Newspaper Page Text
To call and see our splendid showing of Fall Dress Goods Milli
nery, etc. Never have we attempted to show such a variety of
Styles and Colors as weh ave brought on this Season. - - - -
5000 yards Best Calicoes made, 5c yard
2000 yds Best 25=111 Cheeks, 5c yard
DRE:ss qoods
Our stock of dress goods is the largest, most complete, and best selection of any we
have ever shown. We are showing a complete range of colors and black in Chiffon=
finished Broad=Cloths, Mohairs, Henriettas, Panamas, Fancy Suitings, Serges, Ba
tiste, Taffetas, San Toys, Prunellas, Novelties with herringbone effects,
inn l y*. 1— Selections have been carefully made and only the handsome and tasteful things have
X 1 I nn I been admitted to the showing. From simple bands to the gorgeous embroidered net
affairs, any quantity of black and white Braids, all kinds of stylish drops, ornaments
and fastening—Trimmings of most every new and desirable kind from 5c to 2,50 vard.
JflfllineT'g 'par Qxcellence.
To behold is to appreciate the relative excellence, the degree of goodness, the distinguished elements and characteristics of Hats this season.
Never were the modes more enticing. Never was our variety greater. Lightest and brightest are the dressy, large shapes, extravagantly airy
with waving aigrettes, beautiful Coqus plumes, or rich Ostrich feathers ot great lengh. Slightly smaller Velvet hats are coming in, —Strongly
leaning towards the walking style. Stiff feather trimming is seen on these last, and hatpins verging on the spectacular, are used for ornament as
well as use. It is well worth your time to come and see the range ot styles and prices.
Miss Lenie Moore is with us this season as trimmer, assisted by Mrs. T. A. Sloan, and Mrs. R. A. Sloan,
Mrs. Julia McDonald, Saleslady.
C*TVI 1011 rnrrni/r A D We are prepared to furnish shoes to everyone from the smallest child to the oldest person in the
ulTLlUll lUUlVltntl country. We handle the Irving Drew line of fine Shoes for ladies. We have them in all the
fashionableleathers from $2.00t0 $3.50 pair. We have the exclusive sale of “King Quality”
for men, the best Shoe madeforthe price. Every Pair Guaranteed.
DHVfO HI nTUmn We are showing a splended line of boys suits, in fact you seldom find a selection like we have, out-
UU 1 U ULU 1 Ulllbi side of the cities. We have them in Mixtures, Plaids, Checks, and solid Colors, in any size from 3to
5 16 years, and prices ranging from $1.25 to $5.00 Suit.
nmmtOTine Mattress Tick 7 1-2 to 10c yd. Best A. C. A. Feather Tick 15c yd. Canton Flannel 6c to 15c yd
Ijy IflLu I IbOl Extra heavy Cheviott 10c yd. Good Hickory Sheeting 10c yd. 36-in Bleaching 7 1-2 to 10c yd.
Good Staple Gingham 7 1-2 C vd. Extra Heavy Outing 10c yd.
__pu R S - :
We can offer you bargains in this line unsurpassed by anyone. We have them
ranging in price from 98c to $7.50.
50 inch Black Tibet Coat, full sweep, a good substantial coat at $2.98.
50-in Double-Breasted"Coat, in tan or black, semi-fitting back, collars and cuffs
attractively trimmed, at 5.00.
52in Broad Cloth Coat, ripple back effectively trimmed with high=grade silk braid
Military cuffs, colors Tan, Castor and Black, at 7.48.
52in Double Breasted Broad Cloth Coat, semi-fitting back, attractively trimmed
with silk braid, colors Castor, Tan, and Black, at 9.98.
r,.at nf fine Broadcloth, ripple back, Satin lined throughout, richly trimmed with silk braid and velvet.
An ultra-fashionable model, absolutely correct in every detail: Colors, Tan, and Black, at $. 5 .00.
Remember we stand behind everything we sell
We guarantee your money’s worth or your money back.
McDonough) Gaorgia
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