The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 08, 1908, Image 2

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    Georgia Briefs
Items of State Interest Culled
From Random Sources.
Water Recedes; Mills Resume.
All the factories in Columbus which
jrere forced to close down on account
•f the high river have resumed work.
The damage done by the flood was
•onsiderable, but not as great as was
•t first anticipated. River steamers
between the city and Appalachicola
kave resumed their schedules.
* * *
Receiver for Elberion Line.
The Elberton Air Line railway, own
•d by the Southern railway and run
ning from Elbertcn to Toccoa, has
been placed in the hands of Tempo
rary Receiver Z. C. Hayes of Elber
ton by order of the superior court.
It is alleged that the receivership
resulted from the claims of Dr. A. S.
Oliver of Elberton against the road.
* * •
Call to Peach Growers.
President H. A. Mathews of the
Georgia Peach Growers’ Association
Las issued a call for the association
to meet in Atlanta at the New Kim
ball on May 13.
At that time the crop conditions,
the best means of marketing and oth
#r details of interest to the association
■will be discussed. This is the annual
meeting of the association and offi
cers will be elected for the ensuing
* * *
llations for Stricken Georgia Towns.
In view of the fact that there have
been filed with the department of the
gulf applications for rations for tho
©yelone sufferers at Stinson, Harris
City, Cave Spring, Chipley and Griffin,
•he department telegraphed to Wash
ington asking permission to issue
these rations where needed and asked
Other than in Georgia it is stated
the cyclone sufferers are now well in
band and being cared for with fede
ral aid, and this will soon he doing its
work in this state.
* * *
To Bore for Oil in Terrell County.
•< E.. Belkaap, a capitalist of Yonkers,
K. V., who recently visited Terrell
county, where he has extensive farm
ing interests, thinks that there is oil
In the section, and he has secured a
number of leases which have just
bet'ii recorded in the office of the
county clerk at Dawson conveying to
Mr. Belknap and his associates the
privilege of boring for oil and gas on
larms located In different portions of
ihe county.
Mr. Belknap intends to commence
operations this summer, and believes
that he will strike oil in paying quan
* * *
Decision in Favor of Laurens.
Secretary of State Philip Cook de
cided the boundary lir.e dispute in fa
vor of Laurens, and the line will re
main as it was established in 1885.
A short time ago Dodge county
made complaint and asked for a new
•urvey. Governor Terrell appointed
C. C. Anderson of Bibb county to run
the line. Mr. Anderson established
the old line as laid out in 18S5, but
suggested a possible new line, and it
wa s this latter that Dodge wanted
established. Secretary Cook decided
In favor of the old line of 1885, which,
It was shown, had been legally estab
lished by competent authority.
Law Was Not Violated.
Announcement is made at the de
partment of agriculture that the syrups
manufactured by Pentick & Ford of
Columbus, Ga., which had been seiz
ed by the department for alleged vio
lation of the pure food law, had been
released, it having been found upon
investigation that there was no vio
lation of the law involved. Commis
»icuer T. G. Hudson stated that this
company had exhibited a desire by
word and act to comply with the law,
and the department had no complaint
to make against it. Commissioner
Hudson expressed the wish that all
•ther syrup manufacturers would ex
hibit the same spirit as these in the
matter of compliance with the law.
* * *
Check Arrived Too Late.
As the result of the late arrival of
hig check at the office of Judge A. L.
Miller, chairman of the state democrat
ic executive committee, in Macon, R.
H. Buchanan is out of the race for
railroad commissioner.
Mr. Buchanan neglected to send his
■check to Judge Miller until Friday, the
last day allowed candidates to qualify
by paying their assessments. On
that date Mr. Buchanan was in Com
merce, and, findlug that it was oblig
atory on him to pay his assessment,
before midnight, mailed a check to the
office of the executive committee.
Seeing that his name was not on
the official ballot, he wired Judge Mil
ler, and received an answer during
the day that his check had not reach
ed his office before the expiration of
the hour named by the executive
committee, and that as a result he
was out of the race.
. * * *
Crushers Ready for Meeting.
Plans are now practically complete
for a special train to take the Georgia
members of the Interstate Cotton Seed
Crushers’ Association to the annual
meeting of the association at Louis
ville on May 19, 20 and 21.
At a meeting of the Georgia com
mittee on arrangements, it was decid
ed that this party was to leave At
lanta on a special train over the
Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
railroad on Sunday afternoon, May 17.
L. A. Ransom of Atlanta, who is
president of the Interstate Associa
tion, will preside at the Louisville
meeting. The Georgia delegation Is
extremely anxious that the largest at
tendance from Georgia ever gathered
attend this meeting. Reservations for
the special train are already being re
ceived and indicate that members will
attend from Augusta, Savannah, Ma
con, Columbus, Waycross, Albany,
Brunswick, Athens, Rome, Cartersville
and other Georgia cities.
* * *
List of State Candidates.
Following is the official list of can
didates for state offices in the June
For United States senator, A. S.
For governor, Joseph M. Brown.
For governor, Hoke Smith.
For secretary of state, Philip Cook.
For treasurer, Robert E. Park.
For treasurer, W. J. Speer.
For attorney general, John C, Hart.
For comptroller, Wm. A. Wright.
For commissioner of agriculture, T.
G. Hudson.
For school commissioner, Jere M.
For judge supreme court, H. M.
For judge supreme court, B. D.
For judge court of appeals, Rich
ard B. Russell.
For railroad commissioner, George
For railroad commissioner, W. D.
For railroad commissioner, Fuller E.
For railroad commissioner, H. War
ner Hill.
For prison commissioner, R. E. Da
For prison commissioner, Wiley
For prison commissioner, Jesse E.
Mercer. /
For prison commissioner, R. H. Mil
For prison commissioner, K. R. Fos
Noted Prisoner Removed from Matteawan
Asylum to Poughkeepsie Jail Pend
ing Court Proceedings.
Temporarily, at least, Harry Ken
dall Thaw is out of the Matteawan hos
pital for the criminal insane. As a
result of Monday’s proceedings at
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., on the writ of
habeas corpus, sued cut in an effort
to have him legally declared sane, he
will remain in the Duchess county jail
in that city until the final decision on
the writ is handed down. The for
mal hearing in the case will come
before the supreme court Monday. The
adjournment was taken upon the re
quest of the district attorney of New
York county to give District Attorney
Jerome an opportunity to appear in
person to oppose Thaw's release from
the asylum.
Thaw appeared to be in excellent
health when he appeared in court, hav
ing gained fully twenty pounds in
weight since his transfer to the Mat
teawan asylum from the Tombs.
One of the interesting features of
Monday’s proceedings was an an
nouncement that Evelyn N'esbit Thaw,
although she has brought suit for an
nulment of her marriage, will appear,
if necessary, as a witness in her hus
band’s behalf.
Thaw undoubtedly will go on the
stand in his own behalf.
For Protett on of Range Cattle.
Representative Porter of New ■&>rk
Friday laid before the president an
appeal from the American Humane As
sociation for the protection of range
cattle in the west. The association
desires cattle men who lease govern
ment ranges to provide food and wa
ter for their stock.
To the Democratic. Voters of the Sixth
Congressional District:
I am a candidate for re-election to Con
gress, subject to the Democratic Primury
to be held on the 4th of June.
It has been my constant aim and ambi
tion to serve faithfully the people of the
Sixth District, and I think my record in
Congress, of which I invite the closest
scrutiny, will demonstrate that I have
done so. Always at my post of d aty, I
have ever defended my party and my
If returned to Congress, I pledge the
; people of my District the same steadfast
adherence to the principles of Democracy
that has marked my record in the past,
and the same prompt and faithful atfen
j tion that I have at all times , striven to
give to the requests and needs of my con
i stituents.
The prospects for a Democratic House
in the next Congress are more favorable
than they have been for many years, and
in the event our party should succeed in
the fall elections, my long experience in
Congress would enable me to render my
constituents and the country more effi
cient service than has been possible in a
Republican House.
Feeling deeply greatful for your confi
dence in the past, I ask your support in
the coming primary.
Respectfully yours,
C. L.‘ Bartlett.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
For Tax Receiver of Henry county, sub
ject to the Democratic Primary June 4th,
I will discharge the duties of the office to
the best of my ability. I earnestly solicit
the support of all and will appreciate any
help given me. Respectfully,
To the Voters of Henry County:-
lam a candidate for Treasurer, subjeot
to both the unexpired term and regular
democratic primary, and from the bottom
of my heart will thank everybody for all
support given me.
Yours truly,
McDonough, Ga., Apr. 9, 1908.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
to fill the unexpired term of Treasurer of
Henry county, which election will occur
on May 4th 1908. Also for the term of
1909-1910, which will Tv decided by the
primary of June 4th next.
I will greatly appreciate all support giv
en me, anti if elected will faithfully and
honestly discharge the duties of the office.
Thanking you in advance for your sup
port, lam
Very respectfully,
H. M. Tollesox.
McDonough, Ga,. April 1,1908.
Owing to the vacancy in the position of
Treasurer of Henry County, caused by
the death of our friend, H. C. Turner, I
announce myself a candidate to fill his un
expired term. The election to fill this va
cancy will occur on May 4, 1908. I ask
your support for this vacancy, also for the
term of 1909-1910, which will be governed
by the primary of June 4, next. Owing to
the shortness of time between this ami the
day of the election, I may be unable to see
you in person; therefore, 1 have adopted
this method of asking your support.
Thanking you in advance for Any cour
tesy shown me in this matter. I am,
Yours very sincerely.
lam a candidate for the office of Treas
urer, (including both the unexpired and
regular terms), subject to the Democratic
primary to be held on June 4, 1908, and the
election on May 4th, next. Your support
is earnestly solicited and will be appreciat
ed. If elected I will discharge the duties
of the office conscientiously and to the best
of my ability. I take this method of thank
ing the public in advance for any favors
shown in my behalf.
C. M. Shields.
By the solicitations of many kind
friends I announce myself a candidate for
Treasurer of Henry county subject to the
Democratic primary to be held June 4th
for the term of 1909-1910, and also for the
election to be held May the 4th to fill the
unexpired term, and as I do not wish to
become a chronic office seeker, I ask for
the above terms only, and if elected, at
the expiration of my term will step down
and out with a deep feeling of gratitude
to my constituency. And I want to thank
in advance all those tvho may show me
their favor in this contest.
I am yours to serve,
I. S. Mays.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Ordinary of Henry county,
subject to the Democratic Primary June
4th. If elected I promise to till the office
to the best of my ability. 1 shall thank
you and alwavs feel grateful for the sup
port and influence of the voters of this
Yours to serve,
A. G. Harris.
To the White Voters of Henry County:
I am a candidate for Representative
from Henry county to the Lower House of
the Gensra’l Assenibiy. subject to the Dem
ocratic primary'to be ordered bv the Dem
oc:atic Executive Committee of said coun
ty. If elected, l propose to discharge the
duties of the office, according to the wish
es of the people and to the lieSt of my abil
ity. Your support will be appreciatad by
me. Yours truly,
I hereby announce my candidacy for re
election to the office of Coroner of Henry
countv, subject to the Democratic Prima
ry, and solict your vote and influence.
To the Voters of the 84th Senatorial
lam a candidate for the Thirty-fourth
(84) Senatorial District of Georgia, sub
ject to the Democratic Primary and will
appreciate your support.
5. C McWilliams.
• Stockbridge, Ga.
To the Democratic Voters of Georgia:
lam a candidate for State Treasurer
subject to the action of the Democratic
Primary on June 4th. My candidacy is
based upon my former service to the peo
ple in this office covering a period of more
than twenty years—a record that I believe
will bear public scrutiny and which has
never been impugned. If elected I pro
mise tie same faithful attention to tho
duties of the office that marked my previ
ous administration.
Yours truly,
To the people of the Sixth Congressional
lam a candidate for Congress subject
to Democratic nomination.
Before the election —the date of which
has not yet been fixed—l would be glad to
grasp the hand and speak face to face
with each voter in the district, but this
will hardly be possible. Hence I shall en
deavor to reach the voters and make
known my platform—my views on pub
lic questions—through the medium of let
ters, the newspapers and public addresses.
Wherever I speak I will be glad to have
my distinguished opponent meet me in
joint debate; and shall invite him to do
Believing in a clean election an honest
ballot, I am opposed to the use of money
whiskey, or other thing for the purpose of
purchasing votes; and believe the execu
tive committee should refuse to declare
as the nominee anyone who secures a ma
jority by such practices.
I shall keep an itemized statement of
my campaign expenses subject at all
times to public inspection.
Not counting the Republican regime
just after the war, and when there was a
Republican Congressman whose home
was in Macon, Bibb county has had —with
the exception of two years—a congress
man continuously for over a third of a
century, Hon. J. H. Blount was in con
gress twenty years and Judge Bartlett, at
the expiration of his present term of of
fice, will have Served fourteen years,
making a grand total of thirty-four years
for only two men —and both from Bibb
Is it not about time for Bibb to divide
honors with the other counties of the Dis
trict? Very respectfully,
O. H. B. Blood worth
LcDonough, Ga., Jan. Ist, 1998.
To the White Voters of the Flint. Circuit:
I am a candidate for Solicitor General of
the Flint Circuit, subject to the primary
to l>e ordered by the State Democratic
Executive Committee.
1 will appreciate all support given me.
and, if elected will discharge The duties oi
the office to the best of my ability.
To the Voters of the Flint Circuit:
I am a candidate for Solicitor General
of the Flint Circuit, subject to the prima
ry as may be ordered by the Democratic
Executive Committee.
If elected, 1 propose to be Solicitor, and
do my full duty, as I see it to the best of
iny ability. Hoping I may have your sup
port, and with assurances of esteem, I am,
Yours truly,
J‘. W. WISE.
I am a candidate for Solicitor General of
the Flint Circuit and will be grateful for
your vote and support.
Griffin, Ga.
To the voters of Henry County.
I hereby anno mce my candidacy for
Tax Collector of Henry County subject to
the Democratic Primary to be held during
the year and I wish to say to the people
oftheeounty that while in'the capacity ofa
clerk, I have assisted others who have held
the office, thereby qualifying myself for
this work 1 have only held the office for
one Term and am now asking only for a
second term which has ever been tho cus
tom. Thanking you for your suffrage in
the past, allow me to say that I will fully
appreciate your support fora Second Term
promising in the future as in the past a
faithful discharge of all duties.
Very truly,
Seab Darkness.
To the People of Henry county:
I hereby announce myself as candidate
for Tax Collector, subject to the Demo
cratic Primary, and I promise to fill the
office to the best of mv ability. On ac
count of a serious affliction for several
years 1 have been unable to de hard labor
and solicit your support.
Y'ours very respectfully,
Wayman Whitaker.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for tax receiver for Henry county, subject
to coming primary. In announcing my
name for tax receiver. I do so feeling that
I am thoroughly capable of discharging
all the duties of the office with credit to
both myself and the county. 1 will ap
preciate any and all support given me.
Yours to serve.
Sam F. Duffey.
This i£ to announce my candidacy for the
office of Tax Receiver of Henry County,
subject to the action of the Democratic ex
ecutive committee. 1 solicit the votes of
my fellow-citizensand besides appreciate
their support, I promise if elected, to faith
fullyAperform the duties of the office, feel
ing that I am fully competent and quali
fied to perform all duties of the office cred
itably to myself and the County.
Very truly.
M. J. Love, Jr.
To the White Voters of Henry Com ty:
I hereby announce that lam a candi
date for Representative in the
House of the General Assemble, subject
to Democratic Primary to be h'd June
ou rh, next. II elected . will s rve the
1 eople tothebtstoi my ability. I as
mre you I will appreciate your support.
Thanking you in advance for same, I re
main, Yours truly,
Attorney - at- Law,
McDonough, ga.
Office over Star Store.
E. M. sn ITH, j
Attorney at Law,
Me Doxough, Ga.
Office over Star Store, south side square.
All work carefully and promptly attended
to. JyT Am preinared to negotiate loans
on real estate. Terms easy.
To the Voters of Henry County.
I hereby announce my candidacy for the
office of Ordinary of said county, subject
to the Democratic Primary, to be held
June 4th. 1908. Thanking the people for
their support in the past, I will highly
appreciate their support at the forthcom
ing primary. March 12, 1908.
To the White Voters of Henry County.
I hereby announce for re-election for
Sheriff of Henry county, subject to the
Democratic Primary June 4th, 1908. In
making this announcement I want to ex
press to the people my hearty apprecia
tion of their support in the past, and if re
elecied promise a continuance of my full
duty to the people. Very respectfully,
In announcing my candidacy aa CTerk
of the Superior Court, subject to the ap
proaching Democratic primary on the 4th
of June, I can but express my deep gen
unine appreciation to the people of Hen
ry county for past favors, and if again
chosen, pledge my very best efforts for
continued faithful performance of duty.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Collectors for Henry county, sub
ject to the Democratic Primary, June 4,
1908. I ask the support of the peeple of
Henry county, feeling when I do so, I can
fill the office creditably to myself and the
people of the county sho aid they entrust
to me this duty. The support of the peo
ple of the county will be greatly appreci
ated, as for years I have been unable to do
much physical work on account of an ac
cident which deprived me of my left hand
and arm.
Thanking all for past favors and solicit
ing the support and influence of the vot
ers of Henry county, I am,
Very truly.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Senator of the 34th Senatorial District
subject to the democratic primary. If
elected I will endeavor to represent the
people of said district and of Georgia to
the best of my ability. I announce as-my
platform the measures of reform so ably
advocated by our present Governor
throughout the state. Thanking you in
advance for your support, I beg to remain
Yours truly,
I hereby announce myself a candidate
For Tax Receiver of Henry county, sub
ject to the Democratic Primary June 4th,
Owing to the long continued affliction of
my family, I offer myself before the peo
ple for the office and I will greatly appre
ciate your vote and influence. If elected
I will give my best efforts to the work of
the office and all the duties encumbent
upon it. Very Respectfully.
J. T. Hendon.
To the Voters of Henry County.
lam a candidate for Tax Receiver for
Henry county, subject to the coming
Primary. Will be grateful for your sup
port. Yours trulv,
I announce mysel as a candidate for the
office of Tax Receiver of Henry county
subject to the action of the democratic
primary, June 4th. 1908. If elected, will
try to make an efficient officer and will
appreciate any support given me.
Month Passes Out With Snow Flurries and
Frosts in Many Sections.
A Chicago special says: Tempera
tures approaching freezing prevailed
Thursday over nearly the entire coun
try from the Alleghanies to the Rock
ies. Frosts occurred as far south as
southern Texas. In many places
heavy, wet «ncw fell, notably through
out Ohio and Kentucky.
The snow ruined thousands of orna
mental trees. Many of the fruit trees
were also damaged. Two inches of
enow fell throughout Kentucky, but
(fruit is reported safe. Traffic was in
terfered with to some extent. In some
towns of Kentucky the snow was the
heaviest of the year.
The mercury went down to 27 de
grees Wednesday night in some parts
•cf lowa. Fruit growers differ as to
the amount of damage done.
A killing frcst is reported through
out western Wisconsin and southern
Minnesota. Thousands of acre*i of
garden truck, hundreds of flower beds
and other green products were ruined.
The frost means a loss of many thou
sands kof dollars to Wisconsin and
Minnesota planters.
The vocabulary cf the average per
son is 700 words.