments tp its*
charter as herein set forth.
E. A. Stephens. Petitioner's Attorney.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
1. J. A. Fojicne, Clerk of the Superior
c »urt of above connty, certify officssvl]y
that the above and foregoing is a
and correct copy of a petition this
filed in my office.
J. A. Fouche, Olw*.