The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 08, 1908, Image 5
GO TO - ■ W. B. ,T. INGRAM COMPANY' Where you will always find a complete stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Notions, Groceries and a full line of Provisions, Feed Stuff, Crockery and Glassware ... Below we offer some Special Bargains. t CALICO, Etc. iooo yards best Calico at 6c Lot ot 12 1-2 C Percal at ioc Best AAA Sheeting 6 3-4 C by Lot ot Men’s $1.25 Pants at We have a lot ot ladies’and children’s Slippers and / San dals to close out at cost. yy e ca rry a full and complete line of Heavy Groceries, consisting of 1 lour, Corn, Oats, Hay, Heal M Bran, Shorts, Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Meats and Lard, Tobaccos, Cigars, and a general line of \Jk i Uvvl Farm Tools and a general line of Hardware. > When in need of anything in our line call and see us and we will make you prices that will interest you. Yours for Business, » W. B. J. Ingram Co. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. J. A. POUCHE, Publisher. K. Li. JOHNSON Editor. ■nterod at the postofflc# at McDoa •ugh, aa tecond-clasa mail matter. Advertising Rate*: SI.OO per lack per month. Reduction on standing MKtraote by apeclal agreement, McDonoh,Ga , May 8, 1908. PLEASANT GROVE- There was a large crowd out at the closing exercises of school. Mr. Shields, one of the candidates out for treasurer, was in our midst one day last week. Mrs. Mattie Starr, of Mansfield, Mesdames Andrews and Tnurman, of Atlanta, were at the School en tertainment. Messrs. Buck Moseley and Jesse Phillips, Sr., visited Mr. Ben Wal den, of near Smyrna campground, Monday and report him steadily growing weaker. Mr. Claud Mayfield, of near Con yers, attended services at Ozias Sunday. Mr. T. N. Moseley, the famous McDonough barber, spent a while with home folks Sunday. Miss Nora Crumbley dined with Miss Emma Moseley Sunday. Messrs. Parks and Hiram Cook were out to meeting Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brannan took dinner with Elder and Mrs. A. C. Elliott Sunday. Mr. E Oglesby, of McDonough, visited ye scribe Saturday evening. WHITE HOUSE, (Last Week’s Letter.) JV large crowd attended services at Ozias Sunday. Mr. Will Crumhley and family spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Dr. Hightower. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Elliott visi ted Stockbridge Sunday afternoon. Mr. Americus Elliott, of McDon ough, was a welcome visitor in our midst Sunday. Messrs. Highly Knight and Irby | Elliott with Misses Bessie Collins and Vivian Burch spent Sunday with the Misses Moseley’s. Mrs. Frank Crnmbley is spending this week at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott. Several of our young people en joyed a nice ride Sunday afternoon. Clyde and Bessie Moseley spent Monday with Nannie 8., and Bessie Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moseley spent Sunday with their son, Tip. Mr. Ernest Elliott was in our midst Saturday afternoon. I guess Miss Bessie Moseley felt rather sad Sunday. Most of the men from here at tended court Monday. Mr. Lee Hinton passed our way Sunday p. m. Mr. Hiram Cook, of McDonough, spent Sunday with Mr. Tip Mose ley. PHILLIPPI. (Last Week’s Letter.) Everything seems very much re freshed since the much needed rain came. An unusual large crowd attended service at this place Saturday and Sunday. * Mr. Allen, Mrs. Onie and Miss Meatice Crumbley visited Mrs. Al lie Kimble, of Jackson, Monday. Almost all of the farmers of this section, attended court and the speaking Monday in McDonough. Mrs. Lois Tingle spent Monday with Emma Tingle. Miss Saveppa English gave a musical entertainment Saturday night, which was enjoyed by many of her young friends. Mr. Oscar McKibben a very prom nent young man of this comminity spent Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives at Wortliville. There is to be a singing at Pliil lipi Sunday afternoon, everyone is. cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Miss Hilley, of Worth ville, spent Sunday with Miss Cleo Moss. Mr. John Woodward has exchang ed hitching posts with Phin Wood ward. Misses Florence and Felicia Mor rison and Mr. Sasnett Crumb, of Jaokson, visited Mrs. Alice Collins Sunday. Mr. John Bearden who has been assisting in the erection of his father’s house, returned to his home in La., Saturday. The Literary School at this place will close Friday afternoon, also the closing exercises will be given them. Mr. and Mrs. Bird Jackson, of near B jathany visited Mrs. Pothen ia Bearden Sunday. PLEASANT GROVE s — (Las*t Week’s Letter.) Hurrah for the Memorial edition of The Weekly. Mr. John Moseley and family, of near Salem, visited Mr. J. B. Mose ley, Jr., and wife. There was a good size crowd out to the sale at the late Uncle Billy Chafin’s Saturday morning. Candidate, J. T. Hendon was in CLOTHING We have a nice line ot- white Vests at $1.35 up. We have a complete stock ot men and boys’ Clothing to suit you in both style aud price. HATS We have a complete stock ot men and boys’ Hats in the latest styles and shapes. these parts one day last ■week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Aiken wor shipped at Delta Grove Sunday. Little Travis Elliott is sick with remittent fever at this writing Misses Emma Moseley and Annie Aiken took dinner with Miss Nel lie May Thompson Sunday. Elder A. C. Elliott and Mr. J. B. Moseley, Sr., went over to Mt. Mo riah, a church near Mansfield in Newton county, Saturday and Sun day. j Mrs. Caroline Moseley spent the week’s end with her daughter, Mrs. Jesse Phillips, Sr. Mrs. Virlie Gleaton visited Mrs. Cora Gleaton Monday. DELTA GROVE. (Last Week’s Letter.) Planting cotton seed the order of the day. Mr. Rufe Love and family spent Sunday with Mr. R. L. Thompson. Dr. T. G. Campbell and wife visi ted his sister in Clay ten Sunday. Our sick are still improving. Mr. Jno W. Love has been <jnite sick since our last communication, but is improving now. Mr. Sam Aiken with a small group of the fairer sex gave our town a pop call Saturday evening. Misses Hilda Green and Annie Bess Fargason were the guests of Mrs. Florence the commencement. Mr. Robert Crumbley and family, of McD(»ough, •risited Mr. L. P. Owen Sunday. Quite a large and appreciative audience attended the commence ment exercises of Pleasant Grove last Friday night. From the sweet little song of the four year tot to weird idiosyncrasies of “Grandpa and Grandma.” Every piece was well rendered and traces of the « m a master’s hand with evidences of painstaking care and artistic train ing were.apparent in every recita tion. The evening will bo long and pleasantly remembered by those who had the pleasure of attending HOPEWELL (Last Week’s Letter.) Well, we have been having some stormy weather. Mrs. Mattie Burks and two daughters, Leila and Lenora, of Hartselle, Ala., are visiting rela tives at Stockbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Bearlie Lewis, of near McDonough were the guests of Mrs. Bob Gilbert near here Satur day and Sunday. Messrs. Lee Green and J. Harper Edd Green and Abb Bryans, of Sa lem attended the picnic at Betts 7 pond Saturday and had a runaway before they got home. Mr. and Mrs. Elma Starr of Stockbridge visited Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Wilson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe Carroll spent Sunday with Mrs. Josh Berry near Jonesboro. Mr. Jim Gilbert called on Miss Lunie Davis of Jonesboro Sunday. Miss Una Carroll of near Stock bridge entertained quite a number of youngsters Sunday. Those present were: Misses Alice Car roll and Lois Gilbert, Messrs. Bob Brannan, Manley Smith and Reu ben Kelley. % Miss Oina Fincher of Morrow visited Miss Bettie Wilson Satur day night and Sunday. , Miss Lois Gilbert and Mr. Roy Brannan of near Flippen went to the picnic at Bett s pond Saturday. Mr. N. J. Carroll and daughter, Mrs. John Lee, spent Munday with Mrs. J. 8. Gilbert. Bring your Job Work to us