The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 18, 1908, Image 8

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Leading Undertaker.
. A
. •- - -:■*?. 2r*®**
?*;-rr ;> -. r.jfcS^£S?3Wj
Nr -,f
Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention (riven all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 30.
McDonough, Ga,
G. E. Weems,
Physician and Surgeon,
McDonough, ha.
Office in the Thkashkr Building.
Ofllce over Star Store.
Mrs S. F. MoCnrry returned
Monday from a visit of several
days to Mrs. Bass, of Griffin.
Wanted —1000 deposit
Turner Bros., Bankers.
If yon are in market for bnilding
materal get my prices before you
R. C. Brown,
3t. Locust Grove. Ga.
One dollar will open an
account with us.
Turner Bros., Bankers.
We have our fall line in and
ready for inspection. Call and
see the new things we are Show
T. A. Sloan <fc Co.
Miss Estelle Hightower left Mon
day for her home in Stockbridge
after spending a conple of weeks
as the gueßt of her sistfcr, Mrs. A.
G. Harris. Mrs. Harris accomp
anied her home.—Fayetteville
LUMBER for SALE—A lot of
first class Oak Hnd Pine Lumber
for sale. tf
Rt. 7. McDonough, Ga.
Onr new fall Millinery has been
received and we are ready to sup
ply you with the latest creations
in ladies’ head wear.
T. A. Sloan & Co.
Harold Mallet will be in McDon
ough during the fall season buy
ing cotton for Smith & Etheridge.
Lamar Ethridge is now book-keep
er for Smith & Ethridge, the po
sition formerly held by Harold.—
Jackson Argus.
Mrs. Sallie Fannie Mc-
Curry is now at her post
of duty and invites her
friends to call and see her.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Prof. Lawrence Duffey, of Mc-
Donough, and Col. E. M, Owen, of
Zebulon, two of the members of
the executive conunitee of the
Sixth District Agricultural college,
were in the city yesterday winding
np the financial affairs of the col
lege, making final settlement of all
claims with the contractor whe
erected the building.—Griffin News
Visit our store before
you make your fall pur
chases. We have a very
attractive line in every de
Copeland Mer. Co.
Miss Lena Moore, of Atlanta will
be in charge of T. A. Sloan & Co s
Millenary department this fall.
She is experienced trimmer and it
is safe to predict for her much suc
cess with this popular firm.
Go to Edd Goodwin’s for yonr
cotton baskets. Home made.
It tftkes a tender heart to do the
really hard things.
Get your home made cotton
baskets from Edd Goodwin.
Miss Eva Harris spent several
days during the past week with
friends at Barnesville.
Home made cotton basketsa t
Edd Goodwins.
In extending loans our
depositors shall at all
times come first, x
Turner Bros., Bankers.
Pine Lumber for sale. Gall on
W. M. Berry.
Stockbridge, Ga., Rt. 2.
FOR SALE—One house and lot
on Atlanta street in front of, my
home and known as the Hightow
er place. Call on
McDonongh, Ga.
FOR SALE.—At a bargain one
Dens More Typewritter No. 4 will
sell at half price.
Address L. J. Weenies, 2t
Luella. Ga.
FOR SALE.—Eight room honse
near George Turner’s store, known
as the Cy McKibben place, to the
highest bidder First Tuesday in
October next. Terms cash.
2t. .T. F. McGarity.
New line Rugs, and Art
Squares, these are pretty
and attractive.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Mr. J. L. Wise, of Dania, Fla.,
formerly a citizen of this county,
bnt. who has not been here for the
past teA years, is the guest of his
hosts of friends in this county.
He says that McDonough’s wonder
ful growth the past ten years is
sneh that he does not recognize
many ot the old parts of the town.
We are opening up our
New Fall line Dress Goods
Skirts and novelties.
Copeland Mer. Co.
Miss Blanche Wentzell returned
here on Monday afternoon after a
two months vacation to her home
at Harpers Fsrry, Va. She will a
gain be in charge of the Milinery
department of Walker Turner Co.
She ii well known here having for
general seasons been at this place.
Her hosts of friends are glad to see
her back'at her old post again this
Petit ion for Discharge
In the District Court of the United
States, for the Northern District of
111 \s. S. HENDERSON, I No. 193
Bankrupt, | In Bankruptcy
A petition for discharge having been
filed in conformity to law by the above
named bankrupt, and the court having
duly ordered that the hearing upon said
petition be had October 3rd., 1908, at 10
o’clock A. M., at the United States Dis
trict Court Hoorn, in the city of Atlanta,
Georgia,-Notice is hereby given to all
creditors and other persons in interest,
that they may appear at the said time
and place and show cause if any they
may have why Bankrupt’s prayer
for discharge should not be granted.
This September 4, 1908.
Clerk U. S. District Court.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA. Henry County.
J. F. M. Fields, administrator upon the
estate of Thomas Fields, late of said coun
ty, deceased, having filed his petition for
discharge, this is to cite all persons con
cerned to show cause against the grant
ing of this discharge at the regular term
of the court of Ordinary for said county
to be held on first Monday in October,
1908. This Sept, 7. 1908.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
For Guardianship.
Georgia, H enry County.
To whom it may concern:
T. O. Calloway having applied for the
guardianship of the person and property
of John Wesley Calloway, minor child of
L. A. Calloway, of said county; notice is
hereby given that said application will be
heard at my office at 10 o’clock a. m., on
first Monday in October next, 1908. This
Sept. 7, 1908.
G. G. WKEMS. Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
All parties holding claims against the
estate of J. C. Turner, late of said county,
deceased, are hereby notified to present
the same, duly attested, within the time
prescribed by law; and those indebted to
said estate are required to make immedi
ate pavment. This Sept. 8. 1906.
J. A. FOUCHE, Adm’r.
ftxei'utor’H Hale.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
! Ordinary of said county will be sold at
I public outcry on the first Tuesday in Oc
tober 1908, at* the court house door in said
county between the usual hours of sale
the following’real estate in Henry coun
ty, to-wit: Seventy five acres of land oIT
of theeast portion of the east half ol' lot
of land No. 174. inVbth district of said
county. Also fifty acres of land lying in
ftth district of said county, and known as
the south west corner of lot of land No.
14ft; bounded as folio vs: South hy other
lands of VV E west
by lands of G G Weems, north by, lands
of .T M Carmichael, east by other lands
of W E Alexander. Also fifty acres of
land, number not known, bounded on
' the north and east, hy hinds of J M Car
! michael and south by other lands of W.
: E Alexander, deceased, known ns the
Coleman Tarpley place. All of said land
lyingin (ith district of said county. Sold
as theproperey of W. E. Alexander, late
of sain county, deceased, for distribution,
St pt. 7, 11)08.
Leon Carmichael. Executor.
E-vegutorn’ Sale.
Georgia—Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county, will be sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in Oc
tober next, 11)08,iat the courthouse in said
county between 4he usual hours of sale
j the following,real estate situated in Hen
: ry county, Ga.. to,wit: One hundred and
I fifty-two acres of land, more or less', be
ing all of lot of .land No. 171 iu 2nd dis
trict said.countyi except fifty aerqs off of
the south shloioLsaid lot: ..bounded on the
nort h by lands of ttobf. Sandifer estate,
east by lands of G P Combs, south by
lands of W Jd Combs, west by lards of
R C Brown. Hyld as the property of
Mrs. Mary E. Merrett, late of said county
for distribution., Term cash. This Sept.
7, 1908.
E. It. Merrett, \ Executors
W. H. Merrett ! xt!Cutors -
For i'2 Months’ Suppt^t.
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs. Claud Shuttleworth having made
application for 12 months support out of
the estate of W. V. Shuttleworth, and
appraisers duly appointed to set apart the
same having filed their return; all per
sons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the court of Ordinary
of said county on the first Monday in
October 1908, why said application should
not be granted. This Sept. 7, 1908.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary
For Guardianship.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern.
S. C. McWilliams having applied for
the guardianship of the property of Glad
die Brannan, a minor child of Berry
Brannnn, of said county; notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard
at the Ordinary’s ollice at 10 o’clock a. m.
on first Monday in October next, 1908.
This Sept. 7, 4908.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs. Minnie H. Stone, administratrix
upon the estate of J. A. Stone, late of
said county, deceased, having died her
petition for discharge; this is to cite ah
persons concerned to show cause against
the granting Of this discharge at the court
of Ordinary for said county to be held on
first Monday in October 1908. This Sept.
7, 1908.
• G. G. WEEMS. Ordinary.
For Deave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern;
Mrs. Mary E. Conkle, administratrix
upon the estate of Mrs. Mary L. C. Mc-
Vicker, late of said county, deceased, has
in due form applied to the undersigned,
Ordinary, by petition forleave to sell One
hundred acres of land, more or less, being
all the land belonging to the estate of
said deceased lying in the Bth District
said county and state. Said land sold for
distribution. Said application will be
heard on the first Monday in October
next, 1908. This Sept. 7,1908.
G. G. WEEMS. Ordinary.
•Executor's Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county will be sold at
public outcry at the court house in said
county on lirst Tuesday in October 1908,
between the usual hours of Sale, the fol
lowing real estate situated, lying and be
ing in Henry county Ga. to-wit: One
hundred acres of land situated, lying and
being in the center of lot of laud No. 80 in
Bth Dist. said county; bounded on the
north by lands of B J Brannan, and Mrs.
Clem P. Huling, bound on east, south
and west by other lands of J. B. Price Sr.
deceased, late of said county. Also forty-
eight and 07-100 acres of land situated, ly
ing and being on east side of lot of land
No. 80 in 6th Dist.. said county; bound on
north by lands of Mrs. Clem P. Huling.
east by lands of T. J. Johnson, and Hen
ry and Clark Rowan, on south and west
by other lands of J. B. Price Sr. deceased,
late of said county. Also sixty and 59-100
acres of'land situated, lying and being in
lots Numbers 79 and 80 in6th Dist: Twen
ty-one acres off of east part of land lot No.
79, and Thirty-nine and 59-100 acres on
west part of lot No. 80. Also Sixty-five
acres of land on north part of lot of land
No. 81 in 6th l)ist., said county bounded
on north by other lands of J. B. Price Sr.
deceased, on east by lands of W. J. Bran
nan, south by lands of L. L. Phillipps.
and west by lands of R. W. Exum. Sold
as the property of J. B. Price Sr., late of
said county. Terms cash. Sept. 7, 1908.
S. S. PRICE, Executor.
Administrator's Sale.
Georgia. Henry County.
• By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said coplity will be sold at
public outcry at the court house
county on first Tuesday in October 1908,
between the usual hours of sale the fol
lowing real estate lying and being in
Henry county, Ga., to-wit: Fifty and one
half (50%) acres of land in 6th Dist. part
of lot of land No. Forty seven (47), bound
ed on the no’-th hy lands of ,T I). Dupree,
east by lands of Mrs. Joe Loverr, south hy
lands of Seab Love and on west by lands
J. D. Dupree. Also Fifty and one-half
(50%) acres, being part of lot of land No,
Nineteen (19) in 6th Dist. of said county,
bounded on north l>y lands of Miss Nan
Morris, east by lands of T. D. Stewart, on
south by lands of Mrs. Arpie Varner, and
west by lands of Mrs. Hooten. Sold as
the lands of J. B. Price, deceased, late of
said county. Terms cash. Sept. 7, 1908.
S. S. PRICE, Administrator.
Some Good Reasons why You
Should Open an Account with
flcDonough, Ga.
1 ST. YOU are the one we are after. These lines are
written are written to catch ihe eyes ot those who do not
keep a bank account with The Bank of Henry County T
but who are risking around the house, in the
barn, or have it buried in some corner. Try keeping it in
this in any amount at any time.
2 ND. The art ot money-making is hard work, avoid
debt, economize, improve small opportunities, and invest
your savings with with The Bank of Henry County.
We pay interest on time deposits.
3RD. Money burns holes in the pockets and leaks out,
but it is sale deposited in the Bank of Henry County.
Open an account with account with us and do it today.
4TH. No class ot business rtquires more caretul atten
tion, or insists on more rigid rules than the banking system.
It has always been our earnest endeavor to conform to these
| requirements; safety first, liberality next, and honesty all the
. #
STH. Harvest follows seed time ; likewise riches, the
opening ot a savings account with us. It you were a Tailor
you would cut your coat .'According to your cloth.
To be a success you must expend your money according
to your income. It is not what vou make that counts, but
what you save, — so begin at once to deposit your savings
with us, and continually keep adding to it, and vou will be
surprised in a few years to see how much 3ou have been
wasting. Don’t tail to drop in us when in town.
Your friends.
The Bank of Henry County
G. W. MORRIS, Free. J. G, WARD, V-PrCs.
J. T. BOND, V-Pres. L. G. FORTSON, Cashier.
Fidelity Bonds A “Deposits Insured”
Fire Insurance N In Reserve Fund
Burgiarly Insurance u of $250,000.00.
Deposit Your Money With Us.
Will store your Cotton FREE for 30 Days.
Insurance Rates : 10c. per month.
Storage after 30 Days 25c. per month for fout
months; Balance of the Year
F* r e e!
Aclmt nistra tor’s Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
Bv virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county, will be sold at
public outcry on th<* first Tuesday in Oc
tober 1908, at the courthouse in said coun
ty between the usual hours of sale the
following real estate situated in Henry
county, Ga. to-wit: Ail that tract or par
cel of land lying and being situated in
the town of Locust Grove, Ga., and being
the south (%) one-half of lot No. 7, in
block “F” commencing at a rock corner
on a fifteen foot alley, and corner of
Brown St., thence west (131%) one hund
red and thirty-one and one-half feet,
thence north (82) eighty-two feet, thence
east to the alley (103) one hundred and
three feet, thence south to the commenc
ing corner (87) eighty-se.en feet, on
which is situated a one story framed
dwelling house. Will lie sold for the ben
efit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash.
This, the Bth day of Sept. 1908.
W I Parr, Adm’r.
Notice of Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order from the court of
Ordinary of Henry county, Ga., will be
sold before the court-house door in said
county, within the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in October next, the
following property, to-wit: One hundred
and fifty acres, more or less, in the 12th
district of said {lenrv county, Ga., lying
near Stockbridge, number of lot or lot
unknown and bounded north by lands of
U. Askew, east by lands of Mrs. E. Har
rell, south by lands of Dr. R. H. High
tower, and west by lands of E. M. Georare.
nee E. M. Askew. Sold as the property of
J. C. Turner, late of said county, deceased
for the benefit of heirs and creditors.
Terms cash. This Sept. 8, 1908.
J. A. Fouche, Adm’r.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern.
I. S. Mays, administrator upon the es
tate of W." A. Mays, late of said county,
deceased, has in due form applied to the
undersigned. Ordinary, by petition for
leave to sell Three Hundred and Sixteen
acres of land, more or less, being all the
land belonging to the estate of said de
ceased. situated in 6th District, said coun
ty and state. Said real estate soli for
purpose of paying debts asd distribution.
; Said application will be heard on first
! Monday in October f9OB. This Sept. 7,
I 1908.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern.
A. M. Stewart, and M. F. Stewart, ad
ministrators of the estate of S. C. Stew
art, late of said county, aeceased, have
in due form applied to the undersigned.
Ordinary of said county, by petition, for
leave to sell all the real estate of said de
ceased. Also ten shares of the capital
stock of the First National Bank of Mc-
Donomrh, Ga. Said application will be
heard first Monday in October next, 1908,
This Sept. 7, 1908.
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
Administrator's Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county will he sold at>
public outcry on the Ist Tuesday in Oc
tober next, 1908, at the courthouse door
in said county between the usual hours
of sale the following real estate situated
in Henry county, to-wit: One hundred
one and one-fourth acres of land more or
less, in the Bth district Henry county. Ga.
known as the W T Wynn home place;
bounded as follows: On the north by
lands W H Maddox, on the east, south
and west by lands of .T A Jarrell. Sold
as the property of W T Wynn, late of
said county and for distribution. This
Sept. 7, 1908.
W. L. Wynn, Adm’r.
For Guardianship]
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
T. O Calloway having applied for the
guardianship of the person and property
of Mary Jane and Troy Mays, minor chil
dren of W. A. Mays, deceased, late of
said county. Notice is herebv given that
said application will be heard at my of
fice at 10 o’clock a. m., on the first Mon
in October next, 1908. This Sept. 7 r
G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia—Henry County.
To whom it may concern.
Paul Turner, executor of estate of Alex
A. Lemon, late of said county, deceased,
has in due form applied to the under
lgned, Ordinary by petition
for leave to sell all the real estate
of said deceased, said land sold for the
purpose of distribution, and said applica
tion will be heard on trie first Mondav in
October next. 1908. This Sept. 7. 1908.
G. G. WEEMS Ordinary.