Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Court Proceedings
The following tiro the cases tried
and disposed of in the 2nd week's
session of Henry’s Superior court
The State vs Roy Atkins, burg
lary, two cases—(s months or S6O.
Pat Bead well, burglary, two
Cases, SIOO or It* months.
Will Mitchell—same,
» AVill Archer, carrying concealed
weapons—guilty six mos. or S6O.
Curtis Perkins, selling liquor— 1
not guilty.
John Strickland—same.
Prank Seace, burglary—l 2 mos.
or SIOO.
Jason, bigamy, six mos. or S6O. |
Jess Brooks, Gaming, six mos. or
Hugh Stephens, concealed weap
ons, 6 mos. or S6O.
Dolphus Mann, larceny after
trust, sixmos, or S3O.
John R. Smith, assault, not guil
state vs Win. T. Murphy, assault
with intent to muder, not guilty.
State vs Marion Pritckett, fur
nishing liquor to minor : not guilty.
State vs Hayes Rigeway, gaming
3 0 days or S2O.
State vs Will Kimbell, gaming;
6 mos. or SSO.
State vs Pomp Tarplev, murder ;
not guilty.
State vs Will Young; 3 cases;
plea guilty : $l2O or 21 mos.
State vs Will Barfield, arson ;not
State vs Potnp Tarpley, gaining ;
12 mos. or SIOO.
State vs Mose Dodson, assault
and battery, 6 mos. or SSO.
State vs Ben Fatnbro, assault
with intent murder, 12 mos. or $75.
State vs Steven Davis, misdem
enor, 6 mos. or SSO.
State vs Raymond Bradley, mur
der ; verdict involuntary man
slaughter, 3 years.
State vs John Smith, assault
with intent to murder, 12 mos. or
State vs John Smith, shooting
at another, 3 mos. or S2O
State vs A 1 Tomlin, misdemeanor
3 mos. or S3O.
State vs Lewis McDaniel, gam
ing, 6 mos. or SSO.
State vs Jne Robinson, misdem
eanor; not guilty.
State vs Will Matthews, selling
liquor, 6 mos. or S6O.
State vs Tom Bivins Jr. two cas
es, SSO or six months in each case.
State vs Henry McKibben, sell
ing liquor ; not guilty.
State vs Dock Pittman, gaming ;
not guilty.
State vs Henry Farley, gaming ;
not guilty.
State vs Arthur Ross, kidnap
ping ; 6 months or S6O.
State vs Dave Amis, selling
liquor, 2 cases ; 13 months or $125.
State vs. Jim Collier, selling
liquor; not guilty.
State vs. Lonnie Banks, assault
with intent to murder, nol prossed
on payment of costs.
State vs. Isham Robinson, shoot
ing at another ; nol prossed.
State vs Pearl Smith, murder ;
insane, sent to sanitarium.
State vs John Childs, murder ;
not guilty.
State vs John Strickland, sell
ing liquor; nol prossed.
State vs Ed Scott, selling liquor ;
12 months or SIOO.
State vs Alex Smith, gaming;
State vs Will Mackey, selling
liquor ; 12 months or SIOO,
Photographer at Locust
Kuhns the Atlanta Photograph
er has located his photo tent at
Locust Grove, prepared to make
the very finest work. Will re
main ten days.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday November 6, 1908.
Something To Think
We once heard a blind musician
sing that song “For the faimrr is
the one who feeds them all” and
if yon will just thinkforamoment
you will he astonished at the great
meaning that is contained in them
words. This great big world of
man!- ind, of every tribe and nation
that God created is depending
today on the agricultural and food
producing eleYuent for sustenance,
in fact the whole world is actually
depending on the tiller of the soil
for some thing to eat, and today if
it were possible for the food pro
ducing element to go on a strike,
and “corner” on the food stuff of
the world, you would see a panic
that would put to flight even a
faint memory of these rtianufactur
ed and made to order panics, whose
births originated in the minds of
the money powers of the world, in
order to get the proceed of the
producer in their hands a low
figure, in order that they may
speculate upon it.
If ynu will investigate a little
yon will find high salaried office
holders in all trades and occupa
tions, from the smallest business,
to the greatest, while the actual
labors, or the tiller of the soil has
to work hard to even make “buckle
and tongue meet.” Even the high
salary fever is gradually creeping
into the ministeral world, and if
the present rate along this line
continues, the time is not far dis
tant when that old song—“lm glad
salvation is free” will he relegated
to the rear.
Now if it be a fact that the til
ler of the soil, is the mainspring
of the w-liole business himself and
reap some of the benefit that
can easily be had is free
schools in the rural districts. If
free school is a paying and success
ful investment in a city, why
would it not be a paying business
thoughont a whole county V If a
tree school can be successfully op
erated in as densely populated city
as Atlanta, why could not Henry
County make a success of it.?
Say, you people of Henry County ,
make up. Do something for your
self, quit depending qn the mer
chants for your food stuff, sow
oats,'sow wheat, let every labor
ing man get him two or three pigs,
and start to raising his own meat,
and begin now to arrange to plant
enough corn next year, raise your
own syrup, plant plenty of pota
toes, peas and etc in fact raise
every thing you can to eat.
Get tools and do your own black
smith and repair w-ork, up all
the manure around your horse and
cow lot, anp keep it dry, make all
the fertilizer you possibly can, and
again we admonish you J,o quit
depending on the merchants and
dealers for your food stuff.
Now in conclusion, to every body
in the county, yon who own land,
lets make one strong effort to im
prove the educational lines, make
it possible for every child in the
county to receive an education.
Wake up, your people of Henry,
County, and go to w T ork to better
your self in every way that you
McDonough Council No. 25 will
hold a special meeting at the Ma
sonic Hall on next Saturday night,
Nov. 7th, to receive, refer and
ballot on petitions, and to confer
the work, and do all other busi
ness that may come up for action.
All council Masons are urgently
requested to be present at this
T. J. Brown, T. I. M.
W. A. Harper, Recorder.
Ist National Stock
Sc,it* cor
At the S. 0. Stewart, estate sale
here Tuesday 10 shares of stock
in the First JNuiiuiial Bunk sold at
very line prices, 5 scares bringing
$162.7.1 and li\e shares $163.
This is a line lAiOaing tor a bank
less than three years old, unit be
speaks the high oi nUdui ce placed
ia the Jaffa oy tile ._,c:iernl pin In
and the sanguine hopes for its at
luiv growth and pio-ptnity.
McDonough's growth is to be
measured by her institutions'
growth. Watch her grow.
\ #
Secbml Scholastic Month.
Honoi* Roll
First Grade
Marie Welch, Earnest Mays,
Annie P. Smith, Biannio Stall
worth. Irene Nelson, Eunice Lamb,
Lillie Lee Elliott, Mary Smith,
Ruth Carmichael.
Third Grade
Annie Ola Sloan, Mary Lizzie
Fourth Grade
Chalie Fargason, William Pnl
Fifth Grade
Susie Stallings, Roy Mays.
Sixth Grade
Roddie Turner.
Seventh Grade
Orlena Welch, Alma Wright.
Eight Grade
Mamie Everette, May Glass,
John Puffin, Leona Welch.
Ninth Grade
Gordon Dickson, Blake Turner,
Mamie Woodward, Ernest Tar
Tenth Grade
Helen Dunn.
First Grade
Rntli Carmichael, Mary Smith,
Lillie Lee Elliott, Irene Nelson,
Blannie Stallworth, Marie Welch.
Second Grade
Addie Kate Pattersqn.
Third Grade
Ruth Dickson. Annie Ola Sloan,
Mary L. Turnipseed.
Ninth Grade
Ernest Tarpley.
Union Graded School
We have opened school at this
place with 70 pupils.
Messrs. W. M. Rosser, of Locust
Grove, W. M. Craig, M. V. Sowell,
I. H. Gunter, Thomas Raul, James
Holder, Mr. Duffey C. S. C. and
Miss Clemie and Mrs. Roxie Rape
were visitors.
Mr. Duffey made one of his char
acteristic addresses to school. He
made a strong plea to yonng peo
ple to put in every day possible at
Charged parents above all things
to keep children in school. Never
to keep them out for trivial mat
tors. It is certainly a treat to have
Mr. Duffey to visit us.
Next Monday morning we desire
to have all patrons visit us at
school. Revs. England, of Mc-
Donough, and Jackson, of Bethany,
will give addresses at school open
ing on education.
All the patrons should come and
give us a good enthusiastic crowd.
School Board will be present and
desire to have a business meeting
with all patrons.
Come one and all.
O. W. Johnson.
Not in tin* history of the county
has thi re 1 oen such a large sale of
real estate iu one day as on Tues
day, there being something übovi
sßo,ooo.oo worth of real estate so d
of the severa} estates placed on the
lmrlu tby oXeontoTs and adminis
The Lemon estate bromrht by
far the largest sum. *51,185.50. S
O. Stewart estate sl6, 108.25, the
half dozen other estates, hrinurine
nt> tin* total, ranging from s2,doi
to $8,500.0iL
The readiness with which nil
♦ his propevtv sold shows what
faith the por>nh» have in McDon
ough and Henry comity real es
t ite.
Tin* election passed qff quietly
in this county Tuesday, only a
very light vote being polled, as
follows : Bryan 361 ; Taft IH4 ; Wat
son 171); Gafin 51; for pension a
mendment 107, against 85; for ru
ral police 309, against 86.
Taft was elected president by
309 votes to Bryan 174 in the eloc
torial college.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stewart-,
of Covington, announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Hat
tie Bell, to Mr. Oneal McDonald,
of this comity the wedding to oc
cur on Thursday evenining, Nov.
The bride-elect is one of Cov
ington’s bright and jjupular young
ladies, and the groom to he is one
of east Henry’s most- prosperous
and successful young farmers,
who resides near Snapping Shoals.
0 0
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brown, of
Louisville, Ga., announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Adel /
la, to Rev. John R. Hooten, tike
wedding occurring on Wednesday
afternoon. November the fourtlrh
The bride is one of South Geor
gia’s splendid and excellent young
women. The groom is a native
Henry conntian who has achieved
quite a success as a minister and
has a very bright future in store
for them.
Mr. M. W. Dickerson
Mr. M. W. Dickerson died at his
home near Mt\ Bethel church on
Wednesday night at 10:30 o’clock
after an illness of several weeks,
caused from the infirmities of age.
He had resided in Sandy Ridge
district for for abont 15 years,
having moved there from Chat
tooga county in North Ga., about
15 years He is survived by
his wife. He w r as 78 years old.
The funeral and interment oc
curred at Fairview church on
Thursday afternoon at 2 :30 o’clock
Rev. J. A. Jaekson officiating.
Mr. Dickerson was a splendid
citizen and a most excellent man.
Miss Estelle Rowan and Mr. W.
T. Nottingham were married at
the home of the bride’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rowan, cf
near Flippen, on Sunday after
noon at 2 30, Rev. J. E. England
The bride is one of that part of
the county’s most popular and
highly esteemed young women
and has many friends wherever
! she is known.
The groom is an excellent young
man and holds a responsible posi
tion with the Southern Railway,
now being the local agent at Flip
pen. They will reside at Flippen.
GRAhD JijflY PiitS£)»TV,EUS,
To tlu* Hon. IS. J. It-a "nil, Jcilgwof tho
Superior Court.
We, tho lb ;,iui .J nr- 1-f, ehos-i t\ar-cl i-\\ <v n
for the October term 1908 of Ilomy Fuj>-
tirior Court, make the following
Wo liml tho comi house in good condi
tion. Iho j sil in food siinitaiy condition,
but very much erowih d. Ihe water sup
ply very good.
The Poor Harm in good condition. Will
terraced, exql pi ,-omo i leaks that tiint
ivp. lit g. We ltuii 1; sin fairly
good shape, with the t xo» plii ns of ti.o
minor repairs t hat ate nettled. We re
commend the sleeping room iu l.ast
House to he settled ami a window cut in
the dining room, ami new ills to !e put
under barn. We find nine inmates, fi nr
women and four white men, tin.; one col
ored person. They are in good health,
with bedding suilieient anil clean.
We, through our various committees
have examined the hooksof the Ordinary,
Clerk Superior Court. Treasurer, Sheriff,
Tax Collector, Tax Receiver, Tho County
Court, and find t hem eomctly kept as
far as we are able to ascertain
We find the books of the J. P. anil N.
P. Dockets in splendid condition.
We recommend that, the following he
appointed Notary Publics: Flournoy
White, Ilrushahy Knob. \V. T. .Stroud,
Heersheha, J. L. Savage, .Sandy Ridge.
Schaefer 1). Mnllar, Hampton, Callaway
South, Shake Rag. Dr. M. E. Berry, Mc-
Wellmi the public road# In fairly good
condition except in some localities. Tho
bridges in bail condition, with few excep
tions. Some of them are impassable.
Wo recomend that a road be established
between J. C\ Jink’s and W. B. J. In
gram's home place, In Sandy Ridge Dis
trict, and made a public one.
That we have convicts work on the pub
lic roads, anil ask for twenty “Overs",
and that a superintendent *he appointed
by the Ordinary for public roads at asala
rv not to exceed Ihllo.iiO per month.
We recommend that the road scrapes ho
operated by the convict system.
the salary of the Judge of the
county court be fixed at pet-annum.
That our Representative have a hill past
ed requiring all automobiles to stop when
passing a team.
We recommend that the pauper’s list,
stand as heretofore, with the additional
Mrs. Nora Dobbins to be paid SIO.OO per
charter for one year.
We recommed that Q. U. Weems, Ordi
nary, be paid $920.10 for private moneys
expended on public roads and bridges.
We extend thanks to our Foreman for'
his kindness to our body, and to our
Clerk lor his work, also to the Hon. E. J.
Reagan for his kindness.
We wish, in our feeble way, to express
our regret in taking official leave of our
worthy Solicitor Genera!, the Hon. O. 11
B. Blood worth. For about twelve yeais
now his duties have brought him into
close contact with our people. Wo have
found him always capable and careful to
the utmost in the performance of his work
accomplishing it with such ease that it
seemed to him a pleasure. His fairness
in all matters brought before him gave
equal assurance to all parties that justice
would not suffer at his hanus, and he al
ways acted as an officer rather mindful of
his sworn duty to do justice to all than
over-zealous always to convict. His con
ductanil his bearing among us, officially
and unofficially, has ever Iteen that of tl e
christaln*gentleman, in the highest sense
of the word, and we are sure that no pub
lic official in a position of like difficulty
ever retired with higher degrees, in equal
proportion, of a people’s respect and af
fection. May his future days be long and
prosperous, for his deeds and his virtues
fully merit both.
We recommend that the Henry county
Weekly lie paid SIO,OO for publishing
these presentments.
J. M. Johnson, Foreman.
J. G. Sprayberry, clerk.
Misses Bunn Entertain.
Misses Bertha and Jettie Bunn
entertained most delightlully cn
last Saturday evening in honor of
a few friends, and All Halloween
was observed in every feature of
the evening’s entertainment.
Tnose present were :
Miss Maude Smith, of Barnes
ville ; Miss M. E. White, Daniels
ville ; Miss Eloise Long, Abbeville,
S. C., Misses Laura Smith, Agnes
Dunn, Lucy Brown, Leo Dorsey,
Bnlah Atkinson, L. D. Coleman,
Ezzell Shields, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Hooten, and Dave Wall.