The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 07, 1908, Image 4

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j. A. FOK'HK Publtaher.
K. li. .JOHNSON Editor.
Entered at the postoflic* at McDon
•ufh, aa *econd-clasa mail mattar.
Advertising Rate*: »1.00 per lack
per month. Redaction on standing
aaertiacU by special agreement.
mrmjs i lj -- - =
McDonough, Ga , Feb. 7, 1008.
Special to Our Subscribers.
The post office department has
issued a decree which very greatly
concerns us and our subscribers.
Publishers of weekly papers are
not allowed to send their papers to
subscribers who are more than a
year in arrrears on subscription, at
pound rates. If they violate this
rule they will be fined one cent, for
each four ounces of such mail.
Therefore, after this notice and
a reasonable time to hear from
statements sent out, we shall cut
ofi' all our subscribers who are
more than a year behind. This
wilt affect quite a number of our
readers. Subscribers will under
stand then why wo press collec
tions at yhce and will not grow afi
gry, if they should be dropped
lrom our list if they neglect to re
spond promptly to this notice.
This is a government ruling and
not ours ; and we must adhere to
it strictly. We are law abiding
Look at your lable and remit at
once. %
A newspaper has 5,000 readers
for each 1,000 subscribers. A mer
chant who puts out 1,000 handbills
gets possibly 400 people to read—
that is, if the boy who is trusted to
distribute them does not chuck
them under the sidewalk. The
handbills erst, as much as a half
column advertisement in the home
paper. All the women and girls
and half the men and boys read the
advertirements. Result: The
merchant who uses the newspaper
lias 3,500 more readers of each 1,000
of the paper's readers. There is no
estimating iue amount oi business
That auvortis-eg docs bring to a
merchant, but each dollar brings
somewhere from to SIOO worth
ot business —Exchange.
(Last week's lotto
Messrs. .1 li Carr and J E Spray
berry passed through our section
lasi Monday.
II H Greer loft last Sunday for
Coleman Fla. to spend several
.1 M Sanders lost a line mule last
Mesvs. Jessie Greer and Gus
Morris attended church services at
Rocky Creek, Sunday.
W T Buunard, of Atlanta, visit
ed \V T Greer last Sunday.
Progress wanted to know what
had become of High-hill and its
martins. They are still in the
So I guess brother Progress is
still progressing as .1 see he is still
Mr. .T H Carr spent last Sunday
with Mr. P. R. M min.
Mr. F F Hale returned ho m e
last Sunday after spending several
days with his father, who is right
sink, at station.
Mr. and Mrs Gordon Fuller, of
Morrow station spent last Sunday
and Monday wnb the latter’s sis
ter, Mrs. R. H. Greer
Master Harry Greer, who has
been rigr t sick for several days
is better at this writing.
Mr. John Dupree was in our sec
tion last Monday.
Miss LncPe Hand spent last
■week with her cousin, Miss Jet-tie
Greer, and other relatives near
liocky Cretk.
Well, T will ring off for this
tim * hoping to hear from all nest
The United Daughters of
The local Chapter met at the
home ot the president, Mrs. E. J.
Reagan, dan. 16th. Alter the open
ing exercises were gene through,
the subject of the presentation of
| crosses to veterans of Henry coun
ty was taken up.
It was decided to ask The Weekly
to publish a notice to the veteran
of the county, desiring crosses to
please call at the office the Ordina
!ry and fill out an application AT
ONCE, as the local Chapter is very
anxious to present the crosses on
Memorial Day. and as it cakes
sometime to obtain the crosses the
Veterans are urged to attend to the
matter at once.
The crosses are presented by the
Daughters ot Confederacy Fhkk of
cost to the veterans.
In regard to the state medal con
test, it was decided to urge the
schools in our county to take part
in said contest.
In addition to the state contest
for a prize, the McDonough and
Htockbridge Chapters offer a prize
to the bov or girl, under eighteen
years of age in Henry Co. writing
the best essay on the subject,
“1862 in the Confederacy.”
We were glad to have Mrs. W.
W. Ward, of Stockbridge Chapter
with ns. The chapter will meet.
Feb. 20, at the home of Mrs. J. A.
Below will be found the require
ments for the essay contest:
Rules anil Ttegulai ions for Medal
Contest, 11)07-08.
The Georgia Division Ik D. C., with the
desire oi stimulating among Die young
people of the slate, an interest in the stu
dy ol history, especially the history of the
war between the Slates, again offers a
gold medal to the student writing Die best
essay on the sueject assigned.
Teachers ol the slate are earnestly re
quested to encourage ana urge then- pu
pils to enter the contest.
, 1. Subject, ISO 2 in the Confederacy.
li. The contest is open to all white chil
dren ol Georgia, nnuer the age oi eighteen
i). The length ot the essay to he lrom
luou to loot) words. The papers to he type
written, li possible, though that is not es
4. Preparation for tin* essays may be
made at home or elsewhere with full use
of all references, Lssays must be written
within the week, i'yb. r.—2i inclusive, in
presence ol teacuor or county committee
o. Each essay shall be sight d with ficti
tious fame, anil accompanied by a aleil
envelope adurtsseil with same fictitious
name, but containing real naino and au
dit ss ot writer and name of school.
h. manuscript to be graded upon sub
ject immer and style.
7. The medal will be awarded at closing
enoiciscs of school at or near wi: -sli n k,
won. it will he presented by me 1 r< .n
--dept of the local chapter of the Daughters
ol the Confederacy.
8. ihe Principal of each contesting
school, shall seiiu to the local eoninucti e
of his county, the best essay from his
school, seudiugat the same lime, iuioimr.-
Uch as to the* number oi contesiums irom
his school. These local (county) commit
tees shall be appointv d or arranged for,
one in each county, by the state commit
tee mail within whose jurisdiction tno
county shall fail. It shall be the ihtiy of
each county Committee to assist in con
dueling the work in the county, to select
from the essays submitted to it, the best
one to represent the county before the
state committee, and to send to in. s ale
commit,iceman the chosen essay, together
wuh the information as to the nnsm rof
contestants m the county.
Each member of the state conn. Mice
shall have direct supervision of the w, m
in the designated counties, shall alter,u to
-theappointing of a local committee m
each oi her comities, and together with
t woassitants whom sue way appoint . s.’utU
judge the essays submitted b;. Hi .■» conn
tics, si Ucting the best t ,vo it.r ihe ik.ul
consideration of the entire state commit
tee; these essays, witn information as t.>
ihe number ol contestants in her count; s
to be sent to ilie chairman of the state
committee. T lie entire number of ccsays
thits selected shall be sent in rotation to
all the members of the state commit tee for
examination and grading, being retained
by each member for one week only, then
fonvanh li toauutherund finally lviurntd
to t he chairman.
The gradings or decisions on these es
says shall be sent directly to the chairman
bv each committeeman, as soon as j taeti
cable after completion, immediately lif
ter the receipt of all reports, the chairman
shall forward to each member of the com
mittee, a compiled list of the decisions of
9. Essays are to Is sent to local (county)
committees on or before hi arch Ist.
Ihe best essay from each county mist
be sent to the state committeeman , n or
before March 22.
The best two of essays submitted to each
of the it.i mbei s of the state commit,ve
must he in the hand of the chairman on
or In-fore April Oth.
Reference books recommended.
1. T he War between the state. Stephens
2. School History of the U. S. —Fields.
:f History of the Confederacy— Derry.
4 History IT.l T . S —White
6. Campaigns of the Confederacy—Hull,
ti The Strife of Brothers—-Derry.
7. So. States of the Am. t ntoii— Curry-.
5 From Manassas to Appom’x, LMnet
9. Rise and Fall of the Confederate
States—Jefferson Davis.
10. Life and Letters of K. E. li* e Jones.
11. Lifeof Stonewall Jackson—Header n.
Mrs. ,-V. \V. YanHoose, Chairman,Gttins
ville, Ga.
Mrs. Z. W. Oglesby, Quitman, Ga.
Mrs. S. M. Ling, Sandersviile. Gtt.
Mrs. Thos P. Branch, Augusta, Ga.
Mrs. J. F Lewis. Thomnston. Ga.
Mrs. H. H. McCall, Atlanta, Ga.
There will a musical at the home
of Mr. A. H. Swann, of Stockbridge
on Monday evening, Feb. 3rd, from
7 to 10 o’clock, for the benefit of
the U. D. C. Library.
Admission 25c. Everybody come !
The following are the marks
made by grades for month of Jan
uary of those who average 85 and
8. Rnby Setzer. Odell Sowell,
Dola Norman, Carl Patterson,
Wade Rosser, Leroy Rape.
7. Allie Hopkins, Ollie Rosser,
Lillie Craig, Beulah Rosser, Bessie
6. Eunice Hopkins, Ralph Cul
pepper, Herman Whitaker, Jack
4. Horace Rape, Isaac Gunter,
Bertha Holder, Clara Co*van, Mary
3. Joe Gunter, Clarence Rawls,
Ola Whitaker.
2. Vaney Hopkins, Mittie Cul
pepper, Annie Sowell, Lois Main,
Lonnie Craig, Leo Bowden. ,
1. Ula Holder, Zelrner Nail,
Willie Nail, Alvin Hopkins, Em
mett. Whitaker, Douglas Laney-
Frevie Cowan.
We have lost from our enroll
ment about 20 pupils because of
measles and have now enrolled 138.
We made 1900 days this month,
average attendance 95, percent of
attendance 92, attendance this
month fl 2.
First grade pupils who began at
the opening of school and have
be ex in regular attendance have
read four books to date and will
begin in second reader next Mon
We have a class of first grade
pupils who have been very irreg
ular and others who began since
Christmas, that are now in middle
of book number one, first grade.
Those parents should take notice.
All the members of a class must
make solid time if they all keep
together and adyance alike.
We had the school board and
several other visitors at school on
Patrons Day, last Monday, and
Rev. Bledsoe made a splendid talk
on school work.
Lawyer Smith, of McDonough,
will make an address before our
school and patrons on Patrons’
Day, Monday Feb. 17.
Wo have had 101 visitors at
school to dale. The teachers resi
gn nee is very aftisfieallv finished
both without and within.
Oar brother W. J. Johnson of
Oakdale and moth„ r Mrs. N. C.
Johnson, of Rockwood Tenn. are
visiting ns this week.
Hon. R. O. Jackson, of M< -
Dorm ugh will address our school
and citizens at some date in near
future. He kindly consented to
hid]) ns in our work by his pre -
ence and efforts.
For twenty-three years |ff/|a ||
the standard of the South.
•jf Fish scrap is used in every ton of Farmers' Bone. Properly
balanced and carefully mixed, insuring bigger yields with less acreage
1 I sLeD I
j m » See that tills trade mark is oa every hag. Jlj
I I F. S. Royster Guano Co. B
Norfolk, Virginia. fig
Weather, weather.
Sunday was cold, colder, coldest.
Farming seems to be a thing of
the past in onr community.
Bad weather, and had colds arc
taking the day. But we are doing
well—free school, free mail, tele
phones, cash peddlers, chicken
peddlers, and good neighbors, then
why should we grumble?
Miss Hope Thrasher, of McDon
o u g h, is teaching a flourishing
school at this place, for which we
are proud.
Mr. H. M. Tolleson, of McDon
ough, was down on business one
day last week.
Mr. Jackie Spinks who had a
stroke of paralysis two weeks ago,
| we are sorry to say, is not improv
ing much.
Mrs. M. E. Tolleson, of McDon
[ ough, is visiting her {laughter Mrs.
P. A. Allen.
Bee Joyner has been real sick
the past week with La grippe, but
we are glad to know he is better.
Little Ora Craig of Atlanta is
with her grandparents, Mr. r.nd
Mrs. P. A. Allen, for a fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Joyner’s
children have been real sick with
| colds fcyr the past week.
- Preparations are being made to
erect a dwelling up at Walter Gil
; more’s for our clever mail carrier,
: Charlie Fisher, of Rt. 6, which
will add much 'convenience to his
Mr. Charles Stroud and good la
dy of Newton connty have moved
to the land of Beershoba, near his
wife's father, Mr. W P Gilmore.
We have a good Union* at our
Lodge, about thirty-five members.
We hold meetings every second
and fourth Saturday evenirg. Let
all attend. While we have some
that don’t believe in unions, we
have some folks that don’t believe
in anything Don’t be a knocker,
be a builder. Don't forget that
there arc alwavs drones in the
hive. They mus: he thrown out,
and sometimes they make a fuss
about it. Oaf: Street.
AFTER 33 YEARS experience millions
of users of L.&M. PAINTS, claim; —First
it wears 10 to 15 years—Second, it only
costs SI 20 ti gallon—Third, its the best
they have ever used —Fourth, sixteen thoi -
snnd agents certify to these facts.
L. & M. Paint Agents.
H'ISJOKfS Nerva and Bone Cl Cures
Rheumatism, Cuts, Sores, Karas
and be..*- Cca.s.
McDonough, Ga., Jan. Ist, 1908.
To the White Voters of the Flint Circuit:
1 am a candidate for Solicitor General of
the Flint Circuit, subject to the primary
to be ordered by the State Democratic
Executive Committee.
1 will appreciate all support given me,
and, if elected will discharge the duties of
the office to the best of mv ability.
To the Voters of the Flint Circuit:
I am a candidate for Solicitor General
of the Flint Circuit, subject to the prima
ry as may be ordered by the Democratic
Executive Committee.
If elected, I propose to be Solicitor, and
do my full duty, as I see it to the best of
my ability. Hoping I may have your sup
port, and with assurances of esteem, I am,
Yours truly.
I am a candidate for Solicitor General of
the Flint Circuit and will be grateful for
your vote and support.
Griffin, Ga.
- ■■ - ■■— ■ «
To the voters of Henry County.
1 hereby anno nice my candidacy for
Tax Collector of Henry County subject to
the Democratic Primary to be held iitying
the year and I wish to say to the people
ofthfccounty that while in the capacity ofa
clerk, I have assisted others who have held
the office, thereby qualifying myself for
this work 1 have only held the office for
one Term and am now asking only for a
second term which has ever been the cus
tom. Thanking you for your suffrage in
the past, allow me to say that 1 will fully
appreciate your support for a Second Term
promising in the future as in the past a
faithful discharge of all duties.
Very truly,
Scab Harkuess.
To the People of Henry county:
1 hereby announce myself as candidate
for Tak Collector, subject to the Demo
cratic Primary, and I promise to fill the
office to the best of my ability. On ac
count of a serious affliction lor several
years I have been unable to do hard labor
and solicit your support.
Yours very respectfully.
Wayman Whitaker.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
r or tax receiver for Henry county, subject
to coming primary. In announcing my
name for tax receiver, I do so feeling that
1 am thoroughly capable of discharging
all the duties of the office with credit to
both myself and the county. I will ap
preciate any and till support, given me.
Yours to serve.
Sam F. Buffey.
Is one where health abounds*
W ith impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER there
cannot be good blood,
-cvsvsfy the torpid LIVER and restore
its natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
blood. .-..ta.
Pure brood means health.
Health means happiness.
fake no Substitute. All Druggists*