The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 06, 1908, Image 4
WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE That we have bought the finished stock of Buggies of the Me Donough Buggy Co., consisting of about flithif-thai! vehicles We bought these buggies at a price that will sell them==and bought them to sell again to you at a cheaper price for cash or on credit than you can buy the ordina= ry cheap buggies offered you by other dealers. COfiflE QUICK, GET THE PICK of the LOT. THESE BUGGIES LAST LONG at th 3 P33GZ3 WE MAKs. * We have also secured the agency for the celebrated CARMICHAEL BUGGY which is absolutely the best buggv built, and will at all times carry in stock a nice assortment of these HIGH GRADE BUGGIES THEY COST A LITTE MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KIND, BUT LAST LONGER, We are also headquarters for Whips, harness, Robes, Etc. Come in and see us. Next door to Howard Carmichael Furniture Company McDonough vehicle company. Howard Carmichael, Manager. lENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. i »■ -» ■■■ - -■ ~ J, A. «t»v. i uiMism’i'. It. li..| Oil NS >\ I'Miiiii' Bate red At the postofflc* At McDoa *®fh, a» ■econd-claßfl mall matt«r. A.4T«rtlslng Rate#: SI.OO per lack f*r month. Reduction on etaadlßß Abstract* by apecial agreement. McDonough, Ga , > ov. r. 1908. ' NOTICE! We are forced to call the attention of our subscrib ers to the fact that all sub scriptions more than 12 months in arrears must be paid, and paid at once. We desire to keep you on our list, but we cannot and abide the postal rule. MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan at 7% on Five years time, on im proved farm lands. Apply to R. O. JACKSON, McDonough, - Georgia. Office Over Star St,ore. W ANTE D—S access Magazine requires the services of a in McDonough to look after expii - ing subscriptions ami to secure tiovv business by means of special methods unusally effective: posi tion permanent ; prefer one with experience, bnt would consider auv applicant \Oth good natural vilifications ; salary $1.50 per f rv, itti commission option. Ad dress, with references. R. C. Pea cock, room 102, Success Magazine Bldg., New York STOCKBRIDGE WAREHOUSE CO. Will store your Cotton FREE for 30 Days. Insurance Rates : 10c. per month. Storage after 30 Days 25c. per month for foui months; Balance of the Year RReei tfiarSEND US YOUR COTTON! W. MOltltlK, Fi-es. J.G.WAIU), V-I'res. < ,1. T. 110X11, V-I’itk. li. <i. FORTSON, Cashier. < BANK OF STOCKBRIDGE j STOCKBRIDGE, GA. { WK HAVK , Fidelity Bonds A “Deposits Insured”; Fire Insurance [SJ In Reserve Fund ; Burglarly Insurance D of $250,000.00. ; Deposit Your IVToney With Us. ; J G. WARD Dealer in BUG3EIS,. WAGONS, HARNESS, ETC. A Spei ialty ol the AlUirO Top Buggies, Celebrated riiVILO at $55.00 Best Buggies on tlie Tarket for the Honey. STOCKBRIDGE, GA P antyonr mion sets nmr »ir< have onions to eat early in the spring. We lmve nd and yellow sets for loots, the while t for ‘2Ccts. ' Horton Drug Co. FOR SALE 12% ticres of land within a mile House see me at once for a bargain. T. A. Lifsejr. Bi.i ; ii ui . oi V oi L tens New Things Ail The Time, W e have just added to our immense line of merchan dise a cabinet of ■ Needles, Shuttles and Bobbins for use in All Make 3 of Sewing Machines. Sewing Machine Needles, Shuttles and Bobbins to fit your Sewing Machines. Remember if you need anything in this line you can get “fit up” right here, and then, too, the goods are right here to complete the round. Quick! PHONE 25. Yours truly, H. J. COPELAND IVSER. CO- McDonough ceorcia.