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With McDonough’s Churches.
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McDonough presbyterian church.
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Pastor of the Presbyterian Church.
Juvenile Missionary Society Mc-
Donough Methodist Church.
Soon after the organization of
the Woman’s Society, the Juvenile
Society was formed with Mrs. .T. Q.
Nolan as lady manager. Her deep
est interest was always in this work
and under her wise supervision
this little hand soon became an act
ive society.
From the missionary minutes of
1888 we find this to be one of the
six Juvenile societies in the entire
South Atlanta District, and that
the Society numbered 20 members,
with Mary Bowden as president.
$5.50 dues was raised this year.
Until her death in 1898 Mrs. J. Q.
Nolan remained their much loved
Then Miss Lizzie Nolan was ap
pointed lady manager which office
she filled for several years. Later
Miss Mary Turner was made lady
manager. After she gave up the
work Miss Lizzie Nolan again took
charge of the society and filled the
place very efficiently until two
years ago, when Miss Emmie Clem
ents was elected lady manager. The
society now has 21 members, as
follows: Helen Dunn, president;
Annie Lemon, vice-president: John
28v s*3afE
Former beloved pastor of the Baptist
Church, who is now serving the
Church at Abbeville, Ala.
Williams, treasurer ; George Man
ley, Secretary; Maggie Manley,
Bird Net Manley, Flora Neal, Fan
nie Reese Neal, Benton Neal, Boy
kin Newman, Lee Newman, Claud
Newman, Nellie Newman, Lewis
Williams, Harrell Sowell, Helen
Harris, Sadie Duffey, Nellie Nor
man, Mamie Mae McGarity, Henry
McGarity, Lorene Huling. Bessie
Sowell, Henry Williams and Char
lie Welch.
The Golden Links’ Missionary
Society of McDonough Methodist
church was organized in March
1906, with eight members.
The first officers were: Nina
Wall, Pres. ; Miss Raleigh V. Glass,
Treas. ; and Blake Bunn, Sec.
They have had very interesting
meetings. First they studied an
cient History, then the life of
Christ, and now are deeply inter
ested in a study of the heathern
countries. China has been careful
ly studied and now Korea is under
The meetings are held at the
girls’ homes and there is also a so
cial feature.
The present officers are Miss Bess
Fouche, Pres. ; Miss Blake Bunn,
Sec., and Miss Eva Harris, Treas.
The members are:
Misses Lizzie Nolan, Mamie Dick
son, Bess Fouche, Emmie Clements
Annie G. Thompson, Eva Harris,
Blake Bunn, Nina Wall, and Mr.
Dave Wall.
The Bible is the Ten Command
ments amplified and fulfilled ; it is
the ‘-light that lightetli every man
that cometh into the world.” No
person ever loved it and lived by
it that did not become an angel
and dwell in heaven while yet un
derneath maternal stars. It is the
spirit's melody, our consolation in
sorrow, our companion and guide
in prosperity. It unlocks the gate
of pearl, and permits us to gaze
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Builder of the McDonough M. E
Church, and pastor at time of erec
tion in 1904 and ’OS.
upon the golden streets and view
the blood-washed company.
Nature speaks poetically, the Bi
ble definitely. It depicts in solid
plain, sentences the other world ;
it unravels mystery ; it is the door
on the other side of the sepulchre.
Nature shows us the grave, and
I the Bible declares that it is but the
j portal to God’s great paradise,
1 where the sun never sets, and tears
never lie wet upon the cheek.
A great man say?, “It is God’s
! chart for yon to steer by, to keep
1 you from the bottom of the sea
I and to show you where the harbor
! is and how to reach it without run
ning on rocks or bars.” It is the
j lantern to our feet illuminating
| our pathway through this wilder
j ness of woe. Oh, read it; read it!
Read deep and long; read one
McDonough baptist church.
Psalm over a hundred times, and
you will discover boundless beau
ties in its fathomless recesses.
Womans Foreign Missionary
Society McDonough Meth
odist Church
In In T 9, the year following the
organization of the first Womans
Missionary Society in Georgia,
which was held in Atlanta, the Mc-
Donough auxiliary was organized
in the old Methodist church by Mrs.
A. C. Nolan. The charter members
were : Mesdames A. C. Nolan, T. C.
Nolan, Allen Turner, Mary Wal
ker, J. Q. Nolan, Sam Dailey and
Kate Piper, Misses Fannie Turner,
Ida Brown, Missie Setzer and Em
ma Knott.
Mrs. A. C. Nolan was first presi
dent, and Miss Fannie Turner sec
retary. This zealous band of wo
men labored faithfully, and the so
ciety increased in interest and
number. After a few years Mrs.
Allen Tui ner was elected president,
and served for two years. Again
Mrs. Nolan, to whose untiring in
terest. willing service, and wise
council, was due largely the organ
ization and subsequent success of
the society, was made president,
and served for a number of years.
At the annual meeting of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary So
ciety of the North Georgia confer
ence held in LuGrange in 1888 there
were present only four delegats
from the whole South Atlanta Dis
trict, which we were in at that
time. The McDonough auxiliary
sending one of those four. This
year $10.50 dues, $‘2.50 dues from
Juvenile Society, and $12.00 for
Mrs. Campbell’s work was raised,
making a total of $22.00.
At the thirteenth annual confer
ence held in Washington, Ga., in
IS9I the McDonough society was
represented by Mrs. Minnie Har
well, Mrs. J. Q. Nolan, who at this
time was secretary of the South
Atlanta District, and who respond
ed to the address of welcome. Miss
Lizz/e Nolan was sent as delegate
from the Juvenile Society. The
amount sent into this conference
was auxiliary dues $20.10, special
SB.OO, Juvenile dues $8.70, special
$16.00. Thus showing an increase
of $27.80 over the collection in 1888.
At the next conference held in
Elberti.n in 1892 was represented
by Mrs. J. Q. Nolan and Miss Lizzie
Nolan from Juvenile. This year*
report shows that $57.35 was paid.
The next year, 1893, $69.40 cents
was raised.
From 1893 down to the present
we have no authorized data rela
tive to the auxiliary. Mrs. Nolan
remained president for a number
of years, and was succeeded by
Kate Piper, who was one of the so
cieties most faithful and efficient
workers, and who held the office
until her death. Afterwards the
following ladies served successively
as president, Miss Tippora Harrell,
Mrs. Howard Carmichael and Mrs.
Virginia Manley, who is now in of
fice, The society has now thirty
two members. Last year $86.48
was raised, this being the largest
amount paid in any previous year.
Though much seems to have
been done as the increasing finan
cial reports show, comparatively
little has been done. We have
just touched upon the great work
which lies before us. We hope our
auxiliary will grow in interest un
til every member shall have be
come an active worker, and then
we may realize the accomplishment
of greater things in this great field
of labor.
McDonough m. e. chuhrch.
JfPiiift Mk £*
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Pastor M. E. Church.
Churchh Services,
Methodist —Regular Service Ist
and 3d Sundays. Prayer meeting,
Wednesday evening. Rev. J. E.
England, Pastor.
Presbyterian —Services 2nd and
3d Sundays. Prayermeeting,
Tuesday evenings. Rev. J. A.
Simpson, Pastor.
Baptist —Services 2nd and 4th
Sundays Prayermeeting, Thurs
day evening.
Ladies Home and Foreign Mis
sionary Society,
The Ladies Home and Foreign
Missionary Society of the Presby
terian church of McDonough was
organized March 15, 1899.
This organization lias filled a
long felt want in the church and
has been the source of great spirit
ual growth among its membership,
five of whom have passed over to
join the great Society whose head
is Christ.
Mrs. E. J. Reagan was first pres
ident of this organization and un
der her able leadership the society
was firmly established. Each year
a new president lias been elected
and each has contributed her share
of thought and labor toward the
growth and upbuilding of the so
ciety. Those following Mrs. Rea
gan are :-Mrs. E. M. Copeland 2nd
president, Mrs. Julia McDonald,
Mrs. Annie Nolan, Mrs. T. A.
Sloan, Mrs. M. E. Davis, Mrs. E. J.
Reagan, Mrs. Will Green, Mrs. J.
A. Simpson, and Mrs. Annie Nolan
10tli president.
This society, though small, has
done verv effective work. In Oct.,
1900 the ladies began to clothe an
orphan at Thornwell Orphanage.
In April 1902 they began to clothe
two instead of one and are so doing
at present.
Since organization they have
raised $869. Of this amount $345.-
40 has been contributed to the For
eign Mission cause, the other to
Home Missions.
Mrs. E. M. Copekand.
Lightning; Bolt Kills Two Boys.
James and Thomas Trimm, aged 15
and 22 years, were killed by lightning
at their home at Annona, Texas, Wed
nesday. They were standing at the
window when the fatal bolt struck.