Newspaper Page Text
Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Notions,
Gents’ Furnishings, Underwear, etc. Hardware, Pocket Cut
lery, Farming Implements, Crockery, Glass Ware, Tin Ware,
Wooden Ware, etc.
Big stock of Calicoes, at sc. Big line of Outings at Bc. Big line of Checks at 6c.
50c Work Shirts going at 40c. SI.OO Dress Shirts going at 80c
75c Dress Shirts going at 50c. 50c Dress Shirts going at 40c.
Big line of Overalls and Odd Pants, SI.OO Overalls at 80c, 75c Overalls at 50c, 50c Overalls at 40c. ODD PANTS, from
$1.50 to $4.00 to go at from SI.OO to $3.00.
$3.50 Shoes to go at 2.60; $3.00 Shoes to go at 2.40; $2.50 Shoes to go at 2.00.
Big line of Collars: 15c Collars at 10c, 10c Collars going at Bc.
SOCKS and HOSIERY; 25c going at 20; 15c Going at 10c: 10c going at Bc.
Big Stock of SHOTGUNS going at cost;
Both Single and Double Barrell.
EDD G ooDw| Nj
McDonough, = = = = = - - Georgia.
& •rnmmimm n ■ .
J. A. h>l'('Hi;, Publisher.
Mntered at the postoffica at McDon
u second-class mail matter.
Advertising Rates: |I.OO per l»ck
month. "Reduction on standing
tsaatjuc'ai by special agreement.
.'_v :«. .* :
McDonough, •Ga , Oot. 9. 1908.
''•Tlio proverbial kindness anti sym
of the good people of Mc
mon'rhwrs abundantly demon
strated to ns upon the death of our
little grand daughter last week,
and though unable to command
aopropriate words of expression,
wo desire to return sincere thanks
and appreciation for the same.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith.
We have a full and complete Stock for Fall and Winter Trade in
Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Laces
and Embroideries, Gents’ Furnishings
Also a Full and Complete Stock of Staple Groceries.
Come and inspect our Stoc befor < pfacirg Your Order. Yours for business,
Pb x., w. B. d. INGRAM, “Tborou
Cotton nearly gone.
Mr. and Mrs. .T. W. Foster went
to Hampton Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Riley of Flippen visi
ted her parents Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Conkle Friday.
Misses Essie Strickland and Seha
Lovern went to Flippen late Sat
urday evening.
Misses Estelle Alexander spent
Saturday night here the guest of
Mrs. Siques Alexander.
Mr. and Mrs. J, 11. Stephenstm
visited in Dutchtown Sundaj* the
guest of relatives.
Mr. Geoge Pritchett was the
guest of Mr. J. W. Foster Sunday.
Mr. Stewart Adamson and sister
Miss Belle of Morrows spent Sun
day and Sunday night here the
guest of relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Roe Alexander
spent Saturday night With the lat
ters parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Conkle in Dutchtown.
Mr. Clarence Strickland who has
been staying at Flippen since the
' cotton season spent Friday night
with home folks.
Mr. Raymond Pritchett spent
Sunday with Mr. Wayne Floyd in
the Western part of Dutchtown,
1 —
Of Interest to Mothers.
There is one subject which always in
terests five mothers of youngchildren, and
that is how to treat, their coughs and
colds, or to ward off a threatened attack
of croup. For this purpose we can re
commend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
It always proves beneficial. In case of
croup it should he given as soon as the
croupy cough appears, so as to prevet the
attack. Keep it at hand ready for in
stant use. Many mother? do so, and it
saves them much uneasiness. For sale
by Horton Drug Co.
Georgia, Henry County.
To the Superior Court of said couflty
The petition of W. C. Woods, J. C.
Jinks, X. B. Cowan, G. P. Williams, J.
T. Martin, L. H. Mayson, A. J. Mavson,
R. W. Cash, J. H. Hanes, of the county
of Henry and M. A. W ilson of the county
of Butts, shows:
First. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and assigns,
to become incorporated under the name
I and style of
The Sardis Union Gin Company.
Second. They ask to be incorporated
for a period of twenty years, with the
privilege of renewal at the end of that
Third. The capital stock of said cor
poration is to be three thousand (#IOOO 00)
dollars, divided into shares of ten dolkirs
They ask for the privilege of increasing
I said capita) stock to a maximum of ten
thousand dollars. «
Fourth. All of said capital stock has
been actually paid in.
Fifth. The object of the proposed cor
poration is pecuniary gain to its stock
Sixth. The particular business to be
carried on is that of ginning cotton for
the public.
Sixth, (a). They ask for the right also
of owning and operating an oil mill, of
manufacturing oil, meal and cottcn seed
Seventh. In the conduct of said busi
ness they ask for the right to buy, hold
am, sell real estate and such personal
property as may be necessary or incident
al to the successful operation of said en
terprises. They ask for the right to make
and take mortgages, deeds and other ev
idences of debt, to buy and sell for cash
or on credit, to make contracts, and to
exercise all the usual powers of such cor
Eighth. The principal office and place
of business of the proposed corporation
will be in the county of Henry, said state.
M herefore, petitioners prav to be made
a body corporate under the name and
style aforesaid, entitled to the rights
privileges and immunities, and subject
to the liabilities fixed uy law.
This September 24th, 1908.
E. M. Smith,
Petitioner’s Attorney.
Georgia, Henry County.
I. J. A. Fouche, Clerk of the Superior
Court of said county, do hereby certify
that that the aboye and foregoing is a
and correct copy of the application
or \\ . G. W ood and others, for incorpora
tion as Ihe Sardis Union Gin Company,
this day filed in the office of the Clerk of
H enry Superior Court.
Given under my hand and seal of office,
this September 24th, 1908.
J. A. Fouche, Clerk.
DeW itt’s Little Early Risers, the famous
little liver pills. They are small, sure,
|afepills. Sold by Horton Drug Co,