The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 07, 1908, Image 8
HOWARD CARMICHAEL Leading Uudertaker. ft Complete line of Caskets all styles and prices. Careful and polite attention given all funerals entrusted to me. Embalming done a -cording to latest and most improved methods. Newest and most up to date equipment. Call answered promptly day and night. Phone 30. McDonough, ga. G. E. Weems, Physician and Surgeon, MoUONOI TG H, GA. Office in the Thkashkk Building. inrr unis<«Kt«aiMaMiHumkJUMun locals. (Sunday was a cold one ! St Valentines month here ! Still Roses are blooming in Chat tanooga ! Miss Willie Preston is visiting frinds and relatives in Griffin this week. I keep on hand all the time hors es and mules. A. B. Mitcham, Hampton, Ga. tf. Mr. M. C Low has been confined at his home several days with grip the past week. Use DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, pleasant little pills. They are easy to take. Sold by Horton Drug Co. Col. T. .T. Brown went to Macon on Wednesday to attend the meet ing of the destrict duputies of the State. Mr. and Mrs. A. G Harris, Jr. of Fayetteville, were the guests of the former’s parents here Saturday to Monday. DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is best for cuts, burns, boils, bruises and scratches. It is especi ally good for piles. Sold by Hor ton Drug Co. Miss Willie Lee Hill, one of the bright and popular pupils of the school here, is quite sick this week at the home of Mr, anti Mrs. R. A. Sloan. Judge E. J. Reagan, of McDon ough, was in the city yesterday morning on his way to Forsyth to open Monroe superior court, and was joined here by Col. W. E. H. Searcy, Sr., .lndge R. T. Daniel and others.—Griffin jjews. Mr. R. C. Chappell, ono of Luel la’s substantial citizens was a visi tor in McDonough on Tuesday, and while here had the Weekly entered for another year. Mr. W. T. Greer and son, of Rocky Creek community were min gling with their many friends in McDonough on Tuesday, and while hero paid the Weekly a pleasant call. When the baby is cross and has you worried and worn out you will find that a little Cascasweet, the well known remedy for babies and children, will quiet the little one in a short time. The ingredients are printed plainly on the buttle. Con tains no opiates. Sold by Hcrton Drug Co. Miss Anna Johnson, who has been on a month’s vacation at her home at Flippen is again back at the Star Store. Where she will be glad to have her many friends call on her again. On Tuesday the examination for County School Commissioner was held. Prof. Lawrence Dnffey, the efficient and popular commissioner was the only one who stood the examination. The board will call a meeting sometime within the next few weeks to elect the Com missioner for the ensuring four year term. Bert Barber, of Elton. Wis., says : “I have only taken-four doses of yonr Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done. I am still taking the pills hsl want a perfect cure.” Mr, Barber refers to DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are sold by Horton Drng Co. Jnst received a nice line of odd pants W. B. J. Ingram Co. Don’t fail to go to the entertain ment at the school house tonight. I will exchange mules. A. B. Mitcham, Hampton, Ga. tf 20 Pcs Outing to go at cost for the next thirty days, W. B. J. In gram Co. See me for lumber and shingles R. C. Brown, Locust Grove, Ga. Mr. L. E. Stewart, of the Sixth district, was a pleasant caller at the Weekly office Wednesday. Before buying or exchanging your mule or liorae see A. B. Mitcham, Hampton. tf. A large number of the prominent Farmers Union men of the County were in attendance of the regular county meeting here on Wednes day. The meeting was a very in teresting one. Mrs. B. F. Moon spent last Fri day in McDonough visiting her cousin, Mr. W. W. Amis, who has been in feeble health for a long while.—Jackson Argus. Mr. C. A. Rape, one of the sub stantial and energetic farmers re siding on route 5, was a pleasant caller at the Weekly office on Sat urday. When you want Guano, Meal and Hulls, or Coal, call on GREEI’i & TARPLEY, for we handle nothing but the best. The many friends of Dr. C. D. McDonald are glad to see him able to be out again when the weather is good. He has had a very severe attack of rheumatism and has suf. fered much for the past several weeks. Bride of Some Months—My tem pers, you pay, are trying? He— At times.—“l would not have you worn out with them. If you cared to be released from—” “Oh no; m>t at all; not a minute. I don’t feel so even when I’m cross. I’m no ninety-day volunteer. I enlist ed for the war.” Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Weaver, and Master Robert Leo Weaver, of Newton county, visited Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Dickson Sunday. This was the occasion of Master Rob ert’s first visit to his grandparents aifd their mutual liking was at once so well established that his mother will remain here with him all the week. Everything taken into the stone ach should be digested fully within a certain time. When you feel that your stomach is not in good order, that the food you have eaten is not being digested, take a good, natural digestant that will do the work the digestive juices are not doing. The best best remedy known today for all stomach troubles is Kodol, which is guaranteed to give prompt relief- It is a natural digestant; it digests what yon eat, it is pleas ant to take and is sold here by Hor ton Drng Co. The marriage ar Hampton Tues day of Mr. W. A. Wilson and Miss Nell Henderson was received with much interest here, where both the bride and groom have many friends. The bride, who is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hender son, is a most charming young woman, while Mr. Wilson is a sub stantial young man. The happy couple are at home to their friends at Hampton.—Griffin News. At times when you don’t feel jnst right, when yon have a bad stom ach, take something right away that will assist digestion ; not some thing that will stimulate for a time but something that will positively do the very work that the stomach performs under ordinary and nor mal conditions, something that will make the food digest. To do this yon must take a natural digestant like Kodol For Dyspepsia. Kodol is a scientific preparation of vege table acid with natural digestants and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. Each dose will digest more than 3,000 grains of good food. It is sure to afford prompt relief : it digests what von eat and is pleasant to take. Sold by Horton Drug Co. We will offer our entire stock of blankets at cost for the next thirty days, W. B J. Ingram Co. Mr. Carl Nash and his sister, Miss Bird Nash, of near Lovejoy, were visitors in McDonough on Thursday. Mr. J. H. Fargason, on route two from Stockbridge, was a visitor in town yesterday and while here dropped in on the Weekly force. Mr. W. N. Gilmore, one of Beers heba’s staunch and successful far mers, was in the City on Wednes day at the County Union meeting. Misses Irene and Lillian Hendrix two bright and lovely young ladies of Macon, are the guests of Mrs. E. M. Smith this week. We have a nice assortment of Shawls and Fascinators to offer at cost for the next thirty days, W. B. J. Ingram Co. I will be away from my office every Friday from Oct. 15tli to April Ist to assist in the teaching of the Southern Dental College. Respectfully, T. A. Lifsey. Mr. W. M. Rosser, one of Locust Grove’s prominent and highly es teemed older citizens, was a pleas ant caller on the Weekly on Wed nesday. WANTED TO SELL—A good, first class mule. Also want to buy some good corn and fodder. Dr. D. W. Scott, McDonough, Ga. For choice CUT FLOWERS of all kinds for Receptions, Weddihgs Funerals, etc., telephone, tele graph, or write, Idle-Hour Nurseries, Macon, Ga. Mr. J. L. Atkinson, was called to Siloam on Tuesday by the critical illness of his sister at that place. His father, who also resides at that phioe is very sick. Mr. Atkinson’s many frinds hope to hear that he found his loved ones better. Mysterious Figures. Put down the number of your living brothers. Double the number. Add three. Multiply result by five. Add number of living sisters. Multiply result by ten. Add number of dead brothers and sisters. Subtract 150 from the result. The right hand figure will be the number of deaths. The middle figure will be the number of living sisters. The left hand figure will be the number of living brothers. Strange freak of figures, isn’t it? Women as Wei! as Men fire Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. KicLiev trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerful fiO ness soon disappear when the kidneys are -T ft. INlf MF-" out of order or dis ' Kidney trouble has jl become so prevalent that it is not uncom /ylvwMr t mon for a child to be wJal- born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi cult}' is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards th; treatment of these import? nt organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- . cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a Home of Swamp-Hoot, pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad- I dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. If we could see trouble comin, ! still we wouldn’t know now to get out of tlia way. BANK OF STOCKBRIDGE STOCKBRIDGE, GA. WILL Pay you interest on time deposits Prompt and appreciative, with all “DEPOSITS INSURED” In a Reserve Fund of $200,000.00. “The safest is best.” Why? I*. G. FORTSON, Cashier. STOCK BRIDGE WAREHOUSE CO. Will store your Cotton FREE for 30 Days. Insurance P.ates : 10c. per month. Storage after 30 Days 25c. per month for four months; Balance of the Year - pßeei US YOUR COTTON ! FOR SALE. My house and lot in McDonough. The lot contains 6% acres. Also one hundred acres of land, knotffii as the “Lane place,” two miles east of McDonough. Apply to O. E. Ham, Locust Grove, Ga. THE HOME BEAUTIFIER Spring Cleaning, Household and Porch Furniture overhauled, Car pets and Rugs cleaned, and Floors, Carpets and Mattings laid, Floors stained, A general house-cleaner. Call on BEN ALEXANDER, Phone Powell Pressing Club. 4t PHILLIPPI, ‘How are you'll enjoying this cold weather? Mr. H. A. Crumbley attended meeting at Sardis Saturday. Mr. John Bearden of Louisiana arrived Friday for the purpose of building uncle Tommie Bearden a new residence and begun his work Monday. Miss Agnes Sandifer and Mr. Paul Jinks visited Miss Lillie Mae McKibben Saturday afternoon. Miss Lucile McKibben spent Sun day with Mrs. S. G. Collins. Miss Nona Leverette wlio has been visiting her sister Mrs. Collins *left for her home Saturday in Eat onton. We are sorry to know of Mr. M. A. Jinks illness, hope he will be al right soon. Mrs. Helen Garner of Joplin Mo. and Miss Mabel McKibben of At lanta came Tuesday to spend sever al days with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc- Kibben and^family. Mr. Jorce Childs of Jenkinsburg was up in this community last week. I know you have noticed Messrs. English and Cox out riding in then new buggies, watch out girls. Miss Della Childs spent Monday with Miss Florence Morrison. Success to the Weekly and its many readers. In another column will be found the announcement of Mr. Sam F. Duffey for the office of tax receiver for Henry County. Mr. Duffey is one of the county’s staunch and splendid citizens and if elected to this office would make an excellent officer. * PORATABLE AND STATIONARY AND BOILERS Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors, Pumps and Fittings, Wood Saws, Splitters, •hafts, Pulleys. Belting, Gasoline Engines. LUGESTOd LOMBARD, fouidjj, Msshin: and Boilw Works and Supply Star*, AUGUSTA, GA. Executors Sale. ! GEORGIA, Henry County. in accordance with the authority given ! me by the last will and testament of W, M. Combs, late of said county, deceased, which will is of record in the court of Or dinary of said county, will be sold at pub lic outcry, on the first Tuesdy ain Maich, I 1908. at the court house door at McDon ough in said county, between the usual legal hours of sale, the following describ property, to-wit: 1 wenty shares of the Capital Stock of the Locust Grove Improvement company, the par value of which is twenty-five dol lars ($25.00) per share. Six shares of the Capital Slock of the Merchants & Plant ers Warehouse company, the par value of which is is twenty-five ($25.00) per share. Three Shares of the Capital stock of The Bank of Locust Grove, the par value of which is one hundred dollars ($100.00) per share. Said sale will continue from day to day, between the same hours, until all said property is sold. Terms cash. Sold as the property of said W. M. Combs, de ceased, for the purpose of distribution and payment of debts. This the 3d day of February, 1008. Isaac Eugene Combs, Executor of W. M. Combs, deceased. Notice to Debtors ami Creditors. GEORGIA, Henry County:— Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of A. C. Gunter, late of Henry county, deceased, to render in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out; And all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 4th day of February 1908. Mrs. T. F. Gunter, Administratrix of A. C. Gunter. For Dismission. GEORGIA, Henry County. T. J. Upchurch, administrator of estate of J. R. Berry j, late of said county deceas ed, having filed his petition for his dis charge: this is to cite all persons concern ed to show cause against the granting of this disenarge at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county tobe held on first Monday in March 1908. This- Feb. 3, 1908. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary. For Dismission. GEORGIA, Henry County. W. B. J. Ingram, J. O. Wynn, and G, G. LeGuin, executors of estate of J. A. C. Wynn, late of said county deceased, haying filed their petition for discharge: this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on first Monday in March 1908. This Feb. 3, 1908. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary, GEORGIA, Henry County:— Fields, administrator of estate of J. W. Fields, late of said county deceased having filed his petitition for discharge: This is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in March 1908. This Feb. 3, 1908. For Dismission. GEORGIA, Henry County:— Mrs. Clem P. Hilling, administratrix upon the estate of W. IS. Huliiig late of said county deceased, having filed her pe tition for discharge: This is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the reg ‘ular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Mon day in March, 1908. This Feb. 3, 1908. G. G. Weems, Ordinary, For Dismission. For Twelve Month's Support. GEORGIA, Henry County: Mrs. M. F. Stewart having made appli cation for twelve month’s support out of estate of Sanders C Stelvart and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordinary of said county on first, Monday in March, 1908 why said application should not be granted. February 3,1908. G. G. Weems, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA, Henry County: To whom it may concern: Frank lin Smith having made application to mi' in due form to be appointed permswient administrator upon the Estate of Eliza beth Smith late of said County. Notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary to be held on the first Mon day in March 1908. Witness jpv hand and official signature. Feb. 3d liffe. G G. Weems. Ordinary. EiFTor Job work come to us.