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20 Reasons why You should Insure in
Guaranteed Dividend and Total Disability Plan.
Your policy cannot lapse so
USC long as yon have any loan value
in it, hs, in the event of yonr failure to pay any
premium when due, the company will automati
cally apply any dividends to your credit towards
the payment of same, and if they are not suffi
cient, as much of your loan value as may be nec
essary, and yonr policy is coutinned in force
subject to the amount of the loan, and your loan
value increases according to the table, as if you
had paid the premium yourself, This method is
adopted each time a premium becomes due which
is not paid, so long as there is any loan value
left in your p nicy.
RpruiiCP You will be allowed a grace of
DCL'dUdC 30 days, in addition to inter
vening Sundays and holidays, in the payment of
all premiums except the first.
<1 fl cp You will not be charged any in-
DttuUoC terest whatever during such
iic** You CHn ’
DCL'dLIdC en d of the first year, borrow
from the company, money at 5 per cent, interest
on the sole security of your policy.
RpPsl II CP the end of any policy year,
DCCdll£>C after the paymnt of the second
premium, should you discontinue The payment
of premiums, yon will be entitled to a paid-up
policy for either a fractional part of yonr origi
nal policy for life, or, for the full amount of
your original policy for a certain period of time
asjspecified in your policy.
The Southern States Life is the ONLY Company in which you can
L>CCaUSC insure and receive ALL of these benefits.
WILMER L, MOORE, President, T. D. MEADOR, Vice-Pres., EDWIN W. ROBERTSON, Vice=Pres., FRANK ORHE, Secretary
and Treasurer, R. K. SHAW, Director of Agencies, JOSH H. WILLIA/TS, Auditor, Dr. W. S. KENDRICK, Medical
Director, MILES M. DAWSON, Consulting Actuary, JACKSON & ORME, Counsel, R. F. HOORE, Agency Secretary.
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WITH BY MANY TIMES the largest and
best equipped plant in the Southern
States, we furnish our patrons with mgtej
artistic work at nominal prices.
We have orders now for twelve Confed
erate Monuments.
RpP« IIQP Sai< * P ai d-np policy will be
UttaUSC p-a-r-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-i-n-g, ana you
will receive an annual dividend, in the first in
stance, for life, and in the second, so lorg as
your policy remains in force.
Rpf*s1 11 CP You can have entire amount
DCCaUdC 0 f y OUr policy paid to benefi
ciary in one sum at death, or, you can elect to
take either of several installment options, there
by providing an annual income for beneficiary
over a period of any number of years desired,
or, for his or her life.
| - Every year you’ll be entitled to
receive a large guaranteed div
idend, beginning at the erd of the first year, as
represented by coupons attached to your policy.
Rpm IICP addition to the guaranteed
UCwalldC annual dividend you will re
ceive, every 5 years, until the end of the 20th
year, an extra dividend.
RprailCP Edition to receiving the
UCtdUdC guaranteed annual dividend
and the extra 5 year dividend during the fi-st 20
years, you will thereafter receive for life, an
annual dividend.
RpPfiflCP tf you allow your dividends to
accumulate, by leaving them
with the company, your policy will mature in a
reduced number of years.
y° n l eftTe your dividends
Dd-dUdC with the company to accumu
late, and not to be applied to the early maturity
of your policy, yon can, at any time, upon pre
sentation collect them with 3 1-2 per cent com
pound interest.
you become totally disabled
UvCdUdC you will receive immediately
one-fourth of your policy in cash.
This company does not reserve
U3v the right, after your misfortune
has occurred, to decide upon it. Yonr policy
will slate si>eoiuCally what will constitute total
Rpffl 11 CP as y° u are totally disa-
DttaUSC bled the company will pay for
you, on the remaining three-fourths of your
policy, all premiums
Rp r « 11 cp The payment of said premiums,
by the company, will not be a
lien against your policy, or a debt against
CP the company is paying
UCLaUdC these premiums you will be
ollowed to borrow’ on your policy just the same
as if premiums were being paid by you.
Rpp n f| cp Except in case of suicide during
Ud'd.LldC the first year, your policy w T iil
be incontestible from date of issue.
Ra r « 11 cp The company states specifically
UvLaUdv the amount of the guaranteed
cash value of your policy at maturity.