The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 09, 1908, Image 4

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• ■ . ... ■
J. A. FOIJCHFi. Publisher.
11. li. JOHNSON Editor.
I Bntered at the postofflc* at McDoa
*u«h. aa aecond-clasa mall matter.
A4T#rtlslng Rataa: SI.OO per l*ch
per month. Reduction on standing
•eartraota hr apecial agreement.
McDonough, Ga , Oct. 9, 1908.
Under a recent interpretation of
the convict hill, answering cer
tain questions propounded by the
Prison Commission, Attorney
General Hart holds that where a
county fails to work her misde
meanor convicts that said county
will net receive any hire for same.
Can Henry county afford to give
away her pro rata part of the fel
ony convicts and also her misde
meanors? We think not.
The present grand jury is com-1
posed largely of gentlemen resid
ing in the country, whom we feel
sure see the importance and ne
cessity of better roads than we
n>w have. This being the case,
why not recommend to the Ordi-1
nary that he notify the Prison
Commission of Henry’s intention
to work her convicts on the pub
lic roads?
This notice must bo given by
February 10, 1909.
The residence of Mr. D. D. Elli
ott on Key’s Ferry street was
burned early Sunday morning,
the tire being discovered by Murk
Hvrper, colored, just before five
o’clock, in the kitchen.
By the time the alarm was- giv
en and the people got to the resi
dence the whole house was aflame,
aml it was only by heroic efforts
of the bucket brigade that Mrs.
Manley’s and Mrs. Cleve
land's home were saved.
The origin of the fire is not
known, the family having all gone
from home but the oldest son who
was sleeping in one of the front
rooms, who barely escaped from
the burning house. Only a very
few of the household effects wore
The house was a new one, being
completed about two years, and
worth fully $4,000.00.
Mr. Elliott bad 8*2.000.00 insur
ance on lions • and 8500.00 on fur
niture, etc.
First Lyceum Attraction
Comes Oct. 14.
Tuo fi sd of tiu Atlanta .Lyceum
Bareau attractum.-. under tile a ns
yioes of tile L . O. os o ones here
on Wednesday evening, Oct. 14.
flue epo.iiug numoer of this
course wilt bo too Martha Alexan
der Recital Co., composed three
Ai'Uscs uf rare skill and gifts.
Martha Alexander, vio'mist ;
Eli til title, reader and whistler;
Maude G. Higby, Mjzzj soprano
They have been accorded ova
tons *v.iarevoi* tu *y have appear
ed and it is safe to predict for
the n the same hi <h class rendi
tions here its at- scopes other places
they have bum Flic local chapter
of tin U D. vl s , sec 1 red these at
tractions at quie’an e.coense an*,
hope to secure from them quite a
n “at little sum for t 10 monument
Season tieke s $1 25 for adults,
and 1.00 fer children Admission
to those n->t h ddi- g season tickets
50c for adults and 45e for children
for eC’h of the four attractions.
D ant forget the date. Wednes
dar evening. Oct 14. at. school
auditorium 7 40 o'clock.
Eve**rbodv sr i and not ovilv hear
a verv flee urogram bnt n.’so con.
tribute to a worthy and ] athrioti *
o mse.
The Heat Blaster.
\ nlr'-e of 11 irmel dampened with
Chn:nV*rl.i:n's Liniment and lvound on to
t'v* affected parts is superior to any plas
ter. When troubled with lame bark or
pains in the sale or chest, give it n trial
finl you are certain to be more than
p' "■-! -.1 w v !■ the prompt relief which it
a', i •‘ls. Thi- liniment also relieves rheu
?n i i • n riTi 1 ?s • " f vin to nlpixo .
one* i‘" ring from Paat defease, bold l>y
Horten D.u * Co.
For Guardianship.
Georgia, Henry County.
J. T Merret, a resident of said
state, having duly applied to be
appointed guardian of tfye person
and property of H M. Brooks and
Benjamin C. Brooks, minors un
der the age of fourteen years, res
idents of said county : Notice is
hereby given that said applica
tion will be passed on at the next
court of Ordinary for said county
to he held on first Monday in No
vember. 1908 Witness mv hand
and official signature. This Oct.
sth, 1908.
G. G. WEEMS. Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of said county will
lie sold at public outcry on the firsTTuvs
(i.iy in November, IPOS, at the courthouse
in said county between the usual hours
of sale, the following real estate situated
lying and being in Henry county. Ga.,
and 6th district of said county, towit:
h ift.y acres ot land, more or less, lying
in lot No. 115, tith district, bounded on
\\est by lands of J. K. M. Fields, north
by lands of J. L. Turner, on east and
south by other lands of W. A. Mays:
-Also fifty acres of land more ox 1 less, in
lot No. lli), said district, and bound on
west and south by other lands of W. A.
Mays, north by limdsof ,J. L. Turner,and
east by lands of J. It. liowan and J. L.
1 urner.
Also fifty acres of land, more or less,
situated, lying and being in the north
east corner of lot, No. 142, except one acre
more oi- less, lying south of public roa».
A Iko 1 iffcy acres of lan<l, more or less,
Hit. uated, lying and being in north-west
corner of lot of land No. 142, bounded on
west, north and east by other lands of W.
A. Mays and oti south by lands of G G.
Also fifty acres of land, more or less,
number not known, bounded on west and
east by other lands of W. A. Mays, and
on north by lands of J. F. M. Fields and
south by lands of H. J. and W. G Cope
land and .), <Daniel.
Also sixty-six acres of land, number
not known, bound on west by lands of
I). T. Turner, north by lands of J. F.
M. Fields, east by other lands of W. A.
Mays and south by lands of H. J. and W.
G. Copeland: all situated in 6th district
of said county. Sola as the property of
\\ . A. Mays, late of said county, deceased
for payment of debts and distribution.
Terms cash Oct. sth, 1908.
1. 8. Mays, Administrator.
Jack irost is a xisitur in this
community tills week.
au. i*. it. Grunibiey and family
visneu at the residence ot Mr. and
Mrs. «J. A. Riiiiipsnear McDonough
Mr. aiul Mrs. V. L Crumbleyen
lertuim d Mr. Z tciiry Jfmups and
wue Sunday.
Mr. G. VV . Smith is preparin g to
bund liiin a ciliiuuey to his house.
Mr. VV. E Owen has moved ins
sawmill back from Rockdale and
carried it up near V\ intehouse on
tue iarm of air. John Mosley.
Mr. VV.K. Green and wife was
the guest of Mr. Henry Green near
town (Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owen, of
Rockdale, attended Sunday School
at Della Grove Sunday.
Mr. .). Rove and family have re
turned home from a visit at the
home of Dr.Uampbell for a week.
Mr. Frank Carroll of the Guie
City was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Helms Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. C. P. Aiken one of our ae
coinp’ished school teacher is very
sick at (his writing.
Mr. John Underwood was the
guest of Mr. John McCuluougli
Snnda v.
Mr Hiram Eliott of Whitehouse
wasin our midst Sunday afternoon.
Mr John Bryant lias just finish
ed mi working the roads in this
section of the county.
Mr. Gordon Stowers and Earnest
Farmer attended Sunday School at
Delta Grove Sunday.
M>“ John H “lms was the guest
of Mr Marvin Smith Saturday
At any time when yonrtuomneh is not
in <r >l l o tmlir.inn, you should take Kodol
because Kodol digests all the food you cat
and it supplies health and strength for
the stomach in that way. You take Kodol
just- f or a little while when you have
slight attacks of indigestion, am! you take
it just a little longer in order togetreievef
from severe at tact of indigestion or Ner
vous Dyspepsia, Try Kodol today. Sold
by Horton Drug Go.
Farmers are about done picking
cotton in this section.
The sick in this section are im
proving slowlv.
Mr Joe H >oten visited Mr. Will
Barham Sunday.
There was a very nice o~nwd
attended the singing at Mount
Bethel Sunday evening.
Mr* and Mrs George Wilder, of
this section, visited their Son of
near Locust Gn>\ e.
There whs a very nice crowd at
teyrub d services at Sard s s iu ... y.
Mr. John Brit of this s e» <>n
Yisited bis father and mother Sat
urday night and Sun lay in Jack
Administrator's Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
Uy virtue of an order of the court of
Ordinary of suid county will !>e sold at
public outcij at the court house in said
county on first Tuesday in November
next, within the legal hours of sale, the
following described property:
One-half undivided interest in one hun
dred acres of land in Henry county, Ga.,
known us part of the G. W. McWilliams
home place, bounded north by McWil
liams home place. east by Lee place,
south by Mrs. Nora McWi.lams, and
vest by lands of L. C. Butler.
Also one hundred and thirty acres of
land in Clayton county, Ga.. one han
ded and twenty-five acres of which is
know nas the Davy .fumes home p!»ee,
bounded north by lands of S. C. McWil
bams, eastl.y Mrs. J. O. Walden, south
oy \i k. Brunnan, and west by the Poi*-
ter place.
A lso forty acres of land in Clayton
county, Ga., known as part of the Porter
place, bounded west and north bv part of
I orter place; east by Janu s place, and
south by lands of K. W. Mays.
AN sold as t he. property of Sal lie S. Bran
nan late of Henry county, Ga.,
for the benefit, of heirs and creditors
Terms cash. This Oct. (j, 1908
J. A. Fouche, Administrator.
Administrotor's Sale.
Georgia—Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the
court oi 1 Trdinary of said conn tv
\yili be sold at public outcry on the
first Tuesday in November 1908, at
the court house in said county be
tween the legal hours of sale, the
following real estate situated in
Henry county, Ga., to-wit--Fifty
acres of land, number of lot not
known, bounded on south by lands
of J. T. Band, and E. W. Mavs, on
west bv latfids of S C. McWilliams
on north bv other lands of R. H
Shuttlewortli, on east by lands of
J. C Walden and Wiley Milam.
Also eight>v-two acres of land,
number of lot not known, bound
ed on south by other lands of R ’
H Shnttleworth. on east by lands
of J. C Walden, and Wyly Milam,
on north Panther creek being the
bonndarv line : said land situated
Iving and being in the 12th land
district said connty and sold as
the property of R H. Shuttle
worth. late of said connty, de
ceased, for the uurpose of paving
the debts and for distribution.
Terms cash. This Oct. 5, 1908.
A W. Mavs. ) . ,
W C. Milam \ Administrators.
For 12 Mon Mia’ Support.
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs Willie E. Ham having made
application for 12 months’ support
out of the esiute of O. E. Ham and
appraisers duly appointed to set
apart the same having filed their
returns, all persons concerned are
hereby required to show cause be
fore the court of Ordinary of said
county on the first Monday in Nov.
1908 why said application should
i not be granted. This Oct. 5, 1908.
G. G. WEEMS. Ordinary.
Administrator's Sale.
Georgia, Henry County.
Bv virtue of an order of the
court of Ordinary of said county,
will be sold at public outcry on
first Tuesday in Nov. 1908, at the
court house in said county be
tween the usual hours of sale the
following real estate situated in
Honrv county, Ga., all that tract
or parcel of land lying and being
in lot of land No. 154. Sixth dis
trict of said county, containing
lOI)/ acres move or less, of land,
bounded as follows: commencing
at the south-east corner, thence
nortli to the corner between C.
Babb, thence in a westerly direc
tion to the creek, thence along the
old run of said creek to the origi
nal line, thence cast to the com
mencing corner. Sold as the
nrnnertv of Mrs. Mary L. C. Mo
Vicke»% late of said eonntw. de
ceased. Terms cash. Oct 5. 1908.
Mrs. Marv E Oonkle. Admx.
For Reave to Sell.
Georgia. Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
J. M. Ohaiiti, administrator upon
the estate of Win F. Chafin, late
of said county, deceased, has in
due form applied to the undersign
ed Ordinary by petition for leave
to sell 420 acres of land more or
less situated in Loves Dist said
county, being parts of land lots
Nos. 41, 55. 54. 74 in the 11th land
district of said county and bound
ed as follows : north bv the lands
ot .1 M. Chafin, T. J Gleaton and
J. P. *lopeljtnd estr te. east bv lands
nf Tj. P.. H .T., and W. N. Owen,
south by lands of L. P Owens. J
H Gilbert nrd Cotton Indian river
and west by lands of R H High
tower- and .1 P Copeland estate
and T .T (Heaton. Said land sold
for distribution. Said application
■'rill be board on Ist Mondav in
Nov. 1908 sth dav of Oet 1908.
G. G. V FEMS, Ordinary.
Mr. Frank Grant visjtrd Mr.
Louis Savage Monday evening.
The voting people of this sec
tion was out rid ng Sanduv even
G. W. MORRIS. Pres. J. G. WARD, V-Pres.
J. T. BOND, V-Pres. R. G. FORTSON, Cashier.
Fidelity Bonds A “Deposits Insured”
Fire Insurance fsl In Reserve Fund
Burglarly Insurance D of $250,000.00.
Deposit Your fW?oney With Us.
Will store your Cotton FREE for 30 Days.
Insurance Rates : 10c. per month.
Storage alter 30 Days 25c. per month for foul
months; Balance of the Year
__ JgfjgEWD 183 YOUR COTTON'.
" f?
I). M. WEEMS, Proprietor.
Dealer In
A Specialty ol the AM CQ Top Buggies,
Celebrated IMYIL.O at $55.00
Best Buggies on the Harket for the Honey.
TEL. NO. 1 1
Well Known Hotel Keeper Uses anil
Recommends Chamberlain's
Colic, -“"holera anti l\far
Thuca Remedy.
“I take pleasure in saying that I have
kept Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy in mv family medicine
chest for about fifteen years, and have al
ways had satisfactory results from its use.
1 have administered it to a great many
traveling men who were suffering from
troubles for which it is recommended,
and have never failed to relieve them”
says J. C. Jenkins, of Glasgow, Ky. This
remedy is for sale by 11 orton Drag Go.
The Harriet Tucker Hawkins
Chapter Children of ilie Confeder
acy were the guests of Mrs. Haw
kins at the home of her daughter
Mrs. A. H. Swann, Friday after
noon from 4 to 4 o'clock, bhe
Chapter continues to grow in in
terest by the direction of Miss
Mary Hightower Five new names
acre enrolled - and six we e trims
fern d to the Joe Wheeler c-haj t< r
U.vD. C. Tliis being date for e’ec
ti< n of officers the following names.
Miss Willie Berry, Pres dent;
Miss Ida G Bra nan. Vice Pres.
Crawford Hightow< r, Ties Miss-
Ward McWilliams R e. Miss
Willie Eve Corresponding Sec
HrtdolwtC Cre a o -n
Reas careful as you can, you will
sionally take cold, and when you do, get
a medicine of known reliability, one that
has an established reputation and that, is
certain to effect a quick cure. Such a
medicine is Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy
It has sained a world wide reputation by
its remarkable cures of this most com
mon ailment, and can always lie depend
ed upon. It acts on nature’s plan, relieves
the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the
secretions and aids nature in restoring the
system to a healthy condition. For sale
by Horton Dorg Co.
Burns, bruises ami scra'ches, lug and
lirt’e cuts or in fact anvihing requiring a
salve, are liest and quickest soothed and
healed ly BeWiti's Carbeliztd Witch
Ha/.el Salve. The best salve for piles Be
sure you get Dewitt's. Sold by 11 art-on
Drug Co.
urt wagon.
It will past, through your section
twice every niouiii getting up
clothes to be cleaned, pressed and
lived equal to new. Ull Mondays
this vvagou will collie by your
house, those who are out in the
country and cunt conveniently get
to town, gi\ ing /on a chance to
have your old clothes Repaired.
On the same Saturday following,
your goods will be delivered to you
nicely prepared for you to put on
fluis \vag,»n will begin on Mon
day alter the Ist Sunday in Octo
Will go down the Key’s Ferry
road as far as Olaand Woodstown.
You who live near these two places
can easily leave your clothes m
care of your merchants for us, and
we will give tickets for the same
showing that we are certainly re
sponsible for the goods. Will go
out the Camp Ground road on Mon
day after the 2nd Sunday in Octo
ber in like manner to the above,
round the VVhiteliouse section.
Monday alter 4rdSunday in Octo
ber will go the Atlanta road us far
|as Stockbridge, returning by Flip
pen .
Monday after the 4th Snnda 7
will go the Griffin road by Green
wood. Luella and in that section.
Bo sure and see the wagon as it re
turns. All goods delivered the
| same Saturday following.
w e wil l show von a -beauti
ful line of winter samples and take
yonvmeasure, and make vonr suits.
All work guaranteed to he satis
Kenmaly s Laxaive Cough Svrup is g q
nearly every whore, localise it not only
htals irration of the throat and stops the
congh, but It drives the eo!d out of the
system throng'l its 1 i\uve principle bv
assuring a free and ■:■>,.]„ action of the
bowels, and that is t ?- only way to cure »
cold. You can t cur •t! as long as you are
constipated. I m-isi tv;. 11 Kennedy’s Lax
ative Cough Syrup. Sclu by Horton Drug