Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Mass Meeting to Consider _
Water and Lights Called
for Next Monday Night.
On Monday night, May the 11th
a public mass meeting of the citi
zens of McDonough is called, for
the purpose of discussing and de
vising plans whereby the city fa
thers may at an early day begin
to perfect plans to secure for Mc-
Donough an electric lighting plant
and a water works system.
Every person interested in the
fntui’e progress and development
of the town should go to this meet
ing and lend all the assistance in
their power to this work of secur
ing for this beautiful little city
these two much needed enterprises
that would, if put in at once,
transform this town into a live lit
tle city twice or three times its
present size in a short time.
The meeting will be held at the
new school auditorium. The May
or and all the city officials urge
that everybody come to this meet
ing with the purpose pf devising
plans, etc., that will he most econ
omical and feasible in procuring
a thoroughly up-to date system
for both lights and water for Mc-
Picnic a Glorious Success,
The annual picnic of the people
of Oakland and Pleasant Hilll
communities, yyts held at Carmi
chael's old mill place 4 miles west
of "McDonough on lust Saturday.
There was not quite as large a
Crowd present as in former years,
owing to the busy season with the
farmers, but still there was quite
a crowd present—2oo or 300 strong
coming from McDonough, Hamp
ton and a goodly part of the coun
ty being well represented, All
thoroughly enjoyed the many
pleasant features of the day—and
all will fondly look forward to the
first Saturday in next May.
Little Child Dies.
The little seven-month old
of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Crumbley
died at their home at Kelleystown
on Monday morning after a short
illness from cholera infantum.
The interment and funeral oc
curred at the Chafin burying
ground Tuesday morning.
The fond parents have* the sin
cere sympathy of their hosts of
friends in the loss of their precious
little one.
Zinc metal made into Oxide of Zind;
and then combined with white lead, is
used to make L. & M. PAINT. Zinc is
imperishable and makes the paint wear as
long as pure linseed oil will hold it to a
surface. The L. &M. PAINT costs only
about $1.20 per gallon.
H. J. Copeland, Mer. Co., McDonough.
Hampton Buggy Co., Hampton.
L. A M. Paint Agents.
Serge Suits, Pants and
Coats for k Men, Youths
and Boys at
Copeland Mercantile Co.
Clothes Misplaced
By Pressing Club.
One black coat has been mis
placed by mistake—please return
same to Pressing Club so rightful
owners can exchange coats, and
greatly oblige,
* J. P. Powell,
McDonough, Ga.
.Only one month until primary.
Court News. ,
James Shaw vs. Josie Shaw—
Libel for divorce : granted.
Tolleson vs So. Ry.—Appeal for
new trial: granted.
Mrs, Willie Rowan vs Henry
Rowan : agreement.
Walter Gleaton vs Laura Glea
ton—Divorce : granted.
Bob Scott vs Paul Turner, Exr ;
W. F. Miller vs Lois Miller and
John Simpson : mistrial.
Emily Caslin vs So. Ry: dis
missed. *
Berta Summons et al vs So. Ry :
Ann Watson vs So. Ry: dis
Bob Byars vs So. Ry ; dismissed.
The State vs Hattie Horton—
Misdemeanor : plead guilty ; fine
Cliff Morris—Disturbing of di
vine worship: dismissed upon
payment of costs.
Dock Sinklicld—Larceny from
house : twelve months or $75.
John Walden —Assault with in
tent to murder : plead guilty; 12
months in penitentiary?
Bnster Asher —Assault with in
tent to murder : fled pending trial
and mistrial ordered.
Tom Amis —Disturbing divine
worship: acquitted.
Mary Pugh vs William Pugh—
Divorce : first verdict.
Hattie Hughie vs John Hughie—
Divorce : granted.
Tiny Pickett vs Sell Pickett—
Divorce: granted.
Emma Bnrford vs Henry Lee
Burford—Divorce : granted.
Annie Wynn—Keeping lewd
house: not guilty.
Charlie Maddox —Assault with
i..itent to murder: verdict with
recommendation to misdemeanor ;
12 months.
Mrs. Maud Smith vs Henry
Smith —Divorce: granted.
Joe George—Retailing without
license : not guilty.
Alex Smith —Gaming: demand.
Tom Laney—Assault and bat
tery : acquitted.
Maynard—Arson : acquit
Dock Sinkfield —Misdemeanor :
not guilty.
Tom Russell —Misdemeanor : ac
Will Gardner —Shooting at an
other : 12 months, or SIOO.
Tom Miller —Misdemeanor : 12
months, or SIOO.
Dock Price—Selling liquor : ac
Ollie Rodgers—Burglary: six
months, or SSO.
T. J. Thurston —Assault: fine
Will fester— Assault with in
tent to rape : 12 months or SIOO.
Annie Smith—Assault with in
tent to murder: guilty, with re
commendation to misdemeanor ; 6
months, or S4O.
C. D. McDonald—Misdemeanor :
not guilty.
New things constantly
coming into our Millinery
Department. Prices very
Copeland Mercantile Co.
Old Citizen Passes Away
at Ripe Old Age.
“Uncle Allen'" Stewart died last Sat
urday after lingering illness—
I n his Sslli Vear.
Mr. William Allen Stewart died
at the home of his grand-daughter,
Mrs. W. H. Cleveland, three miles
northeast of McDonough, after a
lingering illness from the infirmi
ties of old age, and fro’n the effects
of a fall he received a few days
prior to his death.
“Uncle Allen,” as ho was affec
tionately called by his hosts of
friends, was in his 88th year, being
born in Abbeville, S, C., on the 6th
of Oct. 1820.
When four years old he moved
to this county with his parents, to
the eastern part of this county,
where he resided until sometime
after his marriage, when he moved
to the place where Charley Dick
son now resides, two miles north
uf McDonough where he resided
until a few years ago when he
moved to McMullens district.
He was married to Miss Sophia
McMullen in 1844, who lived happi
ly together for 40 years, dying in
1884. Several years ago he was
again married, this time to Miss
Fannie Dobv.
• He is survived by his wife, two
sons, Mr. Enoch R. Stewart, of
near Hapeville, aqd Mr. Robert
Stewart, of this county, two daugh
ters, Mrs. Sallie A. Burks, Bailey
ton,, Ala., and Q. A. Dickson, of
! this place. He was preceded to the
Great Beyond by pix grown and
two infant children.
He was A member of the Method
ist church and in every was was a
consistent and loyal member of the
church df his choice, exemplifying
in his life that of a meek and zeal
ous follower of the blessed Christ.
He was a member of the Masonic
fraternity, having been made a
mason in 1865—43 year a member
Fraternal Lodge.
He was also a brave and gallant
Confederate soldier.
He held the oflice of Justice of
the Peace many years and was hon
ored with other offices of trust all
of which he held with credit to
himself and his constituents.
The funeral and interment was
held in McDonough on Sunday at
10.30 o’clock. Rev. J. E. England
officiating. He was buried with
masonic honors, many of the fra
ternity being present to pay their
last sad respects to this old and
honored brother of the fraternity.
The Consolidated Vote of
Treasurer by Districts.
G L Thrasher
G M Shields
C A McKibben
H M Tolleson
I) J Green
I S Mays
Hampton 4 4 22 16 47 6 4*9
McDonough 24 6 67 70 116 12 204
Sixth 1 6 24 3 13 47
Flippen 2 « 3 5 17 30
Stock bridge 2 15 25 1 50 93
Shaterag 14 E2l 35
Brushy Knob 25.* 1 2 7 33
Loves 4 3 11 u 25 18 1)6
McMullens 9 1 5 63 2 80
Beersheba 11 6 35 17 69
Sandy Ridge 16 517 16 5 59
Tussahaw 7 10 1 > 2 1 37
Locust Grove 2 16 63 27 18 116
Lowes 14 22 2 2 40
Total 79 21 2-51 292 314 167 1104
Summer Millinery, hats
for everybody, in the new
styles and shapes.
Copeland Mercantile Co.
Friday, May 15th, 1908,
Lithia Springs, Ga.
Flovilla 6:45 McDonough 7:40
Jackson 7:00 Flippen 7:50
Jenkinsburg 7:10 Stockbrdge 8:05
Locust Grove 7:20 Lithia Springs Return 5 p m
Train will be personally conduct=
ed, and every effort will be used to
make it enjoyable to ALL. Have
your dinner baskets properly tagged
and Mr. H.C. Hightower will have
charge of them in the baggage car.
ADULTS, $1.00; CHILDREN Under 12 Years, 50c
Texas Diverse Cultiva
tors, the only original
found here with all the
extra teeth.
Copeland Mercantile Co.
Wednesdav the Farmers Union
met in regular Monthly session.
Mr. J. G. Eubanks, state busi
ness agent, was here and made a
very interesting talk to the
Henry County Union. A goodly
number of the members were pres
Just received Puncheon
New imported Cuba Mo
lasses, right from the Is
lands’ fresh and fine.
Copeland Mercantile Co,
Some mothers think so much of
a clean house that they everlook
the idea of a comfortable home.
Cabbage Beans, Toma
toes, good things to eat.
Copeland iTercantile Co.
All the late new things
in Children’s, Misses’ Wo
men’s, Boys’ and Men’s
Summer Slippers and
Shoes in Tans and Patent
Copeland Mercantile Co.
In onr anxiety to accomplish big
things we overlook a lot of little
things that aggregate greatness.
Fresh imported macker
el fish —sweet and whole
Copeland Mercantile Co.
It beats all what a big lonesome
a little household is when the ba
bies are all away.
Drag Harrows, Weed
ers, Cuttaway Harrows
and the Original Texas
Copeland Mercantile Co.