The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 29, 1908, Image 4
To get your Mid Summer hat, before our Millinery stock is run down. Every day you delay leaves less to select from. Our stock is still full and complete with the new things for Mid- Summer Wear. It has almost been impossible for us to keep up with our increasing business and we have only been able to do so by working night and day. Mid-Summer Dress Goods ► : We have in stock a complete line of goods suitable for Mid=Sum= ► mer Dresses and all Trimmings necessary to make them up. In ► fact we have never shown such a Complete Line of Summer ► Dress Goods as we have on hand now. ► : The sooner you come the more you will have ► to select from. So don’t put it off. ► _ T. A. Sloan & Company, : McDonough, - Georgia. iIEIWY COUNTY WEEKLY. .V \. I-oUCHIS. Publisher. i *K. 1,. • IJ*XH NSOX Editor. entered at the postofflee at McDon • ••smjwv as secorid-clasa mall matter. ..Advertising Ratea: SI.OO per t, motHh. Redaction on etaadlnff • wawtracts by special agreement. MeDonoh,Ga , May ‘JO, 1908. ( 10. ring- to the larg* number of jn this issue tlierf? art' a Ti'uiYi' 6f 'articlos that are unavoidably crowded out this week The closing exercises of the Me iV.mough Public School were very Haeiin'every particdhvr—a full ho ■count, will be given eft the coin auenceineoitmoxt week's issue. Revival Meetings in Methodist Church. "We will begin a series of meet* Tings in the Methodist church at McDonough next Sunday evening, 31st inst. There will he held two services daily morning ai.d even ing. 'iiev. S R England, of Sparta HJa., will be with us and will do preaching. We will of course vxpeeb our Methodist people as far as possible, to attend all the serv iocfc#. We extend a hearty invi itrtticrE to the good people of the «*oTurnerluarelies in the community and these vho are not members ol -any ochnrcli to attend the meet iuigs. Wt will be glad to have yon. Let us pray that, our God may -visit us with a grreious revival of Tehgion. •T. E. England. “.McDonough vs Jackson Let. every body come out to see t the-opening game of baseball b* - tween ‘Jackson and McDonough on ‘Taesdav/next. A brass ha-ml will yiday.divuiv.? the game. Bartlett or BloodwortW i — ~~~~ HON. 0. H. B. BLQODWORTH, OF FORSYTH, GA., Candidate for Congress from the Sixth Con gressional District Tne Advertiser - desires at the very outset to eXfeftd to Judge B irtlett its assurance - of its kind ly regard for him 1 . We write these lines not that we'rfte opposed to Judge Bartlett but hCY'aUse we are intensely and entTVrt'sfasflenlly in favor of Mr. Blood worth' .- It has been suggested that if Judge Bartlett is given “die I(*mr mor ,” he will then gracefully re tire and leave the congressiona arena to others, .lodge retire ! No man lias i ver yet ensed the Judge ot being of a re. tiring disposition. At the end of i his fourth term, if we remember f aright, l.e asktd itr ‘ne term 1 more-” and got it. At the end of i bis fiftn term he asked for “one more term” and got it. At the and oi Jifs sixtn term he asked lor ‘one term mQfe,” uud got it. Now as his seventh jerm draws to a lolosj, JxcMsksfor • ojietermm;»re.” A'liy if Jadge Bartb'if is still in confess when the iflltletiiuin com**, lie wlil be I'om.d lifting ins vc**?e on high and crying to' Peter tv postpone the millpnimA) until hweam have “one term more.” It. lias bee# Jhiggesfed that when Judge Bartlett) huy served another term and is tkr retire, Bibb county will stand- hack and let the congressman conns' from other counties. Bibb county stand back? Since when? Bibb is a* great and splendid county and Mas- every good quality except modesty,, but no man lias ever yet discovered the slightest trace of modesty in the makeup of Bibb county. When Jim Blount, great and good man that he was, had served eighteen* years and had fierce opposition l Bibb county said to Monroe, “Elect Blount one more term, and then vve’ll let yon have the congress man/' Blount got his “one more term” and retired. Did Bibb county then stand aside? Ask Charley Bartlett. If Saint Peter ever resigns the post of doorkee]*- erin Paradise Bibb county will have a man on hand to ask for the vacant job. Captain Cabaniss got one term in congress, opposed for that one term by Bibb county. ; Tnen Bibb county denied to Mon roe county the customary courtesy iof a second term. Gallant Tom i 1 al'ani.-s went down in defeat and i dashing Bob Whitfield went to bis \grave with » broken while Bibb county took the congressman “for keeps ” Bibb county stand aside when Bartlett gets tired of sitting on the lid? Well, not so as you could notice it! Bibb coun ty has several men as able and as ambitious as Judge Bartlett, and the moment he steps aside some ether Bibb county man will take his place in the lists. It has been suggested that the next congress will have a demo cratic house and that then Judge Bartlett will be in a position to do “conspicuous service” for liis dis trict. This lias been Judge Bart’s companion etf to his “one term more” for several years ; and each time ye hdf# been disap pointed in our hope of' .*» democrat Ironse,. and the “conspicuous ha# not yet come. 11. Mi Yr been suggested that Bibb county flj'su’ largo and important t.iia *■ it i:J &m'lsK entitled to have a personal ddprbSp’irtative in con gress. ConcMir *'yen 1 this, Geor gia's beloved uh‘d' d'i'stingnUht'd senior senator L&tf’ju&’tf llb'Cn o'iecfc ed for another si.\' : ybatk/ and finks us perhaps the able#? cl^'rtH.'bi v at in the senate. He iivesoy J ßfb‘t^boun- ty and has lived there afll h‘i^ s lif«. It Bibbcouuty is so a» to need a personal repres?di l tli'tivie, | behold Senator Bacon ! It lias been suggested that r Bartlett should be re-elected b&> canse be knows lbs district iCb'd** people so well. Granted that He’ know# them. Seven of the ten? counties in the sixth congressional district are also in the Flint judi cial circuit, and Mr. Bloodworth has traveled the Flint* circuit, for fourteen year* as a so.lcitor gen eral. In the remaining three counties of Bibb, Baldwin and Jones, Mr. Bloodworth lias hosts of persyna) friends and numbers of kinsmen, many of whom bear his own UMtne We believe that Mr. Blood'wortli knows more peo ple in the sixth district by sight ami by name than even Judge Bartlett does, avid we believe that he has as marlf; ithd fe'Fefl strong personal Mends than has* the present distinguished repre sentative. Should Mr. Blood worth go to congress, he would do so with a thorough knowledge of his district and its needs, with an intimate acquaintance with Ills people and their desires. Just a word more. For the past thirty-six years the representative in congress from the sixth district has been a democrat, and for thir ty-four years out. of the thirty six that representative has been from Bibb comity. Bibb county lias monopolized the congressman to the exclusion of the other nine counties. Should the sixth dis trict abandon* tilCgonventiui? plail of nomination for ih’iit b'y popular vote, the heavy vok m'Assed in Bibb would tend to »MV further strengthen Bibb’s monopoly upon the congressmen from our district. We submit that in simple fairness Bibb county should not always' furnish the congressman to the litter exelusion of the other nine this district. Young *w?n of the sixth ccn ; gressional dffetf/Krt, yon who come from the counties” of the district an<3 y.'lto l cherish am bitions of your o T «iiV#Fe yon will iing to sit idly faf :*ftd let Bibb co<ranty furnish the’ c}bi*gf essman faotfn this district foreifdi* and for ever? } Jrorilige Bartlett is a ?fj>ft?ndi4 gfenft<ll*m>«n and a loyal friend an(t w'e' th»»k him for what fiasr dlortfe’ tw the district. But yfith* all trite and for all this, we rfe spectfttWy snbmit that fourteerf’ years in' et>ngress has been a snf ' ticient reward for all that Judge' Bartlett ha's-done. We respectful ly submit thwfc the time has come to make a ctemge and to send to congress fraai this district a younger and'a stronger and a bet ter man. And we respectfully submit that Mr. Blood worth is that man —EditorSal in Monroe Advertiser. n y