Newspaper Page Text
Leading Undertaker.
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Complete line of Caskets all styles and
Careful and polite attention given all
funerals entrusted to me.
Embalming done according to latest
and most improved methods.
Newest and most up to date equipment.
Call answered promptly day and night.
Phone 30.
McDonough, Ga,
G. E. Weems,
Physician anil Surgeon,
Office in the 'l'iikakiikk Building.
Office over Star Store
Mrs. Annio Nolan went up to the
Gate City on Monday.
Col. .T. L. Tve, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday with his mother.
Wanted—looo deposit
Turner Bros., Bankers.
Miss Clara Bright delightfully
entertained the Salamagundi Club
at her homo on Brown Ave. on
Wednesday aftenoon.
The fall is here—Let all who owe
ns come forward and settle as soon
as possible.
LUMBER for SALE—A lot of
first class Oak and Pine Lumber
for sale. tf
Rt. 7. McDonough, Ga.
If not providential hindered Mr.
E. Oglesby will talk out. at Pleasant
hill next Sunday evening. Every
body invited to come out and hear
We arc showing the largest and
best assortment of Art Squares,
Rugs and Linoleum in town and
at unusually low prices.
Howard Carmichael Furniture Co.
Mrs. Paul Turner and Miss Nona
Tarner went up to see the “Merry
Widow” on Wednesday.
Mr. J. C. Mellwood, of Atlanta,
was the guest of friends in Mc-
Donough Sunday.
FOR SALE or RENT.—A good
six room house in McDonough with
good barn and stables. For in
formation call on
H. A. Sims
Rt. 7. McDonough, Ga. tf.
Mrs. J. E. Smith has returned
from a week’s visit to her sister at
Locust Grove.
Mrs. Carrie Mayo spent the
week-end with her parents at Lo
cust Grove.
If you are in market for building
materal get my prices before you
R. C. Brown,
3t. Locust Grove. Ga.
Weekly office-2 for 5 cents —ls
cents dozen.
If its THE BEST you want for
the LEAST MONEY then call on
ns for anyihing in our line.
Howard C*ari*iichael Furniture Co
One dollar will open an
account with us.
Turner Bros., Bankers.
It will pay you to visit our store
and get our prices on Furniture,
Sewing Machines, Trunks, Suit
Cases and in fact everything car
ried in a first class furniture store.
Howard Carmichael Furniture Co.
Mr. W. H. Cleveland was here
on Wednesday and was wearing an
unusually happy smile -a new girl
js now residing at his home.
If yon are needing anything in
rugs and squares, don’t fail to see
our line, unequalled in the city in
designs and prices.
Howard Carmichael Furniture Co.
Mr. P. A. Allen, one of Beerslie
ha’s staunch Citizens, returned
Thursday from Dublin where he
went to make final arrangements to
move there at the close of this
Messrs. R. L. Johnson and Lamar
Tigner spent Sunday with home
folks at Jonesboro.
Art Squares and Rugs of every
description and price at
Howard Carmichael Furniture Co.
5% per annum paid on
time deposits; paid semi
Turner Bros., Bankers.
Two farms on the Macon and
Birmingham Railroad, near Macon.
1. 218 Acres in Crawford Coun
ty, one-fourtli mile from Depot at
2. 390 acres, more or less, in
Monroe county, a mile-and a half
from the Depot at Dyas
Less than fifteen dollars per
acre will buy either or both.
Term: Third or half cash ; balance
one and two years, at eight per
Apply fo FRANK REAGAN, Mc-
Donough, Georgia, or ROBERT L.
BERNER, 707 American National
Bank Building, Macon, Georgia.
Wanted —A f e w g o o d
cows; must be young and
fresh in milk.
Pearl Spring Creamery,
McDonough, Ga.
Misses Agnes Dunn anil Jet-tie
Bunn, two of McDonough’s popu
lar young ladies, spent the week
end at Locust Grove this week.
Mr. C. C. Gleaton, of Pleasant
Grove community was here Wed
nesday. He had a severe fall from
a house on Tuesday and was suf
fering much from a severe sprain
ed leg.
In extending loans our
depositors shall at all
times come first.
Turner Bros., Bankers.
The Public School term of Henry
County will begin Monday Nov;
2nd 1908, and Continues seven (7)
scholastic weeks, closing on Friday
Dec. 18tli 1908 for the holidays re
suming Monday Jan. 4th 1909 and
continuing seventeen (17) scholas
tic weeks. Agregating 6 Mos. or
120 days for 1908-1909.
By order County Board of Edu
cation .
Lawrence Duffey
Co. S. Com.
Oct. 7th 1908. 4t.
Teachers Institute Meeting
A Teachers’ Institute Meeting
will be held at McDonough, City
School commencing 9.30 o’clock
Saturday Oct. 31st 1908. All teach
ers employed in the Public Schools
of Henry County are required by
law to attend this meeting.
A representation from the trus
tees and patrons at this meeting is
earnestly desired.
The Program will be largely of
a business nature. Let all interest
ed in school work attend this meet
ing. Plans will be formulated
that will insure a successful year’s
work for the children of the county
with co-operation of all.
By order County Board of Edu
Lawrence Duffey
Co. S. Com.
Oct. 7th 1908. 4t.
Kodol Is a combination of the natural di
gestive juices and it digests all classes of
food and every kind of food, so you see it
will do the work that the stomach itself
does. The only difference between it and
the stomach is the stomaehe can get out
of order and Kodol cannot, but Kodol can
put the stomaehe into good order. Buy
Kodol today. It is guarenteed. Sold by
Horton Drug Co.
t Correct Clothes and
Hat Fashions. «
Yffhe Brainy Chaps—
-1 the Young Fellows fyy
that are making a stir in the world
have ideas of their own —they want
INDIVIDUAL Clothes and Hats that
donate the character and give prestige
to the wearer.
Our New Styles Are Marvels of Original Conception
SCHLOSS BROS. & CO., OF BALTIMORE , the celebrated Designers
and Makers of Fashionable Clothing, eclipsed all former efforts in their productions for this
Fall and winter—Their New Models are already being copied and shown by the best
custom tailors.
All the New Shades and Colorings—all the New Fabrics
and importations of their late novelties
represented in our showing.
The Schloss Baltimore—Young Men Models—are designed fcy a college chap and will be
copied by the college tailors. “Nifty” doesn’t describe them.
Their “London”—“Adonis”— “Baltimore” “Harvard”—are all all College Models—with
new kinks—open seams —novelty cufts —studio flags— artist collars and lapels and a
dozen novelties in coat, vest and trousers.
You will be agreeably surprised to see how becomingly you can be dressed at
Furnishings —everything tor the Gentleman —in the newest effects it is impossible
to describe the endless variety— JUST COME AND LOOK.
Call today—no need to buy—we take pleasure in showing the
greatest line of Clothing and Furnishings ever brought to this city.
FA I I TfiP f Cravenetted Overcoats
InLL lUi uvn lOi dressy yet waterproof.
Very truly,
On the 4th Sunday in October
1908, at the Baptist church in Mc-
Donough, we will have a Sunday
School rally for the election of of
ficers for the next ensuing year,
and the installation of same.
Also a nice program for the ben
efit and interest of the Sunday
School work in our county.
Let every school send delegates,
send their names to Frank Rea
gan Secretary, so as to have ar
rangements made to entertain
them. The good people of the
town will take care of and provide
dinner for all who may attend.
Every family in McDonough is
cordially invited to attend the
services, and urgently requested
to prepare dinner and help to feed
those attending the meeting.
■ Let all come. Come with your
soul in the work. Let us have a
great clay for the great work.
H. W. Carmichael.
Bring your Job Work to us.
Statement of the condition of
The Bank of Henry County,
Located at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 23rd 1908.
Doans and Discounts 138,234 83
Demand Loans 1,446.93
Overdrafts, Mostly on Cotton 17,601.13
Banking House 3,532.09
Furniture and Fixtures 2,666.68
Du®from Banks and Bankers
in the State 4,986.24
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States 7,690.48
Currency 694.00
Silver, Nickels and Pennies 494.20
Insurance Premiums Uncollected < 13.68
Total 177,260.26
State of Georgia, County of Henry. •
Before me came J B Dickson, Cashier of the Bank of Henry County, who being
duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said
Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. B. Dickson, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 28th day of September 1908
H. M. Turner, CXPHC.
Capital Stock Paid in 60,000.00
Surplus Fund 6,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses and Taxes Paid 15,547.72
Due to Banks and Bankers in
this State 4,466.86
Deposits Subject to
Check 48,176.69
Time Certificates 33,867.91
Cashier’s Checks 40.48
Notes and Bills Rediscounted 10,161.60
Bills Payable, Including Time
Certificates representing
Borrowed Money 10,000.00
Total 177,260.26