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The - Henry County Weekly
Sketch of BrushyXnob Dist.
Brushy knob District is in the
northeastern park of the county
extending fjgmi Love and Stock
bridge districts on the south to
the county lines of Rockdale and
DeKalb, and Shakerag bounds it
on the west side. This is one of
the old Districts of the 'county
and is a splendid farming section.
L. F. White is Notary Public
and ex-officio Justice of the Peace.
The regular court days are tee
third Saturdays in each month.
The District is the 622nd G. M.
Gordon School.
This school is comparatively a
new one, having been the result
of consolidating a number of small
schools of the district. The pres
ent building was erected about
two years ago, and is a well ar
ranged and thoroughly modern
building, with two large recita
tion rooms and a qjoak room,
which affords ample accomodation
for the 75 or 80 pupils in the
bounds of the school. There is no
school at this place at present, the
next term will not begin until first
of January. The school building
is near the center of the district
not far from S. K. Austin’s home.
S. L. McKee was the last teacher
of the school. Miss Addie Huie,
of Clayton county, has been chos
en as the next teacher of the
school. She is a most excellent
teacher and the school promises
to reach its highest in attendance
since organization under her effi
cient management.
The trustees of the school are,
J. F. Mitchell, J. F. White and S.
K. Austin.
Flat Shoals Primitive llaptist.
This ehurch was constituted on
March 30, 1839—almost 70 years
ago, with 38 members composing
its first membership. This church
belongs to the Yellow River Asso
ciation of the Primitive Baptist
church. The present church
building is the second one erected
by this congregation and was
built about ten years ago. The
property was deeded by Eli Akim
and Wm. Dodson, each giving one
acre of land.
The deacons of the church are
J. B. Simmons, J. D. Jordan, and
G. H Wilkinson. J. B. Simmons
is church clerk. Elder V. B.
White is the present pastor this
church being his second year.
The regular services are held on
the first Sunday and Saturday be
fore in each month. There are
now 32 members composing the
membership of the church. The
present pastor succeeded Elder W.
T. Almand, who served one year.
Elder John F. Almand was pastor
for 20 years prior to this time.
He succeeded Elder Isaac Ham
bey, who served the church for
a dozen or more years.
Mt. Vernon Baptist Church.
This is one of the young church
es of the county, having been con
stituted Nov. 20, 1886, —22 years
ago. Those composing the first
membership were: Jas. Bryant,
John Smith, Wm. Smith, G W
Smith, R L Smith, males ; Nancy
Bryant, Malinda Smith, and Tip
pie J Smith, females. There have
been two houses of worship erec
ted here, the last one being built
about ten years ago.
J G Jackson and S T Jones are
the deacons. There are 55 mem
bers of the church at the present
The regular service days are
the 4tli Sundays and .Satursdays
before in each month. Robt. Cook
is S, S. Supt., which is held every
Sunday morning at 10 o’clock ex
cept the first, then at 3p. m. Rev,
B. H. Phillips, of East Point is
pastor. Rev. B. F, Patillu preach
es 2nd Sunday each month.
Mt. Zion Methodist Protestant.
Mt. Zion Methodist Protestant
Church is one of the old churcnes
of the county, having been con
stituted about 1830. There were
two log houses erected and then
two frame houses, the present
church having been erected
a quarter of a century ago. This
week the work of completely re
novating the building was begun.
Anew roof will he put on, all the
windows made new, and new seats
and furnishing put in, making a
total expenditure of at least SSOO,
and when the work is completed
the church will be as good as anew
The trustees are : G. W. Riley,
J. F. Mitchell, M. C. White, Dr. B.
M. Sj.rayberry.
The are, Dr. B. M.
Sprayberry and Miss Emma Mit
chell. W. G. Masters is Quarterly
Conference clerk.
G. W. Riley is S. S. Bupt., which
is held every Sunday afternoon at
3 o’clock except third Sunday, then
at 10 o’clock A. M.
The church belongs to the Cedar
Grove Circuit. Rev. John R. And
erson is the pastor this year. The
regular preaching days are held on
the third Sunday and Saturday
before. 139 members are now on
the church rolls.
Zion Grove Colored Baptist.
Was built about 30 years ago.
It has 128 members. Rev. G. W.
Wood so n is pastor. The regular
meeting days are the second Sun
days in each month. There is also
a school at this church.
There is no district in the county
having better local conveniences in
the way of stores, gins, saw mills,
G. W. Morris, has a saw mill,
ginnery, and a store in the south
ern part of the district.
M. C. White has a sawmill, gin
nery and store in the northern
part of the district near the De-
Kalb county line.
E. Cowan has a ginnery, and saw
mill near the center of the]district.
Near him J. B. Simmons & Son
have a store*
B. N. Willingham has a fine
stock of goods for the trade on the
east of the district on the Rockdale
connty line.
T. G. Swann accommodates the
the local trade around the “Knob.”
Mr. John Parker is the oldest
citizen of the district and probably
the oldest citizen of this connty,
he now being in his 93 year. He
is hale and hearty and gets around
with as much ease as many men a
score of years younger.
Among the other older citizens
of the district are ; W. A. Gardner,
J. W. White, J. P. Johnson, W. H.
Turpin and J. B. Simmons.
Among the younger men of the
district are :
G W Morris, J N Wilkerson,
Dink Martin, Sol Puckett, J F
Willingham, B N Willingham, J
D Sorrow, Ed Pair, Marioii Pair,
D A George, Ed Cowan, Joe Wal
lis J L Mosely, O B Turpin, T J
Swann, W D Pratt, O F Preston,
J J Price, G B Cook, S K Austin
Eb Bailey, J J Turbin, C R Thur-
Locust Grove Team Wins
In one of the hottest contested
games of the season the L, G. I.
foot hall team defeated the River
side Miletary Academy team on
Monday afternoon by a score of 5
to 0.
This was the last game of the
season for the L. G. I. team. This
has been a very successful season,
this team having won nearly all
the games played, and over some
of the strongest prep teams of the
It is especially gratifying to the
many triends of Tymon Bowden,
of McDonough, to know that his
playing has been one of the strong
features of every game, and to his
superb playing has been due more
than one of the victories won by
the L. G. I’s.
The U. D. C. Bazaar.
Onr bazaar will be the second
week in Dec. begining the Bth and
continueing each day and night un
til the 11th.
The"proceeds are to go the mon
ument fund for which the daugh
ters are so faithfully working.
Judge Weeems lias kindly con
sented to allow ns the use of the
superior court room, and the seats
will have to be taken out to have
space for the booths.
Now we wish to know what
young men or old ones, or those
not so old will volunteer to assist
ns in cleaning the court room and
in getting a piano up there. Will
need a wagon for hauling that.
Any one that is willing to aid us
in town or country will kindly
leave their names with Mrs. Mc-
Curry at Copeland Co. or with
Mrs. Jnlia McDonald at the Racket
store. We shall begin the work on
the Ist Wednesday the 2nd of De c.
We are having fine hog killing
weather now.
Mr. and Mrs. Lum Cook and Mr.
and Mrs. Fret Owen spent Sunday
with Clyde and Bessie Moseley.
Mr. Hiram Cook, of McDonough,
spent Sunday with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moseley from
the Knob spent Sunday with their
son Tip Mosley.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Crnmbley
visited the latter’s parents Satur
day night and Sunday.
Mr. Doc Bryans, of McDonough,
visited this place Sunday p. m-
Messrs. Lee Green and Ah Bry
ans visited fair ones Sunday p. m.
Mr. Wade Turner dined with Mr.
Tip Moseley Sunday, he was on
his way north.
Several from this place attended
services at Salem Sunday after
Mr, Joe Howell of Bethel attend
ed church at Ozias Sunday.
man, J A Puckett, J R McKee, M
C White, L F White, R O McKee,
S M White, M J George, M F Stan
ley, J A Ward, G W Cook, J T
Scarboronge, Lon Scarborong,D
A Puckett, G W Riley, W R Whit
aker, J F Mitchell, John C Signer,
C J Kimbell, J F White, M S
Scarborough, R A Berry, Joe Sharp
Will Shaw, B F Kennedy, W A
W T ard, J R Bennett. Millard Mar
tin, N H Pair, C W Gaidner, C W
Sack well, T G Swann, O B Turpin,
J M Gardner, J W 7 Pattillo 4 J R
Barks O J Bowen, T B Oglesby, G
W Cook, G H Cook, J W Cook, J
C Cook, J M Keen, J C« Martin,
Albert Scott, E B Stephenson.
A sure enough snap of genuine
winter was here first of the week.
At the request of all the pastors
of the city, Thanksgiving day,
Thursday November 26th. will be
fittingly observed in an interest
ing and profitable program at the
McDonough Baptist church.
The members of all the church
es and the general public are ur
gently requested to attend and
help make this occasion useful.
With Beautiful Ceremony Carnes-
Harrir Wedding Solemnized,
One of the most brilliant and
beautiful weddings ever witnessed
in Jonesboro, was that of Miss
Buhl Carnes, of this city, and Mr.
William Jefferson Harris, of
Hampton, solemnized at the
Methodist church Wednesday af
ternoon at four o’clock.
This event, marking as it did
the union of two young people of
wide popularity, was attended
by an immense throng of of inter
ested friends, scores of whom
came from Hampton, Atlanta, and
other Georgia cities.
The large and beautiful audi
torium of the Methodist church
was exquisitely adorned by taste
ful decorations of ferns and smi
lax and presented a most enchant
ing scene which was accentuated
by the • brilliant assemblage of
Immediately prior to the hour
for the marriage ceremony, an ap
propriate and interesting musical
programme was rendered, an ap
preciated feature of which was a
vocal solo by Miss Mattie Harper.
The entry of the bridal party
was heralded by Lohengrin’s beau
tiful bridal chorus, sung by Mes
dames Gilbert, Maner, McMullan
and Moore, and Messrs, Jones,
Cousins, and Montgomery, while
Mrs. L. H. Jones presided at the
pipe organ.
In a graceful before the
chancel were gathered the ushers:
Messrs. Hutcheson, Gilbert, Mc-
Mullan and Camp; the maid of
honor, Miss Annie Melson, of At
lanta ; the best man, Mr. J, R.
Robbins, of Atlanta ; Mr. W. E.
Carnes, Jr., who gave the bride
away : the bride and groom. When
this group was complete, before
the altar, Rev. J. M. Mashhurn,
of Hampton, stepped to the chan
cel rail and pronounced the im
pressive church ceremony which
sanctioned the happy union.
Upon leaving the chnrch the
bridal couple, with a party of
friends, entered automobiles and
were carried to Hampton where
the groom’s home friends honored
the couple with an elegant recep
tion Wednesday night.
The bride of this happy wed
ding is a decided favorite with
tMe people of Jonesboro, among
whom she has grown to woman
hood. Possessed of beauty, cul
ture and sweet and gentle traits
of character, she has won univer
sal admiration and esteem. The
kindest and best wishes of e. host
of friends follow her into her
wedded life.
The groom is a gentleman of ex
cellent character, a business man
of much prestige and a genial,
good fellow who holds the highest
confidence and esteem of all who
know him.
Mr and Mrs. Harris will reside
in Hampton.—Jonesboro Enter,
A marriage that occasioned
much pleasant surprise on Sunday
was the marriage of Miss Willie
Preston, of tins place, to Mr. J. C.
Moll wood, of Atlanta, the wed
ding occurring in Atlanta on Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, l)r.
King performing ceremony at
his home.
Miss Preston left here on Sun
day to go and spend the day in At
lanta with friends and when she
returned in the afternoon she
brought with her Mr. Mellwood,
whom she presented as her hus
band. They stayed over until the
9:30 train Sunday night and went
back to Atlanta, where they will
reside in the future.
The bride is one of McDonough’s
popular and well known ladies
and has hosts of friends that she
has won by her bright and cheer
ful disposition and her kind and
cordial manner to all.
The groom holds a responsible
position on the Atlanta Georgian
and is a young man that lias
bright prospects for the future in
his chosen field of labors.
Tne Weekly joins their many
friends in best wishes for a long
and prosperous life.
— —— .
A marriage of much interest to
a large number of friends was
that of Miss Otis Morris to Mr. J.
T. Cathy at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mor
ris, in McMullin’s district on last
Sunday afternoon, the marriage
occurring at 3 :30 o’clock, Rev. I.
G. Walker, of Lithonia. officiating
in his usual beautiful and happy
Quite a party of relatives and
close friends witnessed this happy
event that unit* d two of east Hen
ry’s popular and well known
young people.
The bride is a most excellent
and highly esteemed young woman
and has hosts of friends wherever
she is known. ,
The groom is one of Beerslieba's
prominent and popular young cit
izens whose energy and close at
tention to his farming interests
has won for himself quite a suc
cess in his line of work.
They will make their future
home in Beershelm district.
The Weekly joins their many
friend with best wishes for a long
and happy lif *.
J. K. Babb Dead.
Mr. J. K. Babb died at his home
near connty on Monday afternoon
at 4 o,clock after an illness of sev
eral weeks from typhoid fever.
He was 53 years and is survived
by his mother and 9 children.
The funeral and interment was
held at County Line Church near
Lovejoy on Wednesday morning
at 11 o’clock.
Boy Dies After Long
The eight year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Rivers, of Beersheba
District, died on last Friday aftei
noon after a long illness He was
a bright and interesting child and
his deatli comes as a sad shock to
his fond parents, who had so tend
erly nnrsed him through his long
and painful illness.
The funeral was held at Phila
delphia church on last Saturday,
Mr. M. V. Sowell, conducting the
funeral services.
Cuba molasses, new syr
up, white oats, turnips,
cabbages and onions.
Copeland Mer. Co.