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The Henry County Weekly
Worthy Tribute to Col. E. ft. Smith,
An Old Jackson Boy.
The Jackson Argus of last week
contained a splendid tribute to one
of McDonough's distinguished and
worthy citizens, accompanied by a
two column half tone engraving of
the subject of the sketch, Hon. E.
M. Smith. The following is the
article, which will doubtless be
read with much interest by his
hosts of Henry county friends :
“It is unnecessary for us to say
to our readers that the above is a
likeness of Hon. E. M. Smith, of
McDonough, candidate for Solicitor
General, as Mr. Smith is personally
known to nearly everyone in Butts
county. In fact, he is an old citi
zen of Butts county, having receiv
ed his education at Jackson Insti
“Mr. Smith has practiced law for
the past fourteen years, and has
been eminently successful in his
chosen profession ; in fact, he ranks
among the foremost lawyers of the
Flint Circuit. His standing at the
bar is evidenced by the fact that
the Superior Court docket of his
home county shows that he is of
council in ninety per cent of the
cases appearing on the docket in
the last five years. In addition to
the civil practice, Mr. Smith has
appeared in every important crim
inal case tried in Henry Superior
Court in the last five years. He
has frequently been employed to
assist the State in the prosecution
of important criminal cases, and in
the conduct of these cases he has
shown to the satisfaction of the
people that he was capable of fill
ing the office of Solicitor General.
“Mr. Smith, since his residence
in Henry county, has filled many
positions of trust and honor. He
was honored ty his town with the
office of Mayor for seven consecu
tive terms without opposition. He
was sent to the Legislature by his
county in three years after he took
up his residence there.
“He was appointed by the Gov
ernor to the office of Solicitor of
the County Court of Henry County
for three successive terms, a posi
tion in which he has fully sustain
ed himself as a prosecuting officer,
and which has served to more fully
equip him for the duties of the of
fice of Solicitor General.
“Dr. Rolf Hunt, a personal friend
of Mr. Smith, in writing of him in
The Watchman, says:
“ ‘Mr. Smith has been engaged
in the practice of law for several
years and has demonstrated his
ability while exemplifying a noble
“We believe that Mr. Smith
should be elected, and if elected
the Circuit will have a Solicitor
General that will be a tit successor
to the distinguished men who have
held the office in thepast.”
Supreme Court Decides
in favor of McWilliams.
In the case of Mr. S. C. McWil
liams vs. Henry county to displace
him from the school board because
of the fact that he held two offices
at the same time, was decided by
the supreme court in favor of Mr.
McWilliams dn Tuesday in a decis
ion of this high court of Georgia.
The issue in the case was wheth
er or not the office was a county
office or a state office—ln event it
had been a state office Mr. Mc-
Williams would have lost, since he
is the present representative from
Henry county, a state office.
This was the first case of a like
nature ever decided upon by any
supreme court in the United States
thus making it a very remarkable
case in more ways than one.
Trustees Meet.
The annual meeting of the Trus
tees of Locust Grove Institute held
their meeting Monday the 18th.
The present faculty was retained
for the coming year, with Prof.
Claude Gray at the head of the in
The Trustees were mnch grati
fled over the success of the school
and plans were adopted by which
the work and success of the school
will be extended.
I am located at Snapping Shoals,
prepared to do any sort of general
practice or surgery. Have con
nection with all the phones and
will answer all calls promptly.
Best of service guaranteed.
Jno. H. Randle, M. D.
Hanager Smith Wants
Fair Dealings at Polls.
I beg to call the attention of the
friends and supporters of Joseph
M. Brown, candidate for Govern
or ;to Paragraph 15 in the Rules
for the state Primary of 1908,
which reads as follows :
“The County Democratic Ex
ecutive Committees in appointing
the managers and clerks for said
Democratic primaries herein pro
vided for, shall select the same at
least ten days before the first pri
mary, and as far as practicable in
selecting such managers and clerks
give representation to contesting
The paragraph abo"\ e quoted is
self-explanatory. This rule, in se
lecting managers and clerks, to
give representation to contesting
candidates, should and does com
mend itself to the friends and sup
porters of both candidates for
I desire to call attention to it in
order that the friends of Mr.
Brown be fully advised as to their
rights and to suggest that in every
county they take proper steps to
secure representation on the Board
of Managers at every precinct in
the state.
J. R. Smith,
Campaign Manager,
Atlanta, Ga., May 16, 1908.
Bishop Candler Preaches
Able Sermon.
Bishop Warren A. Candler
preached the first sermon in the
new Methodist church at Hamp
ton last Sunday, which was ar
able and inspiring one.
A large congregation was pres
ent despite the rainy and unfavor
able weather.
The new church has been erect
ed at a cost of a little more than
$8,000.00, and is a magnificent and
imposing church edifice.
A basket dinner was served in
the Baptist church yard, after
which the congregation repaired
to the church where a splendid ad
dress was made by Hon. O. H. B.
Bloodworth on “Christian Citizen
ship, its influence, force, and far
reaching effects.”
The stockholders and directors
of the Sardis Union Gin Co., are
requested to meet at Sardis Lodge
vjn May 30, 1908, at 3 o’clock,
Important business on hand,
i your presence solicited.
W. C. Woods, President.
J.C. Jinck, Secretary.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday may 22, 1908.
McKibben With
draws from the
To my friends in Henry Co.
This is to announce that I have
withdrawn from the race for Coun
ty Treasurer.
I deeply appreciate the encour
agement and unselfish aid you have
given me in this campaign ms well
as in the past.
In retiring I beg to tender my
sincere thanks, and also assure yon
that I shall always feel grateful to
all those, who have stood so loyal
ly by me.
May 21st, 1908.
McDonugh Public School,
May 24, 25, 26.
The Annual Commencement of
the McDonough Public School will
begin at 11:00 A. M. Sunday May
the 24th with a sermon by Rev.
Luke G. Johnson, Pastor First
Methodist Church, Athens, Ga.
Special music will be furnished by
the combined choiys of the town.
The Expression and Music Dep
artments will give a recital Mon
day evening, May 25, beginning
promptly at eight o'clock.
Graduation Exercises Tuesday
evening, May 26, beginning at
eight o’clock. Dr. E. J. Forrester,
Mircer University will deliver the
All these exercises will take
place in the school auditorium and
no charges will be made for ad
A cordial invitation is extended
to all.
Very respetcfully,
W. D. Green, Superintendent.
Wanted—To buy some nice, fat
beef cattle. J. H. Jefferes.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jefferas,
have another son at their home,
who arrived first of the week.
In the governor’s race Joe
Brown seems to be in the lead in
this section.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Woods spent
one day in .Jackson last week with
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Woods.
Mr. McWilliams our present rep
resentative and candidate for the
senate was this way Tuesday and
met with quite a lot of encourage
Quite a crowd in this vicinity
went to Lithia Springs last Friday
with the Sunday School picnic and
report a nice time.
Messrs. Whittaker and Harkness
two of the candidates for Tax Col
lector, were with us awhile Tues
Mr. and Mrs. Huey Mabry and
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Avery spent
Sunday with Mrs. Will Woods.
Dr. O. H. Cantrell, the dentist,
formerly of Atlanta, is stopping
with Dr. H. C. Ellis at this place
and is keeping very busy. We
hope to have him with us a few
days each month.
Hon. R. F. Smith Retires
from the Race for State
Senator from 34th Dist.
On going to press The Weekly
learns that Rev. R. F. Smith, of
Locust Grove, who is a candidate
for Senator from the 34th Senato
rial District has decided to with
draw from the race.
We are reliably informed that
Hon. Paul Turner will make the
race for the Senate.
Locust Grove Institute
has Brilliant Closing.
Wednesday night’s program at
Locust Grove Institute closed one
of the most brilliant commence
ment seasons in the history of L.
G. 1., as well ms one of the best
years in the school’s history.
The largest graduating olass in
the history of the school—l 7 in
There were many contest* in the
school. Miss Allie Malone, of Un
adilla, Ga., won the Brenau schol
In the medal contest in music on
Tuesday afternoon, it was won by
Miss Estelle Castellow The med
al was given by Mrs. C. E. Eu
banks, of Elko, Ga.
Tuesday night the largest crowd
of the commencement season at
tended the concert by the mnsio
class. The Glee Club made a dis
tinct hit with everyone on that
Probably the champion debate
created more interest and enthus
iasm than any one of the interest
ing phases of the commencement
week, which occurred on Monday
All the speeches were fine, but
especially so were those of Ether
idge, of Jackson, and Farmer, of
Locust. The decision was in fa
vor of the affirmative.
Every part of the week’s com
mencement season was well ren
dered, and everyone was highly
pleased with the standing made
by this splendid school, that not
only Locust Grove and Henry
county are proud of, but one that
lends dignity to educational insti
tutions of the state.
Rev. Ulm, of Griffin, the new
pastor of this church, will preach
here next Saturday and Sunday,
and everybody is cordially invited
to attend.
Miss Minnie Turner, of Griffin,
is the guest of relatives here this
w r eek.
Several from here attended the
dedication of the new Methodist
church of Hampton last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs D. T. McLendon
visited relatives at Stock-bridge
Saturday and Sunday last.
Mr and Mrs. W. 11. Barnett vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Bright last
| Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abercrombie
| visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Abercrom
| bie Sunday last.
The marfy friends of Mr. Gus
Mitchell are glad to know that he
| is rapidly improving after a long
illness from pneumonia fever.
On Saturdav evening last Miss
Berrtia Glower, of Mt. Pleasant,
delightfully entertained a number
of her friends at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Henry Andrews, of
; this place. The sitting rooms,
hall and dining room were beauti
ful in their decorations of ferns,
begonias, and cut flowers, vases of
One Negro Kills Another
In a Sunday Quarrel.
John Ghilds shot and instantly
killed Posey Harper near Antioch
church in the eastern part of the
county Sunday afternoon about 4
It seems from what can be ascer
tained about the matter that they
had been gambling and fell out.
over the game and Harper started
to run from Childs, when he was
shot in the lower part of the back
and died almost instantly.
The coroner held an inquest
Monday. Tuesday morning Sher
iff Sowell and deputy Sheriff
Payne caught Chilas at Norman's
store, a short distance from the
scene of the killing, and he was
placed in the county jail here to
await trial at the fall term of
Magnolias being used effectively
on the mantles and tables.
Miss Clower was assisted in en
tertaining by her sister, Mrs. An
drews. Music on the graphophone
and piano was the feature of the
evening and was highly enjoyed
by all present. At a late hour de
licious refreshments were served
in the dining room.
The guests of the evening in
cluded Misses Beatrice Andrews,
Jewel and Leila Campbell, Nevoie
Calloway, Nettie Maxey, Stella
Barnett, Ethel Moore, of Hampton,
Minnie Turner, of Griffin, Lizzie
Crane, of Jonesboro, Bessie* Conkle
of New-hope, and Bertha Clower,
of Mt. Pleasant. Messrs. Center
Clower, Delos Barnett, Earney
Campbell, Dixon Andrews, Wal
ter Conkle, Harvey Barnett, Miles
Campbell, Paul Fields, Jesse Stan
field, Mr. and Mrs, B. C. Bright,
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Barnett, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Andrews, Mr. and
Mrs. Grover Campbell, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Moore.
Folks have gone to chopping
cotton in this section.
We were sorry to hear that Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Barham are on the
sicklist and hope they will soon
Mr. Buck Love and Miss Minnie
Nail passed through here Sunday
Mr. Jim stroud was out this
way Sunday evening.
There waft a very nice crowd at
Sardis Sundayschool.
Corn is looking fine for the sea
A large crowd attended services
at Sharon Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lone Savage visit
ed their aunt, Mrs. Jimmie Savage
Mr. Bud Hooten pasted this way
Teachers’ Examination.
The regular State Examination
for Teachers has been called, June
19th and 20th.
All teachers whose license have
expired and those who intend to
teach in the public schools of this
state are reejuired to take this ex
amination. Same will be held at
court house in McDonough, on
date name above. Beginning at &
a. m each day.
Lawrence Dnffey,
C. S. Com., Henry Co.