The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 09, 1908, Image 7
New Things All The Time. We have just added to our immense line of merchan dise a cabinet of Nsedles, Shuttles and Dobbins for use in All Makes of Sewing Machines. Sewing Machine Needles, Shuttles and Bobbins to fit your Sewing Machines. Remember if you need anything in this line you can get “fit up” right here, and then, too, the goods are right here to complete the round. All Calicoes to go at 5c per yard. Best yard wide Sheeting 6 l / 2 c per yard. Best Hickory Shirting at 10c per yard. 11x4 All Wool Blankets worth $3.50 ~ per pair to go at this time at - - - - ALL OTHER LINES IN PROPORTION. Come Quick; they Are Going Fast! PHONE 25. Yours truly, H. J. COPELAND MER. CO- McDonough Georgia. FAIR OCTOBER B==i4. 1908. VERY LOW RATES VIA ' Tickets will be sold daily from October Bth to 23rd inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive in At lanta before 12:45 P. H., October 24th, from all sta tions on line of Southern Ry., in Georgia; final limit October 26th, 1908. No tickets will be sold for trains arriving Atlanta on Sundays. Also: account REUNION CONFEDERATE VET ERANS, for all trains on October 22nd and for trains scheduled to arrive Atlanta before 1:00 P. M. October 23rd, tickets will be sold to Atlanta and re turn from stations in Georgia on line of Southern Ry., at rate of one cent per mile, distance traveled, plus 25 cents, (minimum fare 50 cents), for the round trip. Tickets limited to October 26th, 1908, For further infarmati >n, write to, J. L. MEEK, G. R. PETTIT, A. 0. P. A., T. P. A., * Atlanta, Or. . Macon, Ga. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Henry county will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in November Nine teen hundred and Eight at the Court house door in Said County between the legal hours of sale The following described property to wit. Ninety Eight acres of land more or less in the Eight, land district of Henrv County being part of lots number’s One hundred and Seventy four and One hundred and Seventy five being the northern part of the west half of Jot number One hund red and Seventy four and the East side of lot. number Ore hundred and Seventy five being the Ninety Ei ,r ht acres deeded by A. B. Stall worth to S C Stewart in said lots Nov. fifteenth Nineteen bundr d and four Bounded as follows to wit.: on the North by lands of Mrs. Rissie Taylor and T. IT. Stallworth Sr, East, by lands of T. H Stall worth Sr. and ,T. B. Gibihtand Mrs. Li/.zie Wright and Mrs B F Grant and on the South bv lands of J. B Grant, and on the West bv the Kevsfen y road and R B. Alleys land and a road leading from the Kevsferry road to the Island Shoals road Containing Ninety Eight acres more or less also at the same time and place. One hundred and Eighty three Acres more or less in land lot num ber One hundred and Seventy nine being the portions of said lot deed ed to S. ('. Stewart by T. H. Stall worth Executor. November first Eighteen hundred and Ninety Eight and Lula D. Stallworth November twenty second Eighteen hundred and Ninety Eight and A. B. Stall worth November fifteenth Nine teen hundred and four, less Six acres deeded bv S. C. Stewart to B. F. Grant. Bounded as follows to wit. On the North by lands of Mrs B F. Grant and T. H. Stall worth Sr. and on the East by lands of T. H. Stallworth Sr. and on tin* South by lands of J. R. Sams and Mrs. J. .T. Thompson and on the West by lands of B. F. Grant con taining One hundred and eighty three acres more or less. Also at the same time and place One hundred and Sixty three acres more or less. Same being the Ehs) half of land lot number One hund red and Seventy Six and Sixty three acres more or less off of the west side of land lot number One hundred and Seventy live known as the home place of S. C. Stewart bounded as follows to wit. On the North by lands of Mrs. S. E. Nor man, and E. L. Wright and on the East by landsof R, B. Allen and other lands belonging to the estate of S. C. Stewart. And on the South by other lands of the said S. C. Stewart estate containing One hunnred and Sixty three acres more or less. Said land is sold with an easement large enough to pass a team across the South east co n* j r of lot number One hundred and Seventy six. Also at the same time place. Seventy Seven acres more or less being the north East quarter of land lot number One hundred and Seventy seven and twenty ’seven acres more or less out of the South eastern portion of the west half of land lot number One hundred and Seventy fri e described as fol lows to wit Commencing on tlir of the Keysferrv road at a road leading an easterlv direc tion from the said Kevsferry road and running alon nr the said road to the line of R B Al'ens land thenee south to the roHcl. thence h north western rii vr,r.fion I'lnm; paid rond to begin* ning poin + , making two nerpp. wore or less, on the east side of the Feysferry road Also twenty five acres out of the South eastern part of Ihe wesi half o‘ land lot, number One hund red at d Seventy li'« said twenfx five acres to be cut off in such a way as to leave running water on both pieces of land and to consti t ite a passage way to the South western corner of land lot number One hundred and Seventy five containing Seventy seven acres more or less follows to wi<- On the North by other lands of S C S ewart s estate and East hv lands of R B At’en and South hv lands of R B Allen and .T, S. Rane and west by lands of .T. S Ran«' and other ’ands of the es tate of SC. Stewart. Containing Seventv seven acres more or less. Also at the same time and place. One honse and lot in the town of McDonongh Georgia Situated on the north «ide of Jonesboro street, describ' d follows to wit. Com ow-noing at the S eastern corner of what is known a« the David Knott nr p r* T * running east "inrc r*nT»lie street Eia-iitv three ard one half ft T 'oeV norner thenee North fnrr hundred and twenty ei«-J»t feet to -nek eornpr thenee West Eighfn f hree and one half feet to rock corner thence South four hundred and twenty eight feet to begining point Bounded as follows to wit. On tho North by lands of N. A. Glass and on the East by lands of Mrs. M. A. Speer and on the South by public street and on the west by lands known as the Knott estate. Said lot Containing Seven eigh'fhs of an acre more or less being the lot deeded by the Deacons of the McDonough Baptist church to S. C. Stewart April tlmd Nineteen hundred and five. Also at the same time and place, ten Shares of Capital Stock of the First National Bank of McDonough Giorgia same being represented bv Stock Certificate number twenty Sold for the purpose' of payment of debts and distribution. A. M Stewart and M. F Stewart Administrators of S. C. Stewart decoreod. This October Fifth Nineteen hundred and Eight. EXECUTOR’S SALE. Georgia, Henry County. Ej virtue of the authority vt sted in me aimer the last will and testament of Alex A. Helium, late of said county, deeeast d, and by virtue ol an oruer granted by the court of Crdinaiy of Henry county, at l he October tei in 19(18; will he sold before (lie courthouse door in the city of Mc- Donough. said county on the first Tues day in November, 1908, between the le gal (lours of salt , the following described property, to wit: One lot in the city of McDonough on the south-t ast corner of block D, lacing on the public square Hft. ft. and running l ack lit. ft. st,mli and on which is situat ed the two-story brick building know n as ( he Star More, isaiu building is bound* d on the east by Macon stiver, on the tenth* west by lot of J. A. Sloan, on the north by the public square. One lot in the city of MoDonouah in the southeast corner of the public tqiuue, fronting i;l It. n in. on Macon strto-i and running back east along Key s Ferry street a distance of ID) ft. amt on which is situatid the brick building known as the Mast me Hall, same l aving two stories. Only the lower Door of said building be ing the property of the estate of a. A. Lemon. One lqt in the city of McDonough fac ing on Macon street 2ttft. and running hack a distance of I!>U It. east ami on W Inch is situatt d a brick store with a tin roof now occupied by.). H. Jeflaies, and bounded as follows: On the north by tin building of the First National lfank, on the east by the lands of T J. Patterson •ml J. V. Upchurch, and on the south by a vacant lot of the estate of A. A Lemon. A one-half interest in the south wull of said store room is reserved to lie sold with tiie lot that joins said store nx in on the south. The purchaser of said lot on the south to have the pi ivilege of build ing to same. Also one lot in the city of McDonough facing on Macon street 154 ft. and ft in., running back east a distance of 120 ft. and on which is now sit anted the wooden buildings used as a livery stable by W. H. Bryans Jr. and H. M. Tolleson, said buildings being the property of W. h. Bryans Jr. and H. M. Tolleson, the above lot bounded as follows: On north by a brick store of the estate of A. A. Lemon, deceased, on the east by lands of J. V. Upchurch, on the south by Bryan’s alley ami on the west by Macon street. Also one vacant lot in Block D. of the original plat of the city of McDonough, fronting oil Griffin stiver 23 ft. and fi in. and running cast, 100 ft. and bounded aft follows: On the north by lot of the estate of Mrs. Dora Lemons and 1). J. Green on east by lot of D. J. Green and Joe J. Smith, on the south by lot of the estate of A. A Lemon, dtceased. Also one lot in the city of McDonough fronting* n Griffin stieet 23 tt. and 6 in. and running I ack cast a distance of 100 ft. hounded as follows: on the nonh by the above describe *1 lot of A. A. Lemon es tate. on the cast by the lot of D. J. Green and Joe J. dmith. on the south by lot of B. B. Carmichael and on the west, by Griltin street. Alsooi e lot in Ihe city of McDonough, facing 288 ft. and (i in. on Macon si re et and 2()(/ ft. on the north on an alley, £Bdft. and <> in. on Griffin street oil which suid lot is situated the hotel properly known as the Brown House, bounded as follows: On the north I y an alley, on the east I y Macon stieet, on the south by a lot of the estale of A. A. Lemon, and on the west by Griflin streets Also one lot in the city of McDonough fronting on Macon street 85 ft. and ex tending west £OO ft. to Grillin street, hie ing said Griffin street 85 ft. ar d on which is situated the house known as the Sow ell residence, hounded as follows; On t he north lo the Brown House lot, on the east hy Macon street,ion the south hy the lot of the McDonongh Bapl Ist chinch, and on the west hy Griffin street. A Iso one lot in the city of McDonough fr< nting 121 ft. on Griffin str et «i d run ning 1 ark west a distance of 270 ft. on which is situated the residence now oc "uri' <1 hv E. C. a dams, ‘-aid lot hounded as follows: On the no th 1y v; cant lot of the state of A. A. Lemon, on the east hy Griffin street, on the south hy Drown siti-i et, and or the west by lot of the estate of A. A. Lemon. Also one lot ill the town of McDonough facing on Griffin street 82 ft. and extend ing hack west 270 ft. said lot bounded as follows: On ti e north 1 y lot of Mis. A. M. Nolan, on the east l y Griffin street, on the south hy lot of the estate of A. A. Lemon, and on the west by the estate of A. A. Lemon. Also one lot in the city of McDonough fronting 100 ft. on Brown street, running hack a distance of 205 ft. on which is sit uated the residence known as the George M. Nolan house, said lot bound) das fol lows: On the north hy lot of Mrs. A. M. Nolan, on the east hy lots of the estate of A. A. Lemon, th** south by Brown sweet, and on the west hy lot of i)r. N. J. J ang step. Also one house and lot in the city of McDonough containing four acies, more or less, on which is situated the house km wn as the W 'j' Dicken residence, said lot 1 onr.di d as folk ws: North 1 y lot of C. D. McDorald. east hy the color* d ceme tery, south 1 v lands of T'aul Turner, and west l y the Mr eon road. A Iso one house and lot in the city of McDonough, on Key’s Peny street, said lot fronting on Key’s Peny stin t 106 ft. to the Jot of 1). T. Carmichael, th* ncv south along the line <f D. T. Carmicha el's lot 250 ft. to the lands of Mrs". G. W. Bryans, thence] west 106 ft. to a street hading from Key’s Ferry stieet to Mrs. , • , ■ Bryan s residence, thence north 25(1 ft. to Key’s Ferry street. Also 29 acres of land more or less in the Seventh Land District of said state mid county, know n ns part of land lot No. 122 being in the south-east corner of said lot known as the N'olley Place, said land bounded as follows: On the north by the Covington Road, on the east ) y lands of Clarissa L* moil’s estate, on the south by lands of J. B. Russell, tin the west by lands of H. A. Aims and Decatur street. A Ist) 114 acres tif land, more or less, in the 7th Land District of said state and county, on which Rufus Miller now re sides, saitl land bounded as follows: On the north by lands of William Stillwell, (colored) ami B. B. Carmichael on the east li.» lands of Rufus Miller, on the smith by lands of Clarissa Lt mon and the estate of A A. Lemon, on the west by lands t.f Mrs. Enina Walker anil A. F. Bunn. Also lifty acres of land, more or less, 1 in rite Till Land District said county, be i ing the south quarter of land iot number (not known) known as part of the Speer Place hounded on the north by lands of Sam liightcwi r, east by huuisol Mrs. O. K. • Ham ai dI. L. Sowell,’south by lands of Howell Lemon, and west by lands of for merly the Lem* n estate. Also 20 acres of land,* more or less, known as th» Cnimhh y Mill Place, in the 7 1 li Land District of Henry county on Tussabaw creek, oil' of lot* No. 214 bounded as follows: beginning on Ha west line of said lot at the point where Jen-tr.iah Rawls’ land con na m es, ai d running east to Tussabaw creek to chin quepiin bush, and tunning up saidemk ui (lie mouth of first, branch, thence up said branch to a, poplar tree blazid and chip] rd. which is 100 .vinos mote or less, from said creek, (hence south from said poplar tree, thence down said line be tween Hopkins and Bawls, theme south to the beginning corm r. Also 20 acres of land, more or less, in Sandy liidge District, said stati and county, touching on what is known as the Griffin road, known as part of the Willard Place, bound* d as follows: On the north by lands of Mrs. Betty Willard and mi the east and south by lands of J. P. Jinks, ai don the west by lands!of W. B. J. Ingram. Also 82 actes of bn <l. more or less in the 7th Land District of >eaid state and coun ty, said 83 acres of 'land being <ff of the east side of the west half of lot of land No. 145 ami bounded as follows: north by lands of ( buries Turner, <n the east by lands ol the Jackson Mercantile Com pany and Mrs. L. A. Miller, and south by lands of T. J. Crowell and Ails. C. A. Maxwell, and west by hinds of estate of W. G. Miller. Also tit) acres of land, more or less, in the 7th Land District of said county, be ing in the northwest corner of land lot No. 19tt,an<l bounded as follows: north by lands of J L. Alexander, east by lands of P. W. Pullen, south by lands ol P. W. Pullen, and west by lands of the estate of J. W. Alexander. Also one lot in the city of McDonough, containing one acre, mure or less, and facing on the street, leading from New street to the McDonough cemetery 100 ft. and extending west Kgo it,, said lot bound ed as follows: north by lot of Ben Welch, east by street, south by lot of Damp Clark, and west by lands of J. A. Fouche. Also one lot in the town of McDonough fronting on the street leading from New street to McDonough cemeteiy 400 ft, more or less, ami fronling on a street di viding said lot from the McDonough cem etery, 320 ft. more or less, thence north along the line of Harrison Alexander 400 ft. more or less, thence east along the line of HanipChuk 320 ft. more or less, to a street. A iot in the north-east coiner of said til ova lot fronting 100 ft. on the above described street leading from New street to cemetery and running west 100 ft., is rex rvej it bt ing the ] roj erty of Ol iver Wei ms, this property km,w n ns the Annie T. and 1). E. Clem* nts’ land. Also one lot in the city of McDonough fronting the lot of the McDonough col ored school on the west. 82 ft . more or less, running t nst a distance of Uti ft. more or less, said lot hounded ns fellows: north I y lot of Fannie Henderson, colon d, east by lot of Harrison Alexander, colored, south, by lot of Green Harper, colored, and west by colored school lot. Also one lot containing five acres, more or less, Known as the Tctiy old home place, and on whit h are sitnattd trvo four room houses, in the c tiler of said lot and facing the j u! lie road is situated the gin house of .1. If. H obi nst n on one acre of land which is not tho properly ot the es tate of A. A. J.< nion. f ound*o as follows: north by lands of N. \V. Wotdwaul, and W. 11. St< wart, east 1v W. H. Stewart, south by 11. J. Coytliu.d, and west by public ) i ad. Also 1< 0 acres of land situated in the 4!filh District of Henry county, and known as the J. H. Davis hoinest*ad, said hu d bound*d as follows: On the north by hinds: of J 1). Dupree, on the «nst by lands of Mrs. Mitchell, on the south by lands of J. K. Price, and on the west by lands of Joioan Johnson. Also one acre of land, nt* re or loss, known as the Willis Goodwin gin house' plate, situat*d on the Key s Ferry road, al out two mi’es from McDonough in front of the residence of John P. Hoogers said acre of lat d bound* d as follows: On north, east and w> st ly lards of J. P. I’ogers, on the south 1 y K*-y's Ferry road. Also one printim office outfit located in the town of MeD* nongji. and known us the Henry County Weekly. togethei with the pr* ssi j. tyj e. and subscription list, anti all other furniture and fixtures. Paid sale to continue fiom day to day until all of said property has been sold. Terms cash. PAUL TURNER, Executor of tl e Estate of Alex A. J emor, deceased. ' Oct. 5, li»08. For J >ism ission. GEORGIA. Henry County. J. B. Rowan, guardian of Jno. Panl Rowan, having applied toil e to he discharged Iron such guar dianship. let all persons < t nco rt d show cause before me at the court house in said c< ri ly * t fist R’* r dav in Nov li tB. why such Appli cation for ditchatf e sh< nld not 1 e granted. Witness my r ff'cial sig nature this Oct. sth. 10 8. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and t retlitora. Georgia, Henry County. To whom it may concern : All parties haloing claims against the * state of J. C. r i’ui mr, late of said * onniy. deceased, aie huely notifitd to present the same, duly attest*d. v itbir the time piesoiil *tl I r ksw: m d th« *o intis lit* d to said estate are required u> make immedi ate payment. This fcept. 8, ID 8. J. A. FOUCDE, Adm'r.