Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest, and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 80.
McDonough, ga.
McDonough, Ga.
G. E. Weems,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in the Th hasher Building.
May showers and plenty of grass
Cotton planting still continues.
Don’t forget the Sunday School
Picnic Friday, May 15th.
Mr. E. R. Stewart, of Connally,
was here on business Tuesday. %
All business houses will be clos
ed Friday 15tli on account of S S.
Mr. .T. R. Padgett, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A.
R. Scott on Tuesday.
Everybody go to the Annnal
Sunday School Picnic at Lithia
Springs, Ga., Friday, May 15th.
Mr. John P. Dailey, of Atlanta,
has been the guest, of homo folks
and friends here this week.
Misses Jet tie and Blake Bunn
and Miss Annie G. Thompson at
tended the Daniel-Lewis wedding
in Atlanta Tuesday.
Miss Rosa Ham, of Locust Grove
w'hs the guest of friends and rela
tives in McDonough Tuesday ev
If you fail to go with the picnic
the 15th—Yon will be lonescme—
The stores are going to close and it
will be very quiet here.
Mrs. J. W. Carmichael and Mrs.
J. G. Smith attended the perform
ance of the “Man on the Box” at
the Grand on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Spaulding
and Miss Nannie Spaulding, of
Griffin, were the guests of Mr.
John J. Fisher for a few days.
Tne committee has secured ex
tremely low rates for the Sunday
Sohool Picnic at Lithia Springs
Friday, May 15tli. Take advan
tage of them.
Mr. Tom Wall, who for the past
season has been at Selma, Ala., in
the cotton business, arrived here
on Monday to spend his vacation
with liomefolks and friends.
Mr. Lamar S. Tigner, of the
bright Henry County Weekly, is
here visiting his mother and sister
and a host of friends. Lamar gave
The Enterprise “metal hoister" a
pleasant call on Tuesday. —The
Jonesboro Enterprise.
LQST —A Silver Belt Pin with
Cameo in center, on Tuesday,
May sth, between school house
and Mr. C. A. McKibben’s home.
Reward if returned.
Miss Dora L. Brigg.
PEAS FOR SALE—I have about
25 bushels of speckled peas. Call
early and get all you want.
J. D. McKibben,
Rt. No. 2, Locust Grove, Ga
Misses Elizabeth and Annie No
lan entertained the orchestra at
their home on Thursday evening.
Among the out-of-town guests,
who came down from Atlanta
were: Messrs. J. E. McGuire, E.
Gillespie, J. J. Meer, W. P. Blood
worth, D. J. McKibben, M. Calla
way and F. Wilkie.
Program Sunday School
South River Association
Bethany Church June 6-7.
Saturday 9, a. m.
Devotional exercise, led hy Pres
ident J. W. Patterson.
Welcome address, hy Pastor
Rev. J. A. Jackson.
10 a. in.
What is the probable loss to a
child who is deprived of the ad
vantages of Sunday School? Led
by I. G. Walker.
11 a. m.
Sermon, R. F. Smith.
1 :30 p. in.
Who should organize the Sun
day School, the masses in general
or the church? Led hy Geo. W.
2:30 p. m.
Give the difference between the
reception of the Word by Christian
pupils and worldly pupils. Led
by B. J. W. Graham.
Verbal reports from all dele
Sunday 9 :30 a. m.
Song and prayer Service,
10 a. m.
Address, Geo, W. Andrews,
State Sunday School Evangelist.
Convention sermon, Rev. B. J.
W. Graham.
M. A. Norman,
I. P. Rosser,
John Thompson.
Commencement at
Locust Grove Institute.
Speakers and debaters who will
take part in the commencement
exercises of Locust Grove Institute
May 17-20.
Debaters: Philosophian Society.
John Etheridge, T. S Mason,
Jackson, Ga. Hartwell, Ga.
Philomatliian Society.
J. C. Farmer, J. H. Connell,
Locust Grove, Ga. Villa Rica Ga.
Resolved—That Capital punish
ment for murder should be
stricken from the penal code of
The affirmative will be cham
pioned by the Pliilomathian, and
the negative by the Philosophians.
Miss Flora Smith, Havana Cuba.
Miss Annie Dell Peek, Locust
Grove, Ga. ; Miss Ethel Stephens,
Ball Ground Ga ; P. J Johnston,
Dublin Ga ;J. H Connell, Villa
Rica Ga; L. G. Cates, Jonesboro
Miss Ruth Cousins, Luthersville
Ga ; Miss Lillie Maddox, Conyers
Ga ; Harris Brown, Locust Grove
Ga ; Willie Lewis, Woolsey Ga;
ClaudeTharpe, Fitzpatrick Ga.
Prof. L. R. Hogan, of Bessie
Tift College, will preach the com
mencement sermon and Prof. Carl
W. Steed, of Mercer University,
will deliver the Literary Address.
I take this method of thanking
each and every voter in Henry
County for the hearty support
given me in the race for treasurer
on last Monday and will appreciate
all support given me in the elec
tion of County Treasurer to be
held on June the fourth
Yours very traly.
D. J. Green.
The liosts*of friends of Mr. Cliff
Tyo, are glad to know that he is
rapidly recovering from his severe
attack of typhoid fever, and will
be entirely well again soon.
Mrs. Amis, Miss Lilah Cope
land and Miss Lilian Daniel were
visitors in Atlanta first of the
a lot of men who are waiting for
ships to come in have failed to
weigh their anchors.
It is a sad commentary on the
housewife when the husband pre
fers bakers bread.
The following from Wednesday's
Constitution will he of interest to
many in McDonough who know T
both of the young people fr< tn sev
eral pleasant visits to this city :
The marriage is announced of
Miss Ava Daniel, daughter of Mrs.
M, A. Daniel, of Atlanta, to Mr.
Oscar C. lj*-wis. which took place
last night at the ho m e of the
bride’s sister, Mrs. Young, at
Roseland Station.
The ceremony was performed by
Dr. WhitS, and the attendants
were Miss Bertha Brown and Mr.
Azin on Lewis.
The bride was charming in a
tailor gown of blue voile, with hat
to match.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will make
their home at Forest Park, Ga.,
where he is pleasantly and success
fully known.
In Sweet Memory of
On the 10th of April I received
the sad message, ‘-Miss Anna
Johnson is dead.”
Language fails to express my
feelings when I heard the sad
news. Miss Anna had lived in our
home sevaral months last year.
Mv experience is, those that we
associate with most we learn to
dislike them or we learn to like
them most. Therefore, lam glad
to say that the conduct of Miss
J<shnson in our home was such
that we learned to love and appre
ciate her as a highly cultured lady
and as a true friend, last hut not
least a devoted child of God.
When I thought of writing a
short tribute of respect to the
memoty of eur departed friend the
thought was what can I write?
Then I remembered that the angel
said to .lolin, “Write, ‘Blessed are
the dead which die in the Lord.’ ”
Therefore I did not know what to
write that was more in harmony
with my feelings than the above
Scripture. As I stood by her lifeless
form ; she looking as if she were
asleep, with seemingly a smile on
her face, this thought came to me :
“And it doth not yet appear what
we shall be but we know that
when He shall appear, we shall be
like Him(Jesus)for we shall see
Him as He is.”
Oh, how hard it is to give up our
friends and loved ones that have
fallen asleep 4n Jesus. Yet when
we realize that they will awake in
His likeness and be satisfied, then
it is that the precious promises
from our Saviour acts on our sad
hearts as the healing balm of Gil
liad to a troubled soul, therefore
knowing Miss Anna as we did be
lieving her to have been a child of
grace, we would say to her broken
hearted father, brothers, sisters,
and friends’, sorrow not as those
that have no hope for we believe
that she is in tile beautiful home
of the blessed, where there is no
persecution, sorrow, pain, nor
death, but has awakened from the
slumber of death in His, her Sa
viour’s likeness and is satisfied.
We have written this to try to
show, to some degree, our love
and appreciation for Miss Anna,
and to extend to those who loved
her most our deepest sympathy.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Oglesby.
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are Its from an in
active LIVER. -—a
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept in healthful action
by, and only by
G. W. MOIIU,IS, Pres. J. G. WARD, Y-I’res.
J. T. BOND, V-l*res. L. G. IOKTSON, Cashier.
Fidelity Bonds A “Deposits Insured”
Fire Insurance JVJ In Reserve Fund
Burglarly Insurance D of $250,000.00.
Deposit Your With Us.
Will store your Cotton FREE for 30 Days.
Insurance Rates : 10c. per month.
Storage after 30 Days 25c. per month for four
months; Balance of the Year
Mr. and Mrs. Vannie Kimball
visited Mr. J. S. Rodgers and fam
ily in McDonough Sunday.
Mr. Oscar Duffey of Flippen was
the guest of relatives here Sunday.
Quite a number of young people
of this community attended the
singing at Daniel’s school house
Sunday afternoon.
The singing at Miss Ozella
Shaw’s Saturday night was highiy
enjoyed by all present.
Miss Allie Laney and Mr. Gard
ner, of Locust Grove attended
Sabbath school at Bethany.
Several from here attended the
singing at Miss Susie Atkinson's
home Sunday afternoon and re
port a nice time.
The many friends of Mr. Emmet
Shaw will be glad to know that he
has recovered from a long illness
of Pneumonia.
Messrs. Odel Coan, Emmerson
and Rufus Rodgers, of near Betha
ny, attended Sabbath school at
Mrs. Callie Craig is on the sick
list. We hope for her a speedy re
- •
Miss Della Childs visited Mrs.
Edd Merritt, at Jenkinsburg Sun
Prayer meeting at Philadelphia
every Sunday night, and a large
attendance is desired.
we shudder to think what Jay
Gould would say if he should come
back ahd begin expressing his op
inion of r«cent happenings.
How easy it is for a handsome
woman to make a man think she is
interested in what he is saying.
f Nothing looks funnier for a min
ute than the young man who is
letting a little bunch of fuzz grow
in front of his left ear.
If some men would act at the
lunch counter like they act when
eating at/home they would be fired
bodily by an er-raged restaurant
keeper. %
oldest i» act mo i regular cwaimiLs in ftegicibe.
\ 1 Authorized by the state to treat CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL
DISEASES. W# guarantee to refund money it cot cured. Ahniedi-
VVK ciurs lurnisbed reody for use - no mercury or injurious meaicines
_r*n used No detention from business. Patients at a distance
J.- treated by mail aud express. Medicines sent everywhere free
a - from gate or breakage. No medicine sent CO. t>. unless in-a
\ yV^^" V \y\ slructed. Charges low. Thousands of cas.-s cured State your I
av. * case aud send for terms Consultation FREE and conflaential.ini
uk a/.vu »», psraou. or by letter Call or write today. Don't delay.
Nervous DebUlty am) B»2kn«»s6« strictara ISK’'S..*.',?"'Si*. bJo:!
lurlne, ptcnpl«» and blotch©* on tb© far©, rtian©* »»I n(I . ThoilKailti* «,'*» m.iranua frt ratfunrlE
Sblood to th© head, pain# in the* back. confused Ideas .nev If notd©i manantlv nir ?m. I . u k fnll» I
Kami forg'etfulne.e.baati future., avrr.lon to Roci'ty. T 7 b ° Uk fU “ 7 " I
to? "V^‘„ f^o^Urtr„^.n^r^o• r no.,T l T:,i f . 7. Varicocele r.bX'SSSESr.
k vou, ~.r..n .to . with
• ChmLIIIa that terriabl© disease, in all Its forms
’Syphilis, and stages. cured for life Wood H¥(lto C 6 I 0 ilthm.rLm ,crotum oared
SPo'lsoning. sum Diseases, Ulcers. Swelling., Sor~. ”J « «VC I U wlthoutpain.
liionorrboea, Gleet end all forms of private diseases. 3|iim..l. **»• book-cured Id a few day.
leu red te stay Cured We-gueranteeto refund your • H I ISI u• I . without pain.
|rooney if not permanently cured Bt|VT FREE TO MEN upon appllcßlons
and Prostatic “T„d w e«V
!{«• * successfully treated and permauent IJneaum of Anatomy for Men Only
suiseases ly cored PILES and BUPTURI «ur IIO® inUSViJITi You are Inv it.d to see It w hen
led be painle.. and blood!e.» m.ihudi lin the city. Very instructive. Cost, you nothing
I— _ u ,.,e, iarmr> Al tT*r\ N;. 7 UarUtta. Cor. Kiriittt »:i Fcachtre# Sts.
a tTh<ir..(l>l, rMlm.oMa Lagetly Incorporat'd under tlt« law. of Georgia.) J
The Kvidence in the Case.
33 years use is evidence —millions of con.
Burners is evidence—sales made by 16,000
agents is evidence. You buy 4 gallons L.
*M. Paint and 3 gallons Pure Linseed
' Oil (at 60 cents) mix them and make 7
I gallons, best paint ready for use —cost on-
I ly $1.20 per gallon—done in two minutes.
11. J. Copeland Mer. Co., McDonough.
Hampton Buggy Co., Hampton.
L. & M. Paint Agents,
For Administration.
Georgia—Henry County.
E. K. Stewart having made application
to me in due form to be appointed perma
nent administrator upon the estate of W.
A. Stewart, late of said county, notice is
hereby given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the court of
Ordinary for said county to be held on
the first Monday in June 1908. Witness
my hand and official signature this May
4tli 1908.
G. G. Weems, Ordinary.
For Ad m inist ration.
Georgia—Henry County.
YY. I. Parr having made application to
me in due form to be appointed perma
nent administrator upon the estate of
Decia Colvin deceased, notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard
at the regular term of the court of Ordi
nary for said county to be held on the first
Monday in June 1908. Witness my hand
and official signature t his May 4th 1908.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
For Dismission.
Georgia—Henry County.
L. J. Davis, executor upon the estate of
Mrs. M. M. Davis, late'of said county,
deceased, having filed his petition for dis
charge, this is to cite all persons concern
ed to show cause against the granting of
this discharge at the regular term of the
courtof Ordinary for said county tube
held on first Monday in J une 1908.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
Notice is hereby given to all creditors of
the estate of W. E. Chafin, late of Henry
county, deceased, to render in an account
of their'demands to me within the time
prescribed by law, properly made out;
And all persons indebted to said deceased
are hereby requested to made immediate
payment to the undersigned. This the Ist
day of May, 1908.
J. M. Chafin, Administrator of
W. F. Chafin.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Coroner of Henry county
subject to the Democratic Primary June
4th. lam an old Confederate Soldier and.
have never before asked anv office of the
people of Henry county. 1 will deeply ap
predate your vote and influence, and shall
gratefully remember anything done in
my behalf. Very respectfully,
T. J.' Massey.