The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 29, 1908, Image 1
The Henry County Weekly VOL. XXXIII Col. E, M. Smith’s Race Nearing a Victorious Finale. It is with great pleasure that we present to our readers today tlie likeness of a gentleman whom we all know and esteem—Colonel E. M Smith, the Candidate for Soli itor General of the Flint Circuit, from Henry county. Colonel Smith is one of us, and is too well known to need an introduction to our good people. For the past eleven years Colonel Smith has practiced law in McDonough and has demonstrated his ability, so conducting himself as to win the confidence and esteem of the peo ple of Henry county. He has been most succesful in his law practice, having worked his way up until he ranks as one of the foremost law yers. not only of his town and county, but of the state. The honors which have shown him in McDonough and Henry county, place him in the very forefront of the citizens of this, his adopted county. He is worthy of the posi tion which lie seeks, and is fully competent to discharge the duties of the office. He has discharged the duties of every office that he has held with erdit to himself and with honor to the county. Should he be elected the State will have a fair, faithful and capable prose cuting officer. The following information about his life, will be read with keen in terest by our readers, who are vitally interested in making a wise and proper choice of the man who is to be the solicitor of this .Indicia! Circuit. Hon. E. M. Smith was born on a farm in Monroe county in 1873. He is the son of the late Mr. A. C. Smith, a prosperous farmer of Monroe county, a man of such rugged honesty, strict integrity and sterling manhood, that his friends were only limited to those he knew. His mother was Miss Jane Pliinizee, a member of one of the State’s most prominent fami lies. Her beautiful Christian character has been an enobling in fluence in the lives of her children. Col. Smith is one of seven living brothers, the places they till in life, showing the sterling qualities they possess. He has two sisters, both of whom are married. In the fall of 1893 he entered the law offices of Hons. R. L. Berner and O. H. B. Bloodworth and received his legal training from these din tinguished lawyers. He was ad mitted to the bar in 1894, at the Feb. term of Monroe Superior Court, and at once began the prac tice of law at Forsyth. In the early part of 1897 Col. Smith moved to McDonough where he has since re sided and practiced law. In 1900-01, reprented Henry county in the low er branch of tbeGeneval Assembly, and in 1902 was appointed Solicitor of the county court of Henry coun ty. He was elected mayor of Me Donough in 1899 ttnd served seven consecutive years in this position. During the years of 1905-1906 lie was vice-president of the Georgia League of Municipalities. Col. Smith was married to Miss Flora Turner in 1899, and enjoys the distinction of being the only married man in the race for Solici tor General. That Col. Smith is vice-president of the Henry County Veterans’ Ass'n ~ is one of interest in this con nection and we are glad to have his photograph in this memorial edi tion of the county paper. Col. Smith is making an active canvass among tbe people and in tends to see and talk with as many voters as possible. He is going to make a strong race and if he is suc cessful the circuit will have a most competent, industrious solicitor, 8 who will faithfully discharge the important duties of the office. “My platform,” says Col. Smith, “is the enforcement of the law as I find it, without favor, fear or affec tion, and with eqnal justice to all.” Col. Smith is Henry county’s can didate for this important position, and derserves the support and aid of the entire county in making this race.—Memorial Edition of The Weekly. Worthy Tribute to Col. E. M. Smith, an Old Jackson Boy. It is unnecessary for us to say to our readers that the above is a like ness of Hon. E. M. Smith, of Mc- Donough, candidate for Solicitor General, as Mr. Smith is personally known to nearly everyone in Butts county. In fact he is an old citizen of Butts county, having received his education at Jackson Institute. Mr. Smith has practiced law for the past fourteen years, and has been eminently successlul in his chosen profession; in fact, he ranks among the foremost lawyers of the Flint Circuit. His standing at the bar is evidenced by the fact that the Superior Court docket of his home county shows that he is of counsel in ninety per cent of the cases appering on the docket in the last five years. In addition to the civil practice, Mr. Smith has appeared in every important criminal case tried in Henry Su perior Court in the last five years. He has frequently been employed to assist the State in the prosecu tion of important criminal cases, and in the conduct of these cases he has shown to the satisfaction of the people that he was capable of filling the office of Solicitor General. McDONOUGH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MAY 29, <9OB. : '■ •to'* ■■*<•. . i a r-- 1 JWjr4jpry n •' tfgg&V Jjß;' COL. ERNEST M. SMITH, of McDonough, Candidate for Solicitor General of the Flint Circuit. Mr. Smith, since his residence in Henry county, has filled many po sitions of trust and honor. He was honored by his town with the office.of Mayor for seven consecu tive terms without opposition. He was sent to the Legislature by his county in three years after he took up his residence there. He was appointed by the Gov ernor to the office of Solicitor of the County Court of Henry county for three successive terms, a posi tion in which he has fully sustain ed himself as a prosecuting officer, and which has served to more ful ly equip him for the duties of the office of Solicitor Geoeral. We believe that Mr. Smith should be elected, and if elected the Circuit will have a Solicitor General that will be a fit successor to the distinguished men who have held the office in the past —Jack son Argus. COL. E. M. SMITH. We present to our readers today the likenpss of a gentleman known to many of us and highly esteemed by multitudes of good people throughout the county—the Hon. E. M. Smith, of McDonough. Ga. Mr. Smith is a grandson of the celebrated Rev. Hiram Phinizee, who was one of the most honored citizens of Monroe county in his day and who was one of the found ers of the Congregational Meth odist church. Mr. Smith has been engaged’ in the practice ot law for some years and has demonstrated his ability while exemplifying a noble char acter. He has recently entered the race to succeed Hon. O. H. B Bloodworth as solicitor-general of the Flint circuit, and it is gener ally thought he will be elected.— The Watchman. Col. Ernest M. Smith the Man to Elect for Solicitor-General Hon. E. M. Smith, of McDon ough, candidate for Solicitor-Gen eral, was in the city Wednesday in the interest of his race. He is confident of winning the race and expressed himself as be ing satisfied with the situation. Reports from the various sections of the Circuit indicate that Mr. Smith will be nominated. Butts county should, and we be lieve will give Mr. Smith a large majority, not only on account of his former residence here, but on account of the fact that he is the man for the place.—Jackson Ar gus, May 22. Hon. E. M. Smith* Hon. E. M. Smith, of McDon ough, who is a candidutc for soli citor-general, was here yesterday in the interest of his candidacy. He spent part of the day here and drove out over the county to see the voters. He is making an aggressive campaign for the office and feels confident of winning. He is a good campaigner and knows how to meet the people. He is strong in Monroe, Butts and Henry where lie was raised and lives, and his friends are ac tive for him.—Pike County Jour nal, May 22. Col. E. M. Smith Announ ces for Solicitor General Col. E. M. Smith, of McDon ough, lias announced for solicitor general of the Flint Circuit to suc ceed Hon. O. 11. B. Bloodworth. It has been rumored for some time that he would be in the race. PAGES Hon. E. M. Smith for Solicitor General . “My platform is the enforce ment of law, as 1 find it, without favor, fear, or affection, and with equal justice to all.” ' These are the words of Hon. L M. Smith, candidate for Solicitor General. This is his platform, and thought it does not contain many words, itl is full of meaning, and is directly, to the point. It is useless to add! more, there is not a word to be-- subtracted. We deem it well to remind Un people of Butts county that Mr; Smith was once a citizen of this*- county. As a boy he attended our schools and is among the grad uates of the Jackson High School.. We do not claim that he de serves our support a result of this alone, butiwe do believe that it should make us more interested i».. his race. To fill the high position to whiolfc he aspires, a man should possess t* strong intellect. In speaking of Mr. Smitli his" county paper says of him : “He has been most successful in his law practice, having worked his way up „until he ranks as one of. the foremost lawyers, not only oi his town and county, lmt of th» State.” Those who know him best de clare that this is true. A man should possess a strong; character to fill this place in. the • proper way. I quote again from his home paper: “Should In* bee elected the State will have a fail* . faithful, and capable prosecuting officer.” The only objection raised to him by his home people is, they hate to lose the services of the snaa nb the bar in whom they have the* greatest confidence, and to whom. so long entrusted their business affairs. To fill this position a man shoulik be energetic and courageous.. Mr. Smith has three brothers iir.* Jackson whose worst enemies*, could not charge with any lack of energy, and when convicted of right they are known to be gov erned by it under all circumstan ces. The same reports come to us inn regard to Hon. E. M. Smith, who asks the people of Butts county for their votes. With no reflection upon other men who are in the race for this position, we feel safe in saying that Mr. Smith is the proper mart for this place, and we hope that our people will give him their un divided support. —Jackson argus Col. Smith is a prominent mem ber of the McDonough bar and is at present solicitor of the county court of Henry. He ably repre sented his county in the legisla ture several years ago and wav mayor of McDonough for a long number of years. He is yet a young man hut stands high in the profession as a lawyer, having made a success at the bar. He is a very aggressive cam paigner and will make a strong fight for the office. He is very popular in his county with many influential friends who will takr an .active interest in his behalf..— Pike County Journal, Jan. 3. $1 A YEAR