The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 29, 1908, Image 6
GO TO W. B. J. INGRAM COMPANY Where you will always find a complete stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Groceries and a full line of Provisions, Feed Stuff, Crockery and Glassware ... — m~-rrrrrr-~": Below we offer some Special Bargains. t t CALICO, Etc. CLOTH INO We'have a lot oi ladies’and men and boys’ Hats in • We carry a full and complete line of Heavy Groceries, consisting of Flour, Corn, Oats, Hay, Heal i I IT*! Q Hrari, Shorts, Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Meats and Lard, Tobaccos, Cig'ars, and a general line of lwA.y Farm Tools and a general line of Hardware. When in need of anything in our line call and see us and we will make you prices that will interest you. , Yours for Business, J . ) ' ■ . , , W. B. J. Ingram Co. you arc the Doctor. .... Stlldclj H. J. COPELAND MERCANTILE COMPANY MCDONOUGH. CA. FEMININE NEWS NOTES. Nearly 1000 Chicago women will wear sandals this summer. Mrs. George J. Gould and five of her children sailed for Europe. It is proposed to give the women of the Philippines the right to vote, but not to hold office. The habit of cigarette smoking i among women will be discoun tenanced at Newport this simmer. Baroness Udo von Ruexleben shot and killed her husband and herself in their chateau at Buddenberg, near Dortmund, Germany. Mrs. Charles T. Yerkes was exam ined in the suit of Joseph D. Redding, a lawyer, who says she promised him twenty per cent, of her husband’s es tate for services rendered. Lady Ernestine Hunt, eldest daugh ter of the Marquis of Ailesbury, owns and operates a horse ranch at Cal gary, Alberta, on a stretch of land nearly 40,000 acres in extent. The Rev. H. Gertrude Roscoe has resigned the pastorate of the Mount Washington Universalist Church, Haverhill, Mass., having recently been married to the Rev. Henry Reigal. Mrs. Helen E. Moses, one of the most widely known women in the ! Christian Church, died at her home in Indianapolis. She was national pres ! idem of the Christian Woman’s Board ; of Missions. Countess Szechenyi, formerly Miss ! Gladys Vanderbilt, of New York, has ! been formally introduced to the Mag yar aristocracy at a ball held at the Budapest Park Club. Among the guests'-were Archduke Joseph and the Archduchess., • Mrs. Kate Wiggin has been nom inated as an honorary steward of the. anniversary dinner of tivj Royal Lit erary Fund in London. Lord Tenny son is the president of the society. Rudyard Kipling asked Mrs. Wiggin to respond to a toast. 4 * ■' NEVADA CHIEF EXECUTIVE DEAD. Governor John Sparks Succumbs to Bright’s Disease at His Ranch. Reno, Xev, —Governor John Sparks of Nevada who had been ill for some time died at his ranch near Reno Fri day morning. Governor Sparks’ term would have expired December 31, 1910. Governor Sparks died of Bright’s disease. His wife and son were at his bedside 'when death came. He was born in Mississippi in August. 4543, and has been governor of Nevada since 1902. Don S. Dickerson will now become •-■"v : no- Nevada. A man does his courting in the par -1 r and then expects his wife to be an 1 expert kitchen mechanic. FRENCH BBiigli MARKETS COFFEE A r HOW WOULD YOU LIKE I SIOO In Gold—$100? I F.veryone who sends us in a list of English words made up of I any, or all, of the letters in I “FRENCH MARKET COFFEE” I will receive a present. The one sending in the greatest list 1 of words will be given One Hundred Dollars in Gold. Hun- I dreds of other valuable presents will be given free to contest -1 ants. | For list of presents and particulars regard | ing contest, ask your grocer, or write to T. CONTEST DEPARTMENT COFFEE CO., LTD. a k a../i U pi ll ER y .... yEi THIRD ROUND. Hampton, Tuesday May 2<5 Sixth, Wednesday “ 27 Flippen, Thursday “ 28 Stockbridge, Friday “ 29 Shakerag, Wednesday June 3 Brushy Kn ib, Thursday “ 4 Loves Friday “ 5 McMnllins, Monday ‘‘ 8 Beersheba, Tuesday “ 9 ■ * • ' i. FOURTH ROUND Hampton Wednesday June 17 Stockbridge Thursday June 18 Locust Grove Monday June 22 McDonough Court-week, First Tuesdays, and Saturdays until books are closed, June 25th. W. W. PATTERSON, TAX RECEIVER HENRY COUNTY. Shipping Shoals, 9 o’clock a. m , Island Shoals, 11 o’clock a. m., Woods town, 1 o’clock p. m., Wednesday June 10 Sandy Ridge, Thursday . “ 11 Tussahaw, Friday “ 12 Locust Grove, Monday “ 15 Lowes, Tuesday “ 16