The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 06, 1908, Image 5
FOR THE NEXT 30 I) AYS We will offer the following goods at Greatly Reduced Prices ©US ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING ' IOC Outings to go at yc yd. SI.OO Underwear to go at 80c. OUR ENTIRE STOCK CALICOES AT 50 YD Yard wide Sheeting to go at 50 yd OUR STOCK OF SHOT GUNS AT REDUCED PRICES Also oar entire stock of drygoods will be offered at greatly reduced prices. Phone Ml O I O A Sl/I McDonough, No. 7. \rn O. |J- GEORGIA MAYS SOH3OL HOUSE [Last week’s letter] School begins Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Callaway visited Mr. and Mrs. John Babb Sunday afternoon. Mrs. M. E. Mays and Mrs. Laura Wilkins visited. Mrs. Nina Steward Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Tiza Anderson, ot near Stockbridge, is visiting Mrs. J. H. Mays this week. Miss Annie Lue Callavyay has returned from a pleasant visit to East Point. The singing given by Miss Leo Wilkins was enjoyed by several of our young people. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Callaway visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrg. E. Lenley Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. M. E. Mays visited Mrs. Jim Fields Friday afternoon. Mrs. Carl Wise visited Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Callaway Fri day night. Several from Oakland attended .the singing Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Callaway visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wise Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Mays and Mrs. Liza Anderson visited Mrs. Cliff Fields Monday. Mrs. M. E. Mays and family visited Mrs. Laura Wilkins Satur day night. Mr. R. L. Pritchett spent Wed nesday in the Gate City. Mr. I. S. Mays, of Stockbridge, was here Tuesday. Mr. Wardie Massey and Miss Bertha Fields attended preaching at Liberty Hill Sunday. Mr. Elmer Wilkins and sister Miss Lee attended Sunday School at Oakland Sunday afternoon. Miss Aunid Lue Callaway was the guest of Mrs. Carl Wise Wed nesday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mays visited Mrs. Laura Wilkins Sunday night Jast. SALES AGENTS WANTED. $36.00 per week 400% profit. All samples, stationery, and art cat alogue free. We want one per manent, agent in tins locality for the largest picture and frame house in America. Experience un necessary. We instruct you how to sell our goods and furnish the capital. It' you want a permanent, honorable and profitable position, write ns today for particulars, cat alogue and samples. FRANK W. WILLIAMS COMPANY, 1214 W. Taylor St., Chicago, 111. It is a Wonder. Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the most remarkable preprations yet produc e 1 for the relief of rheumatic pains, and -for lame back, sprains and bruises. The quick relief from pail* which it affords is alone Wurth many times its cost. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. For sale by Horton Drug Co. 0 4KLAHD Oakland school opened Monday morning, Miss Anna Newton, of Barnesville toacner. Miss Rosa Henderson was the guest of Miss Minnie Fields Thurs day night. Mrs. John Moss was the guest of Mrs. J J. Welch Monday. Misses Nevada and Lethia Sor row were the guesis of the Misses Medlocks Saturday M. Mr. Westley Patterson and sis ter Miss Mattie were the guests of Mrs. Will Martin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fields were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sorrow Sunday P. M. Mr. Tom Sims and family spent Sunday with Mr. C. N. Foster. Miss Carrie Medlock was the guest of Miss Marry Mays Thurs day. Mr. John Dupree and Miss Leitha Sorrow attendedthe singing at Liberty Hill Sunday P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Lit Tarpley were the guests of Mrs. W. E. Alexan der Sunday. Messrs. Perry Welch and Willis Westmoreland are attending the Fair at Macon this week- Mr. Raymond Foster and Miss Mattie Alexander attended the singing at Liberty Hilt Sunday p. m. Mrs. D. W. Sims is visiting her sister Mrs. li. T. Medlock this VV (3(3 a . PiIiLLIPPI The farmers of tins section tire busy preparing to sow wheat. Mr. G. B. Cniids and family visited Mr. Joucd Childs at Jenk lusburg Sunday. File mends of Mrs. Emmie Boat ner will ue glad to know that she is rapidly recovering troui an op eration vVliieh »ue lias recently un dergone. Master Yainey Kimble, of Jack son, spent Sunday witn his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. fc>. D. Kimble. / Several ol me younger set al teuueti ihe singing at Miss Susie Atkinson s Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bill Ingram and wife were the guests oi Mr. Jim Ingram Sun day. Mrs, Lena Moss spent Saturday mgut and Sunday vvitn her cousin Miss Cleo Moss. Miss Rosa Sandifer is the guest of lier sister Mrs. E. R. Moore this week. Misses MeatMe Crumbley and Bale Childs Msitod leiatives at Jackson Monday. Back Steward, a colored boy liv ing in Tussahaw district went to the show in Jackson last Tuesday and decided he did'nt want to walk home through the mud, he hitched up Mr Sanders mule to a buggy and drove home keeping the team till Mj.iday rale to McDonough and was arrested. SOOTH RIVER. A nice rain visited this com munity one day last week. Mr. Henry Owens went up to Stockbridge on business Tuesdav. Mr. L. P. Owen is not any better at this writing but we hope to see him better in the future. Mr. John McCullough and fami ly visited relatives out near Me Donougli Sunday. Miss Maude Park was the guest of Misses Dessio and Mae Chafin Sunday. % Several couples of young folks from White House attended Sun day school at Delta Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Love entertain ed the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Sunday. Miss Leotie Thompson was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jim Mann, of Rockdale, Saturday night. Misses Lucile and •Ru|h Thomp son called on the Misses Dessie and Mae Chatin a short while Sun day. Mr. John Moseley spent Satur day night with his sister, Mrs. B F. Helms. Mr. C. C. Gleaton attended Sun day school at Delta Grove Sun day. We are very sorry to say that Mrs. C. P. Aiken is but very little better at this writing. Mr. John Chafin and Miss Annie Aiken went to Sunday school Sun day. Miss Nellie Mae Thompson, one of our accomplished young ladies, has charge of the third, fourth and fifth grades at pleasant Grove this week on account of the ill ness of Mrs. C. P. Aiken. Misses Alice and Nora Kelley visited friends and relatives in tiie citv of McDonough Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bob Helms went over to Conyers on business Saturday. Little Miss Ruth Cbufin is quite ill at this writing. Mr. John Underwood has just finished moving his family and things up to take a place in Rock dale that he has receptly bought. We regret to see him leaving. AM OLD ADAGE SAY y iiwr*^ “A light purse is a heavy curse’’* Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of nine tenths of all disease. go to the root of the whole ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. fake Mo Substitute.——=* Croup Cured and a Child'* Idle Saved '‘lt affords me great pleasure to add my testimony to that of the thousands who have been beta fited by Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. My child, Andrew, when only three years old was taken with a serveri- attai-t of eroup_, and thanks to the prompt use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy his life was saved and today he isa robust and healthy boy,” says Mrs. A Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas. This remedy has been in use for many years. Thousands of mothers keep it at hand, and it has never been known to fail. For sale by Horton Drug Co. ELECTKIM NOTICE. An election is hereby called in each School District in Henry Co. on Thursday, Nov. 19th, 1908, for the purpose of electing one Trus tee whose term of office will ex pire. If there are any vacancies caused by death, resignation or otherwise, in any district, these vacancies shall be filled at this election, same as those whose terms will expire. The trustees holding over are hereby appointed managers of said election. Returns must be made to Coun ty Sehool Commissioner, include therein tally sheet, tickets and voter's list. The school house is the proper place to hold said election. By order of County Board of Education. Lawrence Dnffey Co. S. Com. A Methodist Minister I tecum mends Chamberlains's (’olio, < Imloa and DUitlioou Itemeily. “I have u«wl Chamberlain's Colie, Cho lera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several rears for diarrhoea. 1 consider it the best remedy 1 have ever tried for that trouble. I bought a bottle of it a few days a*o from our druggist Mr. It. Jt. Brooks. J shall ever lie glad to spt ak a word in its praise when I have the opportunity.”— Kev J. D. Knapp, Pastor M. F. Church, Miles Grove, Pa. Sold by Norton Drug Co. For the next 10 days we will sell best quality Tap estry Art Squares, full size for $10.2,5. We are over-’ stocked in our Rug depart ment and will make it in teresting to you to see our line. Howard Carmichael Furniture Co. LUMBER for SALE—A lot, of first class Oak and Pino Lumber for sale. tf W. E. OWEN, Tit. 7. McDonough, Ga. MRS, CHAFIM DEAD, Mrs. Will Chafin died at her home near Whitehonse about 9 o’clock Wednesday night. iSJie was just 22 yeai s old, and is survived by her husband and two small children. The funeral and interment will d ’cnr at Ozias church at 11 o'clock Fiidav morning. Mr. VV A. Clements, of Chatta nooga, Tenn , was the guest of homefolks here first of the week. T or Adim nisi rat ion. Georgia. l!enrj v County. To whom it may concern: G. Yl. Crumble}’ having made applica tion to me in due form to lie appointed permanent administration upon the es tate of ,1. c. (. rnmldey, late of sain coun ty deceased: notice is hereby given tlmt said applicat ion will be heard at the reg ular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to he held on the tirst Mon thly in December Mis. \\ it ness my hand and official signature: Nov. 2, 1908. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary. l'’or Dismission. GEORGIA, Henry County. Mrs. T. F. Gunter, administratrix upon the estate of A. C. Gunter, lat.e of said county deceased, having lilt d her petition for discharge: this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the reg ular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Mon thly it. December 1908. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary. Admin itstrator'n Sale. Georgia, Henry County, By virtue of an order of the court of Ordimuy of said county will he sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday In De cember IMPS at the courthouse in said county between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate situate in Hen ry county, Lo-wlt: Three hundred uml twenty-three acres of land more or less, in the 11th Lind District of Henry coun ty and being parts of land lots Nos. 41 56- 6(5, and 74. This tract will be subdivided and sold as follows: Ist. Seventy -one and one-half acres, more or less, being | arts of hind lots 6*5-67 and 74 and bounded on the north by lands of .1. M. (.'hallo and T. .1, (Heaton, west by Copeland estate, south and east by es tate ol YV . F. ('halln. Said tract being where the dwelling house of the late W. F. Chafin is located. 2nu. Seventy nine find one-half acres, more or less, being parts of land lots 6(5- .>7, and 71, and bounded as follows, north by J. M. Challn, east by W. N. Owen, south by L. P. Owen and estate of W. F. ’’afln, and west by estate of YV. F, Cha fin. ui’d. Sixty four acres, more or less, be ing on east side of land lot No. 41. being (lie tract on which is situated the house of Dick Jackson, and bounded on the north and west, by estate of W. F. Cha tln, south by Cotton Indian river and J. 11. Gilbert, and east by YV. N., 11. J.. and 1. I’. Owen. 4th. Ii( ty acres, more or less, of land situated near the center of land lot No. 41 and hounded north, east and west by estate of YV. F. Chafin and south by Cot ton Indian river. sth. Fifty acres of land, more or less, on west side of lot }l and hounded on north by estate of .1 P. Copeland, east by estate of YV F. Chat!e. south by Cotton Indian river, and west by It. H. High tower. Sold as the property of YY'tn. K. Chafin, deceased, for the purpose of dis tribution Terms cash. J. M. Chafin, Administrator. Good Cough Medicine for Children an«l Grown Folks, Too “We could hardly do without Chamber lain’* Comrh Remedy,” says Mrs. Flora Despa in of Blopd, Ivy. “I found it to 1 e v> good for the croup and have used it for years. 1 can harliiy r< com mend it for coughs, colds and croup in children and grown folks, too.” The above shows the implicit confidence that many mothers place in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a confidence based on many years’ experi ence in the use of it. No one need hesi tate to use this remedy for it contains no chloroform, opium or other nurnotiesand may be given toachild as confidently as to an adult. For sale by Horton Drug Co. We have not before asked YOU, this fall, who are in ARREARS to pay ns, hot we are in need frndr now to pay current bills Let u» Hear from YOU AT ONCE. Tired mothers, worn out by th« peevish, cross baby have found capoaswk.RT tv Ixion and a bles-ing. cAscaswf.kt is for babies and children, and especially good for the ills so common in hot weather. Look for the immdi nts printed on the bottle. Contains no harmful drugs. Sold by Horton Drug Co. FARM RENT NOTES. At, the Weekly office-2 ior 5 cents —IS cents dozen.